Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3387 Take away a fishing fire

The people at the scene were a little confused. Isn’t this a poetry conference? Has it been changed to a singing competition now?

This is a poem for every family. It bullies us that we don’t understand poetry.

Whether it was a guest judge, a contestant, or an audience, he looked confused and had no idea what was going on.

President Xu and Professor Wang were slightly better off, because President Xu and Professor Wang received a hint from Qing Qingzi, asking them to delay for 10 minutes.

So, these two old people have some ideas in their hearts. It is estimated that after Ye Ming and Qing Qingzi went down, a plot like this happened in the past 10 minutes.

Live broadcast, but you must not lose the chain.

At this time, Ye Ming consciously walked up and said: "Actually, originally, I didn't plan to sing this song here now, because this is a poetry conference, and I think it takes up everyone's resources. But, because I just sang a song, "The Wind Blows", which is considered a popular song on the Internet. We are broadcasting live now, and many people on the Internet already think that the song "The Wind Blows" should not appear in the poetry conference. The people at the live broadcast thought it was a relatively vulgar online song.

this is not right. I want to tell you that this kind of thinking is wrong. I have said before that songs and poems are actually of the same origin. Songs are just an extension of poems.

There is no distinction between elegance and vulgarity. However, many people think that the strong wind is too simple and is indeed not worthy of a poetry conference or such an elegant and high-end variety show. I don’t know what these people think. Why look down on online songs? right?

I don’t need to say more about the current spread of online songs. Many popular songs have reached a level where almost everyone knows them.

Moreover, many singers of popular online songs also make a lot of money. What does this mean? This means that audience members like online songs, so there is a market for singers who sing online songs.

If this is the case, then you can go out and do commercial performances or something, that is, make money in this way.

I don’t know since when being able to make money has become vulgar. Is there a difference between money being vulgar and elegance?

I can tell you the answer to that part of the story, um. Elegance and vulgarity are not pretended, Sun Tzu is.

Of course, because I was the one who initiated this matter today, I will sing another song this time to tell you that in fact, the song and the poem are really from the same origin. The sound of the waves still clearly proves that .

Songs and poetry are of the same origin, so I can shut up those people. The sound of good waves is still there, for everyone. "

When the music started playing, Ye Ming slowly started singing.

Take away the fishing fire and let it warm my eyes, leave a piece of true love and let it park beside the maple bridge...

How do you say this song? It has representative significance in the 1990s. If you were to select Chinese-style songs throughout the 1990s, Taosheng would definitely be among them.

This is a song that cannot be bypassed no matter what when studying ancient songs. And it can be said that from the combination of poetry and song, the sound of waves is still unique.

No matter if there are any Chinese songs before or after, in terms of the connection between poetry and songs, Taosheng is still absolutely unique, even if it is Dongfeng Po by Jay Chou later. Blue and white porcelain and other masterpieces that can bring Chinese-style songs to the pinnacle cannot compare with the connection between the sound of waves and poetry.

For example, this song is basically derived from Zhang Ji’s Night Mooring in Maple Bridge. It has a clear context.

After hearing this song, I will think of Zhang Ji's "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge", and the songwriter can directly evolve "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge" into such a national style song, which is also a quite remarkable achievement.

So, this time, Ye Ming directly sang The Sound of Waves Still, an early masterpiece of Chinese-style songs. It was stated that at this time, after singing, he did not leave the stage immediately but stayed on the stage to speak naturally.

So I will use this song to tell you that poetry and songs are indeed of the same origin. As long as you are willing to do it, as long as you have a pair of eyes that discover beauty, you can say that any poem left by our ancestors is There is a chance it will be written into a song.

Of course, the key is to see if you are willing to write, and whether you are willing or not to find that the sound of the waves is still there. As for this song, its origin is very simple. It is the author of the lyrics and music of Zhang Ji's "Fengqiao Night Mooring", which extends the artistic conception of this song.

Then, a love story that makes people feel lingering is shown to everyone.

So, don’t think that singing at this conference lowers the level of a variety show like the Poetry Conference.

Okay, next, we hand over the microphone to the host Qing Qingzi Poetry Conference to continue. "

At this time, the Internet exploded. In fact, after everyone heard about the strong wind, there was already a heated discussion on the Internet. Most of them were praising, but some of them were indeed opposed. I think there should be no vulgar online songs like Strong Wind Blowing in the swearing-in ceremony.

This is why the leaders are quite angry and think that some of the things Director Huang and his colleagues are doing are not under control, and there is quite a lot of opposition online.

However, in the end, Ye Ming directly sang the classic "The Sound of the Wave Is Still", and then the discussion on the Internet became even more intense. It can be said that the discussion was more intense than the discussion in the strong wind. Why?

"Big Wind Blows" is obviously a vulgar Internet song, at least some people think so, although Ye Ming also said what is vulgar and what is elegance?

That's not pretending, the grandson is the one pretending.

However, many people think that Da Feng Song is an Internet song, the elegant hall of the east. As a result, Ye Ming slapped him in the face and gave the song "The Sound of Waves Remains Still", so people who use such an excuse to oppose Da Feng Biao Well, he immediately shut up.

Why? Because from the perspective of the Book of Changes, the sound of waves still definitely shows 99% of the original essence of the Fengqiao Night Mooring jewelry.

It can even be said that the sound of the waves is still there, which has surpassed the artistic conception brought to everyone by the poem "Mooring at Night at Maple Bridge". Because it is divided into one wave, in fact, this piece of jewelry represents the sorrow of traveling in the world, and represents the faint feeling of separation and separation that a wanderer feels when he is homesick.

Because, more importantly, the weather is good and the rain is thin, it shows the poet Zhang Ji's pain of divorce. The moon is setting, crows are crying, the sky is covered with frost, the river maple is fishing and the fire is facing the sorrowful sleep, the Hanshan Temple outside the city of Suzhou, and the midnight bell is ringing for the passenger ship.

Moreover, when Zhang Ji wrote this poem, he actually had this kind of homesickness throughout the ages. What this jewelry brings to everyone is the feeling of a poem about separation and sorrow. However, strictly speaking, the sound of the waves can be said to have sublimated the artistic conception of the entire poem.

Turn this poem into a love song. In particular, can I board your passenger ship with this old ticket? It can be said that this sentence is the highlight of the whole poem.

So with this sentence, the whole poem comes alive. So, a song like "Taosheng Yiyi" really brings a different kind of impact to everyone, especially since everyone is used to the kind of straightforward love.

Later, I accidentally heard a Chinese love song, which was even more eye-catching. The complete recording of this poem is also quite high, so if you say it on the Internet, If this poem is vulgar, then it would directly deny Zhang Ji's poem "Mooring at Night on the Maple Bridge".

That is a slap in the face, so under such a situation, even those keyboard warriors and those trolls feel that Ye Ming's Tao Sheng is still such a song and should be trolled.

However, they can't find a reason to spray, and they can't find a place to spray, because they can't pull their ears to pull their whole bodies up. This is a paradox that violates Newton's laws of physics.

By the same token, they cannot deny that the sound of the waves is still there, and this song is an elegant song.

Because this song was born in. If I deny the elegance of Maple Bridge Night Mooring, I will deny the conclusion that the entire concept of poetry is elegant.

So, at this time, although this song has quickly become popular on the Internet, it is almost impossible to really want a song with such a sound.

If the keyboard warrior gives up easily, then he will not be called a keyboard warrior. So it is difficult to attack Tao Sheng on such a thing as elegance and vulgarity. With such a song, the keyboard warrior can find another way, such as elegance and vulgarity. A statement that has been nailed to the pillar of shame by Ye Ming.

Because Ye Ming said, he is not the grandson pretending to be elegant or vulgar. So at this time, if there are any keyboard warriors who say that night mooring in Maple Bridge is vulgar and the sound of waves is still vulgar, then they will be suspected of pretending to be grandsons.

It can be said that Ye Ming directly dug a hole for the keyboard warrior. Of course, the response of this thing is quite fast, and it will not jump in casually.

However, this does not mean that there is really nothing a keyboard warrior can do. Why can a keyboard warrior dominate the Internet?

That's because they won't give in easily and they won't be bold and cautious. This is the basic characteristic of these keyboard warriors. Being bold means that there is basically no one in the entertainment industry that they dare not criticize. Whether it is a superstar or an 18-tier actor, they can criticize anyone they want.

That is to say, this keyboard warrior can make a flower out of any action that ordinary people may ignore in the entertainment industry.

It can be said that their insight is basically second only to professional detectives, and sometimes the rest of the opening picture is entirely up to editing.

This kind of thing is also the basic quality of being a keyboard warrior. Not to mention being shameless, being shameless is the most basic and basic number for a keyboard warrior.

Because if you want to save face, you can't be an excellent keyboard warrior so easily.

Of course, there are good people in this plate of shrimps, and there are also many people who uphold justice, but these good keyboard warriors, these keyboard warriors who uphold justice, really want to provide health insurance that solves problems for ordinary people and ordinary Internet users. Often it will not be taken seriously.

But what about those Internet trolls, those keyboard warriors with ulterior motives, and those who are ready to make excuses online all the time? Under these circumstances, it is easier to be accepted and recognized by everyone, because in such a situation Well, in fact, Internet trolls make a living by doing this, so if they don't become cool, they won't be able to do this career as Internet trolls.

So, these keyboard warriors and Internet trolls have taken a different approach. Although they cannot deny that the sound of the waves is still there, it is considered an elegant song, because to deny it is to deny their original proposition.

However, these Internet keyboard warriors also directly speak about the pledge conference online. Its purpose is to promote poetry, so singing at this time takes up the precious time of 4 conferences. So, in such a situation , whether the wind is blowing or the waves are still sounding, it is not suitable to appear at a poetry conference.

Even any song is not suitable for appearing in a poetry conference. This is more or less a shameless way of speaking.

However, since you have become a keyboard warrior, who would have any shame in such a situation? No one on the Internet knows the real name of the keyboard warrior. Isn’t there a saying on the Internet? It is impossible for you to know whether the person talking to you on the other side of your network is a beautiful woman or a burly man, a human or a dog?

Of course, after Tao Sheng still sang it, there were basically very few people who complained about this song on the Internet. Although the keyboard warrior still had certain opinions on singing at poetry conferences, after all, no one went to Hei Tao anymore. The song still sounds.

Because this song is really not cool.

Therefore, at such a time, Ye Ming and Qing Qingzi have actually completed the tasks assigned by the leader. What the leader means is to let the anti-fans and keyboard warriors from the online conference,

At least most of them should shut up. I don’t dare to say that all of them should shut up. However, at least most of the black fans and followers should shut up. We can’t just hold a black poetry conference like this. A literary variety show.

So, this time, Ye Ming and Qing Qingzi really completed the tasks assigned by the leaders. When it comes to this point, it will not become very simple.

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