Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3382 Pros and Cons

At this time, Ye Ming decided to sing Da Feng Ge, Da Feng Ge, which is quite an awesome song. Among the many online songs, it must be something special to be able to stand out and become one of the golden songs of the year.

Director Huang, Chairman Xu and Qing Qingzi also came to listen to Ye Ming sing this song, because actor Huang Bo was a little worried after all. As I said just now, Director Huang has the final decision-making power.

After listening to the song sung by Ye Ming, Director Huang found it very interesting. He nodded and said, "Actually, this song is also very good, right? It's a very cheerful song and catchy."

After hearing this, Ye Ming immediately said on the other end: "It's necessary, right? Since this is an Internet song, since it is the kind of song that can become an Internet celebrity, it must be down-to-earth and catchy. , Good guy, how can you complete a Lanting Preface, right? Of course I am not saying that Lanting Preface is not the result of Lanting Preface. We are not qualified to evaluate it tomorrow, but he is not down to earth, you don't Maybe a common person should be asked to memorize the Lanting Preface, right?

The common people have been working for a day. Good guy, you are half exhausted. You are lying there and you ask someone to recite the Lanting Preface. The premise is that if people's emotions can sing. So, if you want to become widely popular on the Internet and become a hot search, this song must be down to earth.

It must be catchy, and people must understand it as soon as they hear it. As soon as they hear the song, they will dance along with the melody. This is the hot search. So, if we want to become the source of hot search, We have to create a better song. I think the song Da Feng Ge is quite good. "

At this time, Director Huang also nodded and said: "That's right. Ye Ming is very right about this. You can't let the people give you something that is not easy to understand.

The song "Da Feng Ge" is not bad, at least it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable in public, and it can be played on TV stations.

Ye Ming, I was worried just now. What kind of song can you compose for me? If this song does not meet the needs of being broadcast on the TV station, then I will definitely kill this song. But, listen now This song sounds pretty good.

Although this song doesn't sound like an inspirational song, it still sounds like that. Mentally positive. By the way, is there a demo for this song? right?

If you want to sing in front of the TV then, you will still need demos, right? Without a demo, your a cappella singing will obviously not be able to achieve the same effect as the soundtrack. For the song you wrote, you should have made a demo of the song. What accompaniment? You have to have it. "

At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said: "Ours is okay, no problem. Half of it is here, in my mobile phone. I will just pass it to the director directly and let him adjust it appropriately." When you play it, I will sing this song at the appropriate time. I believe that this song should be able to resonate with everyone.

I dare not say that this song has any educational significance, but at least after listening to this song, people can sing along with me. In fact, Internet songs are like this. If it can meet this requirement, it will basically be far away from being an Internet celebrity. It's not far away. Moreover, if we want to collect the entire network, we must have a similar network to cooperate in order to achieve the best results. And we don't want to make it big, right?

If you want to make it big, the bigger the better, that’s easy. Even if I don’t sing, I have many ways to do it myself. You also know that I have been in the entertainment industry for a long time. I am a child star in the entertainment industry, and everyone should know that.

I know a lot of stuff in the entertainment industry, you know? Even for many big stars, even if they are superstars, emperors, or superstars, I know some of their secrets. After all, I have been in the industry for a long time, and I have heard a lot about or experienced a lot of things.

I have information in hand, so as long as you nod, I can reveal some interesting content in front of the TV. Then such hot searches will definitely cause a big fuss. "

At this time, Director Huang also shook his head and said: "Come on, you can't think about things that go smoothly. You guys are so happy. We agree with you to break the news. You put the map cannon there. You can't even think about this." Don’t think about it, there are many things in the entertainment industry that are inappropriate to talk about, right?

But why suppress it? Then why didn't the increase be announced at that time?

In fact, it is because if the truth is announced, the results will be very bad, so at a time like this, you can't think about it, why should I report a big piece of information to let everyone know the truth of the matter? There is no unspoken rule in the entertainment industry, which means that you can clean up the snow on your own and don't worry about the frost on other people's tiles.

At least if it doesn't involve your interests or harm your interests, generally speaking, no one in the entire entertainment industry will casually break the news or do such things that harm others and do not benefit oneself.

I know there are old tricksters like you who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time. There will definitely be some secrets.

However, these are unspoken rules in the entertainment industry and cannot be exposed. Although our TV station is not afraid of trouble, we are not willing to lift the lid casually, right?

Some people cannot be accepted. If they are accepted, some people we can't imagine will be involved. So, if there are too many actors, directors, etc. involved in the entertainment industry, then there will be no benefit. Is there any point in doing this? right?

Don't think about making this matter too big. We just want a hot search, we don't want to break the truth. The entertainment industry still has its own unspoken rules. Although our national TV station doesn't care about certain things, it is not willing to offend people casually. Of course, no one dares to offend our national TV station. Who in the entertainment industry dares to do anything to us? If you act arrogantly here, you will definitely be punished. However, our national TV station will not casually reveal other people’s bad status, you know?

Your entertainment gossip news can indeed arouse the entertainment industry, but as far as our national TV station is concerned, it simply means that we are unwilling to get involved in such things. If you lose your status, you will really lose your status. As long as we deal with those people, we It’s just a loss of status, you know?

So we just want a hot search, that's all, there won't be too many such ideas. If you want to break the news in the future, you can break the news on other platforms at will, but don't drag the national TV station down.

Maybe the big star you broke the news about may have a personal grudge against you, right? So you don’t want to use national television as a weapon to do this kind of thing. In fact, I understand it very well in my heart. All we need is a hot search, a hot search that can prevent Professor Gongsun from breaking out, that's all.

In fact, I don’t think we need to get involved casually with the rest. You can just go about your business honestly. As for reporting big materials or something, there is no need for the time being, at least I think it is for the time being. No such one is necessary.

So, we only need one hot search here, not too many or too big. Of course, I've also listened to your "Da Feng Song". Just listening to your singing a cappella, I think this song is quite good. If it can really get people excited, then it's quite good, right?

If you can make everyone forget about Professor Gongsun, it will have an impact on our four conferences. As for the rest, forget it. Don’t bring Su Luobo out of the mud and point those bullshit knives in the entertainment industry at Chen Guzi. All the rotten sesame things have been revealed, there is no need at all.

During this period of time, I had such a big heart and was unwilling to get involved in such nonsense. Director Huang had enough confidence not to bother to participate in such revelations. Wang Zhaoyuan's status indeed makes him qualified to say such things. "

Ye Ming actually agreed with this method. He was thinking about this method. He said: "If this thing wants to succeed, I can't say that the two of us alone will be able to succeed. If you want this show to be successful, the producers, directors, staff, etc. all need to cooperate fully. If the cooperation is not in place, it may cause some bad effects.

Of course, for this kind of thing, under normal circumstances, we will cooperate in place, but, just in case, right? In fact, a song is more for young people to listen to, doesn’t it just have that sentence?

In today's business world, those who win over young people win the world, so as long as young people are fooled, the rest will be easier. "

At this time, Professor Wang finally couldn't help but said: "Da Feng Chui, that is a famous line written by Liu Bang through the ages, but to be honest, Da Feng Chui, you said that except for the two words "Da Feng Chui", your Da Feng Chui is the same as Liu Bang's. What kind of relationship does such a big wind song have?

It doesn't sound like there is any relationship to me. After listening to it for a long time, I didn't feel that there was much direct relationship between the two. This is a bit deceptive to the audience. "

At this moment, Ye Ming nodded and said: "What about this, it doesn't matter, right? What we want is a sensational effect, and you can't be a teacher for others.

Of course, I'm going to take a look at what hot searches we need to do on this matter, right?

All we need to do is to search for hot topics. I believe that there should be no problem singing this song at poetry conferences. "

At this time, the director came over and asked Ye Ming to ask for the USB flash drive. There was the song of Da Feng Ge that he wanted. It will be broadcast live tonight. If you want it, you must organize it immediately. Then, when the time comes, Ye During Ming's live broadcast, once the topic involves Da Feng Song, then this song must be played at the appropriate time.

President Xu also said: "Okay, Xiao Wang, let's not get involved in this matter, right?

Do we have any other better methods? If you don’t understand something, you can use your own method, right? I will support you, but you don’t have any particularly good method, so just Don't say this casually here, it seems to be a bit of a hindrance.

As everyone has said just now, since Ye Ming has figured out a way, we should not hold back. We have our own way of solving problems, and young people have their own way of solving problems, right? Since others have already figured out this way and even written a song, then in such a situation, we shouldn’t have too many It's too much to ask for. It's good to ask young people, but we can't be too harsh. What we want now is to ask Ye Ming to complete his mission. "

As for President Xu, in fact, he still has a very strong position at this time. In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the tiger, it is a good cat. So, Ye Ming can think of a way to solve the problem.

And the song I wrote, to be honest, is more in line with the characteristics of the Poetry Conference. It can be regarded as a song with a certain degree of national style. Although it is not particularly in line with that kind of national style song, to be honest It's pretty good.

So at least from the perspective of young people, I think this song may still become popular.

Therefore, although President Xu seems to be relatively conservative, in fact, he is relatively strong in exposure to new things. He is a person who is very willing to be exposed to new things. It does not mean that he has reached his current status. , must be old-fashioned and don’t have such a thing.

President Xu prefers new things. He is also willing to discuss new and popular things with young people.

So, at this time, he felt that Ye Ming was pretty good. Although young people tended to cause some troubles, but in his opinion, these were the advantages of young people. Of course, young people are impulsive. Some, otherwise you will become an old pedant, which will be boring.

Professor Wang is just looking for trouble and likes to show his presence.

Of course, he was not aimless, but at this time, you yourself have no better way, why do you deny others casually? Therefore, President Xu couldn't stand it, and just stood up After he came out and spoke with such a clear-cut stance, Professor Wang naturally had nothing else to say.

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