Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3316 There are still opportunities

What should be publicized should still be publicized, and what should be publicized should still be publicized. Anyway, the money has been poured in, and David has done a pretty good job. The hype for a movie like "Black Mine" in Berlin Film is very impressive. , just follow the trend of some blockbusters.

And because the quality of the finished film of a movie like "Black Mine" is indeed good, you can see that the cost of shooting is very low, but the quality of the finished film is indeed quite good. The film must have connotation and content, and the story must have tension and story. The tension, especially the ferocious evil shown in the two films where he smashes his co-workers to death, refers to the explosion of greed in the human heart.

After many people have watched this movie, this section directly shows the bestiality of human beings.

At this time, everyone discovered that the dark horse movie that entered the main competition was indeed a good dark horse movie. So at this time, some people actually started to spontaneously start to support the dark horse movie "Black Mine". The movie was promoted by the 50-cent party, and it was ***.

This, of course, is the success of a movie like "Black Mine".

Some enthusiastic people recommend him because he is worth recommending, which will attract more people to come and watch.

At this time, the remaining three reporters finally breathed a long sigh of relief. In fact, it's not that the remaining three reporters didn't want to leave, but the key point was that they couldn't leave.

Because the remaining three reporters are actually from the same unit.

Two TV stations and one newspaper, but they belong to one news organization, and this news organization.

As for the eldest, he graduated from the same school as Li Dongfeng and Director Li. The two of them are still under the same tutor's address, so it is natural that they are classmates. As a senior, if you want to take care of Director Li Dongfeng, there will definitely be no problem.

So this time, the senior sent a reporter from the TV station, a cameraman, and a reporter from the print media to follow the interview.

The leader, of course, is the reporter from this TV station whose surname is Su. He has been a reporter for more than 10 years and is a relatively slippery veteran reporter.

The cameraman and the print media reporter are all newcomers to the industry this year.

Of course, if a newcomer who has just entered the industry can directly become a reporter for a state-owned enterprise, he must have a certain background and connections. Therefore, these people often have a certain degree of pride. Young people have backgrounds and connections. , showing one's pride at this time, this is absolutely no problem, it is a normal thing.

So, Reporter Su didn't have much to say. At first, he looked like an old god was here, but the other two people were not so happy, because these two people seemed to be following "Black Mine" A movie like this has absolutely no news value.

Can a movie like "Black Mine" still win awards?

It is simply impossible. In their opinion, if a movie like "Black Mine" can directly enter the main competition, it is already a pretty good result, and it is already Director Li and his family's ancestral grave. Smoked.

So after seeing other reporters leaving, these two reporters actually suggested leaving.

However, Reporter Su warned the two of them to think carefully before talking.

What Reporter Su means is very simple. You two are newcomers, so newcomers must abide by the rules in the reporter circle. In the reporter circle, one of the most important rules is that you cannot confront the leader.

In fact, in any industry, if you go against your own leader or your superior, there will be no good outcome. However, in the journalistic industry, this is particularly serious.

Don't go against the leader. Just do whatever the leader asks you to do. The leader doesn't know what you do, so just wait for the leader's tasks. Anyway, it's the equivalent of an iron rice bowl within the system. As long as you don't make serious mistakes, Normally you won't be fired.

Of course, what constitutes a serious mistake? In addition to those mistakes that are not allowed to be made as stated in the law, basically it means that you cannot go against the leader. This is particularly important.

Moreover, the reporter also reminded them that even if their families are related, if they are going against their leaders when they are just entering the industry, their reputation in the reporter circle will become very bad.

Even if they can be transferred to other units in the future, with such a bad reputation and a dark history of not listening to their leaders, the units that accept them will also consider it when the time comes.

So in such a situation, don’t go against the leader. As for the reporters who left, if you understand, the leader felt that interviewing a movie like "Black Mine" was not interesting, so they said, "Black Mine" Since such a movie has no value, then what's the use of interviewing them at this time, so the leader got rid of them.

This is what the leader means. If they leave, that's no problem and you can leave.

But Reporter Su's boss has repeatedly warned them to follow a movie like "Black Mine". The boss has such a good relationship with Director Li Dengfeng that he will definitely not let them go back.

Therefore, in such a situation, Reporter Su's awareness is very obvious and he cannot go back casually.

And in the end, Reporter Su also said that even if the movie "Black Mine" failed in the end, we didn't send any important news back, but it still completed the task assigned by the leader, and this is our greatest contribution. , are we coming to Berlin this time to interview a movie like "Black Mine"?

No, no, this time we came to the Berlin Film Festival with the crew of "Black Mine". It was to complete the task assigned to us by the leader. This is what we have to do first. As for whether the news we passed on is important, Whether the news passed on can be accepted.

This point is not within the scope of our consideration. What we have to consider now is how to interview Black Light more, how to explore its shining points in this film, and how to complete it. The task assigned to us by the leader is to talk to in the end.

Reporter Su is indeed a veteran reporter. He is really amazing at being able to see through the essence at critical moments.

So, the photography and print reporters could only reluctantly agree, because they had no reason to refute. Although these two young men and a woman were relatively impetuous, after all, they were also people within the system who understood this. The disadvantages of always being right with your leader.

So, although the two of them felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, they still had no choice but to carry out the interview. As a result, in the end, luck of the draw, good guys, Ye Ming directly spent 500,000 US dollars on public relations and publicity.

At this time, the entire Bolin Film Festival immediately set off a wave of promotion of the movie "Black Mine", and many international media, television stations, print media, etc. took part.

When I was interviewing the movie "Black Mine", I also held more than one party to watch the movie.

At this time, Reporter Su said with a very proud smile during lunch: "How is it? Have you seen the two little guys?

There are experts behind the crew of "Black Mine". It can be seen from his current publicity and public relations methods that the person who conducts publicity and public relations for them is a master. Of course, these require money. To support.

Originally, I heard that the lead actor of the drama "Black Mine" is here. Otherwise, why don't a few of us come with a large army? However, from this point, it can be seen that the financial backers behind it are probably taking action. Their financial resources are extraordinary.

Judging from such a scale, this kind of publicity and public relations would be impossible without hundreds of thousands.

Under such a situation, the crew of "Black Mine" is still very promising. "

The print reporter was a young girl in her 20s who had just graduated from college. She said curiously: "Mr. Su, you said that the movie "Black Mine" might win the award this time. If you say that, we won't Just caught it?

If this movie can win an award, it will be explosive news. Our country has not had any movie become internationally famous for almost five years.

At this time, the movie Black Mine can achieve this, which is indeed a very big news for us, and it is also an achievement of ours. "

Reporter Su nodded and said: "Whether you will definitely win the award, I dare not say this, but according to the views of some film festivals in Europe and the United States, as long as you have money and spend money on public relations and publicity, basically I will not go back empty-handed. I am sure that according to the usual large-scale public relations and publicity, letting this movie go back empty-handed is not consistent.

Think about it, if you spend so much money on public relations and publicity, and the film festival organizing committee rushed to other companies last year, will there be any sponsors willing to spend money on public relations and publicity next time you hold it? right?

That's impossible, so I think at least the movie "Black Mine" has a consolation prize now, so it's photography, art, etc., then I don't know, anyway, at least there is a consolation prize, So whether I can win other major awards, I dare not say.

So this time, we have really made a profit. If we can send out a few major news this time, we will not only be able to complete the tasks that the leaders said are ours, but we will also be able to add a new meaning to our lives. What a brilliant result.

Think about it, the first film to win an international award in the past five years was actually witnessed by us. This is our brightest moment as a reporter, the most glorious moment, so let’s hurry up at this time. .

And I'm not reminding you that you must be careful at this time. According to the scale of the crew's current spending, they will definitely transfer some colleagues from China. So, at this time, we don't have any competitors, but, it is estimated that this time There will definitely be colleagues coming from China within two days.

So, taking advantage of the two days when we have no opponents, we should seize the time and seize the materials. We followed them loyally. So, at this time, if we can calm down and seize some materials, If it is news material, I will definitely cooperate with it.

But when the crew welcomes other seasons, it’s hard to say whether we will still be important.

Of course, we will definitely receive special treatment from the crew because we follow it from beginning to end, but after all, we will already have competitors by then, so now is a good time for us to show off our talents. We must dig deeper and discover this movie. The shining point, and then spread the news to the country.

As for whether it can be released, it depends on the leader's intention, but according to the relationship between the leader and Director Li Dongfeng Li, as long as it is beneficial to the promotion of the movie, he will still turn a blind eye. It may not be on the news, because after all, this is an underground film.

I haven't won the award yet. After winning the award, it may be on the TV news, but at this time, it is still possible to do a little publicity in the print media. After all, our country is a human society. Although this movie is not promoted domestically, because of the relationship between Director Li Dongfeng and our boss, it is not a problem to promote it appropriately in the print media at this time. This is us There is nothing more than human feelings beyond the laws of the country.

So, the two little guys should hurry up and find the director and starring actors of this movie to conduct a series of interviews. "

At this time, the print reporter seemed to be really taken into his heart.

But the cameraman thought for a while and said, "We don't need to do this, Mr. Su. Why don't we wait and see? After all, if "Black Mine" doesn't win the award, then our efforts will be in vain. Right?

Now that we have done this, if he fails to win or wins two technical awards by then, this is a bit inappropriate, we might as well wait and see. We have been following the crew. Even if other reporters come, can the crew ignore us? I always feel that it is unlikely that there will be such a problem. "

Reporter Su, at this time, said with a confident look: "You don't understand this, right? It's a matter of attitude.

In other words, this is also an issue related to the crew's concealment. If you look at the crew, they have already entered the main competition section of the Berlin Film Festival. In such a situation, there are actually not many reporters from their own countries coming to support them. What do you think? This thing is a little embarrassing, right?

Originally, not many reporters came with the crew of "Black Mine", but now there are only three of us left. When you think which crew you like, your country will not send many reporters to report together, so It also shows that our country has confidence in this movie.

But what about our movie Black Mine? It’s an underground movie, right? It was filmed without approval, and it went to an international film festival without approval. Can the relevant departments be happy in their hearts? It is definitely impossible to promote this movie on a large scale, and it will not be easy to release. Unless it can win a major award at the Berlin Film Festival, or maybe it can be smoothed out a little, there is still a little hope of becoming a regular. .

But it’s not easy either.

However, this does not prevent us from working hard to dig out the inside story of the movie. The icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in times of need.

What's more, how do you know if this movie won't win an award? "

The cameraman said even more curiously: "Su Laosan, you said there is still hope for "Black Mine". Is there really hope?"

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