Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3371: We need to find another way

Lele said regretfully: "I don't have time. If I have time, I can consider it. If I stay in school to teach or take postgraduate entrance exams, I may slowly consider other ways to deal with it. Professor Gongsun.

But I don’t have that plan. After graduating from undergraduate degree, I think it’s almost the same. If I am such an adult, then I can take the postgraduate examination. To me, okay. Of course, I just say that for me, taking the postgraduate entrance examination is basically a waste of time. Of course, for many college students, taking the postgraduate entrance examination is still a very effective way to change their destiny.

However, for me, there is no big use in studying for graduate school. I go home and inherit the family property. There is no essential difference between whether I am an undergraduate or a graduate student. Basically, I go to school just to accumulate my own connections. , now I have accumulated what I should have accumulated, and what I shouldn’t have accumulated, so I have no plans to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

If I plan to take the postgraduate examination, then I can have enough time to have fun with Professor Gongsun, but I don’t have that much time. Think about it, I will graduate soon, and I have already received my diploma. At this time, I am no longer a student of this school.

Then when I try to think of ways to deal with Professor Gongsun, some of my hands are too long. So, I think I want to take the opportunity to get a big one. This is reasonable, right?

You said that there is another way to deal with Professor Gongsun, but I think that another way may not be effective, but I don’t want to see Professor Gongsun go unpunished, or It means that the company's salesperson is so directly enjoying this kind of treatment that a scum like him should not enjoy. I think that a person who has done something wrong will always be punished, so it is for this reason that I did not choose a more gentle approach. I also used the gentle approach to deal with him slowly, which was always There is a chance to get it done, but I don’t have the time, you know? Basically, I don't have that time.

Moreover, if I leave this matter to other junior students, they may not necessarily have the courage, because they still want to take the postgraduate entrance examination and change their lives.

So in such a situation, I think it would be better for me to handle this matter myself. As for Professor Gongsun, anyway, I find it very unpleasant, and I just want to do it after I graduate from university. At that time, if I get rid of him now, then my merits will be complete.

In any case, I was also a student of this school, and I was also a student of the student union. As for the junior students, many of them actually admired me.

I don’t want to leave a scumbag like Professor Gongsun in the school and pretend that nothing happened. If that’s really the case, I feel that I feel a little sorry for the junior students. Trusted.

In fact, I also know that engaging Professor Gongsun in this way may cause unnecessary misunderstandings between the school and the TV station, and may even lead to irreversible misunderstandings.

But alas, I can’t control so much of these things. At least I think that in such a situation, it is the best opportunity I can seize. If I don’t seize such an opportunity, then I think I will never be able to find a similar and better opportunity in the future. I can indeed think of other ways to deal with Professor Gongsun, but I think this one I made is the fastest and most effective way. .

If you say that such a method is not very suitable and we can think of other ways to deal with him, what would you say?

I once thought about dealing with him on tax evasion or personal style, etc. So at such a time, you should think about what kind of method is more appropriate to deal with him, that is to say Use a slower approach to deal with this scumbag.

Of course, strictly speaking, your method must really and effectively hit Professor Gongsun, rather than causing him some minor troubles. In this case, you don’t need to speak out.

What I want now is a very effective way, a very effective way to deal with Professor Gongsun in the short term. It is best to just give him a stick and knock him down, so that he will never have the possibility of turning over.

Of course, I admit that my cheating on him was indeed due to personal factors. This guy once plotted against me. Of course, there are many teachers who have educated me, but many of them are sincere. I feel sorry for this guy. Teacher Zhong is still very respected.

However, Professor Gongsun only dealt with me for his personal interests. If you think about it, he did not educate me out of loyalty at all, but just to clean up the trouble I caused.

Do you think I can let him go easily in such a situation? I admit that there is such a conflict between him and me. It is impossible for us to live together forever. However, the conflict has reached the point of being almost irreconcilable. I estimate that in the past four years, this It is impossible for engineering technology to forget me in 8 years.

I offended him so badly. After the first time we broke up, I basically never gave him any face. Under such a situation, he was able to give me such a chance, directly Just go on TV and do a show.

I also admire him very much. Originally, I didn't think of a good solution, but. Since he went on TV to do a variety show, even if the Poetry Conference is a cultural variety show, it is still a variety show after all, which gave me a chance to take revenge on him.

So, in such a situation, I think it is more appropriate for me to expose it directly in front of the TV, and let him die socially, which I think is more satisfying. One thing.

Of course, I thought it might be a matter of recording and broadcasting. The TV station would definitely edit it, but it might not be able to achieve my effect by then. I even secretly went in with a pinhole camera, and I gave some of the footage to Recorded.

Anyway, in the end, it was just right to release these scenes. No matter whether the TV station edited out my scenes or not, I could still take revenge. But I didn’t expect that you would come out and settle this matter in the end.

This is something I didn't expect. Anyway, the most effective way I can think of is this way. Especially if the TV station changes to live broadcast, I think I will be more confident. It's bigger.

Anyway, at this time, I no longer have to give face to Professor Gongsun. I even said that I dare not give face to the national TV station. They have the ability to ban me, and I don’t rely on them to make a living, right?

So in such a situation, it is reasonable for me to face Professor Gongsun. What should I say now? It's basically too late to say anything. If you want to deal with Professor Gongsun, you have already alerted him.

Anyway, I don’t have any better way at this time. You said we should find other ways to deal with him. Then think about what you can do and let me listen. If there is a better way, I won’t Do you mind continuing to work hard to take them away, leaving a relatively peaceful space for our school and a good learning environment for my juniors and juniors? As a senior, I, as a former student union The members of , can basically do this step. "

At this time, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Indeed, if you go by what you said, then Professor Gongsun said that he is indeed a scumbag, but at this time, okay, I won't say much else. Well, you've said almost what I want to say, and you've almost said what I don't want to say. Let's deal with Professor Gongsun. Let's talk about this issue.

It can be said that I am not very familiar with Professor Gongsun. We even had some conflicts due to the recording of the program. It can be said that the two of us have a common enemy, but in such a situation, This method of yours is indeed too drastic. It is a relatively drastic method for you to use this method against the school, the TV station, and even the audience in front of the TV infrastructure.

If you have a better way, I can actually use it. I’m not saying that you have to use this radical approach that seems drastic. If there is a better way, of course I hope to use a better way. right? "

Lele nodded, naturally admitting that his actions were a bit extreme.

At this time, Ye Ming felt that there was a basis for the discussion. He nodded and said: "Of course this is the situation. I said to use other methods to avoid such a big and direct conflict, because this kind of thing Sometimes learning also depends on luck. Whether you can really make things big is not necessarily true.

For example, this time he actually broadcast live. If it was recorded, then your little game of making trouble would not have much impact at all. Anyway, when recording live, which shot is not important, you can keep it After that, these TV station people can directly take charge of the matter.

Your video is just one-sided evidence. It’s not easy to make a big fuss with isolated evidence, and it’s even harder to use it to bring Professor Gongsun down. "

Lele said with a smile: "Perhaps God is helping me, the program has been changed to a live broadcast. If it is broadcast live, then I can basically say and do what I want to say and do. come out.

So in such a situation, they may say that there is more responsibility than I think. In fact, this is also the case. I can choose other methods, but the effect is relatively poor and the effect is slower.

This time, if it weren't for you, I think I could at least teach Professor Gongsun an unforgettable lesson. But this time, it's a bit unreliable to say, or I think it's not at all impossible things. "

Ye Ming, at this time, said with a smile: "Why don't we use other methods? Other methods that are more suitable?

That is to say, your method of making Professor Gongsun die socially is more drastic. The effect may be better, but it is more drastic. The final effect achieved may be the same as what I said, or even worse than mine. What's the solution?

My method, of course, requires some risks, but whether it is a risk, whether such an effect is good or such a result is good, it is completely different from me. At least that is what I personally think. I think so. , we can let him die socially on the Internet. Do you think if it only involves a professor's character issue, how much impact will it have on his career?

This opportunity is impossible. As a matter of character, it only allows Professor Gongsun to be condemned by his conscience and condemned by some fans of his work. So in the end, how should a company professor work? , it’s the same truth no matter where it is.

Letting him be ruined, I think, is the most appropriate thing for him. So, I think letting him die socially allows him to silently learn the lesson he deserves.

I think this is a very good result. At a time like this, I think the first method is to use the Internet to make him die socially. For example, the things you do are basically the kind of social death, let him be ruined and disgraced. He deserves the punishment he deserves. but

Yes, these are just insignificant to him. Even if you make him notorious, if the school doesn't deal with it, he has no other choice. So, at this time, let him do it. The company demands social death, which is the first step.

How to let the school deal with Professor Gongsun, this is the second step, and the other is to make him really become a street rat, everyone shouts to beat him,

As for you, you can directly adopt this method. You don't have to pay a big price yourself.

The method you used is indeed a bit drastic. I think my method would be better and more appropriate, because you made the matter so big, and Professor Gongsun didn't receive any particularly substantial punishment in the end. In that case, it would be a bit confusing. .

These methods of yours happen to not have too many catastrophic punishments for Professor Gongsun. So, I think in such a situation, you should carefully consider this issue. Do you want to let Gongsun The professor regretted making him cry.

Rather than saying that using this method will only cause a certain loss to his reputation, some people don't care about these public opinions at all, so you have to use a more effective method. "

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