Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 342: The ideal of a five-yuan movie ticket

Xu Fan said to Ge You, "Mr. Ge, tell me what's going on." Ge You thought for a moment before saying, "Most people can't solve Director Feng's thoughts. It was caused by Brother Zhao. Don’t ask me, I haven’t figured it out yet.”

Feng Xiaogang introduced Zhao Guoqing, and at this time Xu Fan quickly greeted him warmly: "Brother Zhao, it's you. Gangzi always mentions your affairs to me, sit down quickly, sit down quickly, I will cook for you. "

As for Ge You and Ye Ming, they are both acquaintances. Basically, they are not guests. It doesn't matter whether Xu Fan greets them or not.

Sitting on the sofa at home, Feng Xiaogang finally recovered some of his feelings, as if his lost soul had returned to his body.

Feng Xiaogang let out a long sigh and said: "Brother Bold, you are really bold. I thought that you were more bold when you walked a few nights before, but I didn't expect that in such a situation, you You are more bold than me.

I didn't even dare to think of such a thing. You said, what do you want, if you want me to help you, there is no way I can help you with this matter. It's no use finding anyone. "

Zhao Guoqing didn't know that it was impossible to do what he was doing, so at this moment he also said with a decadent expression: "This matter is an idea I had at Emei Film Company. At that time, I just said that I had some ideas, and the opportunity was not there. How to be mature? I just transferred to the New Film and Television Federation. I see that the time is almost mature. Therefore, I think it is time to put my ideas into practice."

Feng Xiaogang asked curiously: "Brother Bold, you'd better finish it all at once, what is the time when it's ripe and what do you want to do. Whether the leader supports it or not, the next one is the key. If there is no support from the leader, then Don’t say anything like this.”

What are you doing without the support of the leader? This is obvious.

Only then did Zhao Guoqing talk eloquently and expressed his ideals: "Actually, under such a situation, the ideal idea is to have a few good movies appear in our country. If there is no such prerequisite, then what will happen in the future?" It's impossible to succeed in this situation.

Although it is a bit early to say that a hundred flowers are blooming now, it actually means that there have been a few good movies. My idea is that the current movie tickets are a bit too high. If it is lower, then I think I am willing to go back. There are still many people going to the cinema to watch movies.

I have done a lot of market research. In fact, it does not mean that people are unwilling to watch movies. People of our generation still prefer to watch movies, but the ticket price is too expensive. It only costs 300 to 500 yuan a month. A movie ticket costs Over twenty, who can afford this thing? "

This is a stab at the market. No, this is almost not a stab at the market, but a big bomb thrown directly.

Feng Xiaogang thought that Zhao Guoqing was very bold, and what he said must be very shocking. Therefore, he was mentally prepared at this time, but he did not expect that Zhao Guoqing actually said that he was so vicious that he had to pay for the movie ticket. Let’s start with the price. This is almost against the entire film market.

Feng Xiaogang stopped talking. He had nothing to say. At this time, Ye Mingzai was shocked and said, "Brother Bold, what do you think the current movie ticket price is appropriate?"

Zhao Guoqing said very formally: "Five yuan, I think, five yuan is relatively appropriate. This is an answer I got after surveying more than 2,000 viewers from different walks of life. It is also relatively in line with our current living standards. If It is said that a person spends half a day's salary to watch a movie. Most people can afford it. I think that in such a situation, it must mean that many people will go to the cinema to watch the movie. ."

This is an ideal, at least it is an ideal of Zhao Guoqing. This is what he thinks and what he does to achieve such an ideal.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "If such a price can really be implemented, then I think there is still hope for this matter. Five yuan is a more appropriate price, even if it is for group performances. People are also willing to spend five yuan to watch a movie. The key is, does the leader support you in doing this?" This is the key point. Feng Xiaogang has already asked such a question just now. Without a leader Stop talking about support.

Zhao Guoqing finally showed a smile at this time, nodded and said: "I went to the General Administration actually for such a thing. The leaders knew my thoughts and were very embarrassed. They didn't give me any affirmation, but they gave me I have a policy. As long as I can find a suitable theater, I can give me a policy like this and test it on a small scale. If it is successful, it can be promoted nationwide."

After all, leaders are far-sighted. They can see a shortcoming in the film market, but they can also see the deep-rooted habits of the market. After all, the high ticket prices in the market already have a strong interest group, and it is impossible to make one size fits all.

If you try it on a small scale, it is understandable. You can advance, attack, retreat or defend; a leader is a leader, and this Tai Chi skill is not ordinary and unrestrained.

At this time, Feng Xiaogang had come from hard times after all. He nodded and said: "If you have the support of the leaders, then it doesn't mean you can't give it a try. Anyway, the film studios in our country are not said to be a stagnant water, but they are pretty much the same." Yes, once it officially joins the WTO, it will definitely face a strong market impact. I think it is necessary to test it earlier."

Ye Ming didn't expect that Feng Xiaogang actually said that he was on the side of Zhao Guoqing in such a situation. He said with a smile: "That's what I said, but you have to pay attention. The leader said, you have to Looking for a suitable place, New Film Alliance is the beneficiary of high ticket prices. Are they willing to experiment? Are they willing to give away the profits?

Why don’t the leaders make a one-size-fits-all decision? In fact, it’s because there is already a huge interest group, and this interest group is the most terrifying. Five yuan, this price is very good, but if it is certain If he insists, then such a thing will definitely be boycotted by him. Even Huayi Brothers, Poly Bona, including our brilliant film and television, some film companies like this will boycott, this is simply certain. , who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, who would still want to eat steamed buns? Brother Zhao, I’m not talking about you, you are doing something for the people, but it is almost impossible to succeed in this matter.

You are going against the entire film market and there is no chance of any success. You know, even if it is 20 yuan or 25 yuan, the money the film company gets is not much. If you suddenly reduce this thing to five yuan, the film company can't survive. Let's all drink the northwest wind. . "

Ye Ming's long speech was basically summed up based on his own experience and some trends in his previous life. I don't say it is every word, but at least it can truly reflect a phenomenon in the current film market. .

Impossible, no one has this ability. Even if future generations solve this problem in the film market, no one will dare to say to reduce movie ticket prices, but to say to build more new theater chains, introduce private capital, or even let private capital Make independent films.

This can solve a problem in the current film market. After Zhao Guoqing, no one dared to stand up and talk about the issue of lowering movie ticket prices.

Ge You said with some regret: "After all, this song is an ideal."

But Ge You also understood very well that Ye Ming was right. Zhao Guoqing's idea was to challenge the interests of the entire industry, and even to persuade the interests of the film company, which was simply not feasible.

Ye Ming took the words and said: "There is nothing wrong with this being an ideal, but it is a Don Quixote-like ideal, just like the Don Quixote knight rushing towards the windmill. Brother Zhao, listen to me, You can't succeed, the leader's words have already said that you can't succeed."

This is an unsolvable situation, at least in such an environment.

Zhao Guoqing saw that although Ye Ming was young, what he said actually made sense in such a situation. It seemed that he was talking about a person in his fifties or sixties who had gone through many vicissitudes of life. He immediately said: "Gangzi , Ye Ming's words are very sophisticated. They are not like what a young man should say, but they are no different from what the leader said. In fact, the leader also said something like this to me when I came here.

But I still want to give it a try to see if I can succeed in such a thing. If you can support me, then my chances of success will be much higher. "

At this time, it was Zhao Guoqing who was seeking Feng Xiaogang's support. Also, Feng Xiaogang is now a very influential director. If he could stand up and support, it would be much easier.

Feng Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "Well, it's not that I can't support you, but I am a member of Huayi Brothers after all. If I support you, I will be on the opposite side of Huayi Brothers. Forget it, when the time comes I support your experiment in my own name. If you really want to do it, then I will support you with [Party A, Party B] and [See You or See You]. This is the biggest thing I can do, brother. One of them supports you. Even if you say I am taking sides, I cannot stand up to support you. You have to understand my difficulties."

Zhao Guoqing actually understood very well that at such a time, if Feng Xiaogang could show such sincerity to support himself, that would be quite extraordinary.

Under such circumstances, he was still involved with Huayi Brothers and had to think about the company. Zhao Guoqing hesitated and said: "It is impossible for the New Film Federation to support me. Under such a situation, if the New Film Federation said it would not suppress me, it would be a pretty good result. I would not find it at all." If I don’t have a suitable cinema to test, do you have a suitable contact to give me one?”

It can be said that Zhao Guoqing is a highbrow person now. Basically speaking, except for policies, there is nothing substantive at all. This explains why a filmmaker who is as tragic as Don Quixote is destined to be able to It left a strong mark in the history of film, but it was also a tragic touch. At this time, Feng Xiaogang was a little embarrassed. How to contact him? Wouldn't this offend someone?

However, at this time, Feng Xiaogang looked at Ye Ming and suddenly thought: "Ye Ming, didn't you say you have your own theater chain? And it also has a foreign investment background. If this is an experiment, it is always more appropriate. Are those foreigners saying that they accept new things very quickly? It just so happens that it is more appropriate to use your theater chain."

Ye Ming knew that Feng Xiaogang would always think of him, so he was afraid of what would happen. At that moment, Ye Ming said with a very determined face: "Teacher Feng, you are pushing me to be the opposite of the collective. In fact, it proves that There is one thing I have to say. Anyone who goes against the collective will not end well. I can’t agree to this."

Feng Xiaogang was convinced by himself. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was appropriate: "I think this thing is successful, not bad, quite good. Don't say this, I think this is to start your theater chain." What a great opportunity for visibility. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Ye Ming immediately denied it and said: "Don't come to me about this matter. I am also a theater chain affiliated with the New Film Alliance. Although it is an independent operation, it is still a New Film Alliance in name. However, if Brother Zhao really wants to do it, , that does not mean that there is no chance at all. If you ask the leader to give an order, even if it is a verbal order, let us do an experiment.

In this case, I can also pretend to be unacceptable and agree. In this case, when facing other colleagues, I can also pretend to be a victim to excuse myself. It does not mean that I am willing to do experiments. In fact, it is The leadership must force us to conduct experiments, so I can explain it internally and externally. "

Obviously it was said that it was impossible to succeed in a matter like Zhao Guoqing's, but in such a situation, in fact, a tragic character like Zhao Guoqing still deeply affected Ye Ming. If it is possible to have a suitable opportunity, Ye Ming thought it would be better to be able to support him, as long as it was the same as what he said, and he would not be thrown into the water. Movie fare, this is quite deep water, maybe you will drown in it, the ending of Zhao Guoqing is actually an example. (To be continued)

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