Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3266: Are you fooling me?

If he is not nervous about going to the Spring Festival Gala, there are two situations. One is that he is an old Spring Festival Gala artist and he will adjust his mood. Even if he is very nervous, he is used to going to the Spring Festival Gala and the habit becomes natural, so he is If he is a little nervous, he will adjust his mood so that his nervousness will not affect the subsequent performance. These are some old artists who often attend the Spring Festival Gala, especially those who speak language and are the star performers of the Spring Festival Gala. .

Almost every one of these old artists has attended the Spring Festival Gala more than a dozen times, more than 20 times or even nearly 30 times. Speaking of it at this time, these people have become accustomed to it, so even if they are nervous, they will be able to do it themselves. Adjustments will not affect your performance on stage. This is the most special example.

Because they take too many classes, writing papers is like a routine work report every year for them, so even if they are nervous, they will adjust quickly.

There is another type of people, children, three or five years old. They don’t know what nervousness is yet. They think there is no big difference between performing on stage and performing in kindergarten. They don’t know what nervousness is. So, , as long as you listen to the arrangements of the director's aunt or the screenwriter's uncle, acting with adults is like playing a game, so people are not nervous, it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as there is food and drink. For toys, people don’t even know how to write the word nervousness.

Apart from these two types of people, there are basically no people who are not nervous. Their nervousness will more or less affect the kind of performance they may perform on stage.

So now, basically, everyone is adjusting their emotions to make themselves less nervous. Even Ye Ming actually went to the toilet three times. He didn't need to go to the toilet so frequently, but he was nervous in his heart.

In such a situation, if you cannot adjust your emotions, the nervous mood will make you go to the toilet frequently. This is normal. For a person who is in the entertainment industry, the few times he first appeared on stage, I want to say Going to the toilet frequently is something that happens to almost everyone.

If this person is naturally not nervous on stage, then such an artist can be said to be one of a kind in the entertainment industry. In other words, this kind of person is the kind of person who is the ancestor of the family. This is a unique state.

It can be said that such people are very few. Therefore, in fact, on the Spring Festival Gala stage, almost everyone is adjusting their performance state. Even Ye Ming has started to listen to music now. Listening to music can temporarily relieve himself Nervous emotions.

Everyone has a way to relieve their tension. Ye Ming's way to relieve his mood is to listen to some of his favorite songs. Even some heartless Wang Xiaoshou began to get nervous at this time. As for eating, he listened to Ye Ming and decided not to eat for the time being.

Let’s get down from the stage first. It’s not a big deal for a person to be hungry after a meal. Eat a little bread in the middle to replenish your energy, or eat some chocolate or something to replenish your energy. These are just some tips.

If you are willing to eat, it doesn't matter. No one will force you to do it. But you are responsible for the consequences after eating. Therefore, it is normal to respect the old and love the young and not eat. Wang Xiaoshu and Ye Ming belong to that group. A state of not eating.

At this time, someone actually came to visit. Huo Bingbing opened the door and came in. She glanced at Meng Wang Xiaoshu. Wang Xiaoshu's lunch box was still there, untouched at all.

Huo Bingbing said curiously: "How do you know why you don't want to eat? It's not like you, Wang Xiaoshu. I think someone like you should find someone to finish the meal, but in the end, you didn't even move your chopsticks.

This is not like the you I know. The you I know seem to be the kind of carefree person who doesn't care about anything. Why don't you even eat now? You are sometimes scared. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu said: "Of course I am also very nervous. It is impossible for you to say I am not nervous."

Facing an audience of nearly 1 billion on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, this person is not nervous and does not feel any pressure in his heart. Such people are indeed very few, very few.

Unless you are the kind of child who doesn’t understand pressure, this is an exception. Even old artists are actually nervous, but they know how to adjust their emotions, so the nervousness in their hearts will not affect their performance on stage. But this kind of old artist who has to be on stage at least seven or eight times or 10 times is qualified to have this ability to adjust his emotions.

Wang Xiaoshu obviously does not belong to this kind of industry, and he is not a child, so at this time, of course he was nervous. At this time, someone came over to argue with him, and he was very happy to do so.

So Wang Xiaoshu then came over and said unceremoniously: "Bingbing, you can do this, I don't believe you are not nervous, isn't it because Ye Ming didn't eat either?

He said that he should wait until he got off the stage to eat the lunch. In this case, some accidents could be avoided. He just tried two dumplings, and he said they were made with pork and green onions.

Huo Bingbing laughed loudly at this time and said: "You have to listen to what he said about eating lunch after the stage performance. He has already eaten this guy before, do you know?"

He was full before we handed out the lunch box. He had eaten dinner early. And he also ordered takeout, specifically asking someone she met on the TV station to bring it from outside. Of course the takeaway guy couldn't come in, right?

However, the current staff can go out, so he asked someone to bring it over and had already finished eating. I saw him eating with my own eyes.

He actually tricked you into not eating. And the key point is that you really listened to him and stopped eating here. What should I do at this time? What should I say to you?

Do you think I'm calling you smart or am I calling you stupid? Don't listen to him on this kind of thing. He told you to eat this lunch box after the stage performance. That's when people say the performance starts at eight or nine o'clock or even at 10:00. It doesn’t matter if people come down and eat this for two hours.

As for us, our current performance is a performance, that is, after 12 o'clock. Good guy, director Curly Hair has adjusted us to perform on stage after 12 o'clock. At this time, you have to starve yourself for 4 hours, or even The more time is wrong, it's not 4 hours but almost 6 hours. If you add in the noon time, you have to starve yourself for almost three hours. Have you eaten at noon? Have you eaten in the afternoon? "

Wang Xiaoshu shook his head and said: "No, isn't this nervous? After lunch, I only ate a piece of bread and nothing else. Does drinking two bottles of milk tea count?"

Huo Bingbing held her forehead and said helplessly: "Of course it doesn't count. It's just a drink. Eat it. You don't belong to the same country as him. He is deceiving you. Do you know that he himself He has already eaten out, so it is very normal for him to refuse to eat his lunch.

It's almost like not eating a box lunch. As for the actors on the stages that are closer in time, they can wait until after their own stage performance to eat the box lunch. As for us, we will perform after 12 o'clock. Do you really want to insist on eating the box lunch after 12 o'clock?

Don't be stupid, he is fooling you. She was already full, and she actually fooled you at this time. Moreover, I saw him in the restaurant. Not only did he eat out, but he also ate something himself. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu glanced at Ye Ming and said, "Yi Zi, you won't do this to me, will you? You won't tell me that you ate, right?

After the lunch box was distributed, you told me that I didn’t have to eat the lunch box and had to wait until after 12 o’clock to eat it. You were obviously trying to trick me. "

At this time, Ye Ming said confidently and openly: "Why am I cheating you? Look at how many people are not eating lunch boxes. I tell you that at least 1/3 or even more people are not eating. The lunch box is just waiting to be eaten off the stage after the performance.

Although it was cold at that time, your stage performance was over by then, and there was nothing left for you to do during the Spring Festival Gala. You could just wait until the end to envy others.

So, he won’t have any problems when eating at this time. If you have diarrhea or something due to this meal, if there is any accident, this is not appropriate, right?

It doesn't matter if you're a little hungry, as long as it doesn't affect the performance on stage, so the method I mentioned is also a good one, right?

I didn’t even eat my lunch box. As for the takeout I ordered outside, it wasn’t takeout at all. It was brought from home by some friends I had a good relationship with at the TV station. Of course it looks like takeout, but it's not takeout, it's just dumplings.

Moreover, they were not allowed to let go of the pork-stuffed Dachenggu because they were afraid that it would affect others during the performance. That's just a dumpling my friend brought me. Do you think it's appropriate for me not to eat it?

Yes or no? It's not appropriate either. As for saying that anyone with money can eat in the restaurant, right? As long as you want to eat, you can. I couldn't help it. My friend dragged me there and I accompanied them. For those who went to eat, there were indeed quite a few people on the Spring Festival Gala crew who did not eat their box lunches. This is definitely true.

But some people also know how to eat, right? It doesn’t mean that everyone goes hungry without eating. Some people even say that eating can relieve their nervousness. There is no way to deal with such a mood. I have too many acquaintances. When I was a child star, I had many I have good friendships. Now, I have met more than one of them on the Spring Festival Gala crew, although we had lost contact with them before.

but. Now that I am involved in the entertainment industry again, in such a situation, some friends will definitely pick them up, right?

At least when we threaten their interests, they are more willing to re-establish a relationship with me as friends. The entertainment industry is actually so realistic. I go to a restaurant to eat. Good guy, think about it. That restaurant is not expensive. , that’s the only restaurant in the Spring Festival Gala. It’s a private restaurant, so it’s not considered a restaurant. Anyway, it’s just that, everyone just understands it in their hearts. Can we open a restaurant there if it doesn’t matter?

Right? I'll just go there and drink some coffee or something, chat with friends, eat some snacks, and be invited by others. If you tell me if I don't go, I'll look like I'm a big shot. Do I have the qualifications to get a degree now? ?

No, I don’t have the qualifications to act like a big name at all now, so my old friend asked me to come with him and said he wanted to talk about a lesbian relationship. There was no way I wouldn’t agree. This is a very normal thing, so I said Woolen cloth. Huo Bingbing said that I went to eat. This is slandering me. Is the main purpose of my going there to eat?

It's impossible. My main purpose of going there is to build relationships. How much do you think you can eat and drink coffee there? I really want to have a full stomach. It would be great if I went directly to someone to make some noodles. That would be so real, right?

I'm not saying that this TV station can't find people. No matter what, I can do it like instant noodles. So, don't talk about me eating. I'm just building relationships. Eating and drinking coffee are secondary. Really At the bottom of the list is the lunch box from the Spring Festival Gala. You can see that the conditions for the lunch box from this Spring Festival Gala are quite high, much higher than during the previous rehearsal. I really didn’t eat, right?

You can’t say that I’m fooling you. Although I ate a little before, it’s not eating, it’s just politeness. It’s all out of personal courtesy. If someone brings dumplings to me, you say I won’t eat them. Do you know that it would be inappropriate to live up to other people's wishes and invite me to drink coffee? If I don't go, it will make me look like a famous person.

For me, it's all because of work needs. I need to maintain this relationship. Even if this relationship is superficial, at least it proves that we are friends and not enemies.

This is how it is in the entertainment industry. Many friends, many roads, few enemies and small walls. Since we can become friends, no matter how plastic they are, at least they are friends until they break up. Then there are some things. It can be solved through friends, right?

Don't listen to Huo Bingbing trying to instigate a relationship between the two of us. Ask her if she has eaten by herself? He has no chocolate left in his pocket now. Do you believe him when he says he hasn't eaten?

In fact, it doesn’t matter what you eat, the key is how you regulate your nervousness.

Some people have their own ways of adjusting their emotions, and some even say that eating is the way to adjust their nervous emotions. You haven't eaten anything, so what did you do all afternoon?

Why do you just eat some bread, drink some milk tea or something? What can he do if you are asked to eat something? right?

If you don’t eat it yourself, you’ll blame others. And I’ve told you that many people didn’t eat the lunch box during the stage performance. It’s normal to eat it in the future.

You and Bingbing are performing after 12 o'clock, but I have a magic show that needs to start around 10 o'clock, so I have to adjust my emotions. I will come off the stage after 10 o'clock. Eating, this is nothing, it’s normal.

It's all planned. This is a little trick of mine. I'll tell you. As for whether you want to believe it or not, that's your business. Don't listen to Binbin to sow discord. He is just free. Panic, you know?

She must be very nervous. She deliberately came over to chat with us and provoke the relationship between us. Then, she herself would feel comfortable. That way, she would not appear so nervous when the time comes. .

Just like that, if you say that the relationship between the two of us can be instigated by him, then we have a plastic bag friendship, not even a plastic flower friendship, then we have a plastic bag friendship. "

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