Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3710: Not afraid of digging holes, not afraid of being banned.

Since I accepted someone else's invitation and took someone else's travel expenses, although there is talk today, this program may be a little bit deceptive. I am here to be a target today, but, since I am here, Then let’s take a look at what’s on display, the Hongmen Banquet.

Besides, if a person is really capable, he may not be able to fit into that trap.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming also acted very calmly. He first considered that at this time, since Yang Gang did not come, the director was still so angry, so he would not get into trouble and would listen to the arrangement of the program team. That's it, if you can get some information, ask for some information. The key is whether Xiao Zhang can speak.

If not, just wait for the show to start.

Sure enough, what Xiao Zhang just said is correct. At this time, it is definitely necessary to arrange for several guests to meet each other. After all, they have to record the program together and need to get familiar with each other. Then, everyone is When to say what words.

Although there is no standard answer to this, the approximate order must be corrected. Therefore, the guests must meet each other at that time. What Xiao Zhang said is correct.

In less than 10 minutes, Xiao Zhang took Ye Ming directly to the studio. At this time, there was a little girl sitting there.

After Xiao Zhang brought Ye Ming in, they introduced each other: "Teacher Ye Ming is the young writer Bing Xue.

Teacher Bingxue is the guest teacher Ye Ming who is with you today. "

In fact, Xiao Zhang doesn't need an introduction, because this person can be regarded as someone she has met once.

As a man, Ye Ming, of course, has to act like a gentleman. He stretched out his hand and said, "I haven't seen Bingxue for a long time. He's always been great. If you have any new works that you don't recommend, let me take a look."

As for Bingxue, she looks like a very quiet little girl. As a literary person, she naturally has her own arrogant character. Cultural people are generally high-minded and reclusive. This is how a cultural person should behave.

Anyway, the little girl in the ice and snow over there was motionless, as if she didn't want to be approached by strangers. She seemed to have that kind of isolation attitude.

But, actually, when you meet someone you know well, you behave like a middle-class person. After all, you are still a little girl, right?

Especially since I often write articles and novels, my social interactions are not particularly rich. It is easy to meet someone I am familiar with, and I am very enthusiastic.

Seeing Ye Ming, Bingxue was actually relatively happy. She immediately stood up and said with a smile: "What a masterpiece, it's just for fun. It's not easy for me to support my family."

It's true that we haven't seen each other for almost five or six years. I remember that the last time we met was when we were recording another program on the TV station. At that time, I had just written my first novel, and you were a popular star.

We are here to participate in a program. I am a youth representative and you are a guest performer. I think that was the last time we met.

I didn’t expect that after that meeting, we only met for the second time now. In the meantime, what were you doing when you weren’t in the entertainment industry? "

At this moment, Ye Ming shook hands with Bingxue and found a place to sit down, and then said: "I didn't do anything at all. I felt that my mind was empty at that time, right? In terms of the entertainment industry at that time, I had acted in a few movies. Influential movies and TV series, which can be considered popular.

However, I always feel that the entertainment industry has squeezed me dry, and I feel that I have nothing left. So, I think I should quit the entertainment industry after studying, temporarily quit the entertainment industry, and then go to study.

In the past two years, I have actually been studying. Of course, speaking of it now, I think I'm almost there now. Isn't this just thinking about re-entering the entertainment industry to develop? I don't know anything else anyway, right?

If you ask me to farm the land or move bricks at the construction site, I can do the job, but my parents won't be happy, right?

So, after much thought, I found that the only job I like is in the entertainment industry, and I can do such a job.

So, I came to participate in the National High School Singing Competition. In the end, I got tickets to various competitions for high school students across the country. I had to participate in the National High School Singing Competition on national television in just two days.

This time, I was talking about a program today. Let’s just say that there is a program here. If I need to be a guest, why don’t you invite me here? I also think that I haven’t been in the entertainment industry for so many years. I am afraid that the audience has forgotten me. .

So, at this time, I want to achieve better results in the national high school student singing competition. Besides my personal works, I first need to become familiar with everyone, right?

You know that no one in the audience knows you, which is also very embarrassing, so after much deliberation, I agreed.

Only when I came here did I realize that you were one of the guests. Unfortunately, that guy Yang Gang was also an invited guest. As a result, this guy didn’t know whether he had a cerebral convulsion or something, but he promised to come over. If so, wouldn’t that be the case? Two acquaintances came over to record the show.

As a result, I didn't expect that this guy said that their dog was lost and stopped coming to find their dog.

He actually did this. I guess this time, the national TV station will regard this program as such. If he fools all the international TV programs, he will be banned comprehensively. "

At this time, Bingxue said with a smile: "Yang Gang, I have met this guy before. I also met him at a party two days ago. This guy can say that he seems to be quitting the entertainment industry, which means he is truly quitting. That kind of thing does not mean that he will come out after quitting. What he means is to truly quit the entertainment industry, and then go home to take over their family's 10,000-acre farm.

Isn't that where they are? The kind of rice that is famous throughout the country.

It seems that he really quits. Everyone has his own ambitions. Since he quits, he will be more free and easy when doing things. Although the international TV station can ban him, but if Yang Gang really doesn’t want to After working in the entertainment industry, he really wanted to go home and be a farmer, but he really did it.

People who work in the entertainment industry will worry about being blocked by national television. But if a person wholeheartedly does not want to be in the entertainment industry and wants to go home and be a farmer, then think about this situation. Is there any difference between banning him on national television and not banning him?

Basically there is no difference, so at this time, he seemed very free and easy. Not only was he invited by the national TV station, he did not go to Mango Channel, Blueberry Channel and other TV stations this time. He was also invited to the show, but he didn't go either.

This is also a rhythm that offends people, but as for these things, he actually doesn't care at all, because at this time, speaking of it, how to say that if you don't have desires, you will be strong. Now Yang Gang is a guy who has no desires and is strong. state.

Well, so, this time he agreed, but the national TV station did not come. It doesn’t matter. It basically has no impact on him. Even if the national TV station wants to ban him, it will not have any impact on him. Although the national TV station is powerful , but that’s outside this circle in the industry, and the rest doesn’t matter.

So this time, it wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't come, and he wouldn't expect this to eat in the future. "

This was considered the correct answer. Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Is this guy Yang Gang actually going to quit the entertainment industry? No wonder he drove the director crazy like this.

The entertainment industry is also a very profitable place, so it is indeed a pity that he quits at the drop of a hat. "

Ye Ming explained on the side, "It's nothing to regret. Xiao Zhang, you don't know that although the entertainment industry is indeed very profitable, just like a singer singing a song, 100,000 to 80,000 yuan, It is enough for an ordinary person to earn for a year. Generally speaking, a person may not be able to have 100,000 yuan left over a year, right?

When someone gets a song, in such a situation, of course it is easy to make money in the entertainment industry, but the pressure in the entertainment industry is also very high. If you think about it, there are so many opportunities in the entertainment industry, and there are a lot of people grabbing them. In such an opportunity, you can only step on others and then slowly rise to the top.

Moreover, if you want to become famous, you also need to have a suitable work. If not, it will greatly affect the popularity.

So even though the entertainment industry is a world of glamour, this world is actually very cruel, much more cruel than competition in ordinary industries. If you are not a star, it means you are slightly better off than white-collar workers, but The pressure is much greater than that of white-collar workers.

If it's a group performance or something, let alone that. You may not earn as much money as a white-collar worker, so at this time, how can I put it, there are good places in the entertainment industry, I know this, colorful neon lights Light, having fun and drinking all day long, but this is just a superficial phenomenon, you know? These are only for the successful.

If you are not a successful person in the entertainment industry, then basically none of this belongs to you at this time, so competition in the entertainment industry is very fierce.

At this time, Yang Gang said that he wanted to completely quit the entertainment industry and become a farmer. This is very good, since his family has such a condition. That farmer is not bad either.

Nowadays, the country attaches great importance to agriculture, which is unprecedented in the past dynasties. Therefore, at this time, if you want to settle down and pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely see the Nanshan Mountains, this kind of thing is also very pleasant.

I'm really afraid that your director is angry in vain. I know Yang Gang very well. As for this guy, even though he is joking and laughing, he has a good idea. Mainly because he has made up his own mind. Jiu Tou Even the oxen cannot be pulled back.

Now that he has made up his mind to go home and become a farmer, he will not change easily at this time.

I admit that national television is very powerful. Generally speaking, people in the entertainment industry will not offend national television casually. This is an unspoken rule. If you offend, you will definitely be blacklisted. However, no one wants to Now that you have entered the entertainment industry, people want to go out and become a farmer. Even if international TV stations have all their abilities, there is nothing they can do against Yang Gang. People are not afraid of you blocking him at all.

By the way, Xiao Zhang, tell me the truth. I invited us here this time. I still feel uneasy in my heart. Do you know? Why do I feel like something is going to happen?

Because to be honest, the program team is better at digging holes for others. So, at a time like this, I want to know what you want to do this time.

I see that the lines you gave me seem to have prescribed answers, so why are we here, right?

Since this time, the recording is a debate program, then at this time, there cannot be a fixed answer, right?

If you have a fixed answer, then why bother debating? You don’t have to debate, just read everything according to the script. Why didn't Yang Gang come? I guess Yang Gang should have known the content of this program in advance, so he suddenly changed his mind.

I know Yang Gang, and I don’t think this guy is the kind of person who changes his mind at short notice. Unless he has some unexpected situation and gives him some excuse, he just says that their dog is missing?

How stupid of him to offend national television just because his dog disappeared.

It can be seen that he did not come this time. I guess he must have heard some rumors. He said he would not come. Some people are thinking of quitting the entertainment industry, so you are not afraid of offending the national TV station.

So, all this basically illustrates one problem. This time, I have something to say today. I guess it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is certainly not as easy as saying the lines you gave us. Such a debate show.

I hope to know the ultimate purpose of the program, that is to say, what is the core of this recording of this program. When we answer, I think we should follow our own answers. The lines you gave us can be used or not. If they meet our needs, we Can be adopted.

However, if it does not meet our needs, I think I will still answer the question according to my own ideas.

So, you'd better tell us what role we played this time.

I still have Bingxue, and the two of us are now on the shelf. It's too late to regret now. Just tell us the answer. We can't regret it and leave directly. I just want us to be mentally prepared. "

By now, Ye Ming is actually very clear that coming here this time will definitely be a trap, but what kind of trap it is still depends on how the brainless director designs the program content. That’s right, the program content is probably Designed, some answers are designed.

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