Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 33 Chen Zhipeng’s anger

Turning your hands to make clouds, turning your hands to make rain, these are the methods of big shots.

It was finally replaced by Chen Zhipeng. At least, now it seems that there are three actors from Baodao.

Because Chen Zhipeng is not the protagonist, his treatment is a little worse than that of Su Youpeng, and he does not have the same makeup car as Su Youpeng.

Originally, Chen Zhipeng was going to use a vanity van with Ye Ming, Zhao Wei, and Lin Xinru, but Su Youpeng pulled Chen Zhipeng over. The two brothers had not seen each other for a while.

Therefore, although Chen Zhipeng said that he was not qualified to be a starring role, he almost said that he had the treatment of a starring role.

He was as big a figure as Su Youpeng. Although the Little Tigers' influence was no longer at its peak at that time, it still had its influence, and many people still came here to ask Su Youpeng and Chen Zhipeng for autographs and photos.

Chen Zhipeng can also have his own agent and private makeup, which is also treatment at the level of a big shot.

However, Chen Zhipeng actually has a feeling of superiority in his heart. He seems to be still immersed in the atmosphere of the idol group Little Tigers, and he doesn't put much effort into his acting.

It actually took half a day to shoot the scene where the real and fake scenes in the Bachelor's Mansion were completed. At this time, the director was a little helpless.

Chao Guoli looked at the plan and said: "Director, there was originally one more scene to be shot today, but depending on the progress, it's impossible. We have to start setting up the night scene, and try to shoot as much of the night scene in Prince Gong's Mansion today. Some."

Sun Shupei also frowned helplessly and said: "They are all newcomers. It is very difficult for them to get into the state. Renting this Prince Gong's Mansion every day is a waste of money. When I think about it, how many of them will It’s better to get into the state as soon as possible.”

The director expected that it would not be very fast for newcomers to enter the state, but he did not expect that the result would be slower than he thought.

Looking at the funds in the account, the director had a headache.

In a corner of the studio, the script manager Han Fei thought for a while and said, "Third brother, can this happen? If the director pursues it, I can't afford to walk around."

Liu Jiajun said with great certainty: "Don't worry, I've already asked about it. The crew's funds are relatively tight. If the crew keeps consuming the five-yuan lunch box, it won't be able to afford it. As long as you are Report the news. Liu Yuebing has no reason not to agree. Once he agrees, even if he is responsible in the future, it will not be your fault. Don’t worry, Sun Shupei is an outsider no matter what. You are an old employee of the company. If something happens, Manager He will also turn a blind eye."

After his son was driven away, Liu Jiajun naturally would not give up easily. The villain takes revenge all day long.

Therefore, now he wants to make a very vicious plan, box lunch.

Every crew has to face this kind of problem. Generally speaking, the budget of the crew is not too tight, and they only get lunch boxes of 5 yuan. This price was enough to feed them in 1997.

Five yuan, both meat and vegetables, and Han Fei can also get a rebate of one yuan, which means that the box lunch used by the crew actually costs about four yuan.

Of course, Han Fei would repay Liu Yuebing 60 cents as a kickback for every lunch box, so he turned a blind eye to Han Fei's small actions.

As long as the director doesn't ask, who will care about this matter? Extras? The group of extras are paid and have enough to eat. How can they still ask for so much?

Do you still want to act in your next performance?

Han Fei finally couldn't stand Liu Jiajun's five thousand yuan offer. He nodded, took the money and said, "Then I'll give it a try, but the third brother's ugly words are ahead. If Liu Yuebing hadn't nodded this time, I wouldn't have done it." If you do that, don't blame your brother for being unloyal."

Liu Yuebing was convinced by deputy director Chao Guoli, and Chao Guoli was a general under director Sun Shupei. Only Liu Yuebing nodded, and he was able to take out himself.

Otherwise, he would bear He Xiuqiong's anger.

When he found Liu Yuebing, Han Fei smiled like a Maitreya Buddha and presented two boxes of baking soda, and then said: "Brother Bing, today I found a box of three-yuan lunch box. In this way, we can save a lot." ah."

Three yuan? Liu Yuebing hesitated and said, "Isn't it time for Sanyuan? If something goes wrong by then, it will be hard to tell."

Han Fei swore and said: "There is no problem. We have invested a lot of money in the director and starring actors. We have enough lunch boxes to ensure that there will be no problem in the director and starring roles. As for the rest of the people, what do they dare to do?" My opinion, it’s not Brother Bin who has the final say on this lunch box. If anyone dares to be dissatisfied, just tell them to get out. Why should you care about these people?"

Even though Han Fei is brave, he still doesn't dare to attack the director and the leading actors unless he doesn't want to be part of the crew anymore.

Thinking about the profit, Liu Yuebing finally couldn't help but nodded and said: "Let's give it a try first. Don't settle on it. Let them give it away twice first and see everyone's reaction. If it doesn't work, just change it back. You kid Wake me up, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to protect you."

At this time, Liu Hanmin wore sunglasses and looked at the two extras with a stern look on his face, and his handsome face was a little distorted. He was actually kicked out. He couldn't believe the result.

Therefore, Liu Hanmin was not willing to fail like this, and he wanted to take revenge on the crew.

I found two extras from the cast of My Fair Princess.

Liu Hanmin gave such instructions, and then said very coldly: "Do you understand? After the matter is completed, there will still be two hundred yuan."

One of the children looked proudly at the two hundred-dollar bills in his hand. He couldn't believe his eyes and nodded quickly.

But another older performer hesitated and said: "Sir, we really only need to complain a few words to get these two hundred yuan. If we talk about other things, we won't do it. The extras are also the bottom line with the extras.”

Liu Hanmin arranged for the two of them to complain to the crew about the poor food during the meal. As long as they complained, each person would receive 200 yuan. After the incident was completed, they would still be paid 200 yuan.

For a group performer, this is an extra half a month's income, so both of them were very tempted.

But the older man, after all, is well-informed and is very worried about what will happen.

Therefore, after receiving the money, once again determine what their mission is.

After hearing Liu Hanmin's repeated assurances, the two extras left and began to participate in the subsequent filming of the My Fair Princess crew.

New lunch boxes were delivered quickly.

Chao Guoli checked the progress and then said: "Start eating and speed up. After dinner, we will start shooting in the evening. Today's progress is very slow. We have to catch up in the evening. If any department falls behind, I can't spare it."

It's a purely manly style, it's very popular, many evil people are actually done by the assistant director Chao Guoli.

Chen Zhipeng's manager Mimi came over to get the lunch boxes. The three of them received three boxes of lunch boxes. Originally, Mimi wanted to ask for one more box lunch box. What if there is not enough food?

But the person who handed out the lunch boxes said that the number of lunch boxes was fixed, and everyone had one, so there was no extra.

There was no other way, so Mimi left angrily with her lunch box.

The manager of the big shot Chen Zhipeng actually ran into trouble because of a box lunch, which made Mimi extremely unhappy.

At this time, after Haibo opened the lunch box, he also frowned, turned around and said: "Tie Lin, have you noticed that the quality of today's lunch box is much worse, can you still see the shadow of meat? ?”

Although the lunch box was said to have meat dishes, all Haibo saw were two pieces of fat meat the size of fingernails, which were considered as sporadic embellishments.

Some time ago, this lunch box was shabby enough, but Zhang Tielin didn't expect that the showrunners on the lunch box crew today looked a little too ugly, right?

After a day of acting, Hai Bo felt a little unhappy and ended up eating this kind of food.

Zhang Tielin was smiling, eating deliciously, and said carelessly: "If you don't do it, you won't die. They are really the directors of the crew. It's just a decoration. Liu Jiajun's son left just now, and he went out This is obviously a disincentive to the director, and it has become an open secret that the generals are at odds with each other."

Although Zhang Tielin did not directly tell the reason for this incident, under such a situation, he still told you the inside story.

Hai Bo sighed and said nothing more. After years of experience, he naturally understood what was going on.

Mimi brought the lunch box over. At this time, Chen Zhipeng was sitting in the car reading the script. He had a role in the evening, so he had to focus on memorizing his lines. After all, he was replaced on the spot, and some of his lines were still not good. Familiar.

Mimi came up with a lunch box and complained for a while: "Zhipeng, what the crew did was too shameful. I asked for an extra lunch box, but the guy who handed out the lunch box didn't give it to me after he died. It's so disrespectful."

After putting down the three boxes of lunch, Mimi saw three boxes of lunch on the side and said curiously: "Whose lunch is this, dear?"

Chen Zhipeng glanced at it and said nonchalantly: "The director just called Xiao Guai for something and said we don't have to wait for him."

At this time, Mimi became a little curious. As a woman, curiosity is her nature.

But after opening Su Youpeng's lunch box, Mimi's face suddenly became very ugly.

Su Youpeng's lunch box not only contains chicken legs and braised pork, but also vegetarian dishes. It is much plumper than the lunch box Mimi received just now.

Seeing the difference between the two lunch boxes, Chen Zhipeng finally couldn't help but become angry. (To be continued)

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