Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3341 Poor people must be hateful

Ye Ming's words shocked everyone at the scene. It was the first time that everyone heard so clearly about the relationship between Mingyue and the sponsored college students, and it was the first time that everyone heard the analysis clearly.

Yes, right is right and wrong is wrong. Weakness is not the reason to turn wrong into right.

Ye Ming then said: "It's the same as what you said. He didn't commit a capital crime and he didn't break the law. There's no problem with that. He did not commit a capital crime and he didn't break the law. If he really broke the law, then it's not just me." Instead of posting something to condemn him, he said that he would be handed over to the public security organs or even the courts to deal with it according to law.

So, now this matter can still be controlled within a certain range, that is because we can only condemn this sponsored college student from a moral standpoint, because he has not broken the law, right?

So we can only condemn him morally. So when you said give him a way to survive, when he did that, did he ever think about leaving a way for himself to survive?

He has his own hands and feet, and he doesn’t have to worry about his tuition and living expenses, so why not go work by himself?

His family is quite tense, and he is considered a poor person, so if he goes out to work part-time at this time, he can relieve the pressure of his parents' life, right?

As a college student, he is already an adult. In such a situation, you don’t want to work part-time in your spare time. Instead, you think that the sponsored person can help you with more money for your consumption and entertainment. Why?

Are the sponsored people your parents? Are Mingyue his parents? No, right?

In fact, even if your parents have limited funding for you after you go to college, you have to rely on your own labor in exchange for your own living expenses. This is a responsible, ideal, educated, and moral college student. , This is a real college student. Only such college students can become the pillars of the motherland in the future. And this sponsored college student has a psychologically distorted view. I am weak and have no money. That is my reason. I want to Receive more funding, no, I want to tell you that such an idea is wrong and very dangerous.

Your lack of struggle is your reason. Nowadays, some young people in society are nibbling on their elders. They are nibbling on their parents, right? However, this sponsored college student just gnaws at the subsidized person and gnaws at Mingyue, hoping that Mingyue can provide more funds for his consumption. However, when his request is not met, he posts to slander Mingyue. Insult and abuse Mingyue's reputation.

Such a person is a villain and deserves to be condemned. What he does is wrong.

Therefore, so many people on the Internet condemn him precisely because most people on the Internet have conscience, most people have ideals, most people are self-reliant, and most people know what they want to do. If you want to have a good life, you need to fight for it with your own hands.

Funding from others only solves your temporary difficulties. If you want to live a long, happy and beautiful life, you have to rely on your own hands, right?

Everyone must be clear about this issue. Weakness is not the reason for you to make mistakes, and poverty is not the reason for your excessive demands. Failure to work hard is the most sad and deserving of condemnation.

I am very pleased that after becoming sophomores, the vast majority of college students will use their spare time to work after their studies are stable. They go to extremes in their thinking, thinking that others support them, they think that they are cheating on their elders, etc. These are their ways of living, but I can tell you that these lifestyles are wrong. "At the press conference, there were actually many reporters who just wanted to hear some harsh words from Ye Ming, and one person who was honest was quite satisfactory to everyone. He did say a lot of harsh words. , But, after everyone looked at the records and thought about it carefully, Ye Ming's harsh words were all justified.

Whether it is from a rational or legal perspective, it is tenable. So when it comes to such a thing, there is almost no blackout. Since there is no blackout, there is nothing we can do.

Fortunately, Ye Ming said something harsher at the end.

At this time, he stood up at the end of the press conference and said: "Today, this press conference is quite satisfactory, but I can see that some people have ulterior motives. But I It’s understandable, after all, it’s your job to be a reporter, and I can understand that you want to find the newspaper where the news comes from and read the articles you wrote.

However, I hope that everyone will report to this press conference with an objective, fair and impartial attitude. We write these entertainment reports from a neutral standpoint. There may be some personal touches, but please know that black is black and white is white.

Black can never be said to be white, and white can never be said to be black.

I believe that in this society, most people still have the ability to distinguish. In addition, this college student is an adult, he is no longer a child, so he has to do what he has said and done. Responsible, at the moment he posted the post, he should have thought of how much damage this post would cause to Mingyue if posted.

You must know that Mingyue is his sponsor and benefactor, and you have not asked him to repay him. After all, this is a good deed. Mingyue has not reported on this issue at all, so he has not said how to ask this college student to repay him. .

However, at this time, it is inappropriate for you not to repay your kindness, but to harm your benefactor. This is contrary to traditional virtues.

Adults always have to pay for what they do. So, don't say that this college student is weak. If that's not the reason for his misbehavior, he will have to pay the price for what he did wrong.

Next time I encounter something like this, I will still stand up. Whether it is Mingyue or other people in the entertainment industry or other people in society, after encountering this kind of thing, I will still stand with the reasonable people. I stand to express my voice. Anyone who encounters this kind of repayment and feels wronged can tell me, and I will do my best to help him stand up.

I believe that the vast majority of people in this world can distinguish right from wrong.

I believe that the vast majority of people in the world will be on the side of Mingyue like me.

As for the sponsored college student, I can only say that I'm sorry. You have to bear the consequences for what you did wrong. The corresponding consequences are not targeted at you by everyone. It's not that anyone deliberately oppresses you, but you. You did something wrong, and this is the price you have to pay for growth.

No one can have smooth sailing, no one can succeed casually, OK, goodbye like this. "

Before leaving, Ye Ming did not forget to decide this matter directly and die here, without giving the college student any chance to make a comeback.

After Ye Ming's press conference, online public opinion suddenly took a huge turn.

You must know that Ye Ming's influence in the entertainment industry is quite impressive now. He has appeared in the Spring Festival Gala and won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. As a director, he has made a hit movie and made a fortune, which makes ordinary people think... Unimaginable box office.

At least at this stage, the traffic of naming has even exceeded the top traffic of those little fresh meats, so Ye Ming's words also made many people start to rethink this issue.

After everyone thought about it, Ye Ming was right, but what this college student said and did was wrong.

You are the one being funded, so it’s okay if you don’t repay the favor. However, if you repay the favor and directly describe your benefactor as a character like Huang Shiren, that’s a bit too much.

As for the university where this college student is located, the leaders have also expressed to the outside world that they will investigate this matter, and then give everyone a proper explanation at the appropriate opportunity.

Of course, this may be a statement or a rebuttal from the university official. They may not think about how to deal with their students, but it is true that they have done something short in educating their students, at least in terms of ideological and moral character. This is something he cannot do as a teacher in the university.

As for whether they will be willing to deal with their own students, it is difficult to say.

After Yan Ning held this press conference, you also called quickly and said, does Ye Zi need to mobilize troops and mobilize people like that?

You even held a press conference directly, making it look like something big had happened, and half of the entertainment industry was alarmed by you. At this time, half of the entertainment industry was indeed alarmed. One was Ye Ming's own influence,

After all, now Ye Ming is going to make a movie that is sponsored by the Berlin Film Festival Organizing Committee. It can go to the red carpet of the Berlin Film Festival to a large extent. So, many stars hope to get a feeling from this movie. Role,

At this time, supporting Mingyue from Ye Ming's standpoint is a more effective method. Of course, even if you can't get any roles from Ye Ming's movies, at this time, you can do it with Ye Ming at this time. If you have a good relationship, that's a good choice. If this movie doesn't work, maybe there will be a chance in the next movie.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having a good relationship with Ye Ming. Of course, having a good relationship with Ye Ming is one aspect, and also at this time, many of these celebrities have done charity. Almost all celebrities in the entertainment industry are not stingy about doing charity.

Mingyue's experience made them think of themselves. If they encountered similar problems while doing charity and met someone who repaid kindness with hatred, what would be the consequences of such a situation? Would it be possible to say that in such a situation, can everyone really meet someone who knows how to be grateful every time they do charity? No one can guarantee such a problem.

So at this time, since Mingyue has suffered such injustice, they stand up and speak out for Mingyue, so after this happens, if they encounter similar problems in the future, other people will also speak out for themselves. of.

Therefore, by the end of Ye Ming's press conference, it can be said that it alarmed almost half of the people in the entertainment industry, caused a stir, and directly made the headlines of hot searches.

As for the college student who repaid kindness with enmity, I dare not say that he was criticized by many people. Anyway, he has become the kind of rat that everyone shouts to beat. At least everyone knows that this college student will be worthy of most people in terms of character. People are suspicious. If this is the case, such people will definitely be affected when they work in the future.

After all, this incident has caused such a big fuss. When he works in the future, it is impossible for his boss and his boss not to investigate his background. In this case, he may be hindered in finding a job in the future. There are some comparisons. Jobs that focus on character may close the door to him.

For example, teachers, financial practitioners, lawyers, etc., there are some professions in various industries that attach great importance to moral character. At this time, the door will be closed to them, which is quite detrimental to their future development. .

Ye Ming, however, said very simply: "I can't stand this matter, you know?

It’s not a big move. I just asked a few reporters to hold a press conference. But in fact, I didn’t expect so many colleagues to stand up and support you at the beginning. That’s because you stand on On the side of justice, you are on the side of positive energy, you know?

If you do good deeds, you should be praised, and you should be praised well. Of course, you are unwilling to talk about this matter or do good deeds. Everyone who is being publicized knows that it is your problem, but you It is indeed a good thing for people. You think I may have funded one. At that time, because the economic conditions were not very good, I did not fund more. So, you are not willing to publicize this matter everywhere, but so on. What you did was wrong, so I can't watch you being bullied like this.

Don't worry, just do your job. What should you do? I guess it's almost over. If there are any more things to come, don't worry, brother, I will still help you and do it steadily. Just make your own living. "

Mingyue said with a smile at this time: "It's great to have friends to help in this industry. Originally, I was planning to go to the crew of Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, but in the end, I was delayed by this matter.

Come on, now that this matter is settled, I'll go over first and don't let people wait. After all, I signed the contract. If I really don't go, I might have to pay a lot of money. Now the matter is settled. , then I can go to the crew of Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque with peace of mind.

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