Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3398: Three-dimensional Development of Film, Television and Songs

Ye Ming just wanted to inquire about some things, but he didn't expect that he was sitting here honestly. At this time, he saw the eagle walking over here and said something like that. Anyway, the meaning is very simple. The song you sing is rubbish and cannot be considered elegant. It's not a big deal. Ye Ming needs to learn some elegant arts.

In Ye Henala, it seems that there are some vulgar songs, which are not very high achievements. Let Ye Mingna study hard and make progress every day, that's probably what it means.

But at this time, Ye Ming was a little dumbfounded. Good guy, although you are a queen, you can't deal with me like this. Why on earth am I doing this? right?

I didn't recruit anyone and I didn't love anyone. I was just sitting here. It was really an unforeseen disaster. So at this time, Ye Ming was also a little confused.

What's wrong with me? Queen Yehenala actually dares to come to me and directly say that my songs are the kind of sloppy songs sung by the Lower Riba people, saliva songs, did I eat your rice or something, so I said listen Ye Ming seemed to be stunned at this point.

It took about three seconds for Ye Ming to suddenly wake up. Good guy Queen Yehenala actually dared to criticize me directly in front of me. I was not polite at all. She showed no mercy in front of so many reporters. Even you are a senior. , but is it inappropriate for you to belittle a junior like me at this time?

So at this time, Ye Ming suddenly became furious. Good guy, I didn't provoke anyone here, but someone came directly to the door to cause trouble. This is unbearable.

So, Ye Ming was also very angry at this time. You are the one who is referring to this thing, so if you say it is right or not, if the reporter spreads it to my ears, it is considered a spat in the air, more or less. It also leaves a little bit of face for everyone, so that they won’t break up in person.

This is usually the case in the entertainment industry, but this time, Yehenalana was the kind of person who would lose face during an interview.

That means that he is quite disrespectful, so he was very unhappy at this time. He said without politeness at all: "I am your student, and I still eat your rice, or what? You want to say that I This work is requested by KTV farmers, so your work is better than mine. Your work is very elegant, right?

What do you compare yourself to me for? right?

Are you comparing album sales with me? Or what? If you compare your album sales with me, we really can’t compare for the time being.

I have only released one album, and now it has sold more than 1 million but less than 2 million in more than a month. Because the final results have not been released yet, it will take about three months or even half a year to determine the sales volume of my album. Probably within what range, so my album results really haven’t been released yet.

However, I believe that if I work hard to promote it after the Spring Festival Gala, there will be no problem with the sales of this album exceeding 3 million within half a year. If you really want to compare album sales with me, then take a look after half a year. See if my album sales are higher than yours.

I am convinced that as long as I work hard, it will be possible to exceed 2 million during the peak album sales period. It will be no problem to exceed 3 million in half a year. I may even be able to achieve 4 million in the next year. .

As long as I am willing, I can help him increase his sales anytime and anywhere. At most, I just travel to the city to promote. I am young and have physical strength. As long as I work hard to promote, there is always a way to increase his sales.

So if you and I are comparing the sales of albums, we really can’t compare for the time being, because I discovered that an album has not yet reached the final statistics time. But if you and I compare the sales of one month, which of your albums can match the sales of one album? Comparing my album sales of 1 million a month, you don’t.

Although your total sales volume of a single album is definitely higher than mine now, that is only temporary now. At least six months or a year from now, if you say that your sales volume of a single album is higher than mine, That I think is unlikely.

You became famous earlier and there is nothing wrong with the fact that you are the senior, but that does not mean that my album sales are lower than yours.

Don't forget that I just received the notice this year. I am only a prospective college student. I have many opportunities, but you do not have this opportunity.

So, if you and I compare album sales, I’m really not convinced by you. If you compare your academic qualifications with me, then I will be even more unconvinced by you, right?

I am now a prospective college student at the Film School. As long as I register with the notification letter on September 1st, I will be a real college student at the Film School. Four years after my freshman year, I will graduate from the undergraduate program. .

But what about you? You haven’t gone to college. You have just studied in some training classes given by teachers. Everyone knows this. So, you don’t have a college degree at all. If you compare your academic qualifications with me, I There will always be a day when I will surpass you. Even if we compare now, I have graduated from high school. You are not necessarily taller than me, right?

Because you don’t have a college degree, it’s impossible for you to say that you have a higher degree than me. However, after 4 years, I can openly say that my degree is higher than yours. If you compare my academic qualifications, you can’t beat me. At most, we can be on a tie. In 4 years, you will never be my opponent.

Because I had already graduated from college at that time, so speaking of academic qualifications. No better than me. And there is nothing better than winning awards. You did win the National Most Popular Female Singer Award, but I also won the Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. Yours is a national award, and mine is world-class. level awards.

The best actor at the Berlin Film Festival, one of the three major film festivals in the world, and I filmed it. It also made billions in box office and became a dark horse at the box office. You can't compare to this. Your film works have no room to compare with mine.

I remember that you only played supporting roles in some movies. As for movies and TV series, it was just some supporting roles, nothing big.

So, in terms of movies, you can’t compare to songs. I can also write songs. The songs I wrote are also the theme songs of national TV dramas.

Well, of course, if you want to say that you have been to the Spring Festival Gala, then I am the same, right? And I also got an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala today. I am now in the Spring Festival Gala program group. If there are no unexpected circumstances, I will probably join this year. of the Spring Festival Gala.

Because I was personally invited by Director Huang, the director of this year's Spring Festival Gala directing team. No surprise, I will participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year. So, if you are more qualified than me in the Spring Festival Gala, you are not necessarily any higher than me. Place to go.

As for TV dramas, that goes without saying. Everyone knows your acting skills and your singing skills. Of course, you are more recognized by everyone. But, if you are acting in movies or TV dramas, then you have nothing to do with me. Any comparability.

I am also the best actor at the Berlin Film Festival. If you want to compete with me in acting, there is no way to compare. So in such a situation, how can you compare with me in all aspects of film and television? What can you compare with me? ?

I can still write songs. I also write my own songs. As for the songs I wrote, from the first song released to the public last year to now, my income from the songs I wrote is about two to three million. Bar.

That's still no problem, and some of the copyright fees that I haven't received may be higher. I won't count these first. So, you are even worse at writing songs. You can't compare to me in writing film and television songs in all aspects. You can't even compare to me. You have the nerve to say that I am a lower-level person who listens to songs. Why are you comparing yourself to me?

Is it because your qualifications are higher than mine? But, he doesn't just look at qualifications, right? Alas, of course I admit that you are my senior in the entertainment industry and have higher qualifications than me. I admit this.

However, this is not the reason for you to look down on me in person. If you criticize me in front of reporters elsewhere, I can consider you a senior and stop arguing with you. It’s no big deal. , such a thing as respecting seniors, there is still such a moral character.

But, you said that directly to me in front of so many reporters in public, and in all aspects, you are not better than me, right?

I won't say that I can crush you in all aspects of performance, but there are some aspects of performance in which you are not as good as me. You also said that the songs I wrote are songs that lower-level people listen to. Do you have a bigger face than others or something?

You must say this. If you are a judge of the organizing committee, you will definitely not let me win the award. Fortunately, you are not in the organizing committee of this award ceremony. If you were there, that good guy would be your voice. You are such a good person. Even if someone of this kind becomes a judge, there can be no fairness at all.

Then how can award ceremonies or programs dare to invite people like you to be judges in the future, right? There is no fairness at all.

That is to say, my songs are liked by the people, my albums sell more hotly, and I say they are more popular. So, you just want to suppress me, right? "

At this time, Yehenaraying was a little dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that Ye Ming was just a newcomer in the entertainment industry, so he would just say a few words to him casually, even if it was in front of him, this was what he said as a newcomer. , he has to endure it no matter what, right?

Otherwise, if he offends himself, he can easily ban him in the music circle. Banning a newcomer is a very easy thing for Yehenaraying.

In fact, as for a queen of the level of Ye He Na La Ying, if she wants to ban a newcomer in the entertainment industry, or a relative in the music circle, as long as she is not a newcomer in the circle, Ye He Lala will do it. You can ban it at will. Of course, when Yehenara evaluates a new singer, you must also check whether there is big capital behind it. If it is a new singer supported by big capital, then Yehenara He knows this in his heart and will definitely not casually criticize new music talents in the entertainment industry who have financial backers behind them.

However, Ye Ming is not such a newcomer. There is indeed no big capital operating behind Ye Ming. The reason why Ye Ming is able to reach the point where he is today is basically his own. Of course, that is not the case. It can't be said that there is no capital at all. There is also a waiting film and television base. It is said that it should have something to do with this guy Ye Ming.

It seems that his family is a shareholder of this newly emerging film and television base, and Yehedala doesn't know much about it. It's just the same thing, but the film and television base can have no circles, so it's not a big deal.

It is a small film and television base, and it is newly built. It seems that there is nothing Thailand should be afraid of. Besides, Henala is also a singer and the film and television circle is indeed a bit small.

It's true, Ye Helanala's acting skills are not very good, so when it comes to movies and TV series, Ye Helanala's heart hurts. Anyway, he has made up his mind that he will never star in a TV series or anything in this life. Yes.

At most, it's just a guest appearance. If a friend pulls him over and he really can't shirk it, he decides to make a guest appearance. He will definitely not star in any movies or TV shows because of his own acting skills. , she knew it very well in her heart.

So, it seems to Yehe Lala that even though Ye Ming is known as the film and television base behind him, he and the film and television base are not in the same circle, so there is no need to be too afraid, so in the eyes of Yehe Lala If I wanted to criticize the heroic spirit, it seemed that there was nothing impossible.

Ye Ming has to endure it, otherwise he will be blocked by himself, and he will not get any good fruits. Ye Ming himself does not have too much capital support, so he can just take care of it and it will be over.

However, Ye Henala never expected that at this time, Ye Ming would dare to treat him so unceremoniously, and treat him so badly that he would be treated in three aspects, such as movies, TV shows, and songs.

Ye Ming kept comparing various aspects such as film and television songs, and even writing lyrics and music with himself. As a result, Yi and Nora were said to be worthless, although there was no such thing in Ye Ming's mouth. I mean to criticize Yehenala too much, but it seems that someone in Yehenala has a dog named Yang Yeming.

Although Ye Ming is a young man, he has a very poisonous mouth and hits the point directly.

Comparing the three aspects of movies, TV and songs, if you carefully calculate it, Yehenara herself seems to have nothing to compare with English. At most, it is the sales volume of special planes.

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