Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3297: Be my agent

Although Ye Ming at this time also believed that Zhao Yazhi could still be successful even if he quit the entertainment industry and returned to the entertainment industry, but after all, it would waste time, so Ye Ming did not agree with changing jobs and quitting the entertainment industry. Yes, this matter has really not reached the point where it will definitely force this team to withdraw from the circle.

Therefore, Ye Ming also tried very hard to persuade Zhao Yazhi not to have such an idea at this time, because it is easy to quit the entertainment industry, but it is not particularly easy to come back. Under Yan Ling's spring words, this thought was finally extinguished. However, just after receiving a call, his face suddenly changed. He was already worried. It's just that at this time, his face is even more sad.

Just like what was said in the poem, it’s just a frown but it’s in the heart. At this time, Zhao Yazhi also said helplessly: "This matter is changing much faster than I thought. Maybe someone in our company is looking at it." Well, as a newcomer, I got the position of one of the female leads in the first step of the third step. They were a little unhappy in their hearts. So, the person who looked at me unhappy was causing trouble behind my back. Originally, between us It may take some time for the conflict to break out. The company wants us to sign a contract, which also gives us a certain amount of buffer time to think about it carefully.

My agent said he would give me a week to consider this issue and whether to sign the contract. If I don’t give him a clear answer after a week, the company will definitely do something dirty and even pay me with my blood. It's possible, but I didn't expect that my agent would call me now and say that the company had issued an order.

Everyone must give the company an answer tomorrow. No matter whether they sign a contract or not, they must always give the company an answer. If they don’t give the company an answer after tomorrow, then the company will automatically treat us as us at this time. If I give up signing a contract, the company will definitely be cruel to those who have not signed a contract. It will probably be difficult for me to find another opportunity now.

Even if I can find a suitable job in a cultural troupe or something, or go to one of the three major entertainment companies, the company must give me an answer tomorrow. I'm very unsure about this matter. If I was asked to consider asking someone to do this in one week, maybe I would still have a certain degree of confidence that the problem could be solved. But at this time, if you want to give me an answer tomorrow, I would be a little bit confused about this. Embarrassed.

As for this matter, it originally means that I am not willing to sign this long-term contract, because after signing this long-term contract, I will be completely bound to the company, so I will not be willing to listen to the company so much in the future. But now I dare to say that if I say no, then our company will definitely not give up. There is no doubt about this. So, although the two paths you gave me are easier to follow. Yes, but these two roads are far from water and cannot be close to fire.

The art troupe needs to find someone to consider this matter, but the same goes for other places, it takes time.

As for the three major companies, it is not that easy to get into. TV stations and the like require a certain amount of time to go through the procedures. If I really want to fall out with the company, then everyone will have to go to the TV station at this time. , the three major film and television companies, etc. These places may not be something I can get into just because I want to. What if I can’t get into other units and have a falling out with the company? What I do at this time is There are some suspicions of being picked on peaches. This kind of thing has happened a lot in our company before, but at most it is just to use the name of an assistant director to record my experience. But at this time, what I lack It’s just that time is actually too late. The two paths you pointed out are both certain to solve my problem, but time waits for no one now. "

Ye Ming, you really don't want to see such a result. Zhao Yazhi came to ask for help. In fact, it has proved that this matter is quite urgent. But at this time, what Zhao Yazhi just said seems to be, at least He still has a week's buffer time. In fact, it seems that the company does not intend to fall out with everyone, especially the several big names in the company, who will be taken care of.

Well, so there is not much time left for Zhao Yazhi, but this time, someone must have filed a black complaint. So, I know that the agent has called and said that the company can't hold on anymore and wants Zhao Yazhi. Give me an answer tomorrow.

But everyone else in Zhao Yazhi's company will change their contracts. As for the contract, you can sign it if you like it, and you can't sign it if you don't like it.

No wonder he felt quite angry. After hearing this, Ye Ming nodded and said that the two ideas he came up with may indeed have problems. He said sincerely: "There should be no such thing as this." I feel that the unchangeable result has not yet appeared. Of course, it is obvious that people in your company should know about it, but as for this matter, since it is not just for you, but also for other people in your company whose contracts have almost expired. Well, everyone will receive such a thing.

What does that mean? Does it mean that it is not targeting you alone? Of course you will be given special attention. Who asked you to star in the third part of Xianjian? That is the company's resource publicity. Your company will probably do the same. I can see that the third part of Legend of Sword and Fairy is going to be a hit, so I want to tie you guys to my chariot first. It doesn’t matter if it’s useful or not. But, some of them are useless because the company said so. Calculate.

If the company says you are useful, you will be useful; if the company says you are useless, you will be useless.

Anyway, let’s sign you first. As for whether you can become popular after being useful or not, that is the company’s business. If the contract is signed first, then we are called a family. If the contract is not signed, we are simply an outsider, or even an outsider. Enemy, that’s pretty much what it means anyway, right?

This won't be easy to solve. "

If you think about it carefully, it probably means something like this, so Ye Ming couldn't think of any other way at this time.

This is the time. Zhao Yazhi did not expect that things would change so fast, and then said: "Now things will become more intense. Let's just say that our company is spreading this matter. They were all looking to see if we would renew our contracts, especially as I was a newcomer to the company. Somehow, by some strange combination of circumstances, a heroine for the third part of the new movie fell into my lap. This was actually something I had never imagined. I never dreamed that I could have such good luck, but eating is like this. Mainly because I was hit, there is no doubt that I will be compensated.

But it was also because this company wanted to extend our contract, and my company also offended a lot of people. Before, as a newcomer in the company, some people took care of me.

Although newcomers will be bullied in the company, there are still some seniors who will take care of the newcomers. However, I got a shooting opportunity like Step 3 first, which made many people feel that I am lucky. Or something like taking a back door or something like that.

So, I basically have no friends in the company now. Basically, the artists in our company are all my enemies, so who is the enemy who tipped me off? This is what caused this. It's hard to say, but judging from the company's current reaction, it is obvious that there is no room for relaxation on this matter.

I must give the company an answer tomorrow. If it succeeds, I must give the company an answer. "

Obviously if there is enough time, even if it is only a week, the two paths proposed by Ye Ming may not be impossible, but at this time, since time is running out.

Zhao Yazhi's company has already said that they will sign the contract tomorrow and give accurate news. At this time, Ye Ming also hesitated and said: "If this is the case, then it certainly cannot be said that he is going to the three major film and television companies. Or go to some art troupe or something.

Because you have enough time. If you want to do this, Wang Xiaoshu and I also know each other, right?

The relationship between us is also quite good. If you go, I can recommend it. It may be successful, but I can't guarantee it, because I am not willing to go to his father to do things for my surgery. She herself is not willing to do it. He started out from another company. Think about how unique this guy is.

Okay, now that this matter has reached this level, it must be unreasonable for you. What kind of contract did your company sign? Well, let’s talk about this matter later. Anyway, just settle the matter at hand first. Your agent has told you that you must give the company a reply tomorrow, so you can reply directly to the company tomorrow. If you say you won't sign the contract, I guess if you do this, the company will definitely not forgive you and will definitely take certain measures to write you off. This kind of thing is a common trick they use. .

Many artists were actually forced to restart their careers under such pressure.

In this case, many people will fall into the trap and sign a long-term contract. At that time, they will be kidnapped to your company. Regardless of whether it is popular or not, they will be on the same terms as the company anyway. The people in the trenches were gone.

But since you are unwilling to do this, then just say it simply and say not to sign. As for your company will take measures, that is for sure. Even if it is to kill others, they will definitely take measures, not to mention you. It is simply impossible to take the initiative to deliver it to your door at this time.

Your company will definitely attack you, and it will definitely attack you in order to make a warning to others. There is no doubt about this. If you don’t find a way out now, there is no other way. Let’s return it from your company first. The contract is You definitely can't sign it. If you sign it, you will basically be kidnapped by your company for the next four years. If you don't want to do that, you might as well just ask to quit the company.

As for the company saying that it will deal with you, then you don't have to worry about that much. Let's deal with the matter at hand first. Since the company will definitely deal with you when the time comes, just be prepared. "

Zhao Yazhi was stunned for a moment. She came to Ye Mingle to ask for advice. Ye Ming was obviously quite interesting. He directly gave himself two ideas, which were a small guide to his future. This is a small help, thank you very much, but he never expected that there was a traitor in the company, and someone dared to report his son, so there was obviously not much time left for his son at this time. .

So it is more important to take the initiative to withdraw and confess at this time, but, right, some people are unwilling to do this.

Zhao Yazhi said helplessly: "If this is the case, is there any other good way?"

Ye Ming nodded very definitely at this time and said: "You don't have any better way at all, right? At least the two paths I mentioned, it is impossible for you to do it now.

As for these matters, we simply take a decisive approach and push the contract away first. As for your company banning you, or whether you want to find a customer to delete you, this is definitely a question of how to do it. We can take our time. Litigation is the worst case scenario.

Since you want to persevere at this time, you must persevere well. Let’s get things done first. You don’t have any room for bargaining now. Since you don’t want to sign the contract, and the company has forced you to make a statement tomorrow without leaving you time to think, then at this time you must directly Only if you give an explanation. Well, if it really doesn't work,

I do have an idea, but it may be a little aggrieved. I don’t know if you are willing to do things to this point. In fact, there are not many opportunities to make a rough choice, so after finishing it, I didn’t encounter any problems. Just tell me first to hear what's going on.

As long as you can keep from quitting the entertainment industry, then the rest is easy to say. At this time, Ye Ming said firmly, "Okay, so I will say that if you can't find a suitable place to go, you can be my agent temporarily. I don't have an agent now anyway, and I am myself." I work alone. I don’t have any other companies. If I have a unit, it would be the Houdian Film and Television Base.

But, basically, I don’t care much about things. Now I am more of an actor in the entertainment industry, and I also lack an agent. If you become my agent, you basically don’t have to worry about being banned. Yeah, originally there was no such thing as banning or not being banned by manager Jiayi, right? Moreover, you can still stay in the entertainment industry. If there is a suitable opportunity, you can also take on roles yourself, right? Of course this is just a stopgap measure. If it's okay, you should think about it yourself first and see if it's appropriate. "

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