Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3325: Delivering gifts from thousands of miles away

At this time, Lao Su also nodded and said: "That's what I mean, don't mention "Black Mine" in a big way, the point is that Ye Ming won the Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival.

So, I think we should be able to gain something from writing news. Reporting on the movie "Black Mine" may not be appropriate. After all, it is an underground movie. However, when reporting on Ye Ming, I will briefly mention "Black Mine". "There should be no problem with the movie. We also need to send back pictures and news from the scene as soon as possible. Our press release is waiting for us at home. "

In fact, until after the award ceremony, Director Li was still immersed in the feeling of dreaming. He did not expect that the movie he shot would win the Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. This was indeed a surprise for Director Li. What a gain.

Next, of course, is the interview after the award ceremony. As one of the winners of the Berlin Film Festival and an upstart at the Berlin Film Festival, the crew of "Black Mine" will naturally attract everyone's attention at this time.

If the movie "Black Mine" does not win awards or wins, but only some minor technical awards, then at this time, there will definitely not be many reporters coming back to interview, that is, two Chinese reporters led by Lao Su and Lao Lei , others seemed like reporters came to support the scene.

But this time the results are different, the results are different, and the response methods adopted by everyone are also different.

Um. So, at this time, more reporters came over to interview the Black Mine crew. There were about 20 foreign reporters, and Ye Ming, Director Li and other people were surrounded by water.

This made the small "Black Mine" crew seem a little in a hurry. Fortunately, Ye Ming and Director Li quickly stabilized and began to interview reporters carefully.

Of course, as a half-outsider at this time, Damimi also had some stage fright. After all, he had never seen such a big scene. However, Damimi had a good psychological quality. Although he was quite panicked in his heart, But he didn't show it on his face, but showed a faint smile to cooperate with the reporter's photo.

In fact, all the reporters already know about some things that happened before the award ceremony. Little Anthony actually lost to a poster. This is indeed a funny thing, and it is also more in line with Little Anthony's style of life and work.

After the interview, Damimi received a call from the phone company and asked him to rush back quickly. Of course, she rushed back to take advantage of the popularity. Originally, Damimi wanted to go back with Ye Ming, but she didn't expect that the company would have such an arrangement.

Because Damimi Company actually did not expect that Ye Ming could actually win the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. As Ye Ming's female Bayer Damimi at the Berlin Film Festival, of course she also received widespread attention. This If he doesn't take the opportunity to promote and consolidate his aura, Damimi and his company will be unqualified leaders.

So, he quickly recruited Damimi back.

At this moment, after Ye Ming returned to the hotel, he was actually quite exhausted. A situation like this was quite strenuous.

Because in that kind of public place, a slight mistake made accidentally will be infinitely magnified.

Therefore, any celebrity will become cautious when they go to that public place, for fear that they will do something inappropriate, or make a slight negligence, show an ugly look, and be captured. At this time, they may become An entertainment tidbit.

Therefore, any star who participates in an award ceremony will basically tense up to cope with it. So, at this time after the award ceremony, the stars who participate in the award ceremony will become physically and mentally exhausted. Like running a marathon.

Don't look at the stars at the live award ceremony who are shining and shining, but in fact they are also very nervous in their hearts. It's just that the state they show in front of the media and the camera is their best. state.

It is basically impossible for celebrities who cannot do this to reach the top positions.

At this time, Director Li took a look in the hall. Seeing that Ye Ming was quite tired, he said very politely: "Ye Zi, please go back and have a rest first. I guess there will be another day tomorrow." Reporter Bo is here for an interview. We have to deal with it well. Now let’s stay energetic and wait for the interview tomorrow.

Funny reporters like Lao Su and Lao Lei have already obtained the information they want, and now they are expected to send articles back overnight.

Lao Su and the others said that although our film is an underground film, it still cannot be promoted on a large scale, but if we promote it and promote it that you have won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival, it is probably allowed in China. After all, we are considered Bring glory to the country, right?

Although we found some mistakes, after all, the credit is relatively large. "

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Okay, director, don't worry, but you have to hurry up on David's side. David's side should be relatively busy, and this guy doesn't seem to be a serious person." He is a gentleman, he is more like a businessman. In such a situation, it is not impossible if he deducts some of our expenses.

Now that our film can be recognized by Glass Area, it will definitely be easier to sell the copyright. Don’t let him take advantage of us. You have to be more careful in this regard. After all, you and David We are relatively familiar with him. You have always been in contact with him. If you don't keep an eye on him closely, it is not impossible for him to deduct our money. "

Director Li nodded to show his understanding.

At this time, Yan Ming was relieved to take back the 500,000 US dollars. For him, it was not a small amount. Of course, he had to pay close attention to it. He told Director Li to keep a close eye on the money. Don't worry. Let this guy David take advantage of the loophole.

After you returned to your room Ming, you just wanted to rest, but unexpectedly you received a call from Zhou Yazhi. Moreover, Zhao Yazhi said on the phone that he had arrived at the hotel and had checked in.

This time it was replaced by Ye Ming, who was very surprised. Good guy, isn’t this one in China? We have actually arrived in Berlin and have already checked into the Hilton Hotel.

At this time, Ye Ming directly told Zhao Yazhi the number of his presidential suite. Until Zhao Yazhi arrived, he still didn't believe that this Ju Ranran had rushed directly to Berlin. What had it been doing?

Facts have proved that this is really coming. As for me, as an agent, Zhao Yazhi should have accompanied Ye Ling to the Berlin Film Festival. This is a professional quality that an agent must have.

Well, it turned out that Zhao Yazhi had some urgent matters and was delayed, so he didn't come with him. In addition, the crew was also a relatively poor crew at the time. It would be reasonable not to report the plane tickets that were extorted from him. in to see his real name.

Of course Director Li would not mention this kind of thing later. In fact, if Ye Ming attended the Berlin Film Festival, it would be completely in line with some rules of the entertainment industry to bring his agent with him.

But since it turned out that he didn't bring his agent with him, Director Li would of course turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it, which would save him a plane ticket and expenses. Isn't this nice? Unexpectedly, this one actually rushed over on its own at this critical moment.

In the presidential suite, Ye Ming's already tired heart started to get excited. He was really rushing over. The more important point at this time was that Damimi was actually recalled by his company. This was terrible. Isn't it a coincidence?

He originally thought that he might have to stay alone in the presidential suite tonight, and it seemed quite lonely, but he didn't expect that this person would come here. After a while, the doorbell of the presidential suite rang.

Ye Ming opened the door and saw Zhao Yazhi, who was wearing a sky blue professional suit and standing at the door with a smile, shining like a beautiful landscape.

At this time, Ye Ming directly pulled Zhao Yazhi over and closed the door.

The two people hugged each other tightly.

At this time, Zhao Yazhi also felt like a warm harbor in a broad chest. However, at this time, he felt a little suffocated. Ye Ming's power was too great, and he had no resistance at all. Power.

At this time, Zhao Yazhi felt a little out of breath, and then struggled to get out of Ye Ming's arms.

Then Zhao Yazhi said very happily: "Yi Zi, congratulations. I didn't expect you to get the title of Berlin Film Festival Best Actor. How many people want to get such a title in their lives, but in the end, you actually got it. I guess that Many people in the domestic entertainment industry should be quite jealous.

People may not get such an oyster from a movie star after a lifetime of hard work, but in the end, you got it at a young age. It can be said that you are one of the luckier types of artists in the entertainment industry.

He was able to be a child star when he was a child, and when he grew up, he actually won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival in the first year of his comeback. "

Naturally, Ye Ming couldn't help but feel a little proud and said: "This actually surprised me, because at this time I didn't expect that the sound of shadow droplets could be given to me by the glass area. I think we think we It's good to be able to get one or two technical illusions.

Unexpectedly, we actually won the title of Best Actor at this time. It was unexpected, very unexpected.

For me, this is a very unexpected result. Of course, I am very happy to receive such a title.

At least that's it. I can more confidently ask for higher pay from other crews, right?

Not to mention him, some of them will be envious, jealous, and hateful, so let them go with this matter, we can't control them, right?

We just need to live our lives. I didn't expect you to come here, which surprised me. This made me more excited than getting the award. "

Of course Ye Ming was excited, and Zhao Yazhi could feel it just now.

At this time, his face just turned a little pink, and he said: "Actually, I originally wanted to come with you. But, I didn't expect that my passport couldn't be found. I spent a long time looking for it. With great effort, I found where my passport was.

Moreover, you also said that your crew is stingy and it is impossible to reimburse my plane ticket. At that time, I thought that if I applied for a new passport, it would be too late.

I didn't expect that after you left, I found my passport miraculously. So, I rushed over as soon as I found the passport. Unexpectedly, I saw you in the hotel and won the Berlin Film Festival Best Actor. title.

But I didn’t bring anything to congratulate you. If I had known this, I would have brought you a gift to congratulate you. Not even a bottle of champagne, which is a pity at this time. "

Ye Ming was smiling at this time. He pulled Zhao Yazhi to the bedroom, and then said in a rather ambiguous tone: "People say that sending goose feathers thousands of miles away is less about courtesy than more about affection.

Sister, it doesn’t matter what gift you bring. It’s like what can you do if you come with empty hands. As long as you come, I will be very happy. People send goose feathers from thousands of miles away, how about you? This is like sending a gift from a thousand miles away, but the courtesy is light but the affection is heavy. "

Listening to such fanciful words, the prosthetic limb was twisted hard for verification, causing Ye Ming to scream. Of course, this was more of a pretense.

Then, of course, there is spring on the red apricot branches.

At this time, there was actually a huge uproar in China, especially in the entertainment industry. Ye Ming miraculously won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. Of course, many people in the country were envious, jealous and hated Ye Ming. He is so virtuous and capable, but he was able to win the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. This is a bit of a slap in the face.

Wang Xiaoshu actually got the news right away. After all, he was the one who paid more attention to Ye Ming's movements.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu was also clubbing with friends. While drinking, he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that this guy Ye Lin took off so fast. I originally thought that he would need some time to accumulate strength, but I didn't expect that he would take off so fast." You didn't even go to film school, but you actually won the title of Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. How do you think this makes sense?"

For Ye Ming's ability to achieve such results, Wang Xiaoshu may not be envious, but he is more or less envious in his heart.

Best Actor at an international film festival, and the title of Best Actor at three major international film festivals. This is indeed an honor that many people in the entertainment industry dream of.

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