Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3481 No need

Ye Ming's words must be telling the truth, but of course Yehenala will not admit it after hearing it. As a rare diva-level singer in the entertainment industry, why would he admit such a thing? This is not possible Do you feel embarrassed?

Maybe what Ye Ming said was the truth. Even if Hu Sandao heard this explanation, it seemed that what Ye Ming said was indeed a fact.

But Queen Yehenala, who is the party involved, will definitely not be willing to admit that what Ye Ming said is a fact.

So at this time, Queen Yehenala immediately counterattacked: "It does not mean that all people will be envious, jealous and hateful. I admit that there will definitely be envy, jealousy and hate, but those are ordinary singers, because now ordinary singers survive The environment is indeed not good enough. Even for top-tier singers, the living conditions may not be particularly good. Someone who releases records will definitely lose money.

So of course they will be envious and jealous when they see you in this situation. Some singers even say that their commercial performances may not have a good market. They only perform three to five times or more than 10 times a year, and they don’t even have meals. They are all problems, not to mention car loans and house loans, so seeing you making money like this, envy, jealousy, and hatred still exist.

After all, people even have trouble eating. As for you, being able to make a lot of money at this time would make anyone else feel envious and jealous.

But you are talking about those guys who can’t afford to eat. Looking at the current record industry, even first-line singers dare not say that they can’t afford to eat, but their living environment must be very difficult. This is also true for me as a veteran. Admit it, it is very natural for these people to have envy and resentment towards you.

But as a super first-line singer and a diva-level existence, I am not short of the market at all. Although my current performance is much worse than before, I still have other incomes.

For example, I earned income from the copyright of my previous records, and I was able to participate in movies, TV series, and other variety shows. This situation can give me more income.

So I definitely don’t make as much money as I did before. I admit that, but if you want to say that I can’t afford to eat, that’s impossible. Once you reach the super limit, you will find that in fact, super first-tier people have various abilities to make money, so don't talk about me, even other super county players may not necessarily envy you and hate you. Although our income is indeed very low, this is the overall environment.

In terms of the overall environment, the current business circle in the record industry has indeed declined. If you lose money by releasing a record, I admit that this is the case.

And like you said, there are three singers at the level of "Tian Wu Tian Hou", and two of them lose money when they release records. This is indeed the case.

As a person in their small circle, I know more inside information than you. Among these three people, two are very good friends with me, and one is my best friend, so I don’t know the specific situation. I have said it, but there are indeed two people who lost money. For the sake of their own dignity, they spent their own money to buy records, improve their grades, and even hired a navy to help them improve their grades.

This kind of thing still happens, and their fan club can also help them digest part of it, so actually speaking, as far as they are concerned, they may not lose money or make money when they release records, but it does not necessarily mean how much money they will lose. .

Because maybe you don’t know very well, just like once a singer of our level releases a record, it is now a fixed habit to say how much compensation I have to get in advance.

It's like saying that I contracted out this record. Now this is considered an unwritten rule among top-tier singers.

For example, if I release a record, we will sign a contract with the record company. Nowadays, most of the top kings and queens have their own studios. Let us sign a contract with the record company. It's not impossible, but basically they sign a contract with the company based on the situation of the work.

This is also a common practice for top-tier singers nowadays. Of course, there are some singers who are kings and queens who will sign contracts with the company and become the company's contracted singers. However, this situation is very rare. The common situation is for singers of our level. Already qualified to set up his own studio.

So in this case, we people will sign a contract with the company. For example, if I want to release a record, or if the record company wants us to release a record, we will sign a contract. At this time, the record company will be responsible for us How much is the reward?

For example, if I release a record this year, the record company will give me 5 million in advance. This is my commission and the guaranteed remuneration. If the record company really makes money, When it reaches a certain amount, he will pay me a certain amount of additional compensation.

Because when we sign a contract, the guarantee is generally guaranteed. No matter how well the record is sold, even if a single photo is not sold after the record is released, the 5 million you give me cannot be less. Of course, generally speaking He said that this is all after tax, and he wants to give me an invoice after school starts. If he can sell this record for 100,000, for example, according to my current habits, that is, if my record sells for more than 100,000, Ten thousand pieces, I need to pay me a certain amount of extra compensation.

This is what I need when talking about records now.

I can also tell you one more thing, why there are so few singers at the level of kings and queens releasing records now. That’s because there is a rule in this small circle that guarantees the bottom line, which means that we and other top companies If you sign a contract to produce a record, the minimum guarantee is 3 million.

In other words, if any singer at the level of a king or a queen wants to release a record now, the guaranteed remuneration in the contract he signed with the record company is at least 3 million. If it is less than 3 million, he will not be able to work in the industry in the future. This is an unspoken rule we have agreed upon, which means that the guaranteed reward must be 3 million.

You can be higher than this. If your reputation is very high and you are very confident in your ability, you can offer more compensation, such as 5 million for me. But if you sign up for a guaranteed minimum remuneration of 3 million, it won’t work if it’s less than this amount. This is why singers with the level of kings and queens have fewer and fewer opportunities to release records, because if the product company releases an album, they don’t want to lose money. right?

He also wants to make money. If he doesn't make money, why would he distribute products to you?

That’s why the record industry is so sluggish now. In fact, top-tier singers like us have very few opportunities to release records. But as long as there are, no matter how well the records are sold, antenna singers will have good harvests despite droughts and floods. A guaranteed price.

So if I release a record or the people in my small circle release a record, the individual singer will not lose money, but the record company may have to lose money. Also, if a singer of our level participates in a TV series, movie or variety show, the price will be very high.

Take my participation in a variety show as an example. The salary for one episode is basically enough for me to release an album, which is about 5 million. Of course, this is a friendly price. If I go on location, there will be other expenses. Even so, many people are willing to invite me.

Because if he invites me to participate in a show or that TV series, he can get better value for money.

At least for myself, my current market appeal is still worth 5 million, so when it comes to records, think about it, the minimum guarantee is only 5 million. If you lose money, then next time you and other product companies The guaranteed price of a record after you sign a contract will inevitably drop. If you make money, it will be better. If you lose money, the guaranteed price will definitely drop if the record company continues to sign a record contract with you next time. There is no doubt about this.

So when it comes to records, as far as the singers at our current position are concerned, there is no special benefit, so we will only release a record unless we are particularly confident that the record will not lose money.

If you think about it, participating in a variety show now is enough for us to make a record. If you think about it this way, why should I leave? I want to make a record. I said that there is a certain risk in filming, and this risk is not financial. It's about reputation, so singers of our level are more willing to participate in variety shows.

Movies and TV shows are the next best thing. You still have to spend a lot of time with the crew. Even if you have to be punished, you still need many days of working with the crew to get used to it. So participating in variety shows is actually a better choice for singers of our level. .

If you think about participating in a variety show, generally speaking, three days and five days will not exceed 5 days. If it exceeds 5 days, additional fees will be charged. Generally speaking, for participation in these recruitment shows, indoor variety shows That's three days. If you go on location, that's basically the same number of days. It won't exceed 5 days at most.

If it exceeds 5 days, there will definitely be an additional price increase. Generally speaking, even if it is a location, it only lasts for 4 days. Sometimes, if there is no location, the matter can be solved in two days.

So it’s hard to say this. We make so much money by participating in variety shows, why should we release records?

This is also a result of the downturn in the record market. We people have already become famous. Even if we rely on our fame, we can still make money without publishing photos.

It’s hard to make money now, of course he can make money, but this is only the case for a few people or some singers who are not at the top.

At times like this, it's normal for people like them to be envious, jealous, and hateful of you. To be honest, I'm actually quite envious of you too. After all, it's been many years since we sold more than 1 million records in a month.

Only in the heyday of the music scene would a singer sell a record for 1 million a month. In such a situation, you can actually break such a management, which is indeed worthy of the envy of others.

It's impossible for you to hate you. At least in my circle, we basically don't mean to hate you. There must be envy and jealousy. After all, where are your achievements, but I don't want to hate you. If you admit it, we don't hate you.

Brother Hu, do you think what I said about this situation is correct? After all, my salary for this variety show is 5 million. As for me, am I envious of this guy Ye Ming?

There may be envy and jealousy, but it is really out of the question. "

After Queen Yehenala said so much, she actually said that she had no hatred towards him at all, so when she talked about dealing with Ye Ming, she said this casually in front of reporters at the time. In order to prove his words, Yehenala even said that he would directly win over his good friend, Hu Sandao, to clear his name.

Hu Sandao thought for a while and said: "It is indeed the case that if a singer is like a king or queen, if he participates in a variety show on a provincial station, the stakes must be quite high, for example, if he participates in a mobile TV station on a first-line satellite TV The variety show said it was 5 million. This is indeed a normal phenomenon in the entertainment industry.

After all, singers have reached the level of divas and are scarce resources in the music circle, so your price is still worth it.

Whether you are a singer or an actor, it is normal for you to participate in a variety show at a top-tier position, as long as your sense of loyalty is not particularly bad, 3 million to 5 million.

For someone like Yehenara, a famous and classic work, its status is relatively stable. Five million is a normal phenomenon. After all, various platforms pay for variety shows, right?

To participate in those famous variety shows, a figure like 5 million is still very normal, and it suits the intention and Nora's fame, so at this point I can prove that of course, if you participate in our genius Chinese art show, Basically, it won’t exceed 300 yuan. Basically, it’s just a number like this. 300 yuan is just for transportation expenses. Tianchao Cai participated in the show to use our platform to gain fame for themselves, so we can't give them too high transportation fees.

After participating, the travel fee is 3,000 yuan. It has not changed for more than 10 years and almost 20 years now. No one is begging you to come whether you want to come or not. This is also the confidence of our Tianchaotai.

But if you participate in some variety shows on provincial satellite TV, the salary is indeed very high. There is no doubt about this.

Super first-line singers do not just produce records and participate in commercial performances. They have various ways to make money, including endorsements, etc. This is enough to prove that they are not short of money.

Even though the record industry is in a very bad state now, their position in the entertainment industry is relatively stable, and they are indeed not short of money.

If you participate in a music variety show as a mentor or something, the income per season is basically calculated in tens of millions, so they are not short of money at all. "

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