Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3721 Fierce confrontation

In other words, there is talk about a program like this today. As long as the guests and experts do not fight each other, basically the issues can be discussed in various ways.

The program team will only give you a general framework. As long as you don't go beyond this framework and this bottom line, you can organize your own language for debate. This is also the most distinctive feature of the Youwu show.

Because sometimes even the program team themselves don’t know what the guests or experts are saying at this time. Anyway, what the program team does is to present the most exciting content and the most exciting conflicts directly to the audience.

At this time, expert Zhao Kuo said reluctantly: "But it is undeniable. In fact, many art students do not have particularly good academic performance. They will spend more time on themselves. In terms of majors, such as art students, physical education students, etc., their results in cultural courses are not particularly good, and actors' cultural courses may not be particularly good either.

Anyway, so far I have not seen any top pick in any province or city go to film school. This has never happened before. Even the top pick in a city has never gone to film school.

Of course, those who are admitted to film school may not necessarily be the worst-students, but those with the best studies will definitely not go to film school. There is no doubt about this. This is based on facts.

I'm not targeting the film school, I'm just using factual data to express a problem, that is to say, in fact, in a sense, child stars like you have delayed your own cultural lessons. The academic performance of actors is not very good, especially child actors.

As for child stars, if you waste your time studying, then in such a situation, what about all the peers who have gone through my survey anyway, whether domestic or foreign? The academic performance of all child stars is not very good.

From our country's perspective, this is why they want to take the film academy entrance examination? Or it is a key reason why we can only continue to engage in a profession like actors in the future.

Because their academic performance is not good? If they get into an ordinary undergraduate university, they will basically have no chance. So what? They also know their weaknesses? They can just get into the film school and that's it.

Because they still have their own advantages to take the film school entrance examination. What about their former child stars? Will they be given some help? As long as the cultural class is passable, then the film school entrance examination is also a gun in hand. matter.

So, on this issue, you child stars have academic performance. Surely they are not very good? Even for those students who are admitted to the film school, their academic performance does not need to be particularly good. Anyway, the cultural courses are enough. A score of 300 or so will basically pass the passing line? If you pass the passing line, it basically depends on the results of the major.

This is also generally a way for film schools and drama schools to admit their own students. What about such a way? Of course, I don’t particularly agree, because I have not passed such a test of exam-oriented education, but there is no way. For you, What about batch people? You really can’t think about it with this kind of traditional education? Because you don’t have time to study at all.

Tell the truth. Basically, top academics will not go to film school, because top academics think they have a bright future, and most of them go to Qingbei and other famous universities. So, from this point of view, It can be seen from the above that you people are not replicable. Well, these are just special cases one by one, especially since Ye Ming, as a former first-line star and a very famous child star, has very poor results, I am not wrong about this.

If you are asked to be a top student, then I guess it would be too hard for someone to do. For example, this classmate Song Weiguo is a top student and the winner of the gold medal in the National Physics Competition.

If you are asked to participate in the National Physics Competition, of course you will not be qualified, right? I have not seen your name in previous National Physics Competitions.

So, you can see the root cause from this point. In fact, the success of you people is accidental, especially your success. It is even more accidental. You just met a movie at the right time and the right age. The right movie, and it became a hit.

In this case, you would give up your studies and concentrate on entering the entertainment industry. However, the entertainment industry feeds on youth. As a child star, you cannot become a child star forever. You can always grow up. One day, now you have grown up, and you are now a childlike child.

So, at this time, it can be seen from this point that exam-oriented education is better, because exam-oriented education is step by step, which lays a very solid foundation, unlike Your foundation is not particularly solid, so once you are out of style, it will not be easy to turn around.

Under such a situation, I firmly support exam-oriented education. As for quality education, I am not saying that it is not good, but as for quality education, I just say that it can be used as an auxiliary means. At least at this stage, quality education It needs to exist as an auxiliary means, and it is impossible to truly keep quality education and exam-oriented education on par.

At least we can't do it at this stage, because just like the success of you people, it can't be replicated.

So, I just want to give you an example. As for quality education, it is far inferior to exam-oriented education. We should strongly support exam-oriented education. Although exam-oriented education may have shortcomings of one kind or another, it has been tested in practice and has no major flaws.

As for those of you with quality education, for example, Ye Ming, your academic performance is definitely not very good. It may be no problem to get into the film school, but if you get into the undergraduate university, it should be impossible. matter.

There are also two classmates, Bingxue and Xiaowu. The young writers are indeed very good. I have also read the novels written by you two. I have read them all. The writing is indeed good. You are indeed very talented. Let’s be honest about this. Tell the truth.

After all, it is something that has been tested by the market, but your foundation is also not solid. It is undeniable that a writer can become famous based on his talent, but he cannot rely on his talent to remain a writer for a lifetime.

Because talent will always be used up one day, because if you don't study and accumulate yourself seriously, then the ideas, themes, etc. in your mind will always be used up one day.

So, by that time, it will be too late for you to regret it. As a writer, you need to continuously accumulate and accumulate life experience, only in this way can you become a great writer.

And you just lack such a useless thing. When you drop out as a teenager, you withdraw directly from the school, which means that there is no such accumulation process.

In fact, the process of growth is a process of learning and accumulation. As a writer, especially if you don't have enough accumulation, then why should you write a step-by-step work, right?

Every novel is basically a summary of life. Even absurd ghost novels are actually derived from life and have prototypes of life.

It’s just that some writers use exaggerated means to restore certain details in life. There are elements of exaggeration, but all of this comes from life.

So, at this time, life is the most important thing, and the real life should be withdrawn. If I want to write a novel directly, it is because of Bingxue and Xiaowu that my academic performance is not very satisfactory.

So, they are not willing to continue going to school at all. Think about it, if you are a top student, in such a situation, will you not go to school?

Because top academics will be respected by others, in this case, you can quickly reflect your value in school, so at this time, top academics basically have not dropped out of school. In this way, from now on It can be seen from this point that it is very easy for a bad student to just drop out of school and write novels if he does not do well in the exam, and Bingxue and Xiaowu are the ones who write novels.

However, like Ye Ming, these two people are actually special cases. It does not mean that all people can stand out like Bingxue and Xiaowu in such a situation. What about this matter? Although some people will definitely say that your income is good, but that is only temporary. I admit that your income and the novels you write sell better than most novels written by traditional writers. However, your background is not enough. How many books can you write? You can always write one, two, three, or five more. A day of exhaustion of ideas.

Because if you don’t have enough accumulation in life, you won’t have social experience, and you won’t have enough experience to write novels. In this case, your works will get worse and worse, and even become empty. There is no possibility at all. At that time, it will be the day when you withdraw from the circle of writers.

So, at this time, you should consider this issue for yourselves, whether exam-oriented education is more important or quality-oriented education. Anyway, I am determined to fight, one is about education, and there is no such thing as any refutation. room.

Because facts are facts, and facts speak according to data. "

I have to say that the data analysis provided by expert Zhao Kuo is also very exciting. It can be said that he came prepared. He firmly stands on the side of Hongfeng, supports exam-oriented education, and supports the students on the red side. Ba, this is still very easy.

Because he is on the side of justice and is in line with positive energy, such a passage will definitely not be edited and put directly on TV. Although such a passage may cause controversy, in fact, there is something to say today This show is all about controversy.

If every program contains such controversial content, then at this time, the ratings will definitely be the same.

So, at this time, what expert Zhao Kuo said, although the impact on my line is slightly larger, it does not mean that it is irreversible.

He also explained that he spoke based on the data and did not speak from a certain standpoint. Of course, he firmly supports exam-oriented education.

But exam-oriented education is the mainstream of society, so there will definitely not be many people who oppose it. This is why expert Zhao Kuo talked so much.

But by this time, Ye Ming was not angry. This surprised the people on the program team, and Director Wang was also very surprised.

He greeted Xiao Zhang, motioned for her to come over, and then lowered his voice and said: "Xiao Zhang, come here. According to the information you have, this proves that he should be a person with a relatively hot temper. Not to mention that it was a fight on the spot. It is normal to argue with expert Zhao Kuo on the spot.

Then check some information about this guy and see what his temper is like. I always feel that he is so calm at this time and is not like his usual self at all.

Also, what is this guy's academic performance like? When he was in elementary school, junior high school, etc., what is his academic performance? Check it out. If this guy's academic performance is really poor, then what about this time? , the effect we want is achieved. The representatives of the male side are three scumbags. I think this is the best combination. As the righteous party, the red side is all academic tyrants and scumbags. This comparison can show who is better.

As for Xiao Zhang, after all, he was the director who received Ye Ming. He quickly found Ye Ming's information. He quickly came over and said in a low voice that the director had Ye Ming's information. His academic performance was indeed not particularly good in elementary school. He is the kind of person who is neither good nor bad. If he doesn't work hard in junior high school, basically, his grades will be ruined, which can show that he is this person. If he is high, he may be able to catch up a little bit with hard work, but, The gap between you and others and the gap between top academics has widened. At this time, being able to get into an undergraduate university is considered quite good.

But why is Ye Ming so calm now? This is not like a scumbag. The attitude that a scumbag should have is that when his true colors are exposed like this, he should be more panicked. After all, at this time, this program focuses on academic performance. This time The central idea of ​​the period is that academic masters are much better than academics, bad students are bad students, and top students are better students.

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