Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3220: Don’t play by the rules

Although Fatty Xiao Wu was a little wary of the name Ye, he actually didn’t take it too seriously. He just said that he had a deep feeling about Ye’s name and was very surprised. Harvard University, Yale Being a double graduate from a university is not something that ordinary people can do, and if you do it before the age of 18, you are indeed a very talented person. And with such good conditions, it is difficult for people to find a job in the world's top 500 companies. , on the contrary, he said that he wanted to take the film school entrance examination. This can only be said to be the artist's imagination, which is different from others.

However, the fat man did not take Ye Ming's warning to heart, but explained: "Actually, maybe you don't know these things, you are not an antique person, do you know that?

There are some rules in the antique shop that everyone must abide by. For example, if you buy an antique and leave it, after you pay and walk out the door, whatever happens will have nothing to do with me.

So even if the two foreigners really discovered that the thing was a fake, they wouldn't be able to come to me, and it would be useless to come to me.

Come on, you two go play, I'll go over there first, I'm busy over there, see you later. "

The people involved didn't say anything about this matter, and they weren't very attentive. So it was hard for Ye Ming to say anything at this time. After all, this matter had no direct relationship with him.

But because of Ye Ming's status as a top student, Brother Shan chatted a few more words with one of them and asked about the content of such activities in foreign universities.

And the people who answered this question by name were very clear and logical, making people feel the romantic feeling of college life. Even the folk songs they made made them think that if they had the chance, should they become international students?

However, at this time, Ye Ming added: "It is necessary to pass CET-6 in English, because otherwise, there will be some obstacles when you communicate or read some original literature, so it is said that you cannot pass CET-6 in English. Level 6, this is closely related to an international student’s performance.

It’s OK if you want to go. It doesn’t matter if you can go, but you have to be prepared. Can you really succeed? Besides, with your conditions, Brother Shan, do you still need to study abroad? Why go there and suffer when you don't have to worry about food and drink? Not interesting. "

As for Brother Shan, his interest comes and goes quickly. He thought about it carefully. He thought about it carefully. He thought about it, leaving behind the feasting life here and letting himself go to the university campus to study and live like an ascetic monk. When I think about it, I am still a little bit unhappy.

So, Brother Shan nodded and said, "Come on, let's talk about it later. Maybe it depends on the opportunity. If there is a chance, I will go there for a year and a half. Maybe I won't go and we will see when the time comes."

It wasn't even half an hour in the middle, but Brother Shan waved his hand and said, Monkey said it's okay, you two go back first, and then just go to the acting class to attend the class. "

Just when Lenin was about to leave, Fatty Xiao Wu came over in a panic and said eagerly: "Brother Shan, something happened over there. Those two foreigners are really unkind. They don't know what to do." We don’t follow the rules and don’t play by the routine. We are doing business in the antique business. No matter how much money you make or how much you lose, there will never be anyone looking for someone to blame. We are all in the same circle. The people who hang out there are basically very well-behaved, and anyone who doesn't will be kicked out.

But those two foreigners did not follow the routine. They actually complained directly to us through Harvard University and their embassy at this time, saying that the antiques I sold here were fake and shoddy, and they were deceived. them.

So, we raised the issue of refund and compensation.

If I had known something like this, I would not have sold it to two foreigners. This situation would never have happened when selling it to our own people. Even if our own people bought the sample and didn't see it on the spot, then I blame you for having no eyesight and being blind.

These two foreigners were not kind at all. They directly asked someone to appraise it, and the appraisal result proved that this thing was a high imitation, so they asked us to refund the money. "

At this time, Brother Shan saw that Ye Ming's face was a little different, and his eyes were a little more serious. He said seriously: "If Mr. Ye didn't say that you were in front of me just now, you didn't even leave for a moment." , I wonder if you guys have tipped off the news, your guess is too accurate.

Those two foreigners actually used official methods so unkindly and directly. "

The fat man explained with some dejection: "I'm a little complacent about this. If it were an ordinary policeman, I would have been prepared to come and check. Besides, we have been checked by the police not once or twice, so for this kind of thing As for things, I am also on guard, and I don’t feel particularly passive.

Because in the antique industry in our country, there are a lot of handicrafts, and they exist in large quantities, so if they are found, the police may not be sure about what is a shareholder and what is a handicraft. Come on.

At worst, it would be over if you go through legal channels, because there is no fixed limit to this thing. For example, for pastel porcelain from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the price difference between official kilns and private kilns may be three to five times or even 10 to 20 times.

So you said that it is indeed troublesome to find the back debt in the activity store. The same is true for the money and goods. There is no such thing as looking for the back debt.

But I didn't expect that this foreigner was so unkind and would directly use official means to go through the back door. It's troublesome for us. I can't keep an eye on this. They've already said it, and they want us to pay three times the compensation. According to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, if we sell fake and shoddy products, we should pay three times the compensation. .

The two foreigners have also learned to use elimination methods to protect themselves. How can you make sense of this thing of mine? Are you people in the antique circle?

You two are not from the antique circle, so don’t come here to play. If you can’t afford it, you are threatening us with the Consumer Rights Protection Law. Do you think I can tolerate these three things? Scholars can't bear it, these two foreigners are so unkind. "

The fat man's experiences are really pitiable. Brother Shan thought for a while and said: "Xiao Wu, you are indeed a bit sympathetic. But don't you know a few people? Why didn't you find them? ?"

The fat man shook his head helplessly and said: "I have found three of these things. He doesn't mean that the few people I know can solve it, because this has already involved the diplomatic level. It means that we criticized those two foreign countries. People have basically risen to the level of diplomacy, and it would be unkind to say that we do this.

And someone above said this, if I don't settle it, I'll be attacked. You said that some of my business is just a side project on Bhutanese antiques. This thing and other businesses are also on the side. Even if it's true, you said If I wipe it off, I'll be finished.

Therefore, I have to ask Brother Shan for help with this matter. Their leader has told me that I will get this done within three days. If you can't handle it, handle me.

You think I can't be reasonable? I just earn a small amount of money, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. Brother Shan, do you, Lu Ziguang, have any way to solve this problem? "

At this time, Brother Shan hesitated and said, "It's hard to deal with foreigners here, and I don't have any particularly strong connections there. I know a few foreigners, but they are just casual acquaintances, so there's nothing to talk about." Friends, people may not be willing to help us sincerely.

By the way, Mr. Ye, didn't you mean a member of the Harvard University Alumni Association? Look back and see if there is any way to take a walk and understand these situations. As for this matter, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious. If we say that we don’t understand the situation now, it will be difficult to handle.

At least we need to understand what it means there? Make it your own, move out your backers, and let DeMiro fight for a place. This is indeed a bit of a violation of the rules.

What you warned was right and timely, but no one expected that these two foreigners would not follow the rules and play their cards according to the routine. When they found out that they had been deceived, they directly brought out the background of their backers. No tricks. "

At this time, Ye Ming also nodded and said: "Brother Shan, there is no problem with this. However, if you think that these two foreigners will abide by our rules, it is unlikely that they will be foreigners. Basically, they are all controlled by capitalism." The corrupt system educates people who grow up.

For these people, what is faceless and what is unruly? These are our Chinese rules, not the rules of their foreigners. Besides, even if foreigners have rules, sometimes they do it for profit and money. Those who break the rules.

Anyway, it can be said that some foreigners can basically abide by the rules if it is beneficial to them. If it is not beneficial to them, maybe they can bypass the rules. And this time, their approach, although it makes us feel I feel ashamed and think that this is the rule in our country. There is no such thing as looking for debt. But since they are foreign friends, this matter will be difficult to handle. "

Brother Shan, as for Brother Shan, nodded and said: "It is true that it is more troublesome in foreign countries, because it may cause diplomatic disputes. This matter is big or small. You just need to help with your heart. This time it will be fine." There is nothing to thank you for. If you want to attend any training class, you can just go to the training.

Later, I will introduce two more friends to you. Anyway, the film school entrance examination is basically about the same, if you have some experience. Coping with the exam is not a big problem.

The premise is that you have to be outstanding in one aspect, and you have to impress the examiner in one aspect. In this way, it will be easier for you to pass. If your grades in all aspects are relatively average, in fact, to be honest, whether it is a film school, Drama schools don't particularly appreciate and admit such students.

You are relatively average in all aspects, neither particularly good nor particularly bad. In this case, you may not necessarily be welcomed by the film school. Anyway, you have one outstanding feature that can catch the teacher's eye. Bright.

In this case, your probability of being admitted will be higher.

If the monkey remembers what I say, graduates of this training class will attend it for free. "

As for Brother Shan, he is indeed a man who has seen the big world, and he is also very open-minded in handling matters. I hope Ye Ming can help contact the Harvard University Military Association. Then at this time, certain benefits must be given. You cannot let others It's all for nothing, right?

After all, this is the first time we met, not friends. Friendship is the result of your interactions. Again, if you ask Ye Ming to do something, then Ye Ming's tuition will be waived. This kind of thing can be regarded as an exchange of equal value. Those who are not holding back must take advantage of it. Ye Ming is cheap.

As for this matter, whether it is big or small, the key is whether it matters what is done and who is going to do it. If it does matter, then it is actually relatively easy to handle this matter.

Brother Shan is also very clear that professional matters should be left to professionals. Since Ye Ming is a member of the Harvard Alumni Association, it should not be a big problem to leave it to him to inquire about this matter at this time.

Sure enough, Ye Ming made two phone calls, and then he immediately came over and said: "How can this matter be the same? I have already asked clearly, and it was indeed only after I returned home that I discovered that this thing was wrong.

Moreover, these two two people should be relatively familiar with some domestic situations. If they create such a thing and directly retrieve it, the people who sell antiques here will definitely not admit it casually, or They knew that antiques did not require passports, but they were not willing to be fooled, so they actually used official methods.

One of those two foreigners is a vice-president of the Harvard University Alumni Association, and he has some connections, so it is only the Harvard University Alumni Association that intervened in this matter. Pay 3 for every fake one, this is based on the Consumer Association Protection Act. However, a friend of mine and I also said that this matter must be handled in accordance with domestic rules. Of course, domestic rules must be followed. If you buy a fake in the public market, Have you had your eyes opened?

When it comes to looking for a passport, it is impossible for you to ask someone to make a false claim and say "compensation".

So I will tell them about this, or we will return the money to you, and you will return the things to us. As for this transaction, even if it is cancelled, or you will file a lawsuit and see how the court decides. How can we compensate? I guess they may be discussing this matter over there. What should I do?

But I think the problem shouldn’t be big. After all, according to our rules, you have already gone out. What you spent money to buy is a fake. You are playing jungle by yourself. It is already a huge honor for you to be able to refund the money. It's even more impossible to compensate you. You can just file a lawsuit and let the court decide. I guess there will be options over there, and the results should come out soon. "

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