Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3716: Duplicity is common

As for Bingxue, he actually has his own plans, because if you offend the national TV station in such a situation, that is not a good result.

At this time, as another client, Xiao Wu also has his own plans. As a professional writer, Xiao Gu has his own agent, which is different from ordinary traditional writers.

Because at this time, Xiaowu was an idol writer. Since you are an idol writer, your own image will become very important. There is no doubt about this.

So, he basically packages reality according to the standard of an idol. Of course, Xiao Wu is talented in writing, and he also has a little bit of writing talent, otherwise he would not be able to become a young writer. But, more generally speaking, Xiaowu relies on packaging itself to increase its popularity.

Because of this, at a time like this, Xiao Wu has his own agent. Just like a celebrity, he has his own agent and his own packaging team. Behind Xiao Wu, there are at least no less than There are 10 people who serve him, specialize in maintaining his image, specialize in promoting the management level of his works, and so on.

Even for a matter like going to a TV station to record a program, he actually brought three people with him, two assistants and a manager.

It's actually not a big deal to go to the TV station to record a program, but he still has three people with him. He is very cautious about his every move, especially in public. , then it is all packaged and designed by a professional team.

Of course, Xiao Wu was more or less tempted by what Ye Ming said at this time before. So, at this time, he also felt on the spot that what Ye Ming said was more truthful. agreed to such a request.

Anyway, such a request would not do much harm to him, at least he thought so.

However, after he came back, his agent said: "Xiao Wu, I think you should be a little more cautious about this matter, and shoot the first bird. You are just like Bingxue, a young writer. Become famous, in this case, some old-school writers have a lot of opinions on you. Bingxue is a little better, because she is a girl, right, so he will take advantage more or less.

Because those old-school writers will be laughed at if they bully a girl. For old-school writers, they are relatively abiding by the fact that good men do not fight with women.

So, although Bingxue, a little girl, doesn't have as many works as you, her reputation is as good as yours, just because she is a woman. In this regard, she has an advantage.

Moreover, she said some rather outrageous things, so everyone can forgive her, right?

For example, if he said that he earns several million a year, which is much more than those college students earn, if you were to say this, you would probably be punished and scolded. It's tragic, but what he said is a bit cute, because he is a woman, right?

So, there are some things that he can say but you cannot.

For example, at this time, Ye Ming actually tricked you two into trying to make a comeback. Do you know this is impossible?

This time I have something to say about this column, and I have invited you here. At this time, I actually want you to be the villains. You and Bingxue are two young writers who both dropped out of high school without graduating. The results are all He became famous as a young boy, so he can be regarded as the representative of the villain.

This little guy Ye Ming is also a child star. He basically didn't go to school when he was a child. He was actually making movies and TV series. If you think about Ye Ming's age back then, all the good guys were in elementary school or even kindergarten. .

However, this guy is already a first-tier star. Thinking about how a child actor can become a first-tier star, it can be seen that Ye Ming was also very famous at that time.

So, he can be regarded as a representative of that kind of villain. He is not very good at studying. At least when he was a child, there were often rumors that he skipped classes. So, today it was said that although this program does not have a good reputation, its vision for selecting guests is still very clever.

You must believe this. So, the three of you are the representatives of the villains. There is no doubt about this. Ye Ming actually provoked the two of you to make a comeback and defeat the side of justice. Is it possible for three top students in the country to influence such a thing?

Although such a result will make Today's You Talk more popular and increase its ratings, I guess the Today's You Talk column cannot hope to see such a result happen, even on national television. They may not want such a thing to happen.

Therefore, at this time, you must be more careful and do not make mistakes casually under any circumstances.

Because your public image does not allow you to make bigger mistakes. At this time, if you really join forces to fight like that guy Yanming, you really have something to say and want to clear your identity.

Such a thing may even offend the national television station. I think, you should think about this matter yourself. Some of the gains outweigh the losses. "

Xiaowu obviously has a lot of worries. He has much more worries than Ye Ming or even Bingxue. So at this time, he is also in a dilemma in his heart, but he is also a little unwilling to accept it.

So at this time, Xiao Wu said with some frustration: "Actually, I really want to join forces with Ye Ming and Bingxue to make a comeback. How interesting would it be for you to make a comeback, right?

Three good students actually lost the debate in front of us. Even with the help of experts, they lost the debate?

Think about such a result, it will be a very exciting result. If you think about it at this time, we ourselves should be the villains. Our current definition in this program is the representative of the villain. However, we were actually able to win. This is something to talk about in today's program. Such a result has never happened at noon, right?

So, at this time, I feel that if there is such a result, it will be quite sensational. I am just a little unwilling to accept it. What’s wrong with me? My works sell much more than those old-school writers. , I make much more money than them, I can even make tens of millions a year, they may not be able to make 20 to 30 million in a lifetime, and they actually look down on me, what, you don’t make money, you rely on me You are still motivated to support the country, right?

Of course I respect those old-school writers who are truly educated. There is no doubt about this. They are seniors. However, those so-called seniors who usually don’t have much ability but look down on this or that do whatever they want. They are so confident in blaming me, and Bingxue and the others.

We young writers haven’t eaten their rice or drank their tap water, so why can’t they get along with us?

If they can really turn defeat into victory this time, I think it will be quite a slap in their face. "

At this time, the agent immediately stopped and said: "Come on, boss, don't be confused for a moment. When the time comes, you really turn defeat into victory, and you feel happy for a moment, but in the end, your future will be ruined." Probably all the crematoriums, you know?

Yes, I admit that there are some old-school writers who are a little dissatisfied with you and criticize you. However, this is not harmful to you. Just let them say what they like. It’s not a big deal. matter.

In such a situation, you must not express your dissatisfaction casually in public. They can say whatever they like, and they have not stopped you from selling your books, right?

It would be inappropriate for you to offend the traditional literary world because of this. By the way, we said we went off topic, right?

The two experts invited by the program we are talking about are relatively well-established in the literary world. So, as for you, it is best to maintain the mentality of doing good and following the flow, and just follow the outline of the program. .

Didn’t the show crew give us lines?

Basically, we just answer the questions according to the lines of the program team. As for this matter, what kind of result it can have in the end, this is not what we can imagine.

That is something arranged by the program team. Anyway, we are here to promote the work. Whether it is criticism or criticism, we just need to achieve the purpose of our publicity and don't offend what we have to say today and don't offend the country. Television, that's enough.

The others have nothing to do with us, so we don’t need to worry about them at all. Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes and don’t do anything. Yes, as a guest, we can just follow the arrangement of the program team. I don’t think so. You, Ye Ming, Bingxue and others have united against those experts and Sanhao. The student is the right choice. This will not do you any good. You are here to promote your new book anyway, right?

As long as you achieve the purpose of promoting your new book, the rest doesn't matter. If Ye Ming doesn't talk about him anymore, I don't know what mentality this guy has in wanting to reverse the case. The possibility is slim, you know ?

If he wants to be a hero, let him do it. You must not be the first person to be the first person. What's more, this is a national TV station. Don't cause trouble for yourself casually. "

At this time, Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment and was obviously struggling in his heart. He said unwillingly: "Then you said that this time we will give in. At this time, the economic reasons are tentatively determined. Of course, it is necessary to give up. I gave in. The program team has already given us the lines. We just have to follow the lines. I dare not say anything else.

Actually, even Bingxue, I guess, would give in, and he wouldn't be able to come up with the same plans as Yanming, because Bingxue came with his second sister this time, and if you think about it, his second sister doesn't It may harm him, but he will definitely not let Bingxue and Ye Ming join forces.

What's wrong with this guy Ye Ming? I think he is a bit conceited this time. The world is not in chaos. He wants to overturn this matter. Think about it, how arrogant it is. Of course, our country is mainly about exam-oriented education, right?

We even say that those rural children are suffering, of course they are, right? They still have to do farm work and study, but if they study well, they can change their destiny. If they can be admitted to university, whether they are admitted to 985, 211, etc., these famous universities may change.

It’s not easy, you know?

So, the saying that knowledge changes destiny is not an empty talk, it is a real thing. This is all about learning to change their own lives.

You and Bingxue are just exceptions, special exceptions. That's because you have writing talents and have the right opportunities.

So, under such a situation, the two of you can become famous as teenagers, become young writers, and become role models for everyone to learn from.

However, if you think about how many writers have been able to truly become famous as teenagers over the years, there are almost none, right?

Apart from you two, how many young writers are there who are truly capable? Yes or no?

So, you two are just special examples, even that kid Ye Ming is also a special example.

After Ye Ming, think about all the child stars, how many of them can truly reach the status of first-line stars?

The three of you are special negative examples. You can't clean yourself up on this show.

If you are thinking of overturning the verdict now, you are going against the mainstream, so exam-oriented education definitely has its benefits. Although you may be making more money than them in some aspects, from a mainstream perspective, exam-oriented education is still better. of.

There is no doubt about this, so don’t expect the verdict to be reversed. The three of you will honestly serve as negative teaching materials this time.

Of course, if Ye Ming doesn't want to do it, let him help him. Anyway, it's better for you not to get involved in this matter. This is good for you. If you mix it up and fail, it will be bad for you. Your image may be affected to a certain extent. You are an idol writer, right? You should always pay attention to your image. "

At this time, safety came first. Xiao Wu was finally convinced, nodded and said, "Okay, I will master the scale when the time comes."

At this time, he felt that it would be better for him to be more cautious. When the time comes, he can just let Ye Ming rush to the front line when recording the program. It will depend on the situation. If the situation is not good, he will give in. If Bingxue also wants to If a crime is to be committed, then this matter will be interesting. You can go crazy with them yourself.

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