Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3273: The rough outline is made of blue and white, and the strokes are thicker and lighter.

Although this high school student singing competition does not attract as much attention as those adult singing competitions, after all, it is a national competition, and the previous warm-up has also achieved maximum publicity, so since it is The finals were broadcast live, which of course attracted a certain amount of attention.

As for the host, Haining, a young female actress of the TV station who is the head of the TV station, will conduct the live broadcast. As for Haining, as a popular young female host of a new TV station, she has quite good control over the scene and skillfully introduced the scene. The guests and audience then announced the rules of the competition.

The competition is divided into two parts. One is the top 10 at the end of the first round of the finals.

Only the contestants who can enter the top 10 are eligible to record the program group's album. Those who can enter the top three are eligible to enter the recording of another album. This is all agreed upon in advance.

Otherwise, if there are so many players from provinces, cities and regions across the country, why would they waste all their energy to participate in the competition?

So in order to attend the Spring Festival Gala, the first place actually has a unique opportunity in the Spring Festival Gala. In addition, the second and third place may have the opportunity to sing together. This means that at most three people can get this opportunity. If there is no benefit to other people, of course they will not do it.

Therefore, among the top 10, the program team will contact them to produce a record together. In this case, the impact will be greater.

Moreover, the top 10 will release an album, which will more or less take care of the players from all provinces, cities and other regions across the country.

Then, at this time, Haining made a very important decision, that is: "Today, our competition will adopt a relatively special competition, which means that the expert judges and teachers can only give the contestants The kind of comments and opinions during the performance, but it is not possible to give on-site scoring.

Let's leave such a matter to today's heavyweight guest, that is to say, the artificial intelligence robot next to me. When all the contestants perform live, this artificial intelligence robot will give fair and just scores on the spot. .

Moreover, the audience friends in front of the TV can also conduct audience voting during the contestant canvassing period. The weight of the audience vote currently accounts for 35% of such a result, and the artificial intelligence robot accounts for 65% of such a result. Results, so to speak, are actually very important vote-getters on both sides. I hope that the majority of players can work hard to express themselves.

Okay, now, I would like to invite the first contestant Guo Lu to perform live. Contestant Guo Lu will bring you the song "Flowers Blossoming Red," please. "

As for Guo Lu, he was the unlucky singer with no background. When he sang without any background, he didn't have any special features according to the information, so at this time, he was the first one assigned by the program team. .

This is equivalent to a warm-up, and now even the audience in front of the TV does not pay special attention to this live broadcast.

But after all, it was the first time I watched it, and I like singing more. However, I guess the first show, whether it was live or in front of the TV, the audience would not have lifted their spirits. How about scoring? I guess it won't be particularly high.

Sure enough, Guo Lu's performance of Huaduoduohong when he sang at this time was not particularly good. There were even broken sounds during the singing. This made Guo Lu, who was singing live at the time, feel Very embarrassed and frozen.

It seems that Guo Lu is still a little nervous, so the more nervous he is, the more likely he is to make mistakes, and the more afraid he is of making mistakes, the more mistakes will occur in a short period of two or three minutes. Well, the more obvious mistakes have been made three or four times.

In fact, Guo Lu felt very depressed. The song he came across was not a good song either.

But there is no way to choose. This is a song arranged by the company, because it is a work written by one of the company's more famous songwriters. This is the practice stage, and it is also to promote his own work, so that Guo Luni can perform in the finals. Sing this song.

It turns out that this song is not a particularly good song, it did not capture the hearts of the audience, and it did not impress the expert judges, but now it is a live broadcast after all.

So, after each competition, Haining interviewed Guo Lu and said, "Guo Lu, what do you think of your performance today? How many points can you give yourself?"

At this time, Guo Lu felt a little nervous when he came off the stage. Then, after thinking for a while, he said with some hesitation: "I think it's okay. However, when switching between high and low notes, there were a few obvious flaws, which I didn't expect.

This may be my first time on such a huge stage, so I feel a little nervous in my heart. When I am nervous, it is easy to make mistakes. As a result, the more I am afraid of making mistakes, the more I make mistakes. Anyway, I feel There are a few places where I have already broken my voice.

There's no way to modify this, right? Maybe it's because I don't have enough experience in competitions. I'm actually very satisfied to be able to enter the finals this time. When I came, I warned myself that I came here with the attitude of learning.

So, the result of this competition is not important to me. Just being able to stand on this stage is considered a success for me.

So, it doesn’t matter how many points I can get at this time of the scene. I can feel it myself. If I were to score it myself, it would be about 7 points. After all, there are areas where the performance is not good. Thank you to the national TV station and the high school student singing competition. The program team can give me such an opportunity to show myself in front of the TV. "

I have to say that Guo Lu is quite a talkative player, especially in front of the camera. He has adjusted his mentality a little now. When he gets off the stage, he may not be particularly nervous anymore, so his performance now is still very stylish.

This was the kind of battle where no one loses but no one loses. He knew that his performance was not particularly good, but he also decided to try his best to leave his wonderful side in some questions such as the final interview session.

At this time, because it was a live broadcast and we had to wait for the commercials to end, we needed to reserve some time, so Haining also turned to the microphone and said: "Okay, thank you, classmate Guo Lu, for asking you to take a short break and wait for the results of other students' competitions." .”

Then Zai Haining quickly turned around and said to the main camera in the middle: "Okay, now we invite the second classmate to come on stage. The second classmate is an old friend that everyone is familiar with. "

Seeing that the director behind the scenes said that the commercial time was not yet up, Haining continued to edit lyrics on the spot. This also showed that Haining still had some hosting skills.

Next, Haining continued: "Ye Ming, who was famous back then, had the same surname. Before Ye Ming quit the entertainment industry and went to school, he was already a first-line actor in the entertainment industry. I believe that many viewers should be familiar with Ye Ming. He Many people should have watched the movies and TV series he starred in.

Today we are lucky enough to hear Ye Ming’s new single Blue and White Porcelain, written and composed for us.

I have to say that Ye Ming’s classmate is an all-rounder. He does all the lyrics, music and singing. From this point of view, it can be seen that a classmate should be a top student. For such a player, please invite Ye Ming. "

At this time, Ye Ming also decisively walked out from behind the stage.

Then, there is Haining’s pre-match interview. This time, Ye Ming will be interviewed longer than Guo Lu, and the time will be longer. After all, Ye Ming is a topical person, so the real-time ratings of the program team are slightly The ones are a little longer.

It wasn't like passing by. I asked a little about my age, habits, etc., and then passed.

This time, after Haining asked some more routine questions, he immediately got to the point and said, "This time, classmate Ye Ming, you brought us the song Blue and White Porcelain, which is about starting things by yourself. So what do you think about it?" What’s the evaluation of this song of mine? What’s the hope?”

As for Ye Ming, he didn't know what it meant to be polite at this time, so he said directly: "Of course I have hope, right? I hope to enter the real finals, to enter the top 10, and besides, I hope for this song The song is very confident. It is a song that is very pleasing to the ears and is an unforgettable song.

I personally think that this song of mine should be refreshing to everyone, and I hope everyone likes it. "

Ye Ming was a very popular child star back then. He was indeed the kind of child star that many people remember. But the entertainment industry is still forgetting very quickly. He hasn't acted in Orange Heart for so many years. If he debuts now, he won't actually be able to earn much back on his laurels.

Because he doesn't have much capital.

However, it will give everyone some impression. After seeing a person, I will think about who played who in whose movie back then. This is an advantage for Ye Ming. .

Moreover, speaking of it, among players, he is relatively recognized by the nation.

Moreover, during the recent period, the songs written by Ye Ming have indeed caused quite a stir on the Internet.

Whether it's a song about brothers or a hero song, the popularity on the Internet has remained high in the past two days.

Haining was actually very surprised. He also knew Ye Ming. After all, he was a popular child star back then. However, at this time, Haining was somewhat doubtful about Ye Ming's confidence.

But as a host, there is still fairness and justice. At least when facing the process, fairness and justice must still be shown.

At this time, although Haining himself was a little doubtful, he praised him and said: "Ye Ming is a creative singer. He composed the Brothers and Heroes song some time ago, etc. They are all red-flag songs, so at this time, even I am very much looking forward to it. This time, I haven’t been able to bring us any kind of songs. I hope everyone will join me to enjoy a song that I brought to you today. song, blue and white porcelain.”

Just like Haining said before, as for Ye Ming, you are more or less a child star, with some national recognition, and some of his previous songs have indeed caused quite a stir.

Therefore, netizens, audiences and even experts are still looking forward to it. I hope Ye Ming can give everyone another very good song.

At this time, Ye Ming slowly walked onto the stage with a microphone and explained as he walked: "Actually, I am very happy to participate in the finals of this high school student competition. This time, I want to bring you something The song is a Chinese style song.

The reason why I wrote this song actually has another story. Finally, I will slowly talk about this song with you, so now please enjoy the song, Blue and White Porcelain. "

At this time, Ye Ming began to dance to the beat on the stage.

However, in fact, Haining in the audience was also a little puzzled, because she is a host, so she should be the first to get these lyrics and so on, so she is very concerned about each contestant. Some works are still impressive.

In his memory, she was the first to get it.

Ye Ming is good at lyrics. It seems that the songs he sings are not blue and white porcelain. For this reason, he specifically asked the director to confirm that Xiao Li was on the director's cover, and then sent him another set of lyrics to express his gratitude. According to records, Ye Ming's works are indeed blue and white porcelain.

Of course, Haining did not deal with this matter in particular, because after all, the live broadcast was about to begin, and the show was causing trouble, so the arrival of such a big prodigal son would have some impact on Haining.

So, after Haining got the new lines, he didn't particularly pursue the original lines.

Because in fact, even on the TV station, the lines may not be the same but they may change, or there may be some typos or something like that. This may have happened.

Although it may not appear many times, it has happened to Haining himself more than once or twice. He may feel that there is a slight problem with the system.

So, the mistake was revealed in his lines. At this time, he just said that he checked his lines on the computer, and this time it was really correct.

So, she didn't continue to hold on to this matter, but went on stage directly.

However, when Ye Ming sat on the stage and started singing, he really felt that it was not blue and white porcelain. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but at such a young age, his memory would not be so bad.

The little girl from Haining is actually quite worried that there will be something wrong with her memory. Could it be that she really remembered it wrong, or maybe the printing staff at the TV station printed it wrong?

At this moment, the prelude ended, and a blue and white porcelain song slowly flowed out accompanied by Ye Ming's voice.

The plain embryo outlines, the blue and white are produced, and the strokes are thicker and lighter...

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