Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3335 Character Design

Guan Zhilin was flushed, and left with a face as satisfied as a peach. He got what he wanted, and of course he was leaving at this time.

Besides, with Guan Zhilin's good looks, nowadays, there are so many advertisements and notices, so she won't waste her time casually. Follow your instructions and make more money while you are young. It was obvious at this point that she was unlikely to become a golfer.

Because he actually has a new goal now, to become a big star. As for whether he can become a big star, let’s not talk about it for now, but according to Guan Zhilin’s conditions, as long as he doesn’t commit suicide, he can be a big star in entertainment. The circle basically belongs to the kind of people who can quickly enter the ranks of big stars.

As for whether Guan Zhilin can become a superstar, it's hard to say. If you are a superstar, it depends on how many representatives you have. It is definitely impossible for a Thirteenth Aunt, and more representative works are needed.

On this point, Guan Zhilin chose to hug her thighs. At least at this stage, it seems to her that Ye Ming has a relatively big thigh. From Guan Zhilin, it seems that Ye Ming can write songs, novels, and film and television projects. Base, at this time, the connections are also very good, and the age is similar to myself.

Therefore, in such a situation, if Ye Ming can be held tightly, it will be very beneficial to his own development in the entertainment industry at this time. Even if he can hold a thigh like Ye Ming tightly, then By then, I will be able to survive in the entertainment industry very smoothly.

Therefore, Guan Zhilin's personality is also very cheerful now, and he does not like to love money as much as he later became. After all, he has not been beaten up by the entertainment industry. After that, he was the Three Beauties of Fairy Sword, and then he found Ye bright.

If you meet Ye Ming, it can be said that as long as he doesn't clear the screen, it will be certain.

Therefore, now that Guan Zhilin is in the entertainment industry, he has a backer and is not the kind of newcomer who is easily bullied.

If a person has a backer and background in the entertainment industry, it can at least ensure that you will not be bullied and can compete for more roles and announcements under the same conditions.

Ye Ming is such a shrewd person. Of course he can see that Guan Zhilin wants to hug his thigh at this time, but he is also very happy to do so.

After all, Guan Zhilin now belongs to that kind of very pure little girl. She has just entered the entertainment industry and has not been blinded by the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, at this time, Guan Zhilin was at the peak of his life. The collagen on her face and her peerless appearance further highlighted her growing beauty.

Another point is that Guan Zhilin now has a kind of silly and sweet personality. In the past, it can be said that his own personality has not been independent in the entertainment industry. This kind of personality is Whether it can continue to be saved depends on the situation.

Just like this time, before leaving, Guan Zhilin complained: "Director Ye, we have decided on this matter. Don't fool me casually. You did that when you were filming Black Mine." Throw me aside.

At this time, you must think that when I was in the dark pit, you actually found someone else. If you said that the heroine in the movie "The Black Pit" is so great, I can do it, right?

The key is that I haven't encountered such an opportunity. You can't fool me this time. You said that I will be assigned a role this time, so in such a situation, you can't fool me casually. |”

Ye Ming laughed loudly at this time and said: "You little girl, you are still jealous of Mingyue at this time. How can you be jealous this time?"

First, this movie is not my movie, it is directed by Li. It is also his business to choose the actors. I am just recommending it. It is not the director who has the final say.

And secondly, you have to look at the character in this matter, right?

With a look like yours, if I give you the role of a prostitute, can you perform it? Do you have that kind of acting skills or what? right?

As for Black Mine, in fact, this movie is not suitable for you at all. Even if there is a role, it is not particularly suitable for you, so at this time. If I didn’t recommend you, that’s normal, right?

You were simply not suitable for the role at that time, but this time, there will definitely be a role for you this time. Don’t worry about this. Since I have promised you, I won’t change casually and go slowly. I will tell you in advance when it is turned on. "

Guan Zhilin's words made Ye Ming shake his head after hearing this. This girl is indeed a silly person. This is not to say that silly girl was given by the company, but that Guan Zhilin himself is now It is at such a stage.

Of course, is it possible that there are experts in their company who have learned from the silly and sweet personality of Gao Zhilin? So at this time, Ye Ming felt that it was not forced on her by the company, but maybe it was Guan Zhilin's true performance. .

Anyway, Guan Zhilin is very happy to have such a character now, because with such a silly and sweet character, he doesn't have to worry about his image deliberately. This is very important, because as a person, When a celebrity is in front of the camera or in front of the princess, he must take good care of his image, right? Either he is a creative talent, a singer-songwriter, or an idol, etc. Anyway, in front of the public, he must be very cultivated and considerate, and he cannot be stingy. This is not interesting. Yes, although it is possible that some celebrities are stingy and stingy.

However, at least you have to be very generous and upright in front of the public. It is very difficult to maintain such a person before the persona collapses. Unless your persona is a true performance, otherwise you can maintain a persona. It is very hard for good people to set up a positive personality. If you are not careful, your personality may collapse.

However, if you are a silly person, you basically don’t need to maintain any necessary conditions, because sometimes you can be forgiven for serving food in public or speaking without thinking. of.

Because it is a silly and sweet persona, people will easily forgive you if you make a little mistake. Of course, there is a very important condition for maintaining a silly and sweet persona, which means that your appearance must be very good. .

Your appearance must be above the average level in the entertainment industry, but if you can't exceed the average level of ordinary people, that won't work either.

Appearances that exceed the average level of ordinary people are considered average in the entertainment industry. Therefore, you have to exceed the average level of appearance in the entertainment industry to build a silly, sweet person.

Of course, the better you look, the easier it will be to maintain your silly, sweet persona.

Guan Zhilin belongs to the kind of person who is rewarded by God for his food. People and their looks match up well. Now his silly, sweet person and his appearance are perfect. His appearance is like the kind of person who is rewarded by his ancestors. .

So, her personality is very beneficial to him now, and he also met Ye Ming.

At this time, Ye Ming has enough ability to be his thigh. In this case, his development direction will be more in the direction he wants, instead of trying to please anyone.

At least it seems to Guan Zhilin now that as long as he can maintain a good relationship with Ye Ming, then at this time he feels that it is not a big problem for him to change to at least a front-line position in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, when she heard Ye Ming say that he would leave a place for him in the new movie, she was very happy in her heart. Now that he is such a silly and sweet person, it does not mean that his agent gave him a place. , but his current true performance.

She is now a newcomer to the entertainment industry who is relatively simple and unscheming. She is like Guan Zhilin, Li Jiaxin, etc. These people are all money worshipers. Are they born to worship money?

Impossible, this needs to be changed the day after tomorrow. So Guan Zhilin may be a little bit vain now. Young girls are like this after all. Who doesn’t want a brand-name bag and who doesn’t want to wear that kind of brand-name clothes? Right? This is ordinary. The human nature of girls,

She has not yet reached the point where she worships money very much and regards money as very important. As long as she has money, she can exchange it for anything, including herself. He has just entered the entertainment industry and has not reached that stage yet. He has not been entertained yet. He was severely beaten by some unspoken rules in the industry, so at this time, Guan Zhilin should be at the stage where he is happiest and at the peak of his appearance.

If you want to choose a vase, then Guan Zhilin is definitely one of the best choices.

As for Guan Zhilin being jealous of Mingyue at this time, of course. After all, Mingyue's film Inside the Black Mine won an award at the Berlin Film Festival.

And it is the work of actor Ye Ming, so it is normal for the civet to be a little jealous at this time.

Well, at this time, Ming Yue's life is actually not particularly easy. Of course, Ming Yue is already a first-line star, so his life should not be particularly difficult, unless he goes against the company. At least now I would rather not have any plans to go against my own company.

Moreover, the company is highly supportive of her, so it is said that a star of Mingyue's level will have the opportunity to reach the top line. However, she does not have the qualifications yet. When the time is right and she becomes a first-line star, it will not be a big problem.

If there is a good performance field and there is no possibility of trying to achieve a super first-line status, so as long as such a star cannot afford the thought of leaving the company, any company will treat it as a treasure.

Now it can be said that Mingyue and their company are in the golden period of cooperation. Everyone is very satisfied with each other. Mingyue has no hope. What good resources does his company have? They all follow Mingyue to choose Mingyue. The rest will be distributed among other actors.

So at least so far, there is no possibility that he and the company will break up or file a lawsuit. So, normally a star like her should make an announcement. If there is an announcement, If you want movies, there are movies, TV series, and TV series. Ordinarily, your life should be more nourishing.

But under such a situation, Mingyue's life is not particularly good at this time. Among first-line celebrities, Mingyue seems to be almost a joke now.

As for this, the reason actually started from the movie Black Mine.

Making a movie like Black Mine was more or less a plan to help his friends. However, in the end, Yue Ming invited him to the Berlin Film Festival. In the end, he would rather go because he wanted to go. After all, it was for himself. My good friend stood up, but Mingyue's company stopped the matter, saying that the schedule was not suitable and did not let Mingyue go.

As a result, Ye Ming's film directly won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. Therefore, in the domestic entertainment industry, Mingyue and Mingyue's company have become a gambler. A typical case.

It is clear that the heroine of the movie Black Mine is Mingyue, but as a result, it is Damimi who walks on the red carpet with Ye Ming. The key point is that Damimi, does she have any role in the black and red movie? Almost nothing, just a poster.

This poster has been a hot topic in the domestic entertainment industry for two days.

Because, it is said that the local domestic reporters who went to Berlin together heard the news that the staff of the Berlin Film Festival were unwilling to let Damimi be on the red carpet. As a result, she and Ye Ming almost got into a fight because of this matter.

The staff of Berlin Electric insisted that Damimi was not involved in the black mine, right?

Therefore, I was not qualified to walk on the red carpet with the owner. As a result, one of them directly took out the poster that flashed in the movie.

This scene left the staff speechless. A poster of yours is also a poster. The key is that the staff of the Berlin Film Festival never expected, good guy, why would you, a leading actor, create such a poster?

That was of course because Ye Ming had a good relationship with his best friend, so at that time, Ye Ming felt that the camera side was relatively blank, so he made a few posters of Da Mimi, and the result was fleeting.

Anyway, even if it is a poster, it means that Damimi participated in the filming of the movie Black Mine. There is no doubt about this. This shot proves that Damimi and I, not to mention this movie, are related. , not to say that it has nothing to do with it at all.

Even if it's just a shot, and it appears in the form of a poster, he is really considered to have participated in the filming of the black mine movie.

This is also an unspoken rule in film history. For example, even if a person has a photo, only one shot is retained in the movie. As long as one shot is retained, this person is considered to have participated in the filming of the movie. However, there are starring roles, supporting roles, and others. A supporting role, such as one with only one lens, is basically a supporting role. For example, if a poster like Damimi participated in one scene of the movie Black Mine, then she basically belongs to a tool person. But even if Damimi is a tool person, she really participated in the movie Black Mine. The movie got made, there's no doubt about it.

But Mingyue, the heroine of the movie Black Mine is not as good as a tool. The tool girl Damimi, how can I put it, also participated in the red carpet program of the Berlin Film Festival. As the heroine, Mingyue He actually didn't go, and it was said that Mingyue's company stopped him from going.

This good guy immediately became a hot search topic, making you look very embarrassed.

Of course, at that time, Ye Ming's film was shot by Director Li. The underground film company did not allow Mingyue to go there because of the company's considerations. So even though you were a little unhappy when you mentioned this. .

However, he did not complain about his company, but in the entertainment industry, agriculture has been exposed and secretly laughed at for a while.

Of course, at this time, it would be nothing if it was just this piece of news. However, later something happened on Ye Ming's side and he was banned. Ordinarily, according to the relationship between Ye Ming and Mingyue, Mingyue would come out to support him at this time. According to Ye Ming, this is natural and no big deal.

After all, the two are good friends. It is normal for you to come out to support Ye Ming as a friend. However, Mingye's company feels that Ye Ming has been banned by two of the three major entertainment companies this time, and It was these two companies that joined forces with other companies to block it.

Ordinarily, in this state, Ye Ming will most likely be banned, and there will be no possibility of a comeback.

So, Mingyue's company considers its own interests. Originally, Mingyue should have gone out to support Ye Ming, but at this time, Mingyue's company stopped Mingyue from issuing announcements or posting blogs to support it.

As a result, things were very obvious in the end. Ye Ming immediately broke the circle and directly broke the ban. Now, Ye Ming can be said to be the most popular traffic in the entertainment industry, even if he is the fourth son who has returned to China. The traffic volume cannot keep up with Ye Ming.

After all, the things that Ye Ming has done are impressive to colleagues in the entertainment industry. However, the more this happens, the more Mingyue will become a joke to others.

You and Ye Ming were still good friends, but Ye Ming was banned, but you had no intention of delivering a speech. Regardless of whether it was the company’s intention or yours, you didn’t do anything when Ye Ming was in the most dangerous and critical moment. When support occurs, it means there is plastic friendship inside.

This made Mingyue even more embarrassed, so now Mingyue was very unhappy with him. It wasn't a particularly smooth life.

It can be said that Mingyue has become the most sympathetic A-list star in the entertainment industry. After all, her company helped her step on two thunders in a row, and they stepped on the same person.

This person is also a good friend of Mingyue. This is not a plastic friendship.

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