Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3311 Let’s make a bet

Is this situation discrimination? Everyone knew in their hearts that Ye Ming would not be able to catch the guests attending the Berlin Film Festival and review them one by one.

Not to mention him, Robinson doesn't have such rights. Of course, if this staff member dares to say that, he must have a certain degree of confidence. I can't say that all the people here participated in the production of the movie, but it is estimated that there is a possibility of it. There should be eight or nine. If there are just one or two exceptions, the staff will probably turn a blind eye for the sake of the celebrities.

But because Ye Ming and the others are newcomers, the director is a newcomer, the actors are newcomers, and they are also Chinese, so in such a situation, the staff should be a little stricter and act according to the rules and regulations. This matter seems to the staff Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it.

Even if Robinson is brought over, the staff can still say very firmly at this time that they are doing things according to the procedures, and anyone who comes to participate in the Berlin Film Festival must abide by the regulations of the Berlin Film Festival.

Of course, they saw that the crew of "Black Mine" is a little-known new crew with no background, no backing, and no reputation. They are really easy to bully, so they just stepped on it by the way. It's hard to say. .

Discrimination against newcomers has always existed in the entertainment industry.

Anyway, even if they think so in their hearts, even if they do it, they will never say it with their mouths.

It’s okay to think about it. Even if you do it, it’s not a big deal. As long as you don’t leave any clues to others, it’s not a big deal even if you do it. However, if you think you can do it, it’s absolutely not possible. If you say it, you will be labeled as a person of discrimination.

If he is accused of discriminating and suppressing newcomers, let alone him, not even Robinson can handle this.

However, if we strictly follow the rules of the Berlin Film Festival, if people who have nothing to do with the crew are not allowed to walk on the red carpet, there seems to be nothing wrong with this. There is nothing wrong with the rules, but what is wrong is the people who enforce them.

If Ye Ming is a very famous director, such as Lao Zhang in China, when Lao Zhang comes, even if he brings in an insignificant newcomer, the staff will turn a blind eye. Who makes Lao Zhang an international director? Where's the director?

Lao Zhang is also a veteran in the entertainment industry. He is also an internationally renowned Chinese director and is considered one of the international brands in the Chinese entertainment industry. Therefore, if he comes to bring in a new person, even if it has nothing to do with technology, the staff will not Dare to say anything.

Lao Zhang is famous and can't be messed with, but Ye Ming is different. Ye Ming doesn't have any big stars or directors. If he is discriminated against, this is very normal.

At this time, Da Mimi looked a little embarrassed on her face. She had already agreed with the people in the company that she would walk on the red carpet, and she had bought the press release. All she needed was photos, and then she would send them back. Able to publish news.

But if I really can't walk on the red carpet at this time, then things will be more embarrassing.

In fact, many domestic media have begun to hype Damimi to attend the Berlin Film Festival. Many people already know it. If he is excluded from the red carpet before he can walk on it at this time, this matter will have a negative impact on him. The whole career was more or less a blow.

Originally, female celebrities like him who spent money to buy a spot from the crew to come to the red carpet were looked down upon by everyone. So if he walked on the red carpet, he might be able to use the scenery of the red carpet to suppress this matter.

But if he can't walk on the red carpet this time, it's hard to say whether this matter can be suppressed.

So when it comes to such a problem, some things are not that simple.

Although Damimi was a little reluctant, seeing this situation, it seemed that the crew had encountered something rather embarrassing. If she insisted on going, she probably wouldn't be very likely to walk on the red carpet. The entire crew didn't even think about it. Walk the red carpet.

So at this time, Damimi thought about it and decided that the overall situation should be the most important thing, so Damimi said without hesitation: "If Ye Zi can't do it, forget it. Since they have regulations, otherwise I will do this on the red carpet." If you don’t leave, it’s not a big deal if you can leave. I’ll just find someone to take some photos later. There’s no need to be serious about this matter.”

Although not walking on the red carpet would be a big blow to Da Mimi, but after all, she knew the importance of Ye Ming and the crew had been invited by the Berlin Film Festival to participate in the main competition section of the film. If they didn't If you walk on the red carpet, then the result seems to be embarrassing for both parties, so don't think about winning or anything like winning at this time.

So, when Damimi saw this situation, she thought that she should not drag her friends down, so this meant a direct retreat.

Ye Ming is not the kind of person who is easily manipulated.

So at this time, Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "Sister Mi, you don't have to worry about this matter, leave it to me. This matter is obviously looked down upon. Our crew thinks that our crew is not famous, there is no big director, and there is no big star. Why do you think we are easy to bully? This is class discrimination in the entertainment industry, you know?

In other words, some people in Europe and the United States look down on us Chinese people, and they have a condescending attitude deep down in their bones. He may not be able to tell it at ordinary times, but if it comes to a critical moment, they may take advantage of us a little. If you give in to this kind of thing, others may chase you three steps in the future.

Will you let it go then? So this issue is not your personal issue. You go aside and wait while I negotiate this issue with him. "

At this time, Ye Ming took a step forward and looked at the blond young man carefully. He said earnestly: "Sir, I don't care what kind of mentality you have, whether it is against us? But, you have indeed done such a thing, so how about I make you a bet?"

You said that I and I went to organize this member. He was here to walk on the red carpet but you stopped him. You insisted that he had nothing to do with our movie. According to what you just said, if this friend of mine really The most important thing is that if he participates in the production of our movie, no matter what form of participation, as long as he participates in the production of our movie, then he will be qualified to walk on the red carpet with our crew, otherwise he will not be qualified. Walking the red carpet with our crew, right? Is this the logic? "

These staff members nodded quickly and said, "That's right, that's what I meant. After all, this is the red carpet for a movie in the main competition. If it were not at this time and not at this place, then you can go wherever you want. It has nothing to do with us. I am just responsible for the work I should do. I have made it very clear just now. If this lady participates in the production of your film in any way, including but not limited to being an actor, Screenwriting, directing, lighting, stage management, music, etc.

Even if there is any other form of participation in the production of the film, as long as it is involved in the production of the film, we at the Berlin Film Festival will not have any discrimination. We at the Berlin Film Festival believe that the success of a film depends on everyone's efforts. , he is not talking about the credit of the director and actors, but the brilliance of the movie created by the efforts of everyone on our film crew.

So, we at the Berlin Film Festival have no discriminatory attitude towards any aspect of the film crew. We believe that as long as you participate in the production of the film, OK, you are qualified to walk with the crew on the red carpet, but I did watch your movie "Black Mine", and I didn't find out that this lady was an actress, participated in the movie, or participated in the movie as a behind-the-scenes staff member. I didn't find out about this.

So I think he is not suitable to walk on the red carpet with you. This is against the rules. "

When Ye Ming heard this, he nodded, and he also emphasized the situation specially, and then said: "Okay, since you insist on that, I also insist that this friend of mine really participated in our movie. Made.

It’s no problem to come and walk the red carpet with our crew. "

After saying these words, the first person who was stunned was not the staff, but the director Li Dongfeng. But who was involved in the production of this movie after all the hard work?

He is from a well-connected family, so he knows best whether Damimi participated in the investment of old movies. Now Ye Ming actually said without hesitation that Damimi participated in the crew of the film's black control, good guy, At this time, Li Dongfeng was immediately dumbfounded. Did Damimi really participate in our movie?

I don’t think so. I have no impression at all. Am I a fake director?

In other words, the real director of our crew is Ye Ming, right? I remember that you did not participate in the production of our movie, so when Ye Ming said this, the first person was stunned. It's director Li Dongfeng. The staff were also a little dumbfounded at this time.

This staff member seemed a little surprised. Ye Ming was telling lies with his eyes wide open, so the staff member also said with certainty: "It can't be at the scene. You can doubt my age, you can doubt my knowledge, but you You cannot doubt my professionalism. My professionalism in movies is unquestionable. So at this time, I will tell you clearly that I have watched the movie Black Frame, and I have watched it more than once. , I do think this is a very good movie, a very realistic movie.

So, I have indeed read it more than once. The torture of human nature and the description of greed are all very good and very realistic. So I know very well that this lady is not an actor in this movie.

Maybe you think that as a European, I am a little blind to the Chinese people, but you are wrong. I also studied in China for three years, so I know the Chinese people relatively well. I am one of the few in Europe. Not particularly face-blind.

I very clearly remember that this lady was not on the list of actors and staff, and I did not see this lady, so I decided that she had nothing to do with your crew. This time, at least at this moment, There's no way he's going to walk the red carpet with your crew. "

At this time, Ye Ming said without thinking: "Okay, since we all insist on our own opinions, how about we make a bet?

If my friend has not participated in the production of our movie, then you don’t need to tell me that I will be responsible for finding a car to take my friend back to the hotel. He will never appear at the Berlin Film Festival again, but if I can prove that this friend of mine was indeed involved in the production of black frame films, what do you think you should do? "

This staff member seemed to be a bit young and energetic, with a bad temper. Young people always have passionate impulses. He said without thinking: "If I lose, if you can prove that this lady is really If she participates in your film production, no matter in any form, as long as she participated in the film production and you can prove it, then I will arrange you in the first row of the Berlin Film Festival award ceremony.

You know, it's all in the first row. The big names in the entertainment industry are all influential players in the world's film market. Not all big directors are big stars or big producers, etc. They are not simple roles anyway.

Therefore, it is definitely not an easy task to enter the first row. Assuming that your future is very smooth, if you work hard, you may be able to achieve the first row position in 10 years.

But at least now it is impossible for you to be in the first row. This time I will make a bet with you. If I lose, I will be responsible for arranging you to be in the first row of this award ceremony. "

Ye Ming was also frightened by the arrogance of this staff member. Who is this guy? His tone is so loud, so he hesitated for a moment before saying: "Sir, we have something to talk about. I don't know if it's right to brag like this. You You said that you arranged for us to go to the first row of the award ceremony. You also know who is in the first row of the monitor. The entertainment industry is quite serious about ranking according to the alphabet.

You said you can put us in the first row by putting us in the first row. Is it possible that the Berlin Film Festival is run by your family? Robinson must listen to you. "

This staff member said very proudly: “Although the Berlin Film Festival is not organized by my family, the Berlin Film Festival is sponsored by our family, and our family has been one of the long-term main sponsors of the Berlin Film Festival.

So, our family is one of the financial sponsors of the Berlin Film Festival, and our family is in the European film industry, that's it. 51 My father, my uncle, my aunt, etc. Many people in our family are in various corners of the European entertainment industry, so our family has a very large influence in the European film market.

At least at the Berlin Film Festival, there are not many people who can compete with our family, so there is no problem in placing you in the first row.

Even if the other staff of the Berlin Film Festival disagree, I can still give up the position of our family to you. I will do what I say. As long as I lose, then I will be responsible for arranging you to No. 1 at this time. Go ahead, this guarantees that no one dares to say anything. "

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