Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3435 Lobbyist

Sure enough, it's easy to get things done after spending money.

As Queen Yehenara herself said, he does not have many connections on the Internet because he does not know much about some things on the Internet and does not care much about some things on the Internet and those big and small companies. The relationship between the two countries is not particularly good. On the contrary, it may be relatively poor.

But there is nothing wrong with what Lao Zhang said. What is the purpose of being involved in the Internet? Of course it is for money. You cannot let those people who are involved in the Internet generate electricity for their love. This thing is not reliable at all, so Well, as long as the money is in place, everything is in vain.

Queen Yehenala gave the money in time, and a group of people on the Internet immediately changed the front line and directly helped Queen Yehenala speak.

Of course, the people Ye Ming bribed still had professional ethics and no one betrayed them. However, there are a lot of big Vs and paparazzi on the Internet. Not only Ye Ming bribed them, but Queen Yehenara also bribed a lot of them.

Depending on the situation, what Lao Zhang said is right. As for these people, he only recognizes money and not people. He even said that he doesn't care who is right, as long as you give him enough money to speak for you, that's normal.

So at this time, in less than an hour, Queen Yehenala could feel that there were a lot of news and articles on the Internet, which began to help her speak.

At this time, Queen Yehenara was naturally very happy, and she immediately took out a bottle of foreign wine, saying she wanted to celebrate. He called his assistant and asked if he could help me book a place at the private restaurant: "Today, let's have a good celebration tonight. This time, we have a sure chance of winning. I didn't expect that the Internet doesn't require much care at all, and there is no need to go there." No matter what kind of connections you create, as long as you give enough money, everything can be solved. Lao Zhang is right about one thing, I don't need to build any connections here.

Just giving money is enough. This time, let me see what this guy Ye Ming is going to do against me. Even some people on the Internet, which he is best at, have started to speak for me. If he doesn’t lose this time , then I might as well quit the entertainment industry.

I have been around for so many years. If you can't deal with him for so many years, it will be in vain. This time, I must let him know that Lord Ma has three eyes. If he has enough respect for his predecessors, he will Causing trouble. "

Of course, the assistant was on the side of Queen Yehenala. After all, he also received the salary of Queen Yehenala. In this matter, the assistant said without hesitation: "Sister, do you think we should be a little more careful about mobile phones?" What about wall jumping?

Ye Ming is not a good guy. Think about it, he is also a child star after all. Moreover, after his comeback, his popularity has increased quite a lot. If our pharmacy is messed up by this guy, it will be a dead end or something. "

But Queen Yehenala waved her hand without hesitation and said: "Don't worry, I have my own opinion on this point. What can he do? Does he have the qualifications to break this network with me?

He doesn't even look at who he is. Does he really think he can compete with me once he's popular?

It is true that his popularity is quite strong now, and there is no difference between him and those top-notch little fresh meats, but he is just a rootless duckweed.

At least his foundation is not solid now, right? If he wants to enter the top line, he still needs to hone himself a lot. I admit that if he develops seriously, then at this time, he is still qualified to enter the top line. There is no doubt about this.

However, he shouldn't be so arrogant. He has just achieved some results and doesn't know how to respect the elderly and care for the young. He actually goes against me. This is arrogant. Think about who gave him the courage.

Well, how dare you challenge the authority of the old-timers. If they are ordinary seniors in the entertainment industry, then forget it. Maybe those seniors are outdated artists who are famous and don't have much influence to provoke them.

Just provoking those old guys is nothing worth worrying about.

But I'm different. I'm a top artist in the entertainment industry. I'm a diva-level existence. He dared to provoke me. This is unforgivable.

What can I do if I say a few words to him? I meant well when I said a few words to him. I didn’t say anything to others, so I just saw that he could still be casual and educated him a few words, but he was still so arrogant. Go against me.

You said that this junior has no sense of morality at all, can I not deal with him?

And I don’t see how a person like this can resist. I am quite clear about this matter myself.

Now Ye Ming has no means of defense at all, nor any powerful means of counterattack.

That is to say, I was not particularly familiar with the Internet and let him take the lead. But when I woke up and found some people who were familiar with the Internet, such as Lao Zhang, I asked him to help me with ideas. As long as I gave him money, there were many people on the Internet. He will stand on my side and speak for me.

If the money is not enough, I can continue to add more, right?

I'm not short of money on this matter. All I want is this tone. In fact, I want to see what kind of counterattack Ye Ming will do at this time. "

The assistant just gave him a friendly reminder, but Queen Yehenala didn't take such a thing to heart at all.

Queen Yehenala seems to have no need to worry at all. If she loses a game on the Internet first, it is actually because she is not familiar with the Internet. Now that she has begun to dabble in the Internet, Ye Ming has no need to worry about it. Any counterattack is possible.

So Queen Yehenala is waiting to watch a good show at this time, and she wants to open a bottle of wine to celebrate. The assistant also felt that he couldn't stop it, and it seemed clear that there was no special means. As for his idol, since he likes it, let's celebrate together. It's not a big deal. According to the rules of his idol In terms of status, Ye Ming is indeed not a very powerful opponent, so the assistant is also very quick to book a place in a relatively familiar private restaurant.

Just when Queen Yehenala was going to a private restaurant for dinner, a good friend of Queen Yehenala came over, Hu Sandao.

Hu Sandao came over at this time, but Queen Yehenala felt very surprised. The two people actually have a pretty good relationship because they are fellow villagers. Although they are many years apart, after all, they are Fellows, especially successful people, have their own circle of fellows, which is a circle in which they can establish and consolidate relationships.

Although the two are fellow students many years apart, after all, they are both successful people in their respective fields in the school and outstanding alumni, so the relationship between the two is relatively good.

Moreover, the two of them have had some contact, so Hu Sandao and Queen Yehenara are not particularly close friends, but they can be regarded as friends who can talk to each other.

Better than ordinary friends. So it was precisely because the two had a good relationship that Queen Yehenala only came to know that Hu Sandao was filming a TV series. She was very busy, so why did she come back at this time?

Therefore, Queen Yehenala was also very surprised. She glanced at Hu Sandao and said, "Brother Hu, what's going on? I heard that you were filming a TV series and your TV station valued you so much. Many large-scale I leave all the TV series to you, and I think only you can control those large-scale TV series well. If you are not on the set to film the TV series, why do you have time to come to me? "

The same goes for Hu Sandao, who said with some emotion: "Some leaders at work, some specific things, want to put some people in, but I think it is redundant.

Now that our entire crew has been integrated, wouldn't it add chaos if we put people in now? right?

You also know that it takes more than a day or two for a crew to get along well. Especially if a large crew does not have a month or two to get along, there will definitely be problems. Once they get along well, everyone will basically do their own thing. Duty, if you have a leader sending people there now, it's just causing trouble.

It’s just that our crew has basically stabilized, so I want to find a few people to pick peaches and gilt them. It’s okay if you just go gilding to make a name for yourself. I’m worried. After some people go there, You're just giving random directions based on the leadership's arrangements.

It will delay the crew's filming. Therefore, I want to talk to some of Tai Liming's leaders to see if this matter can be removed.

Even if this matter is not dismissed, we can't send too many people there. Anyway, this matter has some nonsense.

But there is no other way. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. At this time, some people are jealous, so it is normal for us to go to the house.

Originally, I was very nervous while filming on the crew, but this time there was no way I could delay it. If I came late, good guys, someone sent me over, could I turn him away?

Of course it's impossible. It's all the leadership's arrangement. If people have been sent, I have to accept it. But if these people are really sent, how do you think my crew will arrange it, right?

It's all uncles who go there. I don't care if he is there peacefully and just for a name. But if he really just gives directions randomly, then I will be quite depressed. So, I will come over first and see if I can Can push this matter away.

Of course, it all depends on the situation. After I came here, I heard that you and Ye Ming had some slight conflicts. Why were you two actually able to face each other?

You two actually don’t have much in common. He just released a record for me. Of course it sold better, but I don’t know what kind of conflicts you might have. It seems like you said in public Tell him a few words. "

As for Queen Yehenala, she didn’t know that I could come to see her at this time. She was very surprised that it was for this matter: “Brother Hu, you came here just for Ye Ming’s boy. I thought you came here alone. My Ye Ming is indeed a bit dishonest. Even if I criticized him a few words, it was actually just a few words in passing, and I was not specifically targeting him.

At that time, I was asked by reporters about what I was going to say, so I just said a few words casually. You also know that I am outspoken, right?

It is true that some friends and I also met Ye Ming. Anyway, we were very surprised by his rise. Of course, this matter can only be regarded as a coincidence.

The record market is only that big, and it's not very prosperous now. Think about it, the capacity of a commodity market is only that big in a year. If you sell the record, I can't sell it. So Ye Ming is actually in the music circle. Some people's way.

He has sold so many albums, which means that many fans have spent money to buy his albums. It is impossible to buy albums of other stars, right?

So, in fact, there are many people in the music circle who have objections to him, but I just said it in public. I heard that he has a good relationship with you. Are you here to be a lobbyist? "

At this time, Hu Sandao was not particularly polite. He poured himself a cup of tea, and then said: "I didn't give him a lecture specifically. This point is not that important to him, didn't he? ?

I have to go to the TV station to negotiate with the leader about sending someone there. I just said that I would stop by to see you. I thought, Ye Ming, this guy, must not be a fuel-efficient guy.

I have had contact with him, he is talented, and the key to this guy is that he is ruthless and shameless.

If you think about talented people, forget about talented people who are ruthless and shameless. Such people are very promising. I have crossed paths with him more than once, so I have a certain understanding of him. This guy makes a decision and then acts.

I dare say that this guy is definitely not just fighting back on the Internet, he must have other methods on your side, so I think you two had better not go too far.

Just keep it within a certain range.

I don’t know what else this kid has, but he definitely has it, otherwise it wouldn’t be in line with his style. So I don’t think you two need to be too serious. It’s over like this. Don’t let it get to the point where we are no longer in contact with each other. After all, we are both in the music industry, and he can be considered a rising star.

We always look up and don't see each other, but when we meet, if we make it too ugly, will we still see each other again?

This is basically the principle of leaving a line in the world so that we can meet each other later. Otherwise, if this guy really thinks of being ruthless, I guess you may not be able to get any benefits.

Of course, I'm just talking about the matter, just because this guy is so cruel and shameless, you know?

You can't imagine what method he would use. Therefore, I think it is best for you two to sit down and talk. It may not lead to immediate reconciliation, but it is necessary to ease the tense situation between you. Of course, this is just a suggestion from me. You should consider it yourself.

If you are willing to sit down and talk about it, it may not be necessary to settle the old feud, but at least the impact must be controlled within a certain range. I can make the connection and we can sit down and talk. Tomorrow morning, I will return to the set. .

Think about it, and if you think it's okay, I can help you connect. "

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