Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3284 The worst plan

After having fun and having fun, the training that needs to be done still needs to be carried out. An hour actually passed by very quickly. Before leaving, Guan Zhilin said curiously: "You think if our Assistant Director Ma dealt with this matter, how would he handle it?

Will you give me money? I heard that this incident is quite a big deal, and many people in our crew are waiting to eat it. Assistant Director Ma is kind of using chicken feathers as an arrow, and many people in the crew don't particularly like him. Just waiting to see his jokes. "

Damimi, on the other hand, analyzed the matter and said, "Actually, it's difficult to handle this kind of thing whether you give it to me or not.

You gave me the money, but what will you do next time? Can you guarantee that he does not have a backup copy? What if he continues to use this to blackmail you next time? Are you willing to compromise? right?

People's greed is endless, so even if you give money to this kind of thing, it may not be a one-time thing. Otherwise, the counselor may not be able to give money directly. He has made a lot of money over the years. I guess it is not difficult for him to make this amount of money.

But the problem is that if this matter is a series one after another, it will be difficult to tell how he is feeling now.

If not, think about it at this time, once this video is exposed, he and He Qiuju will be completely cool. "

At this time, the Three Beauties of Immortal Sword had changed their clothes and just said they were about to come out. They met Ye Ming at the door. Guan Zhilin then asked about the topic just now: "Coach, you said this is about our Assistant Director Ma. What will the crew do?

If something happens to our assistant director and supporting actress, it will be a joke. Yelena said without hesitation what can be done about this kind of thing?

This kind of thing can definitely be done. Assistant Director Ma is not a particularly good person in our crew. He always offends people and uses his eyelashes as arrows. But no matter what, he always asks us to organize the assistant director. He must be able to handle this kind of thing. , it is impossible to call the police.

If this kind of thing is reported to the police, the paparazzi will not be able to hide it at all. Even in this situation, it is difficult to say whether the national team can handle this, let alone call the police. So, if the police are called, it is difficult to say Our crew cannot afford to lose this person.

Besides, Nuclear Sphere’s supporting role is also relatively important, so if his scene is re-filmed, who will bear the loss? right?

That's a loss of several million, so it's impossible for the crew to call the police on this kind of thing. At least it is absolutely impossible to call the police before things get worse. You have to deal with it yourself first. "

After all, Damimi was the more experienced person among the Three Beauties of Immortal Sword, and she carefully analyzed this matter.

Guan Zhilin raised his own question on the side and said: "The truth is like this. We also discussed this issue just now. So coach, if you can't call the police at this time, we think the only thing left is to give Money, but if you give money once or twice, he will still give it three or four times.

Human greed is endless, I just heard what Sister Mi said. If you ask for money, they will continue to blackmail you. "

Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Of course this is right?

If you give money for the first time, they will think you are weak and can be bullied, so when it comes to such a situation, they will continue to blackmail you again and again until you can't stand it anymore.

Therefore, it is absolutely not possible to give money directly for such a thing. Giving money would be equivalent to encouraging the criminal suspect's arrogance. As for this matter, as you said, you must never compromise, but you cannot call the police. Calling the police is the worst plan. You must not call the police unless it is absolutely necessary. It does not mean that others cannot protect us, but in such a situation You can't make things worse. In fact, if you are not afraid of making things worse, then calling the police directly is the best choice.

But because one of the parties involved is a star and the other is an assistant director in the film industry, in such a situation, they obviously would not want to make a big deal out of this matter. As for this matter, if Assistant Director Ma It would be best if you solve it yourself.

But obviously Assistant Director Ma couldn't solve it by himself, so he went to the director. He probably wanted to ask the company or the crew to help solve such a matter. In fact, this was considered a relatively reasonable way to consider the consequences of this matter, and it wasn't It is said that Assistant Director Ma is the kind of person who has a confused mind, but he still has some abilities.

As for how to deal with it, it depends on how the director handles this matter. "

At this moment, a stage manager from the crew came over. When Ye Ming saw that he was an acquaintance, he stopped him directly, offered a cigarette and said, "Brother Huang, I want to ask you something, that is, what we just said What does the director mean by this?"

As for the yellow stage manager, he was smoking a cigarette and said: "What else can we do? The matter has already happened. Since the director is not willing to bear this matter at this time, he cannot bear the consequences, right? And this is The most frustrating thing is that I can't call the police.

What the director meant was to first go to the Screen Actors Guild and let the Screen Actors Guild come forward to see if the matter could be mediated. It was too much money for a private chat, and those blackmailers were really happy. I heard that it was Feng San, the special extra who followed our crew.

Feng San has had a contract like this with our crew for about a week. The contract expired yesterday and he has already checked out and left. So in such a situation, this matter is very difficult to handle. .

Who knows where Feng San is hiding?

The director has just contacted the Actors Guild and said that he wants to confirm where he is. However, I think this is unlikely, because if Feng San is not prepared, he will not dare to blackmail casually. right?

Come on, the director asked me to see how many scenes He Xiuju had shot, and how much money we would lose if we restarted filming and replaced people. The director wanted an accurate amount. "

When Guan Zhilin heard this, he said, "Brother Huang, are you still prepared to compromise?"

As for drama manager Huang, he explained at this time: "Compromise is impossible, at least for the time being. Aren't we looking for a middleman?

The purpose is to mediate this matter. If this matter can be settled peacefully, we will accept it if we go to the owner and spend some money. However, Feng Qian wants too much money. Of course, the director is a little unhappy about this.

So, at this time, the director asked me to check out He Qiuju's role. At this time, it was actually very hard to grab it with both hands, although we were afraid that this matter would be exposed.

It's best not to expose it. Neither the company nor the crew are actually willing to expose it this time. So, we just want to talk to the fans and hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully and give him some money. Then, He handed over this video to himself and ensured that there was no backup or anything like that.

But that’s what he said about this matter. Although we have approached the Actors Guild, he even said that we can approach higher-level people at the Hengshan Film and Television Base to see if this matter can be settled. If we can settle this matter privately, That's the best.

But if the situation is not even, then we have to be prepared to ask Assistant Director Ma and He Jiu Bureau out. Then, the breakdown of the synthesis bureau will definitely have to be re-filmed, although it is a waste of money. , but if they can't reach an agreement by then, it will definitely be impossible for Assistant Director Ma and He Xiuju to continue to stay in the entertainment industry once this video is exposed.

So, the director wants to know how many scenes He Qiuju participated in and how many scenes are still unfinished. If he prepares for the worst, then the video is exposed on the Internet, and both Assistant Director Ma and He Qiuju Personally, I definitely can’t eat it and walk around.

Fortunately, Assistant Director Ma has his own background in the company, so he may be fined two months' salary or something. Anyway, it is definitely impossible to fire him. But He Qiuju is different. He Qiuju can only In other words, he is a third- or fourth-tier actor. Think about what this kind of actor would not do in order to have a good role.

So, this kind of thing is something that should be unlucky for He Qiuju and Assistant Director Ma. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to cook such a thing, but it can be filmed by someone to blackmail Assistant Director Ma. There were only two directors, hehe, but they lost all their money.

Come on, the director is angry now. I have to finish this matter quickly. You go ahead. If you want to know the details, you can ask the director.

Of course, we have to take advantage of the director's mood to relax. The director is angry now, so when it comes to the leadership, these matters cannot be solved immediately, but if they are not solved, I will take care of it. Come on, I will Let's go now. Go take a look. Just be careful. "

At this time, Director Li put down the phone and his face was gloomy, with an expression full of the urge to hit someone. He said impatiently: "I have contacted both sides of the Screen Actors Guild just now to distract this person. The Screen Actors Guild." Well, they have said that they will be responsible for helping us find him, but it is difficult to say whether we can find this person.

If he is found, the Screen Actors Guild will be willing to mediate. Moreover, the Actors Guild has sent someone over to handle this matter. Well, let me put this matter into perspective. In fact, according to my experience, since they have started fighting, it is unlikely that they will resolve it peacefully.

We are just trying to work with the Screen Actors Guild and Hengshan Film and Television City. We are just acting as a middleman. Moreover, this middle-aged man is also the one you just said may not be able to solve it, and there is no guarantee that it can be solved.

However, we have no choice but to let this video be exposed. Once it is exposed, our crew will suffer huge losses.

However, you also have to be prepared. Once this thing is really messed up, there is nothing you can do.

At that time, you will have to bear at least half of the losses. Anyway, the company has said that you have to bear at least half. The company may consider solving the remaining half, but it is difficult to say. So, boss, you have to be prepared. Yes, this matter is quite difficult to handle. "

Assistant Director Ma is also a professional after all, so when he heard the director’s words, his mind started to spin a little, and he quickly calculated and said: “If the director really says that he will lose money, If so, reshooting will cost about 5 million less. If you asked me to bear half of it, then I might as well agree to his request and give him the money."

At this time, Director Li said unceremoniously: "You give him money, you give him money once, and next time, next time, do you promise that he will not use this video to continue to blackmail you? Right?"

This is our crew, this is a one-time thing, you just take the money and you are done, and even so, your position as counselor cannot be kept, because once this video is exposed, it will be huge negative news for our crew.

So, our crew still needs to clear up the relationship between this matter and this matter, which means we have to draw a clear line between you and He Qiuju. I mean, if this matter really comes to a last resort and Feng San really jumps over the wall and directly exposes the video, then the final expenses incurred at this time will be less than 5 million.

And you? It is true that half-responsibility may be a little higher for you, but at this time you should think that if you cannot continue to settle this matter, then it will definitely be our company that will be affected. The company will definitely not let you go by then.

If you don't want to take this responsibility, then fine. If you can settle this matter yourself so that the video will not be exposed and can solve such a problem, then you don't need to take money, right?

But the key is to talk about how you can solve this problem yourself. Do you have a way to solve this problem?

If you have a way to settle this matter, then why are you looking for me at this time? right?

So, what I mean is that if you prepare for the worst, then you and He Xiaoju should be mentally prepared.

Of course, I will also consider how to deal with this matter and see if I can suppress it.

But I can't guarantee that this thing will be successful, because I don't know what kind of person Feng San is. He has a character that is insufferable.

So I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not. I can only say that I will try my best. After all, I am the director of this crew. If something happens to this crew, I still have to bear a certain responsibility.

But don’t complain. You didn’t control yourself, which resulted in such a consequence. The crew didn’t hold you accountable for other responsibilities and didn’t give up. You are already very good. What kind of bicycle do you want? ?

You have no room for bargaining now, you know? Unless you have settled the matter yourself, but obviously you can't. "


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