Entertainment Empire System

Chapter Three Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Three: Stay Steady and Stay Away

When many people mention Da Mimi, their first impression is that she has a good figure and is beautiful. Of course, this must be a factor. As one of the few female stars in the entertainment industry who can stand out from the crowd with her figure.

Damimi, she does have a good figure, but her acting skills are actually quite good.

It's not that Damimi's acting skills are so good and impressive, but at least her acting skills are very good. What kind of expression is required for the character and when the expression blooms can infect the audience. Mimi's is indeed very good.

At least if you put her in the overall lineup of female celebrities, she won't stretch her hips.

This time the shooting was the same. Da Mi Mi’s performance was very stable as always, and the shooting was also very enjoyable. I had to shoot all my scenes in 5 days.

You must know that Tang Xiaolian is the heroine of this drama. The heroine's scene was actually filmed within 5 days. This is such a fast result.

In fact, until the filming of Damimi's scene was completed, she still had the feeling of arriving at the precious land for the first time. Okay, I have finished filming now.

After the secret filming was completed, Ye Ming said. At this point when her own role was completely over, Damimi's mind suddenly went blank. Who am I, where am I and what am I going to do? It was such a confusing, general feeling.

Then, Da Mimi immediately said: Let's settle the matter of Ye Zi first. I’m not saying that your happiness in shooting is not good, but I think it’s somewhat inappropriate for you to shoot so fast.

You seem to have a child's play when making movies, as if you do it completely according to your own feelings. I think you must have a professional attitude when making movies, but you really do act like a child. Just like playing house. I feel this is somewhat inappropriate. "

In fact, the entire crew felt that Ye Ming's shooting speed was relatively fast, and they felt that the quality of the movie would not be particularly high. However, other people did not have the courage to say it. After all, Ye Ming was the boss, so he said Well, at this time everyone knows what to say and what not to say.

But, Da Mimi is different. Da Mimi and Ye Ming have known each other very early, and their relationship is very special. Therefore, Da Mimi doesn’t have too many scruples when speaking. , basically it’s the feeling of saying whatever comes to mind.

Unfortunately, as the boss, Ye Mingming didn't take it seriously at this time, because Ye Ming actually already had the entire drama in his mind, so he had a very clear contrast in his mind as to whether this shot was suitable for the drama. Whether he passed or failed in one go, he actually already knew what he was doing. If he were to imitate a cat and imitate a tiger, it would be strange if he didn't do it too quickly.

After all, this is copying homework, so it seems normal to him to say that the speed is faster, and this movie is similar to a stage play, and basically does not need to change the plot, so it is faster to shoot. of happiness.

If you always have to change scenes and plots, such as shooting indoor scenes, or shooting outdoor scenes and need to travel to various parts of the country, then you will waste a lot of time on the road. However, this movie is directly Just take the photo in the supermarket, there is no need to go anywhere else.

At worst, when you need to shoot street scenes, it’s no problem to go outside and shoot this.

Therefore, this film was filmed very fast, which actually proved that he had slowed down. However, Ye Ming himself could not explain this explanation, and others would not believe it.

So, Ye Ming was very solemn at this time. In fact, he explained very patiently: "As for this matter, I know you have this kind of doubt, but you haven't said it out yet. Moreover, everyone also thinks that this drama The shooting speed is actually very fast.

But, think about what kind of movie our drama is, right?

This is a movie similar to a drama. Think about it, if a drama is two hours long, will the audience give you the time to NG? Will the audience give you the time to start over? Basically, no.

This is one of the reasons why drama actors have a very high status in our entertainment industry, because drama requires a strong foundation in acting. Basically, every mature drama actor's acting skills are at the level of a big star, so don't worry about them. How famous is he? His acting skills must be at the level of a celebrity.

Why? It is precisely because the drama must complete the specified performance within the specified time.

The same is true for our drama. You can view our drama as a drama. If you view it as a drama, our shooting speed will be relatively slow, right?

If you think about it, the performance will be finished in two hours. It has been five days of filming and it has not been completed yet. Doesn’t it feel like we are too slow? If you look at this film as a drama, it is actually relatively slow.

Of course, the script of this play has already been formed a long time ago, and it was not conceived in a day or two in my mind, so of course we know exactly what I mean when it comes to the feeling needed to express this play. .

Therefore, at this time, I know in my heart whether your performance has achieved the effect. If it achieves my effect, I can decide whether it is a pass. Facts have proved that our filming was indeed relatively smooth.

And in fact, speaking of this drama, everyone has read the script, and has also studied the character background of each character and other aspects. So let me ask you if there are any parts in this drama that particularly need to be exaggerated.

Of course, there were occasional emotional outbursts two or three times. One time, she said that she knew her lottery number, but the landlady got it wrong.

There was another time when the robber had an emotional outburst. Basically, these two were considered emotional outbursts. For the rest, each character just acted according to the script, and there was no need to express any special emotions.

So, our play is actually not particularly difficult to perform. Basically, as long as Lao Xu and Uncle Da can handle their emotions well when they burst out, it will be OK, no problem.

And it turns out that the acting skills of Lao Xu and Uncle Da are indeed very superb. They are very good at handling such small outbursts of similar emotions.

So we shoot our scenes faster. There is no express delivery. After the shooting is completed, we will post-produce it. Then I contact Wang Xiaoshu and ask their company to help us promote and distribute. Of course, we ourselves also need to promote and distribute, and we will be beating the drums on the side. This is one reason why I set aside funds.

By then, I hope this drama will be liked by the audience and have a good box office. Whether a play is a good movie does not mean whether it was shot quickly or not. Think about that place in Xiangjiang back then, Lao Wang shot a play in a week, right?

He's a famous fast shooter, so if we shoot a movie for five days, it's not particularly fast when you think about it, right?

We haven't finished filming yet. We just said that we have finished filming Damimi's part of the scene. Then we still have other subdivisions that need to be filmed. According to my calculations, after we film the rest, The scenes of the movie also took about 5 days.

Originally, I planned to finish shooting this movie in half a month, but I estimate that we can shoot it about four or five days in advance. The speed may indeed be slightly faster according to the original plan.

However, I think the quality is definitely no problem. As for Damimi, the time was tight this time and the tasks were heavy. I would be very grateful if someone came to help, so I filmed his scene first.

After all, there is still a crew waiting there, so our shooting speed in the past two days has been a little bit faster, so we have rushed so little. The remaining time, when we were shooting the rest of the scenes There is no need to be so nervous.

Because I think other people don’t need to be in a special hurry, right? We can slow down a little bit, but even if we slow down, I think there will be almost the remaining scenes. In 5 days we It can also solve the problem. This drama can be shot in about 10 days. "

As a result, after what Ye Ming said, everyone began to feel that Bird Food was easy to explain. It seemed that the filming time could be completed, and there seemed to be nothing unacceptable.

After all, we are all people who have watched dramas. The expression form of directing dramas is performed directly on the stage in two or three hours. This requires actors to have very good acting skills.

And thinking about the movie I shot, Goodfellas takes place in a supermarket, and there are no special scenes that need to be arranged. So, at this time, every actor just needs to act according to the script.

Moreover, the director also explained that as long as the meaning expressed is similar to the original meaning of the script, it is very rare for the actors to be able to fulfill their own requirements. Basically, in all the movies and TV series we shoot, Directors are all required to follow the script and memorize their lines, but Yan Ming just tells everyone that as long as you think it is beneficial to your performance, you can modify the lines, as long as they are similar to the original lines.

Therefore, when filming, you don’t have to worry about memorizing my lines. Anyway, as long as everyone's meaning can be expressed and the lines are exactly the same as in the script, it's absolutely fine.

So, the pressure on everyone is very small. In this case, everyone’s performance speed will be a little faster at this time. It seems that it is not difficult to film the scene of Da Mimi in 5 days. .

And in fact, everyone has finished all the scenes of Damimi, and the rest is time to shoot other people's scenes. Because today’s scene with Da Mimi was shot relatively quickly.

Therefore, the time to finish work today is also relatively fast. Therefore, Ye Ming waved his hand very happily today, indicating that he can finish work as soon as possible today.

Today was also the day for Damimi to return. Ye Ming drove Damimi directly to the airport, and Damimi also drove her agent and assistant directly to the airport and asked them to arrive at the airport. The airport is waiting for you.

When giving Damimi a ride, Ye Lin drove a huge RV. Although the store would not drive this kind of RV, there seemed to be no problem in giving Damimi a ride in the RV. If she drove another car In fact, when it comes to car vibrations and other things, this kind of thing may be relatively obvious, but if it is a RV, this kind of thing is actually very difficult to detect.

After all, an RV is an RV, so where does the size of the RV fit in? And when it comes to the privacy of the RV, etc., it is also quite good.

Da Mimi's rosy face straightened her clothes and got out of the RV.

Then he turned around and said, "Zi Zi, you should take it easy. Don't be so unscrupulous just because you are young."

After Ye Ming walked out of the RV, he also said with a smirk on his face: "Ah, you are a different person. Why didn't you say that when you sang Conquer just now, right?

Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem. Our body is still young. Well, there is no problem at all that you are worried about. If you sleep, you can be full of life again.

In fact, I should have the most say in how my body looks like, so when you say this, it’s just a little bit of Versailles. "

Damimi was also very helpless. She rolled her eyes at him and said, "You are as shameless as a city wall, but you still have capital.

However, you really care about you so much that you don’t even know how to deal with it. You should pay attention to yourself. You have to be busy with the crew and messing around. Anyway, I think a person’s energy is limited, at least When working on this movie, you need to be a little more restrained and not be so blatant and unscrupulous, right?

You can take care of the rest by yourself. I have to rush to the scene, otherwise the company will definitely be unhappy. This new drama of yours will be a box office success. If the box office is sold out, remember to give me a red envelope. "

The direct request for red envelopes is because the relationship between the two is so good. In fact, if it is really a box office hit, it is basically a practice in the entertainment industry to give a red envelope to some of the creative staff of the crew. , but those who ask for red envelopes from the producer and director in person must be very close people like Damimi and Ye Ming.

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