Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3375: Head of House

Lele immediately shook his head and said directly: "Well, you may not have worked with Professor Gongsun Hong. This person is quite cunning. Even if you have evidence, he may not be able to bring him down.

I actually tried my best this time, thinking that I had already graduated and he couldn’t do anything to me, so I think this method worked. I thought it was an unexpected surprise. If it didn’t work, forget it and just treat me as me. I do my best for my fellow students.

I know a person like Professor Gongsun very well, so the key to evidence is evidence. If there is not enough evidence, let alone anything else, he will not admit even his romantic affairs.

So, at this time, I actually knew that I was taking more risks. I just wanted to put an end to this matter and use the influence of public opinion to see if I could teach Professor Gongsun a certain lesson. I didn’t even think that I would definitely Able to move collapse.

The key point is that I don’t have any solid evidence in my hands. Of course, I have also heard that his relationship with some people is not appropriate. This is basically no secret in our school. As long as you find a sophomore or sophomore students above.

Basically everyone knows such news, but there is no evidence. If you know it, you will know it. There is no evidence. This makes people feel very helpless.

So in such a situation, you must provide enough evidence. Think about the things you have done to sue him for corruption and bribery, defrauding the school of research funds, etc., etc., then They are all quite big and enough for him to drink a pot, so in such a situation, he will never admit it easily.

It's impossible without evidence. For example, at a time like this, if we say that he accepted bribes, once it is verified, it goes without saying that he will be fired from the public office, and he will be sentenced to three to five years. It is possible. As long as we make the matter serious, it is not impossible to sentence him to three to five years or something in such a situation. Therefore, it is impossible for Professor Gongsun not to know how powerful our methods of counterattacking him are. He's very sharp, so he won't admit it directly.

He's not that kind of person either. Person in charge, so at this time, we need more evidence. Without evidence, if we say this, Professor Gongsun will 100% sue us. This is for sure.

According to my understanding of Professor Gongsun, he 100% said that we falsely accused him. Falsely accusing him without evidence is actually a crime, right?

For defamation, if Professor Gongsun initiates his own relationship, he might also be punished for defamation. It’s hard to say what to do with this kind of thing, so I thought I needed evidence. Find some evidence about him through some of his connections.

However, I dare not say that I will definitely be able to find irrefutable evidence, which is why I definitely want to wait for a while, at least three to five days, a week or something like this.

After all, if you verify these news, it doesn't mean that you have evidence just because you say you have it.

you say. If there is no evidence, you must rely on facts. Without solid evidence, Gongsun Jiuhou will never admit it. According to his character, he will definitely beat him up.

So, if we directly expose it now, there is a high probability that it will fail. There is a certain truth to it, but let me tell you, I dare to say that I must have such a plan of my own. Although I am not particularly familiar with Professor Gongsun, I have also asked him if he is right.

I have also inquired about such a person from various channels, so I know what kind of character he is. Although I don’t know him particularly well, I still know his general style. You know, for example, he has no way to deal with you. As I said just now, he will definitely deal with your friends or your teachers or something. This is almost 100%, which is why I want you to take action immediately. Any reaction.

If you give him a chance to react, he may attack your friends, teachers, etc. At this time, you must adopt an aggressive stance so that he has no intention of dealing with you. My friend, ask him to focus on you. Of course, since I dare to ask you to do this, he will definitely support you, right?

The things you mentioned about this guy taking bribes, this guy embezzling state funds, etc., are all the charges I told you, right? Since I dare to say this, I will definitely be able to find his evidence. As for you, make this matter bigger for me first.

Make this matter a big deal online and in school first, let the company know about it, and we will understand that if we want to mess with him like this, his attention will be on you, not on your friends or For teachers, this is one of our methods.

As for the evidence you mentioned, I will give it to you. You can do it for me right away when you get back today. Don’t think it’s too late and stop doing it. If you don’t do it, Professor Gongsun may do something small there, so what? , you make this matter bigger first, I will take it back and sort it out, I have some materials in my hand, I think that should be what you want to see, so let’s say tomorrow, I will be there before 8 o’clock in the morning tomorrow Let me tell you some information that I have compiled. Leave your mobile phone with me, and then I will send you this information on your mobile phone.

These are all materials related to Professor Gongsun's corruption and bribery, his use of some of the school's research funds, etc. Since I dare you to use this aspect to deal with him, I will definitely do it. He was investigated.

So, I won’t target without purpose, I asked you to do it. His crimes are enough to sentence him to 10 years and 8 years in prison. I thought that people like him would stop taking bribes and take away state funds. I don’t know the specific figures yet, but I think you can do it directly. I still know the approximate figures, so If the three aspects of sentencing are all together, 4,800 years will be considered a light sentence. Do you know? So, the engineering professor has no chance of turning around. I have the evidence you mentioned in my hand.

But, I need one. I will definitely tell you this news before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will give you all the information and materials I have online. In this case, even if it is a lawsuit, It's the same no matter where you go. Professor Gongsun will definitely be ruined by then. That's for sure. So, in such a situation, you can rest assured. I will definitely not let you care.

Moreover, I will respond to you before 12 noon tomorrow. After all, I am also a judge, right? I am also a judge of the poetry competition. Speaking of which, Professor Gongsun and I are colleagues. I will support you here if you cause trouble. You must believe that the law will not let a bad person go. Maybe the punishment will be late. But, he won't fail, right? "

So, as long as we make the matter bigger and provide evidence, at this time, I believe Professor Gongsun will definitely not be able to escape.

At this time, Lele thought for a while and said, if you had solicited, it would be easier to talk about, but there is one thing I don't understand. You have some evidence from the engineering professor, right?

But if this is the case, you have evidence and you know that the engineering professor is a scumbag, then at this time and that time, why don't you directly sue the engineering professor? Is that right? Why did you come to me about this matter? You can tell me accurately. You are now a famous celebrity, and your influence is much greater than mine.

Ye Ming shook his head and spoke at this time. Is that right? But, you have to believe one thing: your actions and my actions are completely different, you know?

If you go out to become an engineering professor, then under such a situation, it will be regarded as some internal struggles within your school.

Some internal matters within your school and the school's handling of this matter will be properly considered. So the people at the school say that when the school handles the case, they will look at the evidence to see who is right and who is wrong. The school must help the right person, but if I take action, then I will be an outsider at this time, right?

Since I am an outsider, then Professor Gongsun is from the school. What I do is bullying the people in your school. In such a situation, there is a high probability that the school will help Professor Gongsun first. This is It's almost very possible.

After all, I am an outsider, and it is impossible for the school to help me first. Of course, if I have enough evidence, the school will definitely repay me in the end, but at the beginning, the school will definitely choose to side with Professor Gongsun.

So, in such a situation, I can't take action. Although I know that this guy is a member of the National People's Congress, and although I coach this guy with bad character, I can't take action and I can only take action with you.

You are a student of your school. Although you have graduated, you are still a student of your school no matter what, right? It is an internal struggle between you, so you take action. If I take action, it will stick in my stomach, you know? So at this time, I will give you the evidence and let you take action. "

Lele suddenly asked as if he had caught something: "Evidence, I didn't expect it. You have evidence in your hand, but he had another suspicion and immediately asked why you have Professor Gongsun's evidence in your hand?"

Didn’t you say that you just met Professor Gongsun? You actually have the evidence in his hands now, which is somewhat unjustifiable. "

Today's college students basically have a lot of skepticism, and today's college students basically just say whatever comes to mind, without even thinking about having face with the other party. Only those students who have been severely beaten by society slowly gradually After you become tactful, you will begin to learn to speak.

As for Lele, at this time, you unceremoniously exposed some of Ye Ming's lies, thinking that Ye Ming was lying. You had his evidence a long time ago, and you still said that you just met him. This preface is wrong. Yu, how can we avoid making people suspicious?

At this time, Ye Ming said very frankly: "Of course I just met Professor Gongsun, and I even said that today is the first time we met.

Ah, no, we had a meeting with Director Huang last time. It was the first time and today is the second time. I didn’t know Professor Gongsun at all before, and if you think about it, I am from the entertainment industry and he is from the cultural industry. Although our two circles have a little bit in common, most of them have nothing in common. Communicative.

So basically there aren’t many opportunities for contact between his circle and mine. So, it’s very normal that he and I don’t know each other, right?

There is no need for me to lie. The reason why I said there is evidence of Professor Gongsun's crime is because I can find evidence of his crime on the Internet. Nowadays, people with a little bit of knowledge can basically say this.

Basically, as long as you can read and write, it is normal for you to transfer money or remittances online. So, you cannot say that you want a substantial modern person to leave no traces online. Of course you must talk about those old men and women who have never left their rural areas in their entire lives. Oh, then I have no choice but not to make an argument.

Anyway, as long as you are a modern-minded person, basically if you say you can learn to surf the Internet on your mobile phone, can you leave no trace on the Internet? Impossible, right?

Nowadays, as long as you can leave any evidence on the Internet, I will find a way to find it, even me. If so, then I have some friends who are hackers, and they also have very clever methods. They want to collect some criminal evidence of Professor Gongsun. This is very simple. Professor Gongsun is a celebrity and cultural celebrity, although his character is not good. Why, but you can't deny that Professor Gongsun is considered a cultural celebrity in certain circles.

So, it is impossible for a person like him not to leave any traces on the Internet. Since he leaves traces on the Internet, it is impossible not to be detected. I am confident enough, so I am like this I thought that I would integrate these information before 8 o'clock tomorrow. In fact, before the program was completed, I did a little search for the company's professor's information on the Internet, and also asked my friend to retrieve some of his information.

To sum up, I basically understand what kind of person Professor Gongsun is, so at this time, I know that this guy is indeed unauthentic. Otherwise, you think I would be idle. Why did I come to you in such a panic, right?

You and I are not. Are you sorry for me? So, in fact, I took action because I couldn't stand some of Professor Gongsun's practices. Of course, it is undeniable that we have some personal grievances.

But, in such a situation. As for me, I must be his enemy, right? There is a conflict between the enemy and ourselves, so it is very normal for me to punish him at this time.

So don’t worry. You can use some of the information I collected first. Later, I will pass on some more accurate information to you. Before 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, I will send you the most accurate and confidential information. Some of the information will be passed on to you, and then you just have to find a way to deal with it and continue to deal with it, as long as the company accepts it. In a word, you can take action first tonight to gain the upper hand, and then release the evidence tomorrow. Whet everyone's appetite. "

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