Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3107 Whoever causes trouble gets paid

At this time, Ye Ming was also very happy and said: "Director Hu, do you think this song sounds satisfactory?"

At this time, Director Na Hu said very happily: "Satisfied, very satisfied. I didn't expect that a classmate actually had such a song in his hand. This time, I really came to the right place. To be honest, this time I came to you, it was Lao Li who suggested it. Originally, I thought that your attention in writing the song "Brothers" was very remarkable, but I never thought that you, classmate, could have such a skill in your hands, even better than "Brothers". It's very satisfying to listen to this kind of passionate song.

I am very satisfied with this song. I admire the story of "Water Margin". This song has been brought into full play. With this song, "Water Margin", such a TV series, can be said to be the finishing touch. The real finishing touch, I am very satisfied.

How much would you pay for this song? I will never haggle, don't save money for me, it's not my money anyway. "

Director Hu is also the kind of person who knows how to make friends. He knows that friends should treat each other with sincerity. This is the style of the fifth generation directors who are relatively old-school. It does look a bit good-looking, with big bowls of wine, big chunks of meat, and big scales for dividing gold and silver.

Director Hu himself didn't want to come to Ye Ming just now. If he didn't say it, Ye Ming would naturally not know it. However, he actually said it without hesitation. What was in his heart? He is also very candid. It can be seen that Director Hu really regards Ye Ming as his good friend and brother.

So, I told this matter without any politeness. At this moment, Hu Sandao feels that with such a song, his TV series can be regarded as real and he is relieved. With this finishing touch of the song, why worry about Water Margin not being a hit?

At this time, Ye Ming shook his head and said, "What about Director Hu? If you miss this matter, how can I sell the song to you?

It's not your fault, right? Originally, it had already been written. Brother, that song could be used as the theme song of Water Margin. But in the end, you were framed and asked the people from the Publicity Department to recommend it to Kanto Heroes. No matter what happened in between. What a story about infighting in the TV station, but you have already bought a song, and if I sell the song to you, wouldn’t that make you money twice?

So when it comes to this matter, I still can’t do it. Whoever made a mistake should take responsibility. Director Hu shouldn’t buy this song. As for you, just disclose the news to the Publicity Department. Li Ping.

Li Ping from the Publicity Department, in order to end this matter as soon as possible, he must come to me. How much will I offer at that time? Does Li Ping have any room for bargaining? He had no room for bargaining at all, and after all, Li Ping made a mistake in this matter.

So, in such a situation, even if I charge him a high price, even if I cause him to bleed heavily, because he was at fault first, in such a situation, he can only It's absolutely impossible to object if you hold your nose and admit it, so in such a situation, why did your crew buy it, right? Although your crew has money.

but. If you have money, you can't waste it like this. Let the people from the Publicity Department buy it. I dare say that no matter how much I offer, the people from the Publicity Department will have to hold their noses and admit it. In this case, Li Ping from the Publicity Department can learn a lesson, otherwise If you hold the board up high this time and put it down gently, next time he will kill you again, right?

No one can guarantee this, so in this case, he shouldn’t have come out from your crew before. It should have been Li Ping from the Publicity Department. So tell him the news. Tell him, I have a song here that makes you very happy. If you are satisfied with the song, Li Ping will know how to do it. He will come to me soon when the time comes, maybe tonight, or at the latest tomorrow morning, he will come as soon as possible. .

So, when the time comes, he actually comes to me on the pole, so what kind of price should I offer him to get money? Maybe that's because I have it under my control. No matter how much money I ask for, he won't refuse.

So in such a situation, Director Hu doesn't have to worry about this, but just take the initiative to let the news out. "

When Director Hu Sandao and Hu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He glanced at Ye Ming thoughtfully. This little guy Ye Ming looks quite young. In fact, you are very young. You are just in high school. At the same level, it seems that this year I will take the college entrance examination, right?

However, he never expected that Yan Ping could be so insidious. He was so proficient in using this method of killing people with a borrowed knife. It was not easy for these children nowadays.

They can all come up with this kind of strategy. Think about what they were doing when they were in high school, digging out bird's nests and going down the river to catch fish, going up the mountain to catch rabbits, etc., but he didn't do any of these bullshit tricks. Do less.

However, Ye Ming has not yet graduated from high school. At this time, he has already started to calculate this and that. In the future, if Ye Ming enters the society, he will definitely be able to stand alone even if he does not go through the social pressure. People like Nie Ming are almost born conspirators.

At this moment, Hu Sandao also said with emotion: "That's right, we are not the ones hosting this matter. So, in such a situation, why does our crew need to pay for it? To be honest, , Classmate Ye Ming, our crew really don’t have much money. Even though our crew is so huge, it is said to be an investment of 810 million, but in fact it is not that high at all. Oh, we are also living for your belt.

So, in this case, if the price you ask me for this song is too high, I might have to get a loan in the end. There is no way. So, there are some things. It’s hard for me to say it myself.

Originally, this matter was just a family scandal, and family scandals should not be made public. But, we don’t have outsiders here. Let me tell you, our crew’s tax is 70 million, but in fact, it’s not enough for illness, you know? It’s hard to say what the film will look like in the end. "

At this time, Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Director Hu, this is already pretty good. This TV series claims to have invested hundreds of millions, and 70 million in cash has been deposited into the account. It is already very impressive.

According to the rules of the entertainment industry, those who claim to invest hundreds of millions can only invest 50 million, which means that half of the funds can actually be used for filming, which is already quite good. The TV series you produce are invested by your own TV station. , so under such a situation, 70% can be left to the crew, which is indeed quite kind.

It can be seen that your TV station still attaches great importance to your Water Margin. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way that 70 million cash will be transferred to your account.

As for the other thing, you don’t need to know about the other crews to know that Yan Guo has plucked his hair. So far, the real prop bamboo has been handed over to the actors. If only half of it is left, it is indeed considered High praise for a conscientious producer.

So, in such a situation, now you have been wronged for 70 million yuan, a number that many ordinary people can't even dream of.

Of course, it may not be enough compared to the crew, but it’s not enough for you to ask the leader, right? I heard about Water Margin, but the TV station leaders are very concerned about your TV station's annual drama. What is called an annual drama? It is the kind of TV series that the leaders attach great importance to to carry the flag.

It can be said that the TV station's ratings this year are high or low. Basically, it depends on whether the TV series that the TV station carries the flag this time are powerful. If the TV series that the TV station carries the flag this time are very powerful, the ratings will be very high. If it can become a hit, then at this time, the ratings of TV dramas throughout the year will not be particularly bad.

However, if at this time, the annual drama, this time, does very poorly, then do you still expect that the ratings of other TV series on the TV station will be very high?

In fact, it’s just the same thing. Audiences like TV series, they like to follow the crowd, and they like the mentality of blind obedience. So, if there can be an annual drama that takes the lead in kicking off the TV station’s ratings, it will have a great impact on the subsequent ones. TV dramas will also have a very good driving role.

This is the inertia of the ratings. It can be said that if these TV series in the future are not self-destructive to produce some TV series with poor quality, they will be habitual and will be very high.

But if the TV station's annual drama is really bad and makes people feel unwatchable, the ratings will definitely not be high at this time. Even the ratings of TV dramas broadcast after the annual drama will not be particularly high. This is almost It's an unspoken rule.

So, at this time, if the TV series becomes the annual drama of the TV station, it will receive maximum support in terms of funds, manpower and material resources, even in terms of publicity.

I am also very optimistic about the TV series Water Margin, so I wrote songs for Water Margin so carefully.

And I know that Director Hu will definitely make this novel into a hit TV series. Now someone dares to tamper with this TV series. It can be seen that they are deceived by eating lard, and there will definitely be no good ending. I have to teach them a lesson once and let them pay for my song.

I think if you want to teach someone a lesson and make him bleed a lot, that person will definitely remember this lesson. So, I don’t think it is necessary for our crew. This is not a matter of more money or less. , this is a matter of attitude.

Li Ping, who was originally from the Publicity Section, should have paid, right?

So, at this time, let’s just settle this matter. You go to Li Ping from the Publicity Department. Li Ping will definitely bring someone to me when the time comes. I will make arrangements for him directly. This matter must be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy for some changes to happen. What about changes?

At this time, it may not be under your control. In this case, it would be inappropriate. There is no guarantee that this guy Li Ping might not be able to do anything wrong. In the end, he will feel that he has suffered a loss, and he will try some sinister means on Water Margin.

As for this, Hu Dao, do you think it is possible? I think it's still very possible. Let's take advantage of these two days, Director Hu, to tell Li Ping the news as soon as possible. Li Ping is still in fear of being lectured by the leader. In this case, he will take the money. If I kill him twice, I will be very straightforward. When the time comes, how much I can get him to take out depends on how sincere he is.

Anyway, don't worry, I will definitely make him bleed. At this time, if he doesn't get more money, of course I won't let him go. "

Hu Sandao was very satisfied when he heard this. Ye Ming is a guy who has won his heart. What are you doing here this time? One is to find another theme song for Water Margin. This time, from your side He has already got the answer. The Hero's Song is indeed a classic. He can guarantee that this song will become a hit once it is broadcast.

Of course Water Margin is a classic, but if there is a popular song as the theme song, then in such a situation it should have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, which is very rare.

Therefore, at this time Hu Sandao also nodded with great satisfaction and said: "This is a good idea. Later, I will call Li Ping. I believe that he should be interested in this matter. Look, Lao Li There should be nothing wrong with asking the Publicity Department to pay for this matter. Who asked him to recommend the song My Brother to Kanto Heroes? As a result, Water Margin has no theme song.

If it weren't for our luck this time, Ye Ming had a suitable song in his hand, otherwise we would have thought of an essay competition for the theme song of Water Margin.

However, it is difficult to say whether there will be a satisfactory result in the end.

Don't worry, I will call Li Ping as soon as possible to tell him the news and tell him that you have a song I need. He will definitely be anxious and will come to you to discuss this matter when the time comes. You are welcome. , and you don’t have to give me face, you can have as much money as you want.

I guess this is the time when Li Ping hopes to find a suitable song the most, so he should carefully consider the money you ask for. There is almost no doubt about this. Director Ding, but our director in charge has already made arrangements. At this time, Li Ping dare not ignore this issue. "

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