Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3992: Troubled Times

At this time, Hu Sandao's enemies at the TV station had already started to attack him. They dug a hole directly and prepared for him to jump into it.

At this moment, in fact, the people at Galaxy Entertainment are also very serious. That is to say, Wang Changhe is personally responsible for this matter. Until now, he has not been able to really solve it.

Originally, this seemed to Wang Changhe to be a very stable thing, so there was no need to waste any effort.

However, up to now, the contract has not been signed yet, and the matter of signing the contract, which is about to be signed, can still be messed up.

This made Wang Changhe very unhappy. As for Li Xia from the logistics department, the news she brought was not very good. Anyway, the news from Wang Jianguo, the security director, was about this matter. Indeed, it was We are stuck with the Ye family. The Ye family has a very special status in Hudian Village. The eldest son Ye Long is not an ordinary person. He is not a big or small person in the city. He is a civil servant. It would be inappropriate to use other methods to deal with the Ye family, and it would be impossible to use marginal means.

Moreover, at this time, his nephew Wang Xiaoshu also brought news.

Wang Xiaoshu's visit this time is actually to increase his own knowledge. It is impossible to expect him to do anything. Even Wang Yinhe does not expect his son to be able to help with this matter.

From Wang Yinhe's point of view, his son actually came here to relax or something, so whether Wang Yinhe or Wang Xiaoshu's second uncle Wang Changhe, who led the team this time, actually understood this matter very well.

What role can Wang Xiaoshu play in this matter?

In his opinion, Wang Xiaoshu just needs to be a spectator and increase his experience. Being able to avoid causing trouble to the negotiations is already Wang Xiaoshu's greatest contribution to such a matter.

Basically, whether it is Wang Changhe or other members of the negotiating team this time, they all have such an attitude towards Wang Xiaoshu.

However, this time Wang Xiaoshu actually brought a new news, and what surprised everyone was that Wang Xiaoshu's classmate turned out to be Ye Ming, which was a key to this matter.

This time Wang Changhe called everyone over for a meeting. Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Xiaoshu went out and came in.

This fact surprised everyone at the scene, and Wang Changhe felt even more surprised.

As for my nephew, he has very personal thoughts. When he came this time, he was originally forced to come by his father. So, when we were young, we were quite resistant to this matter. Any He was not willing to participate in any negotiation.

Basically, you come here just to wander around. It seems that a few people come here just for tourism rather than to increase their knowledge.

So, Wang Xiaoshu has never been very good at things like negotiations. It is impossible to call Wang Xiaoshu over for meetings. Just don't expect Wang Xiaoshu to come over for meetings.

So, no one will notify Wang Xiaoshu of future meetings, because it will have no effect at all. Wang Xiaoshu is not interested in this matter at all. Is it possible that you will force him to hold meetings? impossible.

After all, he is the prince of Galaxy Entertainment, right? Even Wang Changhe, his second uncle, turned a blind eye to Wang Xiaoshu.

In fact, by this time, no one informed Wang Xiaoshu during the meeting. This has become a habit. However, this time Wang Xiaoshu actually came on his own initiative, so this surprised everyone present. .

However, Wang Changhe, an old fox after all, also said with a smile: "Eldest nephew, what do you want to do here this time?

Do you think there is nothing interesting here? If you don't think it's interesting, I can ask someone to take you back to your dad's place. I'll talk about it for you. In fact, if there are some minor issues, they are still under negotiation. An agreement can be reached quickly. "

Wang Xiaoshu then said: "Second uncle, I have also done some research on this matter. Negotiation on this matter is not necessary. Everyone has already decided to sign the contract, and the result is that Yanming The guy is out, right?

It was because in the end, he had already agreed to negotiate, but the Houdian Village Committee actually refused. Is this the truth?

So the key to this matter is that if Ye Ming and Ye Ming agree to this matter, they can basically start signing the contract. Is the biggest problem we encounter now on Ye Ming's side? "

Well, Wang Changhe also felt very surprised.

He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, Sapling, you are not simple. Don't you care less about such a negotiation? You can actually see the key point of this issue directly. There is nothing wrong with this." It is indeed stuck on Ye Ming's side. If Ye Ming agrees to this matter, he can sign the contract at any time. If Ye Ming does not agree, then it will not be easy to sign the contract.

Otherwise, wouldn’t you say that you have never cared much about this matter? What do you think about this? In fact, it’s a matter of the company’s long-term investment. What about you? It is precisely because of this view that I did not notify you to come to these two meetings, because after all, you are not very interested in this matter. If you are interested in making movies and TV series, you can Yeah, our company has a lot of crews that you can go to. I'll have someone send you there later. If you're interested, I don't care. "

Sapling, this is Wang Xiaoshu’s nickname. Wang Xiaoshu’s grandfather gave it to him, and his family members often call him that after surgery.

Wang Xiaoshu shook his head and said: "I am really not very interested in this matter. I even said that it is unnecessary for us to sign this contract. Moreover, my task is to study. I am not very interested in the company." There are some things that I won't be interested in at least now.

I do attend some meetings of the board of directors, because they are general issues. I must be familiar with the general direction of the company's development. I am indeed not interested in these detailed issues, at least right now.

Because my main job now is to study. If I study well, I will be able to take over the company better in the future. My dad must let me come here, but I didn’t expect that I would meet me here. My classmate Ye Ming, later, I learned through him that the key to this matter lies with Ye Ming.

But, I am interested in Ye Min. This guy is my opponent. Second uncle, do you know? This guy may be my lifelong opponent. He is my opponent in our experimental class. Ye Ming can be said to be in our experimental class. He belongs to it and has reached the level of academic master.

Anyway, I now feel that almost all the students in our experimental class have Ye Ming as their goal and hope to surpass Ye Ming. So, I am also more interested in Ye Ming. This time, I didn’t expect to go. If Ye Ming is involved, then I am interested in this matter, right? What about me?

Through talking with him, I learned one thing, that is, this guy, as for his two houses, now he no longer wants 14,000 yuan. 14,000 yuan was the previous price, but now he The price has been raised to 20,000 yuan, and it means whether we want to sign or not. "

At this time, Shi Kai, the company's legal advisor, became a little unhappy. He immediately stood up and said, "Why is this guy Ye Ming so unkind? He has no contractual spirit at all. What he said at the beginning was two houses. 14 , 000 yuan, right?

Even if good things change, there is no spirit of contract at all. I think we shouldn't let them get used to them. We are here to invest, right? We are investors. At this time, how can we investors be so humble and negotiate with them? Are we being a bit too weak now? It seems to make them feel that we can be easily bullied at any time.

I suggest that we should be tougher on this matter. At worst, we should withdraw it first, right? The worst thing we can do is not invest now. Anyway, we invested real money. They treat us like this. It seems that their sincerity in cooperation is not particularly great.

If this is the case, why do we have to invest here? At least we will respond to their problems forcefully and temporarily retreat. I think this should be able to express our dissatisfaction. In this case, This should put some pressure on the Houdian Village Committee, which will help resolve the matter. "

Shi Kai actually has a relatively important position in the company. After all, he is the chief legal advisor, right? So, generally speaking, even Wang Yinhe takes his opinions very seriously.

At this time, Wang Changhe thought about it and nodded and said: "It's not impossible if we put some pressure on that side, right? On this matter, we have to express our views and we cannot let it go. The other party led the way. In the beginning, 14,000 yuan for one of these little guys was considered very high, right?

And it’s 14,000 per month. That doesn’t mean it’s all paid at once. It’s the same price every month. Now it’s increased to 20,000. Maybe it will be increased to 25,000 in the future. , in this case, if we agree, we may be led by the other party in the future. If we express our dissatisfaction in the same way, we can withdraw our dissatisfaction first. This is not impossible to consider, but we have to leave some things behind. Don't have a complete falling out. After all, this is not in the interests of the company, right? A complete falling out would do no one any good. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu saw that his second uncle actually agreed to such an idea, shook his head and said: "Don't think like this, you know?

As for me, in fact, when I first discussed this issue with Ye Ming, I also said this, that is, if we are here to raise money, then we should be investors, and you should respect some of our investors’ opinions. wrong?

You can't say that we must agree to whatever you do, but what if we don't agree? After all, we are investing real money, right? It's impossible for you to treat an investor like this. What do you think Ye Ming said? Ye Ming doesn't care at all, you know?

There is nothing wrong with me being an investor. We are investors here to invest money. However, Ye Ming also said that in this matter, the Hengdian Ancient City Film and Television Base can be established only by ignoring the theme of the village committee house. Well, it’s the one with the larger proportion.

So, at this time, as an investor, you are indeed worthy of respect, but investors cannot fool people or deceive them or the village committee.

Moreover, Ye Ming also told me that if we cannot agree to such a question as soon as possible, he may bring Feihu Group over, do you know?

The Feihu Group is watching and waiting for us. If the negotiation fails, they may be able to fill our gap immediately.

In fact, from Ye Ming's point of view, if we don't agree to invest the money, Feihu Group will 100% take over such a thing. Think about it, we are here to invest and make money, although I I am not very interested in such long-term investment, and I am not willing to get involved prematurely in the specific matters of this company. However, for the benefit of the company, I still have to get involved in this matter. I want to know, if we If we really retreat, the Houjia Village Committee will directly kick Galaxy Entertainment out and bring Feihu Group over. So what should we do? Have you ever thought of such a thing?

Don't mention anything to me. It is impossible for Ye Ming to think that there is still some relationship between the Black House Group and Ye Ming. If he wants to bring the Feihu Group over, it will be very easy.

So when it comes to such a situation, we don't have to think about anything. At this time, we just withdraw and express our dissatisfaction. Instead, we talk about how we are going to sign Ye Ming now. Do we have to agree? he.

Moreover, let me tell you that the 20,000 yuan is not a fixed price. Yue Ming said that he would reserve the right to increase the price, maybe by 10% a year or something, or sign a three-year contract, and the third Next year, we will continue to negotiate on the original price. Anyway, Ye Ming's intention is to follow the market. If housing prices in other places rise, his prices here will also rise.

We are not thinking about it now. We have strongly expressed that our department wants to withdraw. What we want to consider is whether we agree to prove that if we leave Galaxy Entertainment, we will lose this opportunity. Feihu Group will immediately fill our place. blank.

So, the issue we are discussing now is whether we should agree to specify whether we really must sign a contract with the Monkey Society, instead of considering other things.

When it comes to doing business, it’s not about whether I’m satisfied or not, but whether it’s beneficial to our company, right?

If it is beneficial to our company, even if we are personally dissatisfied, the contract that should be signed must still be signed. If it is not beneficial to our company, then if we are personally satisfied, what can we do? Should we not sign or not sign, right? "

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