Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3201: Sister Poe’s Thoughts

At this time, Teacher He nodded thoughtfully and said, "Okay, I believe that many directors in the entertainment industry will not be able to hear what you said, and they will be happier in the future.

I'm still there. At least your first chance. Many people will be willing to give it to you. Of course, I think it's just the first chance. If you can't seize the first chance to prove it, Speaking for myself, at this time, I think it will be difficult for you to get a second chance.

After all, you are a washed-up child star now, right? Although you are a child star and was once a first-line superstar, it is over now. Although your fan base is still there, you have not proven yourself for many years. Everyone will definitely know it based on your previous records. I'll give you a chance, but if you can't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult the second time.

Unless you continue to do it step by step from a newbie, then, the name means but, it is a tortuous process. Of course, if you can prove yourself the first time, OK, there is definitely no problem. Yes, your starting point is much higher than others. If you can prove that you are still a star this time, then at this time, I believe it will be much easier for you to get around in the entertainment industry than those newcomers.

After all, you have proven yourself before. If you can prove yourself again this time, then you. Fans will be proud of you. The entertainment industry is a very cruel place, but also a very magical place. As long as you can prove yourself, then you are OK. At this time, Ye Ming nodded, squadron, that’s pretty much what he thought, right? At this moment, I think, if I prove myself at this moment, will I get back what I lost before?

Of course, I think what I am doing in singing is quite good now. As for movies and TV series, I will talk about it when the time comes. Again, if there are suitable opportunities and suitable roles, I will not do them. In fact, Make movies and TV shows. That means being able to enter film school. This is also a place to cultivate connections, right? Half, or even most, of our Chinese entertainment industry is supported by the Film Academy, West District Academy, and Shanghai Film Academy. These three major bases can make up half or even most of the entire entertainment industry.

So, after I can enter the film school, at least I have a stepping stone to re-enter the entertainment industry. This kind of relationship cannot be bought with money. You have to become one of them. Then, Only you can survive in this entertainment industry. It is not recommended for those people to support their junior brothers and sisters, but you also have the value of support, so it is very important for him to enter the film school and re-enter the entertainment industry. A chip.

What I want to do now is to say that No. 1 can achieve good results and prove himself in this high school competition. He still has the ability to make waves in the entertainment industry. Although this is not an adult singing competition, but , I have to at least prove that I have this ability and this value, and then others will take me seriously. And of course, I have to enter the film school. I am relatively sure about point 2. I will see when the time comes. If not What a surprise, I will enter film school. "

In fact, what Ye Ming means by these words is that he just wants to be able to film and so on. It seems that he still wants to recharge his batteries first. Of course, he has already started to contribute to the entertainment industry. It can be seen from participating in the singing competition among high school students that he has begun to make a comeback in the entertainment industry. Teacher He is sure of this. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to participate in this kind of singing competition. With an identity like Ye Ming, he is in the entertainment industry If he did not want to sacrifice his previous status in the entertainment industry and participated in a high school singing competition, it would be a loss of status. If he did not participate in the entertainment industry and participated, he could not afford to lose that person.

So, he came to participate in various high school competitions just to come back to the entertainment industry.

However, depending on what Ye Ming means, although he does not object to making movies and TV series, in the short term, he probably does not want to do this. From what he can say, he wants to enter the film school and then study systematically. For a moment, this can be considered a very good choice.

And one thing Ye Ming said is very correct. In the film academy, he can easily build connections and connections. The film academy, the drama academy, and the Shanghai Theater Academy are indeed responsible for most of the Chinese entertainment industry. As long as you have the ability and are from one of these three colleges, it is very easy to get out.

So, this is making connections, this is a shortcut to enter the entertainment industry. It can be said that entering these three major colleges, I can’t say that you will be 100% able to become a star, but at least your starting point in the entertainment industry will be better than others. The number of graduates from non-professional colleges is countless times higher, and the chances of success are also much higher.

What Ye Ming meant was that he might go to recharge his batteries or something.

So, now that Ye Ming has expressed such a meaning, Teacher He is also a relatively talkative person, so he directly changed the topic and said: "Then what you mean is that you want to make some achievements on the song. , and then, take advantage of this springboard to enter the entertainment industry, right?

This is indeed a relatively good method.

Since this is the first competition for high school students, the higher-ups are also paying great attention to it, and they should try to be fair and just. I dare not say that everything is fair and just, but, it can be Be as fair and equitable as possible.

This must be the first time that artificial intelligence has been used in such a high school singing competition across the country. I heard that artificial intelligence will be used in various competitions for high school students across the country. I don’t know who it is. The experts thought of it.

Anyway, it is said that there is such a method of artificial intelligence, which means it is good or bad. Although the artificial intelligence score has such a limitation, that is, a relatively small proportion, this is already considered an improvement. .

What I didn't expect is that at this time, Ye Ming, you actually have such a talent. Since you have such talent, you can write songs, even if you just write songs for others, you can also be involved in the entertainment industry. Be prosperous and prosperous.

Of course I know you are in the entertainment industry. I guess you will not be able to be a songwriter with peace of mind. You should be the kind of person who is more ambitious. So, this high school student singing competition is your entry into the entertainment industry. A springboard. "

At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said, "Yes, that's pretty much it. If I want to re-enter the entertainment industry, I must give everyone an explanation. I must tell everyone that I am back.

Moreover, I can't just come back quietly like this. This thing will be looked down upon by some people. If I come back quietly, my colleagues in the previous circle will look down upon me. .

So, when I come back, I will come back with a bang, in such a way. So, as far as my own choices are concerned, there is no better way for people to see my strength than participating in a high school singing competition. .

So at this time, I participated in the high school singing competition. As for the results, of course I was working hard to be the first. I tried my best. I heard that artificial intelligence is indeed used in various competitions across the country. I heard a little bit about it.

The weight of the scores is not large, which is normal. Then you said that there are probably not many experts. The national audience votes are still estimated to account for a large proportion. That's pretty much it, right?

And me? I heard a friend talk about this some time ago. It is said that the authorities are very concerned about such a high school student following our line, so in such a situation, he seems to be relatively strict and does not cheat too much. There is such a possibility that your songs will still be needed to impress the audience. If there is such an organization competition in a province, you can spend money to buy water troops, and then hype it up, and try to get some people to vote. Your vote is valid for the whole province, right?

If there are not too many such influential superstars, the possibility of attracting votes from the audience is not very high. So, at this time, in the whole province, you can find a navy or a friend. Help, and then cast your vote, this is something you can do.

But when it comes to various competitions across the country, good guys, can you read and buy the audience across the country? Impossible. So, in the national singing competition, the quality of a song is very critical.

There is no doubt about this. If you want to achieve good results in various competitions for high school students across the country, you must produce a work that is amazing enough.

It can be said that the National High School Singing Competition is a program that is rarely reviewed fairly and impartially and is not operated safely.

Moreover, according to the news from Keke, it is possible that the Heavenly Kingdom High School Students’ Competition will enter the Spring Festival Gala. Positively speaking, if there are no accidents, the champion of the National High School Students Singing Competition will have a chance to enter the Spring Festival Gala, unless If there is any special unexpected situation, otherwise it will be a matter of time before the champion of the National High School Singing Competition enters the Spring Festival Gala. The selection of this Spring Festival Gala champion to participate in the Spring Festival Gala is probably just a formality.

Mr. Jia Ye also said to the other side: "Yes, the entertainment industry has changed now. So many years have passed. Although you were in the entertainment industry and had a first-line status in a market like Tongxing, but The entertainment industry is very realistic. Have you not had any works for so many years?

It’s hard to say how many people remember you at this time. Now is the capital market. Capital is king. It’s completely different from when we did the show before. Nowadays, many actors bring money to join the group. , some young people today are incredible.

In fact, many of the newbies with low traffic are what we don't want to see. What everyone is comparing is their acting skills, but the result is their appearance. What kind of pen is used for this thing? Just read the number 12345 and it's over.

What should I say now? The current entertainment industry is indeed not that good. Taiping, if you want to come back to the entertainment industry and make a full comeback as you just said, then it basically proves that no one will Follow, if you don’t follow, there will be no traffic.

Without traffic, no film and television companies would ask you to make movies.

Without these, it is not easy to get involved in the entertainment industry, so it is right to attract everyone's attention, step by step.

Teacher He and I were actually very happy when we knew you were here. It’s rare to meet old friends now. I remember interviewing you on the set when I was the location host. At that time, you But if you take a look at the first-line stars in the entertainment industry now, at least how many of the stars of your era at that time can continue to be in the entertainment industry now, not too many.

So the situation has changed now, and you must improve your reputation. What you have done is very correct. If you do not attract enough attention, even if you were once a first-line star, If you are a child star, then you can only play a supporting role in the entertainment industry. This is the cruel entertainment industry.

You also need to find a backer as strong as possible, such as Galaxy Entertainment Feihu Group, etc. This is the best. It is best if you can find it. If you can't find it, in fact, if you have good works, you can do it step by step. Nothing.

Like big honey honey. He is doing quite well now, especially the filming of Fairy Sword, which has brought him great popularity. At this time, he is already a first-line star, with a backer and fame. Of course, many people will like such a star. .

Capital is also very willing to invite such stars to film movies, so to be honest, acting skills are secondary in the current entertainment industry. The key is traffic. If you have enough traffic and enough good looks, then OK, in The entertainment industry is definitely not for unknown people.

Just like now, of course you have qualifications, there is no problem, you have qualifications and works, but if you don’t have traffic, you won’t attract too much capital.

Now, this entertainment industry can basically be regarded as the best time for capital to intervene. So, in such a situation, if you can win the championships in various high school competitions across the country, then look for opportunities to watch Can I enter the Spring Festival Gala?

In this case, it will actually be very helpful for you to enter the entertainment industry, and it will also be very helpful for you to come back to the world this time. "

At this time, Sister Poe has been silent. She is the kind of crazy person, at least in front of the camera. However, in fact, cracking is not the kind of crazy person in front of the camera in life.

She is a relatively loyal kind of friend. If you are familiar with her, Sister Poe will of course be easy to joke with.

As for the first goddess of Malanpo, she is actually the kind of friend who if two people have a good relationship, then of course they can talk about anything.

Of course, at other times, she might be relatively silent in private. For example, in a situation like this, it is a little different. Ye Ming is also an old friend.

So, at this time, Sister Poe thought about it, and then said with great imagination: "By the way, Ye Zi, at this time, I have a question, don't you write songs? You write so well, a hero. Song, brother, I wish you a safe journey, etc. These are all familiar to everyone, and they have become popular in a short time. It shows that your writing skills are quite profound, so what do you want us to do? Happy Camp writes a song.”

Sister Poe is Sister Poe. This idea is actually different from others. Everyone is talking about comeback, the current situation in the entertainment industry, etc., but Sister Poe is not on the same channel as everyone, and she directly started to invite songs. .

Fortunately, we are all acquaintances. Teacher He and Jiaye all know what kind of person Sister Po is. Ye Ming is also someone who has known Sister Po for a long time and knows that she has the habit of opening up her imagination.

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