Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3333 I believe in Director Ye

As one of the most popular artists in the entertainment industry, Ye Ming can even be said to be one of the most popular.

Well, his popularity in the entertainment industry can even be described as unparalleled, because he managed to win such an honor as Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. After returning to China, he quietly used very simple and very cheap means. It took a lot of money to shoot a hit movie like Nightclub, and it was able to break through quickly after being blocked.

Some reporters even used the title that Ye Ming carries half of the entertainment industry, sneaking into such an incredible title to describe an artist like Ye Ming.

So just in terms of popularity and influence, Ye Ming has indeed reached the peak of his life recently, at least the peak of his own life.

Ever since he announced that he was going to make a film in collaboration with the Berlin Film Festival, he has already completed the work of breaking the wall of his own ban. At this time, no one can block him, because even if you have banned movies and TV series Variety shows and other jobs and invitations, then Ye Ming himself can also pull up a crew.

And this crew is definitely not lacking in the participation of stars, because many stars have expressed interest now, but now there are only two of them, one of them has been affirmed by Ye Ming, one is Da Mimi, and the other is Wang Xiaoshu Yi Ming has announced such a decision through his agent Yaya.

Yaya said simply that Ye Ming would assign two roles to these two good friends in his new movie.

Obviously such a move is to thank the two of them for their selfless help and selfless support of Ye Ming when Ye Ming was banned.

As for Damimi, she also looked very excited during the interview and said, "Really? I didn't receive a call from Ye Ming. Where is this guy Ye Zi?"

He is still the same, there is nothing to say about loyalty. In fact, when I supported him before, it was because I knew what kind of person he was.

I know what kind of character Xiao Yezi has. Just because I believe in him, I support him. We have been friends for more than a year or two. We have been good friends from the beginning, and we have been good friends until now. You said I don’t know who this person is, right?

How I feel now, I think, Xiao Yezi is too polite, that is not necessary. As for him inviting me to play the main role in his movie, it depends on the schedule and the company's arrangement. If the schedule is suitable, it should be no question.

What, if my schedule is not suitable and the schedule is not suitable, wouldn’t it be over if I ask Xiao Yezi to adjust it for me in a few days? right?

With my relationship with Xiao Yezi, it was just a matter of phone calls for him to adjust my role for two days.

You said that I terminated the contract with our company. This rumor is completely false. I am very relaxed in the company now. I think if I continue to stay in the company, it will also be beneficial to my personal development.

Of course, in order to allow me to have better personal development, maybe I will continue to cooperate with our company in another form, but no matter what, I will not leave the company, this is very sure.

Well, so it should take a while for everyone to get the results of the official announcement from me and the company. Please pay attention to the official announcement from me and the company at that time.

The final result must be that the company and I are very satisfied. There is no problem with this. I am very confident in our company. Our company is a very warm and caring company. I will stay here. , just like staying at home. Even if I don’t pass anything, I still like to come to the company and sit down, right?

So I have feelings for the company, and the company also has feelings for me. Our continued cooperation can be described as a matter of course. So, you don’t have to worry about me leaving the company. This is impossible to happen.

As for this guy Xiao Yezi, I really don’t know what kind of script he has in mind. I only know that he has two scripts in hand, and of course there must be more than one.

I estimate that he is currently choosing which script to film. I can tell you privately that you have a piece of gossip about Xiao Yezi. Do you know that this guy has obsessive-compulsive disorder?

If you tell him one thing, he will work very hard to do his best for you, but if you ask him to choose to do one of two or three things at the same time, then it may take a certain amount of time. Only when you have enough time can you choose what you are willing to do.

So, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder of choice. Therefore, I don’t know what kind of movies he will make. All I know is that he has more than one notebook in his hands.

So if you ask me now what script Xiao Yanzi is going to shoot, I really don’t know. We need to discuss this issue next time we meet.

If that little Ye Zi is going to film school soon, I estimate that he will implement this matter as soon as possible. Let's see then, right?

I am still very relieved about Xiao Yezi. As a director, he may be a little immature in his techniques, but his enthusiasm, his talent, and his meticulous work attitude are all worth it. We appreciate it.

The most important thing is that he has a keen ability to judge market conditions. For example, how much money does he make from the movie Nightclub now, right?

I don’t know, I really don’t know about this, but I think it should be a huge amount. After all, the box office account has not been settled yet? right?

Of course, this guy will give me a big red envelope. This is for sure. He once told us when he was in Shaxian County that if this movie really makes money, the director will give everyone a big red envelope without hesitation.

Of course, he has given it more than once in the group, but as for the small number, I estimate that he should give a big red envelope at the next gathering to celebrate. Xiao Yezi also made it clear before, He said that he would definitely give a red envelope that he would not give.

It definitely won’t be like what is said in the group, just send a red envelope directly in the group, and everyone can grab a few dozen yuan of tea money and that’s it.

Since Xiao Yanzi said he would give a red envelope, then in such a situation, he would definitely give a red envelope that would surprise everyone. As for when to give this, it depends on the situation. Now my job is to promote the third part of Fairy Sword, and of course I will invite Xiao Yezi to promote it too.

After all, he was also involved in the TV series, right?

As for whether he has a schedule, it might be hard to say if someone else invites him over, but I think as long as I invite him and invite him to promote once or twice, he will definitely cooperate. This is definitely not the case. question.

His sister will definitely come, so he must have said that he did not take the initiative to quit the entertainment industry. Is this a correct statement?

After all, she didn't admit that she was in the entertainment industry, so before, she just took a break and gave herself a small long vacation, but now.

She also returned to the entertainment industry? Come back? Don't use the word comeback. He never left or said goodbye to the entertainment industry in the first place. He is just back from vacation to participate in the promotion of his own work, Sword and Sword Part 3.

We, the Three Beauties of the Immortal Sword, will definitely merge into one, there is absolutely no problem with this.

Yes, now is a time when everyone is promoting Fairy Sword 3. We will focus on asking questions about Fairy Sword 3. As for other questions, try not to ask them at this time, right? "

Now, when Damimi was interviewed by reporters, she had already answered the questions with ease. What's more, Damimi had already known before. If she met a reporter while promoting Sword and Sword Part 3, the reporter would be She must have asked such a question about Ye Ming's new script, so she was already prepared in her heart.

She didn't really care when reporters asked questions, because she already knew the answers.

So, when faced with reporters' questions, Da Mimi was not worried at all. Instead, she felt that reporters gave her less time. In this case, she might not have an advantage in publicity.

In fact, Damimi sometimes feels that reporters should ask more questions about Ye Ming. However, think about it, this is the promotion period for Sword and Sword Part 3, so she has to take care of the boss's mood. . As for Wang Xiaoshu, he was still blocked by reporters at this time.

However, Wang Xiaoshu has a special status. He is not a newcomer in the ordinary sense. He is the prince of one of the three major entertainment companies.

It can be said that Wang Xiaoshu is in the entertainment industry, which is basically no different from playing tickets, because people are not in the entertainment industry to make more money, but they really like the entertainment industry.

It is estimated that Pharaoh had no choice but to agree. After all, when Wang Xiaoshu debuted, he did not return to his own company at all, but debuted in another company. This made Pharaoh almost angry to death.

Now that children and grandchildren have their own blessings, Lao Wang is too lazy to stop Wu Xiaoshu from coming here to fish in troubled waters.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoshu's status in the entertainment industry is relatively transcendent. Although he is a newcomer, and he has not had any major masterpieces so far, but behind him, he needs money, money, and people, so Well, people in the entertainment industry are really just for fun.

This is a mentality that most new second-generation people have. However, after all, Wang Xiaoshu still has ideals in his heart and wants to make a career. As for whether he can achieve it, that is another matter.

However, he has this idea. He said that he would return to his home company in the end. There is nothing he can do about it. The matter has been exposed. If he is still a trainee in another company, he will be beaten by his father. Face.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu himself knew very well that if he wanted to slap his father in the face, he would receive crazy revenge later. Even if it is his own son, when I was a child, I felt that I was beaten by his father. This is absolutely possible. One thing.

For Wang Xiaoshu, this place really makes her feel like a fish in water.

Even if you want to suppress Wang Xiaoshu, it is basically not a trick.

And in fact, reporters may be more rude to other newcomers and will definitely try their best to find out all kinds of privacy. However, for second-generation stars like Wang Xiaoshuo, especially top-tier second-generation stars, Then some methods cannot be used casually.

Otherwise, it will easily lead to serious consequences in the end, which is also impossible.

Wang Xiaoshu, like Liu Tianxian, also has a backer, so it is even more impossible to besiege Wang Xiaoshu. They can even besiege Lao Hu and Damimi. In this case, they may be the first to win. It's time to receive some exciting news.

However, for Wang Xiaoshu, there is no such thing as being directly chased for interviews. Of course, he has to face such a thing in interviews, but it depends on whether Wang Xiaoshu is in a good mood or is promoting a movie or TV series, etc. Certain changes will be made if this is required.

At this time, Wang Xiaosong himself seemed very enthusiastic when facing reporters' questions.

This surprised many reporters. According to Wang Xiaozhu's current status in the entertainment industry, it is possible that he lost his temper and acted like a celebrity. But now it is just that Gao Xiaosong's expression when facing reporters can be seen. After coming out, Wang Yongshou has improved now, unlike before when he was fighting reporters.

Now Wang Xiaoshu is slowly learning to interact with reporters.

At least Wang Xiaoshu faced so many questions from reporters and reporters who came to inquire about Ye Ming. At this time, Wang Xiaoshu seemed very calm.

This was not a normal press conference, because Wang Xiaoshu did not ask everyone to come. The reason why so many reporters came was to block Wang Xiaoshu, hoping to get some information from Wang Xiaoshu.

So, at this time, the reporters also asked several questions. Wang Xiaoshu hesitated and said: "About Ye Ming, actually, we have a feeling that we don't know each other without fighting.

Sometimes, I find that real-name authentication is actually very magical. Ye Ming and I can only say that the two of us have common hobbies and common goals. In fact, the two of us have a common characteristic.

Maybe you don't know that we all hope to do our job well and do our best with our best efforts, and we will not make do with it. So, in such a situation, I actually... I think it’s natural for Ye Ming and I to become good friends.

Of course he invited me to participate in his new movie, which surprised me. I haven't received a call from him yet, and he didn't tell me about it.

Maybe it’s because you asked too much, so he couldn’t help but announce that Damimi and I would participate in this movie.

I guess by this time, you will know about it sooner or later. In fact, everyone should be able to think that Ye Ming had no choice but to break the wall this time.

However, I can tell you that this incident is just the beginning. Those who banned Ye Ming are absolutely irrational.

Ye Ming and the others actually don't have any ambitions. This is similar to me. Both of us are not particularly ambitious people. We just said that we were pushed back and put them in this position. .

Of course, I will definitely participate. There is no problem with that. As for when the filming will start, because what kind of movies the celebrity will shoot, it depends on his own ideas.

I think Ye Ming is a very thoughtful film director. Although he is still a very young director and may not be particularly experienced, he has a lot of imagination, right?

He understands us young people very well because he is a young man himself. Therefore, he knows better what young audiences need to see and what content they like to see. This is a very advantageous point.

And I believe that as Ye Ming's second directorial work, his experience will be richer, so I am still looking forward to his second work.

I am actually very happy to be able to participate in the second film directed by Ye Ming. Of course, I also participated in the first step. You didn't notice. Of course, I only made a small cameo when filming in the nightclub. Role.

You can find it yourself. Anyway, I participated in the nightclub shooting.

So when it comes to Yeonmyeong's second movie, I definitely won't miss it.

And I believe Ye Ming's second movie should bring us surprises.

Just like the songs written by Ye Ming, the songs written by Yiming will always bring surprises to everyone. So, I believe his second movie should also bring surprises to everyone like the first one. .

Are you talking about whether our company will cooperate with Ye Ming? Of course, if necessary, I think there is no problem. All of this can be discussed. Of course, it depends on Ye Ming's own thoughts, right?

At present, I only know that I will participate in his second movie. As for what role I will play in the middle, whether our company will cooperate with Ye Ming in this movie needs to be discussed later, but, I believe If we rely on the good relationship between our company and Ye Ming to cooperate, there will be no problem at all.

I believe in Ye Ming's movies. Although I haven't gotten the script that Ye Ming gave me yet, I believe that he will be able to dedicate a wonderful movie to everyone.

In any case, Nightclub is also a rare hit movie, so everyone has to believe that Ye Ming's second movie will be even better than Nightclub.

Of course, it all depends on what kind of movie Ye Ming will choose to make. As for my schedule, I am a singer, and I want to be a singer more. Acting is my hobby. If there is a good job, I will take it. If not, I will become a singer. If the singer does not do well, I will go home and take care of my dad's company. There is no way around it. "

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