Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3351 Is it unexpected?

Because of the incident with White Lotus, Ye Ming moved to another community.

This matter has caused a stir in the entertainment industry for a few days, but as a result, the popularity has naturally subsided.

And in the midst of this, a piece of news that was not big or small came out, that is, the movie shot by Ye Ming actually got the Dragon Award, and it was so sudden, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, Ming's film was sent for review, but there was no news for a long time. Except for Ye Ming, basically everyone else thought that Ye Ming's film might be dangerous.

It doesn’t matter whether this film will be passed or not, just let Ye Ming wait. That means delaying it indefinitely. So, in fact, there is a saying in the circle, that is, Ye Ming’s film. , I got stuck. It is estimated that it is impossible to get the dragon label and go to the cinema.

So under such a situation, everyone felt that Ye Ming's film was originally supported by the Berlin Film Festival, and many stars wanted to participate. For this reason, they called through the back door to participate in the film. As a result, if It would be a bit depressing if this movie could not be released as originally planned.

So, at this time, there are some different voices in the entertainment industry. They say that Ye Ming is just lucky at most, or that he is now young and has exhausted his talents and cannot make good enough movies. , so it was not approved.

It can be seen that it was a fluke that Ye Ming won the Best Actor Award at the Berlin Film Festival, and this time, the fact that his nightclub box office has such a high box office may be because he encountered a suitable opportunity. There are no big competitors and no imported blockbusters. There are no domestic blockbusters, so it is just luck that the nightclub has achieved such a high box office at this time, not how good Ye Ming can shoot it.

The entertainment industry is so realistic. If you can ensure that you are always on the rise in the entertainment industry, then naturally under such circumstances, no one will mess with you casually, and no one will step on you casually.

But a star, who was originally on the rise, suddenly fell from the clouds with a thunderous thunder. At this time, sometimes many people are still willing to do things like adding insult to injury.

For example, Ye Ming's movie this time has not been censored, so different voices will naturally come out. Moreover, Ye Ming has many friends and enemies in the entertainment industry, because Ye Ming has been in the limelight recently. It's so good, so no one wants to provoke him.

Even Ye Ming's enemies were temporarily dormant.

After all, Ye Ming is now popular. It is not a wise choice to look after a popular star. Therefore, even if he has Ye Ming's enemies, he is not willing to touch Ye Ming's brow casually at this time.

But I didn’t expect that a second movie director would be suppressed by the superiors and not even say not to give it to Long Biao, so this means that there may be some leaders above who are not particularly satisfied with the film. At this time, naturally those Ye Ming's dormant enemies naturally began to inflict insults on Ye Ming.

Unexpectedly, just when everyone was having a good time, the leader announced that Ye Ming's movie had already received the Dragon Award and would be released at the appropriate time.

So at this time, those who accuse Ye Ming of not being capable enough and unable to control some news about a real crew are a bit slapped in the face.

Originally, those people thought that Ye Ming's nightclub shooting looked like a stage play and did not show his ability as a director. So, at this time, Fut Ye Ming is a good director, so many people are not convinced. At least at this time when Ye Ming was in a period of decline, everyone wanted to steal this incident to condemn Ye Ming, and even said that they wanted to step on Ye Ming and rise to the top.

So, in such a situation, there are many people who belittle Ye Ming, but now that Ye Ming’s second movie has been reviewed and passed, a certain time will be chosen to release it. So at this time, everyone Naturally, many people began to change their voices of criticism into voices of praise.

The entertainment industry is such a realistic place. If you can become popular, your friends will be all over the world. For example, because of this situation now, it actually means that a considerable number of people in the entertainment industry can change themselves at will. Some opinions, that is to say, many people are just outsiders.

There is not much of one's own sense of right and wrong.

So in such a situation, what Ye Ming actually encountered was just a small splash in the entertainment industry.

Of course, in such a situation, everyone will naturally pay attention to one question, that is, since Ye Ming's film has been censored, at this time, when can it be released?

When will Ye Ming arrange the release?

Basically there are two periods, one is 51, and the other is the summer period.

Basically, these are the two periods when movies are more suitable for release. Therefore, everyone is concerned about which of the two Ye Ming chooses to better meet his own needs at this time.

However, some reporters who did not interview Ye Ming at this time also analyzed one thing, that is, what kind of film Ye Ming's movie is and when will it be released? Did some analysis.

Some professional film critics have analyzed that the possibility of Ye Ming's film being released on May 1st is not particularly high, because on May 1st, time is relatively tight.

At this time, if the film has not completed post-production by then, it will really not be released by then, which will be troublesome.

Of course, don’t think that being awarded the Dragon Mark proves that post-production has been completed. In fact, the film sent for review is basically just a rough cut version. A rough edit can help everyone understand this. Stories will do.

This does not mean that after it is sent for review, the film will be truly completed.

In such a situation, if we simply pick up a version and send it for review, and then after the review is passed, we will make modifications based on the opinions of the leaders above, and then refine this matter, it will be very A normal thing.

So, just because Ye Ming's film has received the Dragon Award at this time does not mean that its post-production has been completed.

So in such a situation, how should we divide this matter?

That is to say, depending on when Ye Ming chooses to finalize the film, you can probably deduce whether his movie is truly fully produced.

That's why the author of the article commented on Ye Ming's movie. The possibility of it being released on May 1st is not very high, because there has been no movement from Ye Ming's side. There is no official announcement that this movie will be released on May 1st, and it will be released on May 1st. If the film is eaten in a hurry, then under such circumstances, the possibility of releasing it on May Day is not particularly high.

So, the article analyzes that there are two periods for Lenin's movie to be released recently. One is the May Day period. The May Day time is tight and not suitable, so the only remaining period is the summer period.

Even students are on vacation during the summer, so the number of people watching movies will increase at this time. Screening at this time is also a good choice. Therefore, there is a high probability that Ye Ming’s movie will be available on mobile phones. Used on.

However, at the end of the article, there is also an analysis of one thing, that is, whether Ye Ming's movie will be released during the Spring Festival. Of course, the author of the article does not dare to say that it will definitely be released during the Spring Festival. He just said that there is a little bit. possible.

So this article also analyzes some things from various angles, for example. Qin Shi's expectations for this movie.

These are summarized by some information revealed by Ye Ming himself when promoting the movie. Therefore, many movie fans feel that when Ye Ming chooses the schedule, the summer schedule should be a more suitable choice.

Of course, the May Day schedule is also possible but unlikely, unless Ye Ming's movie has been produced.

At this time, Ye Ming's film was actually not fully post-produced, and indeed what was submitted for review was only a simple, roughly edited version.

It is not a complete post-production version, so after getting the dragon mark, Ye Ming will be relieved. I found two professionals to work together on the final editing of the film.

To be honest, it would really be inappropriate to let Ye Ming edit by himself. Professional people would do the professional work. So, he found two helpers, but what about these two helpers? See, at this time, it was Ye Ming himself who suggested what shots to keep and what shots to eliminate, and let the staff complete it.

Anyway, the post-production of the movie is in progress in an orderly manner. Ye Ming also understands very well that if it is released on the 51st schedule, it will indeed be in a hurry, and the publicity work has not completely started, so in this way In one case, if you choose the 51st period, it is actually not enough.

Therefore, Ye Ming has actually decided that the film will be released in the summer. As for the article speculating about the May Day release, this is also an issue that Ye Ming thinks is unrealistic.

For example, now that the filming of the movie has been completed, it would be a good choice to release it earlier. At least it can quickly collect funds.

Moreover, Ye Ming also believes that domestic blockbusters and foreign blockbusters will definitely be indispensable during the Spring Festival. Ye Ming believes that his movie cannot be regarded as a blockbuster, so if you go to the Spring Festival stalls at this time, you may not be able to do so at this time. What a good result.

So, under such a situation, since Ye Ming is not rushing to go to the Spring Festival, it is very normal for the film to be released in the summer at this time.

It happened that at this time, Ye Ming was working hard to edit his movie. Director Hu Sandao called and said: "Yi Zi, we have a poetry conference here. Originally, we invited an A-list star, but that There was a little accident on the celebrity's side. He was overseas and wanted to fly back.

In the city where he was, it was raining heavily and the plane couldn't take off, so he couldn't come back.

At this time, we cannot come back according to the prescribed time, but the recording time for the swearing-in ceremony has also been set. In addition to these celebrities, other guests and players, the schedules have basically been set, and everyone has Already here, all at the hotel.

Well, some celebrities cannot come at this time, and it is impossible to make everyone wait for them. However, because of the weather, the plane cannot take off and they cannot come back on time to participate in the recording work. There is no way of.

After all, under normal circumstances, even the most stringent contract will have such a clause. For example, if the contract is broken due to force majeure factors, then both parties will bear their own losses.

Basically any contract will exclude the factor of force majeure. If not, it will be a real overlord clause.

The weather happens to be one of the factors of force majeure.

So, the A-list star didn’t intentionally not want to come.

This is indeed an unexpected surprise. "

National television is not something that can be played casually. If there is not enough reason, he would not dare not to come. Since he has already agreed, he will definitely come.

There must be enough reasons not to come.

Invitations from national television, or invitations from some national television channels, you don’t have to agree to, or the release schedule is not suitable, or you can say that you have been feeling unwell recently and need to rest, etc. Anyway, as long as you have enough reasons.

You can shirk not agreeing to the invitation for a national television program, but once you agree and sign the contract, it is impossible not to come under such circumstances.

Unless you have a good reason not to come, for example, for this celebrity abroad, the weather in the city where they are located is very bad and is not suitable for taking off, so it is impossible to fly to the capital on time.

If this is the case, someone must be found to replace him at this time. Hu Sandao recommended Ye Ming to replace the star in the recording of the poetry conference.

Originally, Ye Ming didn't want to agree, because Ye Ming was also busy here, and the final editing of the movie had not been completed yet. At this time, he didn't want to be distracted by other things. After all, his movie was the most important thing.

This movie was the foundation for him to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, at least for a short period of time.

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