Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3774 So that’s how it is [Please subscribe]

At this time, Ye Laosan immediately said: "No, it doesn't matter. Isn't it said that only the eldest son can master it?

This has always been the case. Otherwise, if we consider that he is not the most powerful person in his generation, he would not be able to control this thing. Wouldn't it be controlled by the eldest grandson of the eldest family member? "

As for Mr. Ye, he glared at Mr. Ye hard at this time and said, "Listen to me first. Mr. San, then you are not as good as your second brother. When you hear this, let me explain the matter to you." Finished.

This matter is actually like this. This is indeed a very valuable pair of vases. I am referring to the original pair. However, just like when my mother is worried that you will encounter some difficulties that you will not be able to overcome, in fact, in our industry, The ancestors are also worried about their descendants. If there are any obstacles that they can't overcome, they can leave this pair of vases and sell them for money for emergencies.

It is said that this thing is directly controlled by the head of the house, but in fact, this thing means that the factory has an ownership right, and the real disposal power is still in the hands of the Ye family, that is to say Whether this thing will be sold or not is not decided by just one person. Everyone in the industry must be recruited. At least more than half of the people agree. Then, at this time, this thing can be sold. Things are sold.

Of course, I say this because the Ye family is a big family, but at that time, it was also in chaos, right?

There are probably dozens of people in our Ye family. In the end, our family is the only one left, which means that our dad’s family is the only one left, and your grandpa is taking care of it. As for our father, he fled back from the county town.

There is nothing wrong with Houdian being our hometown. In fact, before, before liberation, our family developed very well, you know? I was already rich and had a lot of business in the county. So at that time, most of our family had already gone to live in the county, and very few of them would go back to their hometown.

But later because of the war, he was beaten to a pulp in the county town. As for the old Ye family, basically all the people died there, except for our father who was forced to carry more than 20 miles on his back by your grandfather and escaped overnight. Later, I returned to my hometown, our Houdian Village.

But, because our dad was relatively young at the time, right? After that incident, it was said that the people killed were heads rolling and blood flowed like rivers, so my dad was frightened.

I was frightened, cold and so on. Anyway, in the end, it seemed that I had lost my soul or something. I also spent a lot of money to invite an immortal and invited everyone to call me back. But, in the end, our dad still continued one after another. I had a fever for three days and went to many doctors, but they couldn’t do it, right?

People say this is fate, and if it is an old person, our father's fate will be passed on, and he will become an extinct family, which means that there will be no heirs in our family.

At that time, my grandfather was thinking, if there is really no one in the Ye family, what is the use of guarding so many yards, so he sold several yards, I don’t know how many specifically, but , anyway, more than one was sold.

Definitely, in the end, only these three are left, which are the three courtyards we see now. Anyway, it is said that our Ye family was in the back shop at that time. Is it the way to keep wealth within a radius of ten miles? Very rich. If you think about having business in the county, then you must not be ordinary rich, right?

Later, we sold a lot of houses and land and went to many doctors to see it, but it was of no use. Later, someone gave our grandpa some advice and told us that in big cities, in big cities, There is a church, and there is a hospital inside the church. There are miracle medicines from foreign countries in the hospital, which directly cured our father's disease. Anyway, it can cure 9 out of 10 similar diseases. , whether the remaining one will be good or not depends on luck.

So, at that time, our grandpa took our dad to a big city to see a doctor, and he quickly found the church hospital. However, when I later found out that the real person in the hospital was not an ordinary person, It's cheap, more expensive than gold.

In fact, that thing at that time was just penicillin, which supplemented some other Western medicines, but that penicillin was a miracle drug, anti-inflammatory, it was quite powerful, but that thing was really more expensive than gold. One injection Well, it is said that it costs 200 oceans.

Thinking about it now, the price is still scary, but at that time, if you had money, you would have life, but if you didn't have money, life would be gone.

Two hundred oceans is the cost of medicine. This does not include food and drink expenses. This is an expense for a family there. Moreover, the doctor at that time also said that for my dad’s thing, it was one shot and two shots. It was not easy to inject. It’s 10 stitches, it’s really normal.

If you have money at home, you can still consider going to the hospital for treatment, but if you have no money, take it home, eat what you need, drink what you need, and don't waste time.

At that time, it was impossible for my grandfather to give up like this. right? After all, he is the only son of the Ye family, right? If he really gives up, he will really be dead. This is a situation that our grandfather absolutely does not want to see, so he, just give it up. Yi Dui's skirt in the main city was sold.

It was sold for about 10,000 yuan at that time, about 10,000 yuan. "

At this time, Ye Laosan immediately said: "No, didn't you say 30,000 oceans? My father-in-law still has 30,000 oceans left. How come he has 10,000 oceans now?"

At this time, Mr. Ye immediately said, I didn’t do the 30,000 yuan I said. You told me it was 30,000 yuan. But, you said that our dad didn’t plan to sell this thing when he first asked about it. Someone gave it to me. It’s a price, right?

But if you are in a hurry to use money and sell in a hurry, of course you won’t be able to get a high price, right? Moreover, the order code will be bad at that time. Antiques are hidden in prosperous times and gold is hidden in troubled times. If someone can buy this bottle, it is already considered good. If you still think about 30,000 yuan, it is absolutely impossible. So, it can be sold. 10,000 yuan is already considered a considerable amount of face given by someone. Anyway, no matter what it is called, the ancestral pastel vase is sold.

That is our real ancestral vase, a treasure made by the palace in the Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty and used by the emperor. That is why it is so valuable. It is a real antique and a real treasure.

Think about it decades ago before liberation, this thing was worth 30,000 yuan. Even if it was sold in a hurry, it would still be sold for 10,000 yuan. What a value this is. Now it would be one to two million yuan. It is normal to spend one million. Even if it is less than one, two or three million, we may not be able to buy this pair of vases. But no matter what happened at that time, my dad was like that. If he didn't take medicine, he would never survive for a week. , so our grandpa gritted his teeth and sold that thing. Anyway, my grandpa’s family was the only one left in the Ye family to die. What’s the use of keeping this ancestral thing?

If our dad has a problem, he will become extinct directly. So, we sold this thing for 10,000 yuan. In such cases, our dad will see the doctor alone. Well, it cost more than 6,000.

At that time, my grandfather only had about 3,000 yuan in his hand. More than 3,000 yuan was a huge sum of money at that time. Later, we relied on these more than 3,000 yuan to establish a business in the county. However, when the war finally reached a critical point, there was no one to live in the city. What should we do if his grandfather is here? Well, I went back directly.

I had been in business for so many years, lost more than 2,000 yuan, and only had a few hundred yuan left in my hand. As a result, it was back to when Hou Dian came here, and he was also high-spirited, thinking that our father's illness had been cured. , we also thought that we could make a lot of money in the city, but in the end, we ended up like this, which was a bit shameful.

Especially when our dad left, our grandpa brought this ancestral vase back with him. It wouldn’t be appropriate if he didn’t bring anything else with him. People would laugh at him, even though there is no one left in the old Ye family. , but there are other people in Houdian, so our village is just that big anyway, and the other people, although they don’t have the same surname as us, are related to each other for so many generations. There are still some.

So, my dad thought about this issue later. If he took our dad back in such a dejected manner, he would definitely be laughed at. Therefore, he went directly to the market and bought two vases. This is the vase you see now.

At that time, my dad said that it seemed to cost about an ocean. It might be less or more than a little, but not much. So, the value of this pair of vases was an ocean at the time.

Anyway, in rural areas, not many people would see the flaws in this thing. Moreover, when we bought it, we also paid more attention to find porcelain from real folk kilns. It seems to be relatively high quality. of such a compliance bureau.

Because it is big, and the color is relatively correct, that is to say, in the words of the porcelain seller, although it is not from the official kiln, the color is correct.

Sure enough, our grandpa took our grandma, dad and others back, and there were five or six of them dressed up. Moreover, they drove back to Houdian in a car. It also caused a sensation in the village at that time. Everyone thought we were Grandpa made a fortune in the county town, but he only came back to his hometown to seek refuge.

In fact, you only had about 6,778,800 yuan in your hands at that time. In this way, suddenly, at least in our village, we were considered the richest people. But at this time, in fact, at the same time, our master’s family has basically become We are at the end of our rope, you know? It doesn’t mean that everything is exhausted, it just means that compared to the peak period of our aunt’s family, it is already exhausted. Of course, this is for ordinary people in Houdian Village. We, Lao Ye, are also very skinny. Camels are bigger than horses. Of course, there are certain gains.

Moreover, the vase our dad brought is the vase you have now. You are tall and big, and the shape of the vase is relatively good. After all, it is an ancient imitation, not a modern imitation, right? , this time a pair of imitation vases are from famous kilns, and they are also imitation vases from the past. Who says the price will not be particularly high, two thousand, three thousand, three or four thousand is considered a relatively fair market price.

If you sell to a store, actually speaking, you still have to charge an intermediary fee or something. You have to be introduced by an acquaintance in your store. An introduction by an acquaintance is not free, but he also charges an intermediary fee.

Anyway, no matter what he said, the words our father brought shocked a lot of people in Houdian at that time. Many people thought that the Ye family had begun to decline. However, in the end, they saw such a pair of vases. , simple and elegant, no matter how you look at it, you will be pleased with it.

Rural people don’t pay much attention to anything, such as their eyesight. Even if you ask them to look at antiques, it’s fine. If the vase is big and beautiful, then no one will dare to look down on us casually.

Later on, I actually found out, so this pair of vases were fake. At that time, my dad told me that when I bought them in the hospital, they cost about 10,000 yuan.

Anyway, who bought it for you, how and how much it cost, but he can deceive people. Sure enough, when the people in the village see the vase, they will stop talking about it. At first, you may think that our old Ye family came back from fleeing the country. We were in the countryside at that time, and it was not easy to accept us again. However, because we had a car to send us back and brought a lot of things with us, when we worshiped our ancestors, This pair of vases is the only one in the entire township, which means that the heritage of our Ye family is still there. Our Ye family is still a big family, so there are not many people who dare to go against the big family.

Therefore, relying on these pairs of vases, our old Ye family, that is, our grandfather, brought our father back to our hometown again, and established a foothold here again. It is still a farming and studying family, and it is still very rich. kind of.

So, everyone has seen the inheritance of our family. Sometimes, it's like this in rural areas. If you are really down and out, there is absolutely nothing to discuss when others bully you.

But when our family came back, it was all big and small bags. The luggage alone was pulled by more than a dozen carriages and two cars drove the road. It was absolutely amazing.

Moreover, my grandfather first went to the ancestral hall to worship his ancestors and thank his ancestors for holding them. He used this pair of vases. These vases are the legendary items passed down from the ancestors of the Ye family. Who doesn't know about this from all over the country?

Anyway, putting this group of vases back in the ancestral hall can also deter many people. This proves that the heritage of our old Ye family is still there. You don’t care how much money our grandpa has, but in the countryside and in Houdian No one dares to mess with a place like this,

So, this pair of vases is actually quite important to our family, but the important thing is that it is a memorial to your grandpa, our grandpa and our dad. As for other things, it doesn’t matter, no. can be formed in a short period of time. Well, you understand now, so don’t take it for granted. "

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