Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3183: Negotiation collapsed?

Ye Ming snorted and said: "As for those songs from your company, Bian Bian, to be honest, I don't know how good you are at running a company, Boss Luo, but, what the hell are you signing for? Those exclusive works are all third-rate or even fourth-rate songs in the entertainment industry. They have no potential to be popular at all. They are all basic materials thrown into the record company's warehouse. Did you know that?

Can you attract people with these exclusive rights? It's absolutely impossible, that's why. 5 million 45%, plus the copyright of my songs, as well as the copyright of my future songs. I believe that I will write more classic songs in the future. If I write songs, then our company will have priority. The right to purchase, of course I will give it to my company carefully.

I'm being very polite, otherwise I would have to pay 5 million for 50% of the equity.

Now I want 45% which is quite polite, you know? And I have also investigated your company. To be honest, I think the development of your company has indeed reached a crossroads. If there is no limelight, what can you persist? Can you persist through the Spring Festival?

Don't be kidding, it's absolutely impossible. When the time comes and it closes down, you won't lose a penny.

Talking about the exclusive copyright of your company’s songs, can the songs you signed be sold in a package for 100,000 yuan? right?

These are all third-rate and fourth-rate songs that are discarded by large record companies and left to mold in warehouses. How much traffic can you attract with these songs?

When I invest in your company, it is actually a kind of venture capital. I am betting on the potential of your company to develop, rather than focusing on the current direction of your company. Do you know that you have no direction now? "

If this is the case, according to normal procedures, Luo Qingcheng, as the big boss, should agree. After all, at this time, your company is about to be unable to survive, and it is already time to raise financing.

It should be relatively normal for someone to propose joining this thing now, and it is the kind of joining where everyone gets what they need.

Just like an Internet company, it does not mean that it will accept all people's money. If an Internet company wants to accept a venture capital, it depends on whether the venture capital can bring benefits to the Internet company.

For example, an ordinary venture capital boss wants to invest 5 million in an Internet company, and a world-class billionaire wants to invest 5 million in this Internet company. It is obvious how to choose between these two Internet companies, which are also worth 5 million. I will definitely choose the 5 million from a billionaire.

Because I chose the billionaire’s 5 million, the billionaire’s connections will help Internet companies to some extent. The 5 million invested by an ordinary venture capital boss is just an investment of 5 million. For Internet companies, Subsequent development was not particularly helpful.

So, this venture capital capital is not collected by anyone who invests in Internet companies.

But a good guy like Luo Qingcheng is almost at the end of his rope, and Ye Ming came to invest. Not only will he invest cash, but he will also invest in his own works. I wish you a safe journey. This song must be quite a classic. .

This is obvious, so if a future famous songwriter wants to invest in an Internet company like a music website, and he also uses the copyright of his own works to invest, it is obviously very important for this music website. Helpful, no doubt about it.

This is much better than the ordinary venture capital funds that just talk about investment funds. After all, the development of the website needs good works to support it, and good works are needed to attract more traffic. Ye Ming, he has used The action proved that he indeed had the potential to become a famous songwriter.

Whether it's a song about brothers or a hero, or something that has become popular recently, I wish you a happy journey, it proves that there is no need to reject Ye Mingzhu's Naluo Qingcheng.

If you are the kind of entrepreneur who plans to leave after making a fortune, a serious entrepreneur who wants to play on the Internet, then it is obvious that he will not refuse such a condition as Ye Ming. Not only will he give you money , and also carries the copyright of his own work, which is already quite a face-saving thing.

However, at this time Luo Qingcheng refused without hesitation: "It is impossible to say this. Obviously your works are indeed needed by our website, and the funds you invested, at this time, are indeed able to Take our company's urgent need. Ah, but he really wants to work on this issue. I can't accept your investment.

Because the shares you want are too big, you know? I founded this company to prove that I can do something good after leaving my father. If more shares are given to you, will this company be considered yours or mine at this time?

I have a little bit of experience in the Internet. When I was in college, I worked on an Internet company with my classmates. I have my own experience in this regard.

But, I don’t have much experience in the entertainment industry. You are a person in the entertainment industry, right?

You don’t object to this, and the songs you wrote are indeed very good. This is undeniable. You have gained initial recognition from everyone. Whether it is a brother or a hero song, I wish you all the best. It fully proves that you are a pretty good songwriter.

If you maintain your form, it is not impossible for you to become a grandmaster. This fully proves that you are a person who is born to be in the entertainment industry. You are the kind of person who is said to be a grand master in the entertainment industry.

But it is precisely because you may become a famous songwriter in the future, and you will become a big star. However, I can’t do that. As a music website, my dear, as a boss, I am not as good as my own deputy. The chairman is more famous. Then when it comes to Qingcheng.com, he says the boss is me, Luo Qingcheng, or you, Ye Ming?

You are more famous than me, more influential than me, and you also have so many shares. Although not as much as me, the difference is almost the same, 45%. Is this possible?

Well, this is absolutely impossible. So, if you invest 5 million for 45% of such a share, do you want to invest or acquire my company?

Alas, even if you come here with your work at this time, it is impossible for you to perform better, so it is even more impossible for me to let you invest and let you take so many shares, right? "

He is really not stupid, he finally has some experience. Luo Qingcheng is so imaginative. Luo Qingcheng can really think of this. I don’t know what he thinks and why he can come to such a conclusion. ?

Because I may become a big star in the future, and because as a big star my influence in the entertainment industry may be greater than that of you as the boss, why do you refuse my investment?

Ye Ming really didn't mean this. This was something Ye Ming himself never thought of.

In fact, what about before Ye Ming came? He had never thought about investing. In fact, he also had a sudden idea. He just heard that Bo Xincheng wanted to raise funds, so he suddenly thought that he wanted to invest in this company.

In fact, I am also thinking to myself that I will definitely enter the entertainment industry in the future, so having my own music website will be very beneficial. If I invest now, it may help my career in the end.

So, when he heard that Luo Qingcheng's company was short of money, he proposed to invest 5 million for 45% of the shares, and also added the copyright of his own works, which he would not know about Qingcheng website no matter what. What a loss.

At this time, Ye Ming immediately said: "You can't say that about Boss Luo, right?

If you don’t accept my investment, my dear, can your website last until the Spring Festival? right? If you don’t accept my investment, then you have to find other venture capital funds. Are there any works like mine?

It's hard to say, people bring money and connections, OK, that's no problem, but in the final analysis, music websites still rely on works, speaking, and there are many works to attract other people.

Moreover, in fact, I have also observed your music website. The results of my observation before are that it does have development potential, right?

Of course, I never thought of investing in your website before I came here. I just heard you said that you needed venture capital, so at this time, I will think about it and see if I can cooperate with you to jointly create this website. .

So, before I came here, I also considered such a development plan for these websites. I have a complete set of development plans for this website. If you invest with me, then at this time, I can put all my plans into consideration. If you tell us this, our website will become one of the top three or even top two in the industry within two years.

Number one, I dare not say it. Number one, you know the virtues of Goose Factory. With a background in Goose Factory, it’s not easy to shake the number one spot.

That person's goose factory is yours, mine is mine, there's no way we can do it better than others, but the second place shouldn't be a big problem, the premise is that you listen to me in everything.

In the entertainment industry, it is like a music website. In fact, basically speaking, the top three and two should not be a big problem, unless we commit suicide. If our website can be in the top 2 or 3, it will be enough to survive in the entertainment industry. Yes, there is absolutely no problem with this profit, and it may be possible to go public in a while.

Of course, this is the best result I have planned. However, the worst result I have planned is that we will definitely make a profit. We will definitely make a profit within two years, and we can be in the top 3 or 2. This is It depends on future development.

Isn't it inappropriate for you to reject me now? Do you still think that I will become a big star and influence you? Please, this is a website. We are not a film and television company. You are the big boss. In the end, you have the final say in our company. Even if I become a big star in the future, That can also give our website a lot of advertising, right?

Apart from anything else, if I reach the position of king of singing in the entertainment industry, and I am one of the owners of our website, then where do you think my fans will go to listen to music in the future? Of course they will come to us. Qingcheng website, right?

In fact, my plan for the future is to have my own voice on the Internet, and then provide my own works. As for the specific development, you, the boss, have the final say.

Moreover, I will also give you a complete set of operation plans so that you can take our website to the next level. There is absolutely no problem with this. We can write this into the contract, which means that our company will To what extent it can be achieved, this can be written into the contract. If I fail to get it by the time, you can directly ask me to withdraw my capital without paying any interest.

Of course, the premise is that you have to implement this plan according to my plan. We can write it into the contract.

Moreover, I can entrust you with my pre-voting entrustment. I only have the ownership dividend rights of the website’s stocks. Of course, the board of directors must give me a position, right?

But I can authorize you the voting rights. These can be written on the website. Think about the big websites of Internet companies now. Major shareholders authorize the voting rights of their shares to the founders. Such things It’s not just one or two, right?

People's development is also very healthy, so when it comes to such a model, is it still OK? "

Luo Qingcheng actually really needs money, but she prefers this website to be her own, because this website represents the beginning of Luo Qingcheng's independent business, and even if she has pocket money, she still needs money. He cannot subsidize this website, but this is a place for him to prove himself.

So, she doesn't allow anyone to divide her rights. This time, Ye Ming is the same. Good guy, if you ask for 45% of the shares for 5 million, is this an attempt to force you into the palace?

Five million, although this is cash, it is absolutely impossible to directly take away nearly half of the shares of Qingcheng.com. This kind of thing, as a founder, is actually the last thing that a founder wants to happen. The most important thing people should do is to grasp the rights of the board of directors. The stocks may not necessarily hold a majority, but the voting rights must hold a majority. Luo Qingcheng is very concerned about this.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a very dangerous number. Luo Qingcheng cannot not be wary of Ye Ming. What is Ye Ming's intention?

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