Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 316: Creativity in Advertising

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, then composed himself and said: "There are specialties in the art industry, but I am still relatively vague about the concept of advertising. I hope Miss Qin can explain some of the concepts to me. Otherwise, then you can As a layman, I thought it was an actor praising the advantages of a product in this shot. This is just advertising, no big deal."

The truth that Ye Ming said was not made up by himself, but that in fact most people knew that it was such a thing, but in fact it was not the same thing at all. Advertising is a very sophisticated subject. knowledge. For example, which famous school is better at learning excavators? Whether you want to admit it or not, when many people hear this sentence, they will immediately think of the technical school known as the Chinese military hacker base.

In fact, this is where advertising succeeds. But the common people don’t think so, no. Has Old Tang Yi deceived the people for more than ten years? Qin Feng said with a smile: "Well, it's true that ordinary people have misunderstandings about advertising. Let me briefly talk about our industry. The advertising industry pays attention to the concept of 39. One A successful advertisement actually needs twelve seconds. In the first three seconds, it must attract the audience. If your advertisement cannot attract the audience's attention in the first three seconds, then the advertisement will be Peers saw it as a failed advertisement.

This is the three in the concept of three nines, and one of the nines actually refers to the essence of advertising, the real essence. In fact, an advertisement only takes nine seconds. The real, core, and worthy of repeated promotion of an advertisement is actually these nine seconds. If you are able to do these nine seconds, that means you are responsible for advertising. You have three seconds to attract the audience, and then use the other six seconds to explain the product you want to recommend. This means you are responsible for advertising.

You can go and take a look at any advertisement that is said to be a classic. The real essence only lasts nine seconds. For example, for a very successful liquor, the first three seconds are filled with tens of millions of questions, using Liu Huan’s singing to attract the audience, and focusing on the home. The concept comes at the end of the sentence, drinking and drinking in the Confucius family makes people homesick. This is the real classic, the one that everyone will remember. As for the other contents in the advertisement, they are all to highlight this nine-second classic. This is the concept of three-nine in advertising. Only when it is used well can we truly produce classic and good movies. "

This is the experience of an advertising practitioner. Ye Ming listened to it with relish. Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed true. It is almost impossible for an audience to remember the entire advertisement, but it can make the audience firmly remember it. Memorizing one sentence is enough. For example, in that technical school, it took more than ten years for almost the entire country’s audience to remember one sentence: which school is better for learning excavators? Regardless of whether you say it's a scam or not, their marketing was successful.

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "Sprite, this time the main focus is actually the youth card, and teenagers are the main target. With this concept, it is basically easy to say, we can start from this aspect, youth, sports, unlimited vitality, For example, you,"

When he said this, it seemed that Ye Ming felt a slight tremor in the mood of the little girl Alan standing behind Qin Feng. Generally speaking, no one would pay attention to such a change, but Who is Alan facing? He is the best actor, the newly promoted Golden Horse Best Actor. Ye Ming is very attentive to a stranger, especially a stranger in front of him. He is knowledgeable about everything. As a good actor, you must be good at observing and learning the changes in the expressions of anyone in front of you.

It was precisely because of Ye Ming's professionalism that in such a situation, Ye Ming noticed Alan's change in demeanor, so he directly removed a plan in his mind. Then he paused for a moment and then immediately coughed as a cover-up. Naturally, Qin Feng's acting skills at the level of an actor were not something that Qin Feng could see. Neither of them thought that a very subtle change had occurred in Ye Ming's heart. Such a change was a kind of vigilance. Although there was no reason, Ye Ming always felt so... A frightening feeling.

So he immediately said: "If you think about this, I think, at the beginning, there was a group of people dancing to the music, that kind of street dance. Young people now like this style of dance very much. When everyone dances When I was happiest, a can of Sprite suddenly appeared in my hand, and then I continued to say "Infinite desire, happy Sprite"

Ye Ming not only talked about such an idea, but also performed it while speaking. He always worked very hard. Being the spokesperson of Sprite like this is a sure-fire stance.

And this advertisement is actually very perfect, exquisite, and capable. Even Qin Feng himself, who has been engaged in advertising for more than ten years, cannot be picky about the creativeness of this advertisement.

It is definitely an eye-catching feeling, especially the dance performed by Ye Ming, which is very youthful and energetic. At this time, Qin Feng had a feeling of enlightenment. He defeated that bastard He Jun and was promoted to department manager. At this time, Qin Feng looked very promising.

She even said that she felt that the position of department manager had wings and flew towards her.

Qin Feng couldn't help but said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, this advertising idea is indeed very good. It perfectly embodies the concept of youth and unlimited youth in drinks like Sprite. Mr. Ye, I really didn't expect that you understand advertising so thoroughly." , you really shouldn’t make movies. If you are willing to join the advertising industry, then I think none of the three major advertising companies can be your opponent.

Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I originally thought that we should have a period of time to work together before we can create sparks, but I didn't expect that you have such a good idea. Tomorrow, I think, there will be a very satisfactory result. "

At this time, Qin Feng's performance did not surprise Ye Ming at all. In fact, this is how things are. This is the advertising creativity and advertising slogans that Pepsi-Cola spent millions to come up with. It has been refined over time. If it is an advertisement like this If it is still not satisfactory, then under such a situation, Ye Ming really can't think of any kind of creativity that will satisfy the people of Coca-Cola Company.

At this time, Ye Ming said very rudely: "Actually, this is not too difficult for me. Creativity, after what Miss Qin said, I think it is just inspiration. Don't forget it. I still [Ming As the author of "Those Things", these few words, compared to my hundreds of thousands of words of work, are really nothing worth showing off."

In fact, when Ye Ming said this, he was upright and full of knowledge, which was truly impressive. Pick it up at your fingertips, leaving no trace behind. Only then did Qin Feng realize that the star in front of him was not only a singer, but also a best-selling author.

At this time, Qin Feng said with a smile: "We have already discussed the work matter. I believe we just have to wait for the ruling tomorrow. However, this time I came, I brought Mr. Ye's works with me. I am a loyal reader of [Those in the Ming Dynasty]. After reading this book, I thought for the first time that history can be written like this. Therefore, now I ask Mr. Ye to give me Sign as a souvenir.”

Qin Feng, this is a person with a dual personality, a kind of double-faced beauty that is very common in the workplace. In fact, this Yanzidong person is extremely serious when working, very workaholic, as if he is full of work. A wind-up alarm clock.

But if we talk about privately, in fact, they are a bunch of white-bones, and they also have their own various pursuits and hobbies. The lives of such people are often very colorful, at least they are at the petty bourgeoisie level. Their lifestyle is a very enviable group of people.

And at this moment. The kind of character Qin Feng displayed was a relatively casual character.

Especially when I took out the first part of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", there was a radiance of admiration on my face. It was a radiance of admiration that only Ye Ming's fans would have. With such a If it is such a glorious thing, then generally speaking, a person like this must be said to be a die-hard fan of Ye Ming. Regarding this, Ye Ming naturally would not refuse.

Qin Feng left with his assistant, finished the work, and didn't miss the chance to chase stars. It was a very comfortable life, and he was able to stay in this historic Peace Hotel for one night, and the Coca-Cola Company paid the bill. Is there anything more satisfying than this? After Qin Feng came out, Alan looked at his mobile phone, then hesitated and said, "Sister Qin, I want to take this opportunity to go out for a walk. I wonder if I will have this opportunity tomorrow?"

Qin Feng thought for a while and said: "That's true. There is still so much work tomorrow. I may be busy for a long time. It is not that easy to come to the Bund. Okay, today's work is over, I will let you go. It’s your day off, let’s go out and play?”

Because Qin Feng was in a very good mood today, under such a situation, she said that she didn't find anything wrong, and waved Alan very generously to let Alan go out. But she thought it was very normal for a little girl who had never seen the scenery of the Bund to be unable to stand the temptation.

At this moment, in Ye Ming's room, Sister Fang Fang gave Ye Ming a rare compliment and said, "Okay, boss, I really didn't see that you have such an ability. Qin Feng is a leader in the industry." The master is notoriously picky in the advertising industry, and it is not easy to get her approval in the first place. I think you should follow her advice and switch to the advertising industry."

Of course, this was a joke. Ye Ming snorted and said, "You, don't cause trouble for me. Advertising endorsements are just an outdated means. My goal is not to be an advertising star, but to be an advertising star." As for celebrity advertising, as my fame and influence grow, other advertising endorsements will slowly come to me. You can really imagine switching to advertising.

By the way, you were just standing aside to find out if there was something wrong with Alan. "

Sister Fang Fang doesn't have Ye Ming's strong observation skills. In fact, Sister Fang Fang simply doesn't have the habit of studying other people's expressions when they meet.

This naturally means that nothing is wrong. Therefore, Sister Fang Fang hesitated and said, "No, is there something wrong with that little girl? She is probably nervous, right?"

Ye Ming rubbed his brow and said: "Maybe, I hope my guess is wrong, otherwise, you will have a good time on such a question."

Ye Ming didn't know who was going to lose and who was playing evil. Anyway, Ye Ming felt that someone must be plotting against him secretly. It seemed that what Zhang Huimei said was not without purpose. Ye Ming thought about it and said, "Sister Fang Fang, tell me, Zhang Huimei said that her company has already handled Coca-Cola's public relations. Is this true or false?"

Sister Fang Fang said with some disdain: "The public relations officer of Coca-Cola, who does she think she is, the spokesperson of the White House? It is simply impossible. Let me tell you, at that time, my brother Zhang Guorong was the first Chinese superstar spokesperson for Pepsi-Cola. Do you know? At that time, there was another superstar competing with my brother for endorsement qualifications. Think about it, who is this person who can compete with my brother for endorsement."

Ye Ming didn't need to think about it. He was very familiar with this kind of thing: "The person who has such qualifications to compete with his brother for spokesperson, I think, at that time, it should be Principal Tan, right?" At that time, the four Before the Great King, there were two real superstars. One was his brother Zhang Guorong, and the other was the principal Tan Yonglin.

Brother Zhang Guorong and principal Tan Yonglin basically have to compete in every aspect.

It turned out that the two people had already had a fight over Pepsi-Cola, and it was obvious that the elder brother Zhang Guorong won later.

Sister Fang Fang nodded and said: "Yes, Principal Tan is right. At that time, Principal Tan was so influential that he was not able to promote Pepsi-Cola. Think about it, now Zhang Huimei, she can make Pepsi-Cola even more popular." Coca-Cola, the powerful industry leader, was managed by public relations. If Coca-Cola was so easily controlled by public relations, it wouldn’t be called the industry leader.” (To be continued)

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