Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3124 I want shares

After Wang Changhe came back, at this time, he also felt that this matter was more difficult. Ye Ming is a very cunning guy and is not easy to pop up. From his recent contact with Ye Ming, he can think of this guy Ye Ming. Definitely not a fuel efficient lamp.

It is not easy to get this mountain back from Ye Ming's hands, but if he doesn't get it back, Wang Changhe will not be willing to do it. His eldest brother believes in himself, so he will Appoint yourself as the person with full authority to handle this matter. You must complete the task beautifully this time, so that you can be worthy of your elder brother's trust. In this case, you will have more status in the company.

So, thinking of this, Wang Changhe did not dare to stay any longer and directly found Wang Xiaoshu. If he asked him to go to the Ye family, he would not be able to go at least for the time being. After all, he is also the manager, right. wrong?

No matter what, there is such an existence that there is less than one person in the company and more than ten thousand people. If you come to the company in person and reject it directly, then this matter will be meaningless.

So, I decided to use a roundabout method. He found Wang Xiaoshu and said, "Xiaoshu, we have a problem here. I hope you can go find Ye Ye on behalf of our company." Let’s talk to him about this matter.”

Wang Xiaoshu was also stunned. Didn't he just get the news that the contract was about to be signed? Why did this thing change again, right?

So, Wang Xiaoshu looked around and found that there was no change. At this time, he was a little unhappy and immediately said: "Second uncle, you won't fool me about this matter. It doesn't mean that the letter of intent has been signed." Are we about to sign a contract? Why do we need to change it?

Also, didn’t he sign this contract between our company and the Hudian Village Committee?

We have already signed the letter of intent, and now it’s time to sign the contract. I heard that when the contract is signed, my dad will bring some stars from the company to help out. What a great thing this is. If our group company can have such a film and television base If so, then I will definitely be able to go further by then. Besides, I am not an employee of the company, right?

There are so many employees in our company and he doesn't need me to talk about things. Of course, second uncle, you definitely don't have to do it yourself, but why does our company bring so many people? right? You should eat more of the people who work for you. You have to use those employees, right?

You can't leave them idle. It's like thinking that our group has too much money to spend. Do we have to support a bunch of waste like them?

Any large entertainment group actually likes employees who are completely reassuring and have strong work ability and can find ways to solve problems. This is the kind of employees that all companies like. "

Although what about Wang Xiaoshu? At this time, he is not someone who can manage the company, but after all, he is the prince of the company and will inherit the company in the future, so no one dares to underestimate him.

Wang Changhe, of course, is the same. He knows his nephew relatively well, and he has been very good since he was a child. Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter the experimental class. All the elites in Baihua City are in the experimental class. However, when I was a child, I met a more elite existence, Ye Mingzhu. Ye Ming, this guy can be said to suppress Wang Xiaoshu in all aspects, except for his family. Outside of the background, there seemed to be nothing about his nephew that could win over Ye Ming.

Wang Changhe thought for a while and said: "Actually, I can tell you that there was a little problem. As for me, when I looked at the information about calling Chen Wenhui again today, when I accidentally turned over the letter of intent, I I saw a problem about our location.

There are mountains on the side of Houdian Village Committee. As a location for a movie and TV series, it is very necessary to encounter such a place. In other words, if Hou Jian Film and Television Base has that If it is a mountain, it will save a lot of trouble. After all, when going on location, it is more suitable to use a real mountain peak. However, I found that this mountain was not included in the letter of intent, which I found a little strange. After all, it is our letter of intent for cooperation, right?

But what is surprising is that when talking about our Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base, he does not include the mountain outside. Moreover, I went to see their village chief Zhang. Village Chief Zhang said that what we are building is the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base, and did not say It must be that mountain.

Just kidding, what would our exterior scene be like without that mountain? right?

According to Village Chief Zhang, the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base is actually the conditions inside the Houdian Village. The mountain outside does not exist in the contract.

Do you think this is very painful? Without that mountain, we would have one less shortcoming. And if, in the future, we want to shoot outdoor scenes or something, we must negotiate with the owner of that mountain. It is quite troublesome to pay them the venue fee and so on. Then it goes against our original intention of building the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base. I asked them just now that the person village chief Zhang asked to contract this mountain was Ye Ming's grandfather.

So, under such a situation, I will let you ask Ye Ming what conditions he needs to join our Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base. This is also something we must do. Otherwise, this cooperation with Fujian Gucheng Film and Television Base would not be particularly perfect.

I guess my eldest brother may not be happy to see this happen. "

Wang Xiaoshu was stunned for a moment and said, "There's no need to trouble my dad about this second uncle thing."

As for Wang Changhe, he nodded at this time and said: "Of course, otherwise, what would your dad want us to do? Why would he pay us a salary? Right? He won't bother him with these little things. Your dad is so hairy, such a little thing We can just solve the problem ourselves. If it is really an unsolvable problem, tell your dad and let your dad figure out a solution. So, we will solve this problem ourselves, so we don’t need to trouble you.

But at this time, we must first know what Ye Ming and his family think, because this mountain was contracted to Ye Ming and his family, so we must ask for his opinion. If Ye Ming doesn't If you are willing to cooperate, then this matter is still quite tricky.

Of course, it is best if he can cooperate. If he cannot cooperate, it will be quite troublesome for us, and we must find other ways to solve this problem. "

As for Wang Xiaoshu, it was at this moment that he suddenly realized and said: "Okay, in that case, I can consider getting in touch with him. According to my understanding of Professor Ye Mingzhi, he is actually very interested in movies, TV series and so on. He is also He is clamoring to apply for film school. Obviously, he may want to enter the entertainment industry. I guess if he wants to enter the entertainment industry, he will not be too eager to offend our group. After all, our group is also in the entertainment industry. Predator.

So in such a situation, if we want to start a circle, it is really not a wise choice to offend our company. Of course, it is estimated that he may not enter the entertainment industry in a short time, but who guarantees that he will not enter the entertainment industry in the future? If I can't enter the entertainment industry, then I think they should give me face. I'll test it out and see what they think. Wang Changhe actually thought like this. He asked his nephew to test it out first. In fact, it was to get in touch with some situations on Ye Ming's side and see how they wanted to cooperate.

In this case, if Ye Ming is unwilling, there is still room for change. It is better than saying that I asked you to take someone with you, but you were turned away, which would be a bit embarrassing. Anyway, negotiate first. Then let’s talk about other things. In this case, a lot of unnecessary trouble will be reduced. "

Moreover, at this time, Wang Changhe originally wanted to call his eldest brother, but after thinking about it, he decided to solve the problem first, or to see what the attitude of Ye Ming's family was first, and then Then let’s think about how to solve the problem of the mountain outside. If the problem of the mountain outside can be successfully solved, then there is no need to trouble my elder brother about this matter.

Regarding such a matter, Wang Changhe thought that he still had a way to solve the problem, so for a while he thought he would wait and see.

In fact, it is like this. For a time, Wang Changhe knew very well that Ye Ming was a trap in the world. He dared to trap him in two yards. Galaxy Entertainment paid 20,000 yuan. You must know that this is not a simple 20,000 yuan. It's 20,000 yuan a month instead of 20,000 yuan.

This year it’s more than 200,000. Ordinary people working part-time for a year may not be able to earn more than this amount in the end. Only white-collar workers can earn more than 240,000 a year. As for ordinary working-class people, don't live without food or drink. That’s about that much salary a year, and the rest is only about 100,000. But, with two yards, Ye Ming dares to cheat Galaxy Entertainment for 240,000, and it happens every year, so It's not something that an ordinary person can do, and this guy is still a high school student.

But think about Ye Ming's identity. He is from Baihua's experimental class. Such a high school student is selected by Baihua. He is also a member of the National Mathematical Olympiad team. It is said that he has won the gold medal in the Olympic Mathematics Competition and is internationally recognized. In the Mathematics Olympiad, that is also a name and a surname. The key is that this guy is partial to science, and he is very partial to science. So, at this time, he could not really enter schools such as the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress. Otherwise, he could directly enter the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress, and that would be absolutely no problem.

For this guy, it is said that his English is slightly worse.

Anyway, this guy is definitely not an ordinary person. He dares to cheat two sets of yards. Galaxy Entertainment has so many things and such a mountain. At this time, I don’t know what kind of conditions Ye Ming will offer, but Well, think about it, if the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base can't take down that mountain at this time, it really won't make much sense. The exterior scenes are mainly about things like dense mountains and forests. It would be best if there is nature. Now there is a mountain near Houdian. Of course, it must be included in the scope of the film and television base in the ancient city of Houdian.

But I didn’t expect that this kind of mountain was actually contracted by the Ye family. Then this is not something that can be done easily. Let’s first take a look at the outcome of Wang Xiaoshu’s discussion with Ye Ming. If the conditions given by Ye Ming this time . If it's not too harsh, then at this time, Wang Changhe plans to agree directly. Anyway, he has to take down the mountain. In this case, this is the first thing he has to do now.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu found Ye Ming. Just like Wang Changshou is also very curious. He usually doesn't pay much attention to this classmate, that is, he is a nerd. However, after leaving school, when I was a child, I felt that this guy Ye Ming completely subverted my understanding. It's rare to see such a person who can defraud himself. I have so much money, and he is also his classmate. This is indeed a talent.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoshu said seriously: "Ye Ming, I have a question when I come here this time. As for you, it is best to think it over carefully before answering. I will say that the mountain in your home is the Da Qingshan outside your village. You contracted it. Our Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base Preparatory Committee wants to include that mountain into the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base. I don’t know what you think. At this time, Ye Ming thought about it and said, you If you really want it, it's not impossible. I want 10% of the shares, and then I will include this mountain in the scope of the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base."

What he didn't say at this time surprised Farm Tree. After all, he is the prince of Galaxy Entertainment. Although he has not really participated in the management of Galaxy Entertainment, his father, Wang Yinhe, often takes him to the board of directors. What, at this time, he more or less understands some of the concepts in Houdian, Gucheng Film and Television Base, 10% of the equity, which is a huge amount of money. Doesn't this mean renting him for 20,000 yuan a month? The problem with this house is to get the dividends from the Houdian Ancient City Film and Television Base.

Therefore, in such a situation, Wang Xiaoshu is also more cautious. His leader said that although the mountain is relatively important, it is also relatively important. In fact, more people are watching the Kou Dian Ancient City Film and Television Base. Looking at the inside of Houdian Village in the ancient city, Daqingshan is just a supplement to the Hudian Ancient City Film and Television Base. You want 10% of this thing. Isn’t such a share inappropriate?

This cost-effectiveness is high, and Qingshan doesn’t seem to be at that level. I don’t think the village committee may agree to it, whether it’s our Galaxy Entertainment or Monkey Shop. "

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