Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3337: Be Prepared

The next day, Ye Ming went out alone again, without his manager following him. Now he was more or less not used to it.

It is easy to go from being frugal to being extravagant, but it is difficult to go from being extravagant to being frugal. He is actually starting to feel a little uncomfortable with this.

But if there is no way to do it yourself, you will always have to bear the consequences yourself.

Well, Zhao Yazhi didn't dare to come out now. Ye Ming convinced her many times, because after coming out, it was obvious that she couldn't work normally anymore.

There is no way. As for this matter, let's practice for a day first. Now Ye Ming can only do it himself. He had actually exchanged opinions with Wang Xiaoshu. Regarding such an issue, Wang Xiaoshu still expressed his support.

Originally, Ye Ming left a role for Wang Xiaoshu, but after I saw this movie when I was a child, I felt it was very boring. How can I make a movie with two to three million? It must be fooling people.

So, Wang Xiaoshu didn't pay too much attention to this role.

However, at this time Wang Xiaoshu also agreed that as long as Ye Ming could shoot the movie and pass the company's preliminary review, there would be no problem with its distribution.

It can be seen from this that although Wang Xiaoshu's relationship with Ye Lin is very good, at least a little better than ordinary friends, in business, I have also made a request to pass the company's review.

Regarding this point, Ye Ming was quite confident. As long as the Nine Turns were not unreasonable, they would not fail the review, so he agreed happily.

As for investing in this movie, I said I refused decisively, saying that the company would not pay special attention to movies in small cities like this. It is rare for these companies to make one or two low-cost movies a year, but At about 10 to 20 million, their company really can't see the kind of movie worth 2 to 3 million, so there is no cooperation.

Well, if there is no cooperation, there is no cooperation. There is no problem in participating appropriately in other forms.

For example, Wang Xiaoshu and his company must have helped with the distribution and promotion of this release. It was not particularly easy to do it based on Ye Ming's own words.

So the key to the movie this time is the actors. Although it is destined that the salary of this movie will not be very high, because the total budget is less than 3 million, at this time, some should be left for filming needs or for the end. Do some publicity or something.

These are all possible, and it is not difficult to reserve a little bit.

So, big-name stars will definitely not be invited, and if they can be invited, they will be guest appearances at most. Of course, this is a favor, and Ye Ming will have to pay it back later.

Of course, artists with good relationships will give Ye Ming face, because Ye Ming has won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. In this case, it will bring glory to the entertainment industry.

Although some people are jealous, there are also some people who are more optimistic about Ye Ming, so it is relatively easy for Ye Ming to find some supporting roles.

Now, there are several protagonists next. Hu Sandao recommended a protagonist, and the effect is of course very good. Ye Ming has to find the remaining more important supporting roles by himself.

In fact, Wang Xiaoshu's company also has some actors, but my good uncle and I told him that basically all the actors in his company have not expired, and they asked the company to change the schedule of some actors for a movie worth 2 to 3 million yuan. The possibility is not high, so there are still some films that Ye Ming needs to confirm.

At this time, it is obviously impossible for Hu Ge to continue to act, because if Lao Xu plays the leading role, there will be absolutely no problem with his performance. However, at this time, if we can invite Hu Ge to come over and make a friendly guest appearance , this popularity will still increase to a certain extent.

But the problem is that in such a situation, it is actually not easy to prove.

I even thought it might not be easy. After all, Brother Hu is now the number one brother in his company and can be considered a first-line actor. It is hard to say whether he can be found at this time.

Therefore, at this time, I could directly go to Damimi, hoping that Damimi’s dog could help me analyze it. After all, he and Brother Hu are in the same company, right?

Just in time, in fact, Damimi was also filming a TV series in Beijing at this time. She was on the Peking Opera crew. Today was a break. Because she remembered certain needs, the director was very angry when he failed to meet them, so he directly kicked the crew The staff was scolded up and down.

He said that he would stop shooting today and take a rest, and then hire them to prepare immediately. The required layout must be ready by tomorrow.

Just when I was on the phone with Ye Ming, I knew that Ye Ming had returned to the capital, so the two of them turned into a private teahouse. First of all, let's meet each other first.

These teahouses, coffee shops, etc. are basically not open to the outside world. They all have their own set of fixed customers. For example, some people in the entertainment industry are used to going to a certain private coffee shop. Ah, teahouses, etc., etc., and then, when everyone gathers, it is not easy to be disturbed.

At this time, it was Ye Ming who arrived at Damimi first and hurried over, wearing huge sunglasses.

After coming in, Da Mimi immediately joked: "Oh, it's amazing to be the best actor. It's really different to win the best actor. When you get the best actor, you actually know you've arrived in advance. I've known you for so many years, and the two of us have dated for dozens of times." That's it.

Good guy, it seems like you have never arrived earlier than me. I mean the two of us go out to eat or watch movies alone. I feel like you have never arrived earlier than me.

How come you were able to come earlier than me today? Can you say that it will be different after you get the eyes? I was a little surprised that I was able to change my habits after winning the Best Actor award. "

The two of them are too familiar, more familiar than ordinary friends. They are the kind of lovers who are not yet satisfied. Such a state of friendship.

Of course, there are some things that should be done. However, this does not mean that two people will definitely be together. Sometimes everyone just gets what they need. People in the entertainment industry understand this. As for Is it possible to cross that step and get a certificate or something?

This and that can only be left to time.

Ye Ming is very clear about some of the things that Damimi encountered, and some things are also very clear, but, haha, there are some things that no one will tell.

Since the relationship is so good, then of course you won’t worry so much about speaking at this time.

At this time, Damimi felt that teasing her was a normal way of saying hello. Of course, keeping her secret was that her life was quite aloof and queenly, or at least that of a domineering female CEO.

So, under normal circumstances, you can't see this kind of Da Mimi showing her true temperament.

Ye Ming doesn't care about this kind of teasing either. He waves his hand and talks about secrets. Then you can't tease me, right?

This is just a coincidence. In fact, I didn't expect it. Who would have thought that such an underground film could be recognized by the Berlin Film Festival. Now I feel like I am dreaming, otherwise I probably wouldn't have it. So many people are envious and jealous.

Now I dare not say that everyone in the entertainment industry is the enemy. Anyway, I estimate that at least half of the people in the entertainment industry think that I am lucky enough to get such an honor. Anyway, I am able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. But it's just a foothold.

This time, it is just a small start, a relatively good start, and there is nothing to celebrate. Unless I can prove my words again next time, I will not let those people shut up.

The entertainment industry is actually like this. If you exceed others too much, you will definitely win the envy, jealousy and hatred of others. This situation is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, my film is an underground film. It’s not yet available for screening in serious theaters, and even regular websites don’t dare to accept this movie. Although they are open to me, it’s just because I’m lucky, so at this time, where is my camp? , there will be a discount more or less.

Some thoughtful people may use chicken feathers as arrows or something like that. This kind of thing also happens.

Da Mimi was surprised, otherwise because Da Mimi saw it very clearly, although facing this camp, she was more or less at a discount, but, there are such things, she There is no excuse.

It is impossible for most people to get this kind of spiritual emperor in their lifetime. However, due to good luck, at this time, the first movie can win the title of Best Actor, and it is an underground movie. You say it is not just luck. what.

Of course, this is his first movie as an adult and his first movie back in the entertainment industry, but no matter what, the title of violent actor has fallen to him, there is no doubt about it. "

So, at this time, Damimi rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, you are just doing this, do you know?

In fact, you told me at that time that you needed it. As for the main result, our company is really not looking forward to it because my due date is too full.

The company would not let me participate at all, and at that time our company also knew that this was just an underground movie, and it had to be filmed in a mine. It was even more impossible for me to let me go. In fact, I wanted to challenge myself at the time. Take a look at your own.

But there is no way around the company's regulations. It is impossible for me to violate the company's regulations, otherwise I will be fined.

I have to do whatever the company asks me to do. If the company doesn't let me do anything, I have no choice. So, I regret it very much now. If I had persisted a little bit, I don't know if I would have been able to continue. Hit the road to the Berlin Film Festival.

It's a pity that we didn't succeed in getting on the red carpet of the Berlin Film Festival this time. In fact, our company also acted from the perspective of profit at the time. Some people must regret it now, but there is nothing we can do.

It would be no problem if I opened my own company, but unfortunately, it is not my own company. So, you can only say sorry.

At this time, he clearly revealed his character and wanted to be the boss. Maybe it was because he was not mature enough or his wings were not strong enough, so he chose to be patient and forbearing.

However, Ye Ming knew very well in his heart that Da Mi Mi would definitely become his own boss one day, and his subordinate Feng Jiu was also a peerless evildoer who had not been seen in a century.

But I don’t know where Xiaojiu is now, and how old he is now, but I am not sure at all, because some things seem to have been messed up. For example, Zhao Yazhi cannot just graduate and become a stewardess, and then When it comes to the entertainment industry, there will definitely be some confusion.

So it's hard to say where Xiaojiu is at this time. Ye Mingna immediately comforted her and said: "Sister Mi, you can't regret it, right? You can't help yourself in the world. Since you have signed a contract with the company, there is nothing you can do about it. Everything must be arranged by the company. Unless you want to pay liquidated damages."

Da Mimi said helplessly at this time: "Oh, this is what it is, and there is nothing I can do about it. My reputation is not particularly good enough. If it were enough, no one would dare to take advantage of me at this time. just kidding.

What’s wrong with me wanting to play a role that specializes in friendship? I want to be interesting, but right now, I’m still on the rise in my career. Sometimes I can’t stand up to the company, and it’s okay to be a bit naughty from time to time. , but if you always go against your own company, you will be punished sooner or later.

By the way, why did you come to see me today? "

Ye Ming was really wronged at this time. Something happened to Nan, right?

You also know that I have to make a movie recently, and the funds are not particularly sufficient. Of course I feel that it is enough, but it is possible to prepare more. What’s more important is that there are no well-known actors. I think Please ask Brother Hu from your company to make a guest appearance.

I originally wanted to invite Brother Hu from your company to star for me, but his remuneration was more than my entire budget, so I gave up the idea. However, I want to invite him to come and make a friendly guest appearance. It's a relatively small role, and there aren't many scenes. It can be filmed in a day or two.

So, at this time, I would like to ask you to be a middleman. If I contact Brother Hu privately, it may have an adverse impact on him. In this regard, it is more appropriate for you to do it.

After all, Brother Hu is a member of your company. I want to spread the word about my contact with him. This may have a negative impact on him. However, it will be different if you go. You and I are good friends and Brother Hu is also good. My friend, let me help you in this situation. "

At this time, Damimi decisively wants to complain. This is definitely impossible. Our company will not agree to this situation. If you are a big director, such as Director Lao Zhang, then this is definitely no problem.

Our company can agree to let Brother Hu make a guest appearance even if we don't pay a penny, but at this time, you won't get such a good treatment.

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