Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3442: Scheme against each other

Andy actually wanted to join forces with Wang Xiaoshu to fight against Queen Yehenara, which still surprised Wang Xiaoshu.

But after hearing Andy's explanation, it seemed that it was just the same thing, because the existence of super first-line basically has a fixed number. Although it is not said that there is a hard and fast rule as to how many super first-tier there must be, but There are only so many resources. If you want someone to become a top-tier artist, there is a company that wants to support their artist. The best way to become a top-tier artist is to get another real creative line.

This is a more cunning method. But Wang Xiaoshu didn't want to get involved in this matter.

If an artist can become a super A-lister, whether he is an actor or a singer, there must be a huge force behind him. Otherwise, it is basically certain that this artist cannot become a super A-lister.

Being able to become a front-line actor is very difficult and requires a lot of luck. Of course, you said that you are an actor within the system. Sometimes you are very lucky, but it is hard to say that you are a front-line actor within the system, right?

But if you really work in the entertainment industry and make a living based on your own ability, then if you want to become a front-line person, it will be very difficult if there is no support from the forces behind you.

There might have been hope before, but now there are fewer and fewer opportunities for a child from a humble family in the entertainment industry.

Think about how difficult it is to become a front-line player. You must have a backer and a big leg to support you.

So if you want to become a super first-line player, you can imagine how difficult it is to become a super first-line player.

Andy and his company really have ambitions to recruit Queen Yehenala. Andy can be said to be one of the most important participants. Maybe they want to promote Andy to the top.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu thought about it, and then said very frankly: "The possibility of this matter is not very high. I think it is better to consider this matter in the long run. As for Queen Yehenala, to be honest, he is a little bit He has such a bad temper and doesn't particularly like to quarrel with others.

Therefore, his popularity in the entertainment industry is not particularly good. If he is not a top-notch person, he might really be kicked out of the entertainment industry at any time. But the problem is that he is a top-tier person. With such a temper, he can become a top-tier person. This shows that this person has his own uniqueness. of.

So it's not particularly easy to get him, and I don't think it's necessary, at least for me. It's very difficult to get the next super first-line player.

It is very difficult to be praised by top-level people, but it is also very difficult to overcome it. This disease does not happen overnight, and it does not mean that one thing can be successful. For example, Yehenala is now The Queen of Heaven and Ye Ming caused a huge quarrel online over a small matter, or for the sake of Yehenara's reputation as Queen of Heaven. It seemed like the quarrel was quite big.

However, it is simply impossible to take down Queen Yehenala with this one thing. Even if our two companies join forces, the possibility is not very high.

Queen Yehenara is a super first-line person. Maybe you have some misunderstandings and don’t understand enough about super first-tier people. Super first-line people, what is super first-line talent?

I can tell you now that he would be a top-notch person if he didn't commit suicide himself. It is difficult for him to fall off, or even if he falls off the tower position, he will only fall to the first line position at most. As time goes by, other super first line players may replace the older generation of super first line players.

But if Chao A-line hadn't committed suicide by himself, even if his popularity was replaced, even if he no longer appeared, but because he has classic works preserved, at least he would have to reach a position like Chao A-line. A great place on the front line.

Even if Super A-list has expired, you can still become A-list. This is the bottom line. This is the bottom line that no one in the entertainment industry has been able to break so far. Because he has copied some of his own works and classics, so unless he commits suicide, otherwise It is not easy to get a super first-line company.

So far, I know of one success, which was a very unexpected situation. Normally, for example, your company wants to promote you to the top. One possibility is to find a super A-list person with a similar style to yours, and then focus most of your company's resources on you and support you in producing some classic songs and classic film and television works. In this way, if some awards are launched within three to five years, then you may be able to challenge the super first-line players who have a similar style to yours.

So if you want to opportunistically become a super first-line player, that is to say, if you take down Queen Yehenara now, I don’t think the possibility of you becoming a super first-line player is particularly high, so I don’t think there is any need for you to do so.

Assuming that the two of us join forces to take down the super first line, it is not impossible. You can do that or you can knock it down, but you think we want to knock down the super first line.

After all, there is still a glimmer of hope for our two major companies to unite, but if we take down the super first line, that is to say, suppress the Queen Yehenala, then the price we need to pay will also be very high.

The three major entertainment companies are all capital-operated. In such a situation, we will all consider the issue of cost. If we continue to do Queen Yehenara, do you think it is worth it in such a situation?

We have spent a lot of money to get Queen Yehenala down. Think about whether you might be able to replace Queen Yehenala. Are you ready? "

At this time, Andy said with high spirits: "Of course, if I can think like this, I must be well prepared. The key is that there are only a limited number of top-tier people in the entertainment industry now. If I don't get one, I want to It is very difficult to enter such a position as a first-tier player, so what is hindering my development now are those super first-tier players. With my current popularity, there is nothing wrong with saying that I am the top of the first-tier players.

So I think I am qualified to challenge those super first-tier players, but it is not a simple matter for super first-tier players to succeed. The simplest thing is of course like what you said, to get a super first-tier player.

I wanted to find a diva named Yehenala whose style is similar to mine. So, I just wanted to give it to her. Of course, because she is a super A-lister, I gave it to her without even thinking about one thing. Get it down.

This is a step-by-step process, and this is just the first step our company has taken. If the reputation of Queen Yehenala is suppressed in this matter, even if it is suppressed just a little bit, it will be equivalent to saying that he is above the first-tier. There was a so-called tear on the invincible amulet.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest. As long as there is such a small opening, one day this opening will become the root of the defeat of Queen Yehenala.

So in such a situation, I think it is still possible for two of us to join forces. If we are one, it does not mean that there is no chance, but the price we have to pay is indeed very high. If our two companies join forces, of course we will have to pay Only at a certain price can it be possible to get rid of Queen Yehenala, but at this time, I think it is within the acceptable range if the two families share it equally. I firmly believe this.

So regarding this matter, I think such a plan of our company is still very feasible. As long as our two companies are willing, it seems impossible to build a super first-line company, but in fact, if we are familiar with capital operations, , I think there is still a certain chance of success.

I am an ambitious person, which I am not fond of, so I want to go further. Based on my current popularity, I think it is time for me to start challenging a certain position. After all, he is one of the four returning sons, so his popularity must be very high. Even if Wang Xiaoshu doesn't want to admit it, there is no other better way. After all, he is indeed a top-level trafficker. "

Except for Ye Ming, who broke out of the entertainment industry as a dark horse and competed for some traffic, basically the scale means that the possibility of being threatened by such a top player is very small.

At least the possibility of these top leaders being threatened in a short period of time is very small. Ye Ming's appearance is equivalent to giving the returnees four fingers. These people have sounded an alarm, telling them not to be so wanton and think that they are the top leaders. Once it's gone, there's nothing to worry about.

No, such a thing is wrong.

Even if you become a top player, you still have to worry about being outdated. If there is one more thing that needs to be considered, it is that Andy, at least so far, has top-notch traffic. He is indeed one of the top four returnees. His popularity and traffic are just like Bu's, who ranks first, or at least second. Such a position, otherwise he would not have the confidence to challenge the first-line position.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu had to admit that Anbi's popularity and traffic were very high, so Wang Xiaoshu didn't hide it at all. He nodded and said that it was indeed the case. Your traffic is indeed very enviable.

Moreover, your traffic has exceeded that of a first-tier artist. There are very few first-tier artists with your traffic. Your influence in the entertainment industry, at least for now, is still very large in business operations.

So you say you are top-notch and I admit it, but traffic is traffic and influence is influence, you know? Top energy does not necessarily mean top influence. For example, the four of you are indeed top traffic. Even top-tier artists in the entertainment industry may not have your traffic.

It can be said that if artists do not have your kind of traffic, you are indeed top-notch, but in terms of influence, it is not necessarily the case. You are indeed very influential among young people, but it does not mean that you are among all audiences. They are all influential and super first-line. Of course, he also has a major age group, and his fans will mainly focus on a certain age group, but he can get out of the circle and can take in all.

They have their own fans of all age groups. It’s just that for a certain top-tier person, his fans will be mainly concentrated in a certain age group, but it doesn’t mean that other age groups don’t have such top-tier fans, those kings and queens. If each of them wants to become a top-tier player, they must have more than one classic work.

If you only have one classic song or one classic movie, you can only be regarded as a first-line artist at most, and it will often expire if you encounter it. But those super first-line kings and queens must have more than one classic song, and they must have more than one classic song. There are not just one or two classic movies and TV series, they are the cornerstones for them to step onto the throne.

So the super first-line influence is incomparable to you. At least so far, I can’t see that you only have this super influence when you return to China. If you want to challenge Queen Yehenala, of course your traffic is enough, but at this time I think you still need to think about it a little bit. You don’t have a manager’s work and you don’t have classic songs.

It is true that some of your songs are selling very well, but that is because your fans can listen to your songs through Peng Li’s classics. It means that you can just find a supermarket, barber shop, etc., and listen to your songs, not through promotion. Your company buys hot searches, but the song is sung by people and can be heard in a small corner of a remote city. This is the influence of a classic.

But not only are you referring to the other three people, I also feel that they do not have such super influential works, so you are popular enough. Even if you challenge the kings and queens now, you may not necessarily think that you are at a disadvantage. , after all, you have a lot of fans, but if you want to really PK. At least for now, I don't see any possibility of life.

So from the current point of view, if you want to reach the top line, you still need to have a step-by-step process of works. If the entertainment industry becomes super extreme, your works will speak for itself. If you have enough influential songs and film and television dramas, then according to your With traffic, it is possible for you to become a super first-tier artist, but classic works are indispensable. Regardless of whether it is an artist singing, acting in a movie, or acting in a TV series, if you want to become a super first-tier artist, classic works are It is indispensable, and there cannot be only one of you. Not even one of you has hit songs. I admit this. These songs are also very popular on the Internet and have made a lot of money for your company.

So you are the top, you have privileges, whether it is in the company or among fans, you even have privileges in Chinese art programs, I admit this, but this is not the confidence for you to challenge the top, you don’t As for classic works, you don’t have anything that can impress people, because those hit songs are packaged.

But those who are on the top tier are doing what we do step by step based on their own abilities, and now I think you want to take down Queen Yehenara, and then if you take the position yourself, I don’t care who brought this up. , but I think it is unlikely, so it is meaningless and a waste of time and resources. So I think our company will not be involved in this matter. "

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