Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3454: Strong Foreign Aid

Miss Jenny was also very unhappy. Originally, when he heard that Ye Ming came to see him, he thought it was time to give Ye Ming a try.

Because Miss Jenny looks like a kind of person like Ye Ming, the kind of young and frivolous person who is not easy to control. To cooperate with such a young and frivolous person, you have to take the initiative.

This time, Ye Ming came to the door. In fact, Miss Jenny knew it very well. She probably came to find reinforcements, because Ye Ming and Queen Yehenara were adding to the hype on the Internet or fighting. It's in full swing, and now Ye Ming is actually at a disadvantage online.

If the University Games were on Ye Ming's side at this time, then Ye Ming would take the initiative and take the initiative, so Miss Jenny felt that she should be able to control Ye Ming at this time.

Therefore, in such a situation, Miss Jenny seems to have a somewhat superior feeling. Anyway, when it comes to cooperation, either you are stronger, or I am stronger. From the perspective of Miss Jenny, as a college student and a member of the sports meeting organizing committee, she should be on the strong side.

That's why Miss Jenny seemed a little rude today, hoping that Liangliang could produce enough results before agreeing to help.

But I didn’t expect that Ye Ming is not easy to mess with. He doesn’t particularly care about such an opportunity. But if I think about it carefully, what you said seems to be the same. In the last movie, Ye Ming himself The wealth created should be calculated in 9 figures anyway.

It’s hard to say exactly how much, but since this movie can help Ye Ming, who doesn’t have much ambition, achieve financial freedom, there shouldn’t be any big problems.

Moreover, the copyrights of the songs he wrote are all in his own hands, so the division of these songs is also a very large amount every year, so now that Ye Ming said that he has achieved financial freedom, he does not have too many ambitions. .

This seems to be just the same thing. If you really want to take a look at Ye Ming, Miss Jenny thinks about it now, and it seems impossible.

So at this time, Miss Jenny was slightly in a dilemma.

But in the end, Miss Jenny still thought about it and said: "An opportunity is always an opportunity, right? You have to admit that this opportunity has helped you. In fact, as I said just now, I am also very embarrassed. In my personal thoughts, I may not be able to Convince other people.

Okay, I can promise to help you in my own name. In this case, you show your work so that I can convince other people.

If your work is excellent, this is a win-win situation. Of course we don’t mind helping you. We are partners, right?

I don’t think anyone would object to such a win-win result.

But the premise is like what I just said, you have to use your own works to convince other people. I can announce my support for you online right now. I personally use my personal name and personal account to publish information online. It's okay to say I support you.

You want to say that the entire University Games Organizing Committee supports you, at least now I don't have this option.

After all, everyone has the final say on this, and we are originally a neutral event like this. You said that if the organizing committee would stand on your side right away, it seems that there are some criticisms. Besides, I can support you personally. What do you think? This is also a gift to your fans. An explanation.

You should not insist on saying that our organizing committee must immediately look at this issue from your standpoint. At least it is unrealistic now. I can immediately send a message to say that I personally support you. "

Ye Ming also knew that the heat was up at this time, so he said without thinking: "Yes, yes, I also know that you yourself cannot represent the official side of the University Games, but we have to sign a contract, which means that you have to stand Take my position and then support me.

When we cooperate, we are on a low level of equality. I have always insisted on this. So, actually, I am not asking you to officially stand by me immediately. If you support me online in your own name, that’s OK. , I can see your goodwill, and then, I can give you my works, and I believe you can convince other people with my works.

As long as you express your sincerity enough, it's OK with me and there's no problem. What I want is actually your attitude.

You are in contact with me at the University Games, so I am a person who values ​​your personal attitude more. You yourself said that you cannot represent the official organization of the University Games, but in fact, in the eyes of other people , as long as you express your personal opinion, you are more or less representing the side of the University Games Organizing Committee, and you are on my side.

As a member of the artistic performance at the opening ceremony of the University Games, if you stand up to support me, it basically represents the approval of the official attitude. This is okay.

I'm actually not here to cause trouble, I'm here just for cooperation. As long as you put yourselves and me in an almost equal position, that's enough.

I didn’t ask for anything, and I didn’t say that I had to go through your artistic performance. A performance like yours for a 13-year-old is really not as profitable as me participating in a commercial performance.

So I just want an attitude. As a dark horse in the entertainment industry this year, I am not just for you to take care of.

So why don't you send a message now? Stand on my side, start from my standpoint, and support me on this matter. As long as you send this message to support me, then I will immediately give my own works to You, I believe it should be able to satisfy you. If you are not satisfied with this work, then I believe that other people may not be able to write better and more satisfactory works. "

In fact, Miss Jenny was very unsure at this time. He glanced at Ye Ming curiously, and then said incredulously: "This is indeed the first time I have met someone as confident as you in the entertainment industry. OK, just go for it." I support you because of your confidence. Now I will immediately send a message through my account to stand by your side and support you.

Miss Jenny is also a straightforward person. Since she said she would support Ye Ming in her own name, in such a situation, she just did what she said and directly used her mobile phone to send a message online through her personal account. News, and directly hit Ye Ming.

He expressed that as the person in charge of the artistic performance at the opening ceremony of the University Games, he really felt that he supported his artists.

Originally, Ye Ming was already at a disadvantage on the Internet. Queen Yehenara was a truly queen-level existence with super influence. Now that they are exerting their strength, they understand that they are losing ground. , this is also reasonable, so the voices supporting Ye Ming on the Internet have begun to decline.

Many artists, after seeing what happened to the diva, immediately expressed their support for the diva's icing on the cake. In fact, many people are still willing to do it, and not so many people are willing to do such a thing as providing help in times of need.

Therefore, there are not many flammability-supported applications now, and it is not to say that there are none. However, the number is slowly declining, because everyone can see that on this matter, Ye Ming’s business of gaining public opinion is not special. easy.

After all, the Spring Festival Gala has already stated that the Spring Festival Gala crew will still maintain a neutral position and will not support anyone. Therefore, everyone knows that although Yuan Lin received an invitation from the Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala did not really stand with Ye Ming. Although I support him, this is actually the case. What is the existence of the Spring Festival Gala? People have their own pride. Apart from the arrogant Princess Lu, the most unique one in China is the Spring Festival Gala.

Therefore, many people expected the Spring Festival Gala to remain neutral on this matter. Some people had already guessed that although Ye Ming was invited by the Spring Festival Gala to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performances, Ye and Lala Queen also participated. Having attended the Spring Festival Gala, and participated in more than one edition, if Queen Yehenala can directly handle the Spring Festival Gala through connections, and make the Spring Festival Gala at least remain neutral, this matter is actually not difficult to accomplish.

People who know the inside story will know very well in their hearts that Queen Yehenala definitely has such ability, so the Spring Festival Gala said that she will be in a neutral position, which is also an expression recognized by many people. So in such a situation, why can Ye Ming make a comeback?

This is almost impossible. Therefore, everyone expected that Ye Ning was basically on the verge of failure in this incident. If there were no accidents, and you were defeated by Queen Nala, then It's a very normal thing.

Therefore, there are more and more people like Ye Hena and Queen of Heaven who are the icing on the cake. The city that Ye Ming created is becoming smaller and smaller, and is basically on the verge of failure.

Just when everyone was waiting for the news of Ye Ming's failure, they didn't expect that the Spring Festival Gala crew here expressed a neutral position, but at the University Games, Miss Jenny also suddenly posted a message on her personal account. statement. ;

The meaning is very simple. As a partner, I will firmly support Ye Ming. Although Miss Jenny herself has said more than once that she does not represent the University Games Organizing Committee, many people think that Miss Jenny, as the person in charge of the opening ceremony of the University Games and the person in charge of the publicity section, So, to a certain extent, at least in the entertainment industry and the media, Miss Jenny is actually the college student and the official spokesperson of the sports meeting.

She can represent the official existence of the University Games. Therefore, in such a situation, Miss Jenny actually issued a statement expressing her belief in Ye Ming and her support for Ye Ming.

Miss Jenny believes that there are some bad habits in the Chinese entertainment industry, that is to say, some singers who became famous earlier will rely on their qualifications and seniority to suppress some newcomers with better results, so in this case, Miss Jenny Expressing support for his good friend Ye Ming. He also expressed his disappointment with some situations in the entertainment industry in China.

Especially on the Internet, Miss Jenny is basically the official pronoun of the University Games Organizing Committee, because he is the most active one, so at this time, since Miss Jenny has expressed her own opinions and expressed her support for Ye Ming and Ye Ming, it is good Friends, many people will think that the University Games officials are on Ye Ming’s side.

As for whether Miss Jenny and Ye Ming are good friends, it actually doesn't matter. Since Miss Jenny has already stated that the two of them are good friends, it becomes natural to support her friends.

And it is true that there is also such a phenomenon in the domestic entertainment industry, that is, some people will bully newcomers because of their seniority. This kind of thing has happened more than once, but since newcomers are newcomers, of course there is no big deal Background: I don't have any big backers who have been bullied, so I basically just swallow my anger and don't dare to take any other actions.

If you want to stay in the entertainment industry, it is very important not to completely offend a senior, unless you have a very strong backer or you have great ability to withstand pressure, such as Ye Ming.

Ye Ming is the kind of person who refuses to admit defeat. He confronted Queen Yehenara in person. ah. In fact, in this operation, even if Ye Ming failed, he was still considered a hero.

But I didn’t expect that Miss Jenny would directly stand up and express her support for Ye Ming this time. As a foreigner who supports Ye Ming and is one of the official representatives of the University Games, at least in terms of publicity, Miss Jenny can be regarded as one of the official spokespersons of the University Games. One.

Therefore, many people will think that Miss Jenny's statement is that of a college student, and the official position of the Games Organizing Committee is on Ye Ming's side.

At this time, if people in the entertainment industry want to continue reporting, they still have to weigh it. After all, Miss Jenny is a foreigner and one of the official representatives of the University Games, so at this time, since Miss Jenny expressed her support for Ye Ming , so what does he mean by the University Games official?

Of course, is this just asking for advice at the University Games?

Does this mean that the University Games are on Ye Ming's side?

This is very possible, so at this time, the public opinion on the Internet suddenly began to change. It turns out that Ye Ming also has a big backer.

Since Ye Ming has a big backer, it is still a matter of debate as to who will win and who loses in such a hype incident again. Therefore, some wonderful changes have taken place in online public opinion.

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