Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3728: Status in the Circle

As for this, in fact, there are certain unspoken rules in the entertainment industry. For example, if the director Xiao Li comes over to say something, whether it is a thank you or something else, then at this time, what about the person who stands up to answer the question? He must be the one with the highest status in this dressing room.

Unless it is Xiao Li's directional question, for example, after Xiao Li comes in, he directly asks Ye Ming. At this time, whether it is necessary or Xiao Wu, he cannot stop him and say what Ye Ming said. Before answering, the two of them couldn't say more. This was respect for the TV station, not respect. Xiao Lier was talking about respect for the entire TV station.

Of course, according to the rules, under normal circumstances, when Xiao Li comes in, he must first say hello to the boss in the dressing room. This is also a rule. There are rules for occasional encounters between artists. The staff of the TV station also have rules, but they are not as strict as artists.

Xiao Li is here to ask directional questions on behalf of the TV station. After Ye Yeming answers, Bingxue and Xiaowu can continue to ask some questions. This is no problem, but in Ye Before Ming answered, under normal circumstances Bingxue and Xiaowu would not answer this topic first.

But if Xiao Li comes in at this time, he says a word of thanks and thanks the three teachers, so there is no qualitative question about who. So in such a situation, the first one to stand up and answer should usually be the whole makeup artist. The one with the highest status in the entertainment industry is the rule in the entertainment industry, and those with the highest status are given priority. It doesn't have to be the oldest one, but it must be the person with the highest status in the entertainment industry in this dressing room who answers first.

If the person with the highest status in the entertainment industry in this dressing room answers directly without answering the others, then it is a violation of the rules.

For example, at this time, if the previous situation is followed, Bingxue should have the highest status, because she debuted first among young writers and is very popular. Now her work has been adapted into film and television dramas, so he should have the highest status among the three. of.

Xiao Wu is second, because Xiao Wu is also a popular young writer, and Ye Ming should have been the lowest in the rankings before.

Although he was once a child, he has passed away after all, right? In the past, a down-and-out phoenix was not as good as a chicken? Anyway, that's more or less the meaning, his status should be considered the lowest.

According to the previous words, it should be Bingxue. What about Bingxue’s answer first? Only other people can speak. Whether it is Xiao Wu or Ye Ming, why not go over Bingxue and answer the question first? This is the status of the entertainment industry. The problem. ;

But this was before. This was basically the method that was followed before the show started.

But what about after passing the recording of this program? Everyone knows that one problem is that Ye Ming is not as simple as the superficial sympathy.

A graduate of a world-renowned university? Harvard and Yale? Such an identity is not enough to become a stepping stone for the elite in any country in the world.

Because what about graduates of Harvard and Yale? That is a question of identity. Basically, students who graduated from Harvard and Yale are very likely to be called elites.

Think about these two universities. As one of the top universities in the world, you can imagine how powerful the alumni and relationship network accumulated over the years are.

So when it comes to such an issue, Ye Ming doesn't just have to treat it as a former child star. Anyone who does this is out of their minds.

So, at this time, in terms of status, Ye Ming should be the tallest one in the entire dressing room. Bing Xue is the second position, and Xiao Wu is the worst one.

So, when it comes to such a matter, Xiao Li said that Ye Ming should be the first to answer this question. Bingxue and Xiao Wu are both human beings, and they have been around for more than a day. It has been two days, and everyone has become familiar with them in the circle. If they were not familiar with each other, they would have been eliminated long ago.

If you can stand out among many young writers and become a famous young writer, then you will definitely not have any problems with communication. As for the IQ and EQ interviews, they will definitely be online.

So, when the two of them heard Xiao Li's thank you, they did not answer immediately, but first focused on Ye Mingzi.

Because Ye Ming must answer this question first. After Ye Ming answers, if Bingxue and Xiaowu don’t understand anything or need to add something, they will say that this is also a rule in the entertainment industry.

Rules are rules. Under normal circumstances, unless this person has extraordinary abilities, it is impossible to break such a rule casually. There will be a price to pay for breaking the rules.

Not everyone is Liu Tianxian, and not everyone is Da Tiantian.

Of course, because Ye Ming has been in the entertainment industry after all, he certainly knows more about this issue.

He clearly knows that after this episode, his identity will undergo earth-shaking changes. As a top scholar, he will basically be valued in any dynasty and any country, unless the country does not want to make progress. , eat and wait to die.

So, any country that is energetic and enterprising will treat academic masters as special talents.

Now that he knew the rules, Ye Ming was rude and said, "It's nothing. You're invited. Of course we are right. We must cooperate with the show team. If Xiao Li has anything to do, just tell him directly."

I have cooperated with TV stations not once or twice, such as director Hu Sandao and others and the National Singing Competition for High School Students. It’s even said that all the movies and TV series I starred in have been broadcast on national television, and everyone is an old friend.

I believe that Bingxue and Xiaowu have cooperated with national television more than once or twice, so there are no outsiders who have anything to say directly.

Within the scope of our capabilities, we will definitely cooperate fully. There is no problem with this. "

As for Xiao Li, he is having semen in waves. You are indeed easier to talk to. I used to think that he was an expired child star and it was no big deal. However, I didn’t expect that this time, he would be exposed directly in a blockbuster. After revealing his amazing identity, from now on, although he still carries the identity of a has-been gay, but he is a genius academic master, this guy is definitely a genius academic master now. Think about it every year in the world How many high school students are thinking about influencing the world, and how many graduate from Harvard and Yale every year, and they are double graduates. Then think about it, this network is definitely very powerful. Therefore, Ye Ming cannot be treated as an ordinary child star who has passed away. I didn't expect that Ye Ming didn't have any sense of pride at all. He didn't take his status as a famous university graduate to his heart at all. He was still very kind, and he didn't show off or get a degree or anything. , this makes Xiao Li feel very happy that as a newcomer, he can meet such a star, and he is more cooperative. It's worthless, which is quite rare, because he heard from his seniors that there are many celebrities, and it's normal to act like a big name. Sometimes, even though the TV station has food, he just wants to It's a bit embarrassing to eat fried noodles, but there is no way. Who wants to let people be popular niches? They can only go to find fried noodles in the middle of the night. Anyway, some celebrities don't necessarily have high status, but what? The airs are really big. When you meet new people, what you are most worried about is meeting a guest like yourself. He is such a star. However, Ye Ming is not such a star. Although Ye Ming has an identity There is status, but there is no Canada with 10 points.

At this time, Xiao Li felt very relieved and said: "Teacher Ye Ming, actually, the most important thing about this problem is your problem.

Teachers Bingxue and Xiaowu are easy to talk to. I also gave you the copywriting for the previous promotion. If you two teachers follow this, it will be fine.

Of course, one thing is that if you are asked about Teacher Ye Ming during the interview, I hope that you will keep a little bit silent before the program is broadcast, which means that I need to give everyone a surprise.

Because the director of our program this time said that Teacher Ye Ming is the biggest easter egg, so on this issue, our director hopes that it can be kept secret until the program is broadcast.

Of course you can feel free to express your opinions on this issue during the interview, but of course I hope you two can keep it a little secret before the show is broadcast, or at least don't reveal too much when you can. clear.

In this case, the director believes that it can help improve our ratings. "

There must be no problem with such a problem, because since we signed a contract with Xiao Wu before we came here, after signing the contract with the program team, there must be an issue about confidentiality in the contract.

One thing here is very clear, that is, no one, whether it is a guest expert or an audience, can easily leak the recorded content of the program before it is broadcast.

In fact, this issue is also strictly enforced, because at the scene, whether it is the guest host or the audience, they basically know a rule, that is, they are not allowed to use mobile phones or any shooting equipment. Secretly filming or recording something.

Because before the program is broadcast, it is really to maintain a sense of mystery and not to leak the content casually, because if you know the answer when watching the game, then it will be boring, right?

The same is true when you watch a show. If you know the answer to this episode of the show, then you will feel a little confused when you watch the whole process.

So, it is basically universal, that is to say, this is true for all variety shows. Before the show is broadcast, no one is allowed to leak the content of the variety show casually.

Unless the crew line is needed for publicity, then it’s not called a leak, it’s called a trailer.

So, as an individual, you cannot leak any content about the filming of the program without the consent of the program team. This is also an unspoken rule in the entertainment industry.

At this time, Xiao Li was orienting towards culture, so Bingxue replied next: "You can rest assured about this news. We know these rules. Don't worry. When reporters interview, we will answer some questions that can be answered as appropriate.

Regarding Ye Ming's question, since the director wants to maintain a sense of mystery, we will definitely cooperate with the promotion of the show, so don't worry. "

As the last guest in the entire dressing room at this time, Xiaowu, although he was a little reluctant, had no choice. The situation was stronger than the others. This matter must be seriously considered.

So, when it comes to such an issue, sometimes a certain compromise and a certain amount of concession are needed.

Xiaowu is not the kind of person who likes sports. Many people also know that there are some unspoken rules, so he himself is not willing to break them casually, so when the third person says it, the third person says it, and this doesn't matter. No big deal.

Xiaowu is a very proud person, a very arrogant person, but he cannot be regarded as an arrogant person.

Generally speaking, his arrogance is only when facing ordinary people and facing colleagues or reporters who are lower than him. If the status of this other party is higher than his own, then Xiao Wu will definitely still be He will give in. This fact is almost engraved in his bones.

So, Xiaowu couldn't change his temper for a while.

Although this was the third time he answered the question, he was not careless at all, because he knew that he would not have many scenes now, and when the show was broadcast, he would probably not have many scenes either.

Who made Ye Ming be very powerful at this time, right?

So, more generally speaking, what everyone is more concerned about is that Ye Ming has reached 70%. He and the two of them are in the entire program. 30% is already considered good. This also excludes the TV host. Where's the lens?

So, when it comes to such a problem, Xiaowu is actually quite prepared to play a supporting role.

And this time, the program team should also use Ye Mingzhou as the focus of publicity and the focus of attraction. This is also to tell everyone that what we have to say today is not all second-tier stars, but second-tier celebrities and so on. We can also invite real academic masters, so the remaining 70% are ice and snow. There are two people with Xiao Wu.

At this time, Xiao Wu said very politely: "Of course there is no problem with this, right? We will definitely abide by the agreement, please don't worry.

This time, I actually came here to promote my new book. The program team gave me this promotional opportunity, and I am very grateful. I didn’t expect that this time, I would not only meet Bingxue, but also Ye. Ming, this academic master, really made this trip worthwhile.

So, Xiao Li, please tell the director and reassure him that I will definitely cooperate with the program team’s promotion. If there is anything that needs follow-up cooperation after this, you can call me directly. I will definitely cooperate fully. "

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