Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3353: Explain it clearly to him

Ye Ming took Zhao Yazhi and Yaya to see the house. The homeowner also has a strong desire to sell.

Therefore, he also cooperated very well with the intermediary when making phone calls, and directly cooperated with Ye Ming to view the house.

The landlord is an old man in his 60s and a native of Beijing.

Looking at this courtyard house, although it was renovated, there is nothing to say about the historical relics, but the renovation is also antique, and it can be integrated with the surrounding buildings. It can be seen that it is a house renovated by experts.

What kind of bicycle do you want? If you have a yard to buy it, it’s already pretty good.

Ye Ming was quite satisfied.

When the landlord looked at the house, he complained: "Actually, everything is for my daughter. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to sell this ancestral house at this time, but there is no way, my daughter I don’t plan to come back when I’m abroad.

Therefore, I can only sell this house and let him buy a bigger house outside. I can be considered worthy of him. "

Ye Ning also understands the pitiful feelings of parents in the world. He said casually: "Uncle, if you sell this house like this, do you plan to move abroad to live with your best friend in the future or what?"

The old man who sold the house was also an optimist. At this time, he laughed twice and said: "How can I go out of the country at my age? Besides, I have lived in the capital all my life and I don't want to go out.

I also have a house somewhere else, a house assigned to me by my previous employer, so from now on I can just live there.

As long as my daughter is fine abroad, then everything is fine for me. Anyway, this thing will belong to this girl sooner or later. If she wants to sell it, she can sell it. "

The landlord is not a person who likes to find trouble. At this time, Ye Ming looked at the house and liked it very much. It was a rare and rare good house.

The key is that the lots are scarce, especially those that are complete and have no property rights disputes, and there are even fewer historical rental disputes.

Apart from the price, everything else is perfect.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Okay, I think your house is okay. I like it very much. I won't say much else. Your price is a little more than the average price around you." The price is higher.

Well, you see, I won't say much more about the price of the house, 19,000. If you think it's suitable, we can transfer it.

You can go to the housing management bureau today to go through the transfer procedures. According to your requirements, there will be no problem in clearing the property.

Well, if you think this price is not good, then our business is not worth it, right?

Until then, you continue to live in your house, and I will continue to see if there is anything suitable elsewhere? Let's just make friends. "

The old man was a little reluctant to sell the yard. When he saw Ye Ming bargaining like this, he thought about it, oh, there is no other way, and his daughter was also very anxious.

On the other hand, I have met a few customers, and they are quite satisfied with it, but the other party's bargaining is too aggressive, and the old man will not be satisfied at all.

Ye Ming, in fact, was quite generous, that is to say, he just lowered the price by a thousand yuan, and he was considered a conscientious buyer. At least it is a conscientious buyer compared to the previous ones.

So, at this time, the boss also thought about it and said: "Okay, then I will give in 19,000, but there is something we must make clear first. I have already made it clear to the agent that my house It needs to be settled in one fell swoop. It’s a one-time settlement, and you can’t get a loan or anything like that. I can’t afford to wait for that time.”

At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said, "Okay, that's no problem.

As for me, I just have some time now, so let’s go to the Housing Authority to go through the transfer procedures. "

It was straightforward, back and forth, less than half an hour, and for about 20 minutes, Ye Ming was looking at the house.

The little girl in the middle was also very puzzled. Good guy, he has been taking people to look at houses for more than a year or two. He has been doing this for three to five years. As a result, this is the first time he has met such a generous person. Guest, this is the first time to meet such a generous host.

The buyer asked you to sign and the seller asked you to sign directly. The seller asked for full payment. As a result, the buyer agreed to pay the full amount without any ceremony.

Okay, this time the agency girl met two generous people.

The business is done, and the commission will make the little girl laugh in her dreams.

The next transfer procedure is basically a fixed process, sign the contract, and then Ye Ming directly transfers the house payment to the agency company's account, and then everyone goes to the housing management bureau to go through the transfer procedures.

The old man also handed over the keys very politely. The agency was very considerate and offered to change all the locks. This is a complimentary service provided by the agency.

Regardless of this small service, it also reflects the purpose of this service company to put customers as God. No one can afford such a courtyard house without the money, and it is not short of the money at all, but Well, Ye Ming feels that it is not unreasonable for this intermediary company to become bigger, and the information aspect is very well thought out.

In the future, when buying a house, you can focus on their company.

After the people from the locksmith company changed all the door locks, Ye Ming took all the keys and looked at his yard, nodded and said, "Not bad, not bad, you can buy such a house in such a location. , it is indeed a very worthwhile investment. This house is not only an investment to live in, it can be said to be very worthwhile."

Yaya, who was still in a dream at this time, glanced at Ye Ming and said: "Boss, then you said that in such a situation, this house is yours. Why do I feel that if you buy a house, it will be yours?" Ordinary people go buy a refrigerator, a washing machine, etc. It’s too easy. In less than a day, you can buy a house right away. The box office share has not been paid yet.”

As for Ye Ming, he held the key and jingled it twice. When he heard the crisp sound of the key, he said cheerfully: "Yaya, you don't understand this matter, do you know? What is this called? This is called scarcity. The location, if you think about it, you can live in this house, and you can go to the main square just by taking a walk. Think about what kind of location this place is, right?

A core location within a core location.

Not to mention that there has not been a yard like this for more than 10 years.

Let me tell you, even if it is a house, he does not offer much. Basically, after it is listed, the transaction will be completed very quickly, especially for a courtyard house like this, if it were not for the fact that the owner must demand the full payment and the price. It is relatively high, otherwise it would not be in our hands.

So, this kind of thing is also to avoid long nights and dreams. If you don’t take action today, you may meet someone who really likes the yard tomorrow, and you may be able to get 20,000 yuan, you know?

So since I have taken a liking to this house, I can just sell the house quickly. What do you think there is to bargain with?

Moreover, this house has also been renovated, and it is more suitable to live in. Unlike those courtyard houses that have been preserved from old age, and the water and electricity are not very good, this house has been renovated, and it is repaired. It's as old as ever. It was probably renovated according to the previous style. However, the water, electricity, heating, natural gas, etc. inside are all very good, making it very suitable for living.

So, this can be said to be a move-in with your bags. Then you can buy some household necessities and so on, and then you can move in directly. Then think about what a suitable house it is. What are you waiting for?

Whether you buy a house for investment or live in it yourself, as long as you like it, everything else doesn't matter.

This time it was more worthwhile, so we started a little faster, don’t you believe it?

Otherwise, those rich people are not short of money at all. A price of 20,000 yuan seems relatively high, but in fact, compared to such an area, this is not a very high housing price. As for money, it doesn’t matter if the box office share is not collected. I’m not just waiting for the box office share to live my life.

Of course, it would be more enjoyable if I had a share of the money, but if I didn’t have it, it wouldn’t stop me from investing in buying a house. "

Later, he calculated the price of the courtyard house at 100,000 yuan. Will Ye Ming tell Yaya?

If you tell them, they won't believe it, so a woman must feel that she has made a profit. If she buys a house in Feilong Lane at this price, and it is a newly renovated house, it seems that the owner of the house has a certain amount of money. Energy.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be renovated. Then, now. The people from the department store directly delivered the furniture, quilts, etc., and then installed them. It was a brand new home.

On the second day, Ye Mingcai left with Zhao Yazhi and Yaya. Yaya hurriedly ran out like a frightened rabbit.

The boss and his sister had been working hard all night, but I could clearly hear it from the next door. Anyway, I felt that the boss was indeed young and had very good physical strength.

It's like he took the subway and left alone. At this time, Zhao Yazhi kicked Ye Ming and said, "You don't care about the people next door. I think Yaya must have been up half the night yesterday, tossing and turning.

He must have heard everything. The little girl didn't know what she was thinking.

Maybe it’s not necessarily true that I am laughing in my heart. "

Ye Ming was really very sure when he said: "That's 100%, the sound insulation of this house is not very good, right? It's impossible not to hear it, right?

Besides, it's impossible for him not to hear these things just from your movements. As for the little girl, it's normal for her to have her own thoughts in her heart at this time.

Things are happening step by step, but I think it can be seen from his reaction yesterday that he is also very enthusiastic. If he can be as enthusiastic and proactive as you, then this matter will be more interesting. Yes, but this has to be done step by step, slowly cultivating feelings. Sometimes it depends on fate.

For example, in the case of you and me, it doesn't mean that we can get together because of fate. These things are just like that, anyway. As long as everyone can accept this kind of thing in their hearts.

Besides, the little girl has already joined this industry. If you think about it, now that he has joined our industry, he may say that he is guaranteed not to encounter such a thing. That is almost impossible, unless he has Liu Tianxian background, or the export-to-domestic-sales model of the returning four sons.

With a big financial backer like Liu Tianxian able to protect him, the Four Returned Sons caught everyone's attention on the monks from outside who knew how to recite sutras, and they were really good-looking, so they became popular.

There is absolutely no problem with Yaya's appearance, but there are many people in the entertainment industry with good looks, but those who can succeed are very few.

So, since as an artist you want to join this industry, you should now understand what it is like in this circle, right?

In fact, people with exotic amorous feelings like my maiden’s family are also very popular. Anyway, as long as he can survive, he will be successful one day. But in his case, you have to meet other people. If he doesn’t Suffer several losses.

It is almost impossible to break out without going through some severe beatings from society, but it is different when he encounters this. He will definitely take care of it properly. We are not the kind of people who eat everything. The master who refuses to admit his fault.

Anyway, I think. Everyone just needs to keep some things in mind, and Yaya should gradually understand this kind of thing.

Forget it in the entertainment industry, didn’t you introduce her here? Just tell her some things and let her understand that he is indeed very lucky to have joined our company in our entertainment industry.

Going back, you can talk to her and enlighten him. Anyway, just give her a hint. By then, sooner or later, you will not be able to escape from my Wuzhishan. "

Zhao Yazhi thought about it and it was indeed the same. After all, she was the one who introduced her and she must be responsible to the end. Therefore, she nodded and said, "Okay, no problem. I will give her a hint about this matter. I think Well, these girls are also smart people. Needless to say, they want to pay a certain price to be able to get involved in the entertainment industry.

He should know this very well in his heart.

At this time, we arrived at the office of Ye Ming's company. This house was also a property owned by Ye Ming, an office space reserved for his company. Although Ye Mingcheng's profit was a bit like a leather bag company,

There are only three people in the company. As the boss, he has two employees, Zhao Yazhi and Yaya. Yaya just signed the contract. The company of three people has almost 500 square meters, which is already a very big one. Office space,

It is also clearly stated that it is a space reserved for the company, and the company will slowly expand in the future, so 500 square meters can only be said to be a preliminary scale. Then think about a large office environment of 500 square meters for three people. This is a quite large office environment.

So. It seemed so empty here, but after turning around, I immediately found it. At this time, Yaya might still be in a daze there thoughtfully.

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