Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3102 Dog Leg No. 1

When Hu Sandao left this time, he threatened in front of everyone: "Li, do you know that we are not done with this matter?"

Remember, your Publicity Department owes me a theme song, so please handle this matter for me.

Otherwise, it will delay our work on Water Margin. If I take the lawsuit to the director, you won't get any good results. "

Hu Sandao was Hu Sandao. He still had a hot temper. Everyone thought he had changed his gender. But in fact, Hu Sandao was still the same hot-tempered person. In front of so many people, Hu Sandao didn't give Li Ping any attention. Why save face? This knife stabbed directly into the heart, which made Li Ping angry almost to death.

But there is no way. After all, Li Ping is responsible for this matter. Who asked him to take action first? In a TV series like Water Margin, if you are not careful, you will pay the price. Li Ping is not careful. That kind of thing, for such a thing, you can't blame others.

Then let’s have a meeting. As for this matter, Director Ding has already decided that the Publicity Department must compensate a theme song for Water Margin, and the quality of the theme song must also be very good, at least It should be on the same level as "Brothers".

However, at this time, Li Ping also felt helpless. He knew very well that it was very difficult to find a theme song similar to "Brothers". "Brothers", this song It is already a very rare good song. I want to find a song that is on par with this quality and can be used as the theme song of Water Margin. It's very, very difficult. In fact, it's already difficult to find a song with the same quality as "Brothers".

So in such a situation, if another restriction is added, it must be limited to the theme song of Water Margin, and it will be even more difficult to find such a song. Fortunately, it is not my own A mistake made by one person is something that everyone decides upon after discussion. Of course, this kind of discussion is also the daily task of the Publicity Department. The Publicity Department is responsible for helping promote some TV programs, movies, TV series, etc. Of course, everyone has to discuss some issues.

This is normal. It is perfectly normal to discuss this kind of thing at a meeting.

Not to mention that TV stations do not have movie stations, there are still TV movies, especially national TV stations. They also have movie channels. They are responsible for movie promotion, which is also a task of the Publicity Department. So, this matter is not a big deal. And Li Ping is also the kind of person who particularly likes meetings.

What's the matter? Let's discuss it together. This is also a way for Li Ping to shift the blame. For example, if he discusses this kind of thing in private with his cronies, it is his own private behavior. But, He actually raised this question during a meeting of the Publicity Department after discussing it with his confidants, and everyone agreed and recommended the song "Brothers" to the crew of "Kanto Heroes".

This is the behavior of the entire department. If all the responsibility is passed to the section chief, then this matter seems impossible.

As for Li Ping, he just grasped this point, so he was quite helpless at this time.

A meeting was held and everyone was called to a meeting.

At this time, Li Ping actually had no better way.

Think about it, let's drag everyone down first.

So at this time, Li Ping knocked on the table and said, "Everyone should know about this matter.

In the past two days, what we have been talking about is recommending the song "Brothers" to. There are some problems with "The Great Heroes of Guandong" at this time. The director of the Water Margin crew, Lao Hu Hu Sandao, is unhappy about this guy.

Because he bought this song. Do you know this? I guess everyone didn’t pay much attention to it. They just said they noticed that the Copyright Section bought “Brothers”. Who bought this song? Maybe everyone didn’t pay attention.

I didn't pay attention either, so we had some trouble when we recommended it to "Kwantung Heroes" because this song was prepared by this guy Lao Hu for his TV series Water Margin. Everyone I also heard that this song is quite good.

However, it was precisely because this song was so good that after we recommended it to the crew of Kanto University, they actually agreed to use this song as the theme song. This is when trouble started.

That is to say, Lao Hu was not happy, and said that we were setting a trap for them. The purpose of recommending the song "Brothers" to "Kwantung Heroes" was to hinder the progress of Water Margin. Everyone knows about the TV series Water Margin, which is also our annual drama.

That is a key issue in the station. In such a situation, we must pay attention. At this time, we must really consider the reaction of the leaders in the station. Now the leader is not happy, Hu Sandao , this guy came to the door again and went to the leader.

Director Ding has already said that this matter is our fault. Whether we did it intentionally or unintentionally, it is the fault of our Publicity Department. So, in such a situation, everyone should brainstorm how to solve it. this problem.

By the way, the station director said that we have to compensate for the Water Margin with a song, and the quality of this song must be at least the same as the song "Brothers", and it must also be very consistent with the Water Margin. The central idea of ​​the TV series or something.

Anyway, it just makes everyone feel excited after listening to it. It is probably necessary to compensate the crew of Water Margin for a song like this. It's the end. If we can't do it, then we may have to settle old accounts and new accounts together. So, everyone here is the elite of the propaganda department. In such a situation, everyone still has to think carefully. I thought about how he was going to deal with this matter.

First of all, I want to say something. What is speculation and cheating? It’s okay to deal with other things. I know you are all masters in this area, but as for this matter, no one can fool me. Because this is the tone set by the leader. If the leader asks us to compensate, we must compensate.

Otherwise, if I can't eat and walk around, then you won't have a good life, because Director Ding has already spoken about this matter. I don't want other voices to come out. I must listen to the leader and complete the leader's tasks.

We must first understand that such a move against Director Ding is a very dangerous move. Therefore, the issue we are discussing this time is how to compensate Hu Sandao and how to obtain it. A song similar to "Brothers", everyone brainstormed.

At this time, let’s discuss how to solve this problem. "

At this time, it can be regarded as a warning from Li Ping to everyone.

You can't be particularly kind or merciful to your subordinates. If a person in power is particularly merciful, then he will not be far away from class. Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth, this is also the Chinese people The rules left by our ancestors. Since our ancestors can leave this sentence behind, it means that this sentence is very reasonable.

Therefore, as a leader, there is no problem in being approachable in normal times, but when dealing with problems, if you are approachable, you will basically leave an impression on your subordinates, that is, you are weak and can be bullied.

Therefore, at this time, Li Ping, first of all, beat his subordinates and tell everyone that I have told you this matter. I have no good fruit to eat. Before I run out of good fruit to eat, I will also let you If there is no good fruit to eat, no one will have an easy time.

So, everyone must work hard to solve this problem. If anyone dares to be lazy, he will be the first to deal with him. This is of course a warning to everyone.

After the warning, Li Ping also said very sadly: "Of course, this matter does not mean that everyone is entirely to blame. Although the result of this matter is the result of everyone's meeting and discussion, but, as a person, I Leaders still have unshirkable responsibilities.

At that time, I was also negligent and did not investigate the origin of the song "Brothers". I just listened to this song, which was more suitable for the TV series "Kwanto Heroes", so it was so a proposal.

As a result, everyone said that it would be a good thing to recommend it to Kanto Jiaxia. After all, it is a very good song. If it is recommended to "Kanto Heroes", then at this time, it can increase the ratings of "Kanto Heroes" The rate is slightly higher, good songs are paired with good TV series, that's pretty much it.

But at this time, no matter what, I make the final decision, and I have to take a large part of this responsibility.

So, I have admitted my mistake to the leader and promised that I will solve such a problem as soon as possible, but Hu Sandao is not that easy to fool. He has threatened me in public and said that I will let him go. I will solve the problem as soon as possible.

So at this time, we have to discuss how to solve such a problem. "

As Li Ping's number one hooker, Xiao Song would certainly not let go of such an opportunity, and this matter had something to do with him, so he stood up and expressed his opinion first. : "As for the matter of section chief, I think it is the responsibility of all of us, right? It was decided by everyone in a meeting. It does not mean that you decide it alone. When we made this decision, everyone agreed Yes, there is no objection.

If there is no objection, that means acquiescence, right?

So, if this matter is done wrong, it is something done wrong by our Publicity Department. It is not the fault of the section chief alone, but the fault of all of us here. None of us figured out that Hu Sandao actually bought the song "Brothers," right?

So on such an issue, some things will become very simple. Since it is decided by everyone in a meeting, it cannot be said that it is the responsibility of the section chief alone, it is the collective responsibility of all of us.

Ordinarily, small things like this, such as investigating who purchased the song "Brothers", are the work of those of us who work as subordinates. We have to investigate, but we did not investigate clearly what caused this incident.

So, our responsibilities are greater. It does not mean that everything must be handled by the section chief. If everything has to be handled by the section chief, what will our subordinates do?

We palmists are just picking up and filling in the gaps, but we didn't check "Brothers" to find out who bought this song, so we just vaguely recommended it to "Kwantung Heroes".

The key is to talk about the crew of Water Margin. They bought the songs themselves and just sent them over. No one from their crew is at the TV station. They are busy filming now. They may not come to the TV station once a week or two. Who would have thought They actually bought this song, right?

So when it comes to responsibility, it is everyone's responsibility, not the responsibility of the section chief alone. Since the responsibility is not the responsibility of the section chief alone, then when solving problems, we have to work together to find a way to achieve the result. The thing is that our people in the Publicity Department made a mistake.

So, at this time, we in the Publicity Department must collectively take responsibility for this matter.

And such a thing is not impossible to solve the problem. Director Hu Sandao and Hu have already said that as long as he is compensated for a similar song, it is not impossible for him to accomplish this kind of thing. wrong?

Although the possibility of completing it is relatively small, although it is slightly more difficult to do it, there is still hope after all. As long as we can find a song similar to "Brothers", this problem will be solved It can be solved easily.

As long as the song we found can become the theme song of Water Margin, then it's not a big deal, right?

So, the key is to solve the problem of getting the theme. They need a theme song for Water Margin, so we have to find a theme song similar to "Brothers".

So how can we find a theme song similar to "Brothers"? This matter requires all of us to think about this issue.

I have a suggestion of my own. We should act separately. As for the songwriters and songwriters who have a better relationship with our TV station, we all take this address book and then divide it up to see who is responsible for contacting whom. Focus on these famous writers. We will ask the songwriters to see if they have a solution to the problem, and we will work on it separately. If we can find a suitable song in the process, of course everyone will be happy, and the task will be completed.

Of course, if we fail to complete the task, the result will not be what we want to see. This time, we must try our best to find songs that can convince Hu Sandao. "

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