Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3599 Destroying Galaxy Entertainment? 【Please subscribe】

At this time, Ye Mingcai nodded and said: "Yes, that's the truth. In this case, I just remind you a little bit, so that you don't think that you have reconciled with your father now. At this time, you just Peace of mind, you will be able to accept this or that company of yours when the time comes, but think about it, if you want to take over Galaxy Entertainment, will your stepmother be willing? Your stepmother has now given birth to a son for your father. Now, will he think that it will be more convenient for his son to manage this company? Anyway, he is not that old now, right? When his son grows up, then he will It would be great if the company was handed over to his own son, right?

So, it’s impossible for him to see the company fall into your hands, but aren’t you aware of this danger yet? You are still wandering around here, and you still say that this place is yours. Do you think it is interesting to you?

I think you are deceiving yourself and others if you do this. You should catch up, you know?

You should continue to participate in the management of the company, continue to cultivate your own confidants, and then fight against your stepmother. In this case, one will be able to further promote the development of Galaxy Entertainment, and the other will be able to gain more power. Yes, step up the fight for class and power. Please pay attention to this plan. Your father trusts your stepmother more.

As for the relationship between you and your father, although it has been reconciled now, it is difficult to say whether the two people can reconcile as before. Although you are your father's eldest son, your stepmother also has a son, right? ?

Since your son has flesh on his palms and backs, of course he may feel that he owes you something, which is human nature. However, you also said that you want to be an actor or an artist. What about your father? , I’m not very good at watching good actors, just look at the actors.

Actors and entertainers can be considered relatively lucrative professions now, but in this day and age, your father still looks down on entertainers and actors, and calls them by such an intimate term as temperament. This shows that you and your father I guess the relationship is not as good as you think.

So if that's the case, will he leave the company to his younger son when the time comes? Even if he doesn't want to leave the company to his younger son, under the control of your stepmother, if your stepmother can get most of the shares of the company, then You said that if you get Galaxy Entertainment and inherit Galaxy Entertainment, how much can you make, right?

Aren't you working with you, your stepmother, and his son? So in such a situation, I think you not only need to get more shares, but also cultivate your own confidants. When the time comes, once you fall out with your stepmother, once you have a large number of shares in the company, Second, you have your own confidants. In this case, your stepmother will not be kicked out easily.

Even if you fall out with your father again, you still have shares in the company, right?

And you have a lot of close friends of your own. If your father wants to deal with you, he has to think carefully. Take a step back and say that even if the relationship between you, your father and your stepmother is really bad enough, then you You can be independent and set up your own business.

Anyway, when the time comes, you can sell your shares and gain money, and then, if you gain your confidence in Galaxy Entertainment, then you will have the people you want.

It will be easier if you start a business like this. When the time comes, you need money, and if you have money, you need people, and if someone wants to start a similar film and television company, wouldn't that be easy?

So, at this time, you should plan for Yu, consider various possibilities, and remember that in this world, everything is possible. It does not mean that it will be as smooth as you think. , Good guy, you and your father are reconciled, and one of you will be yours from now on. What’s so beautiful about you? If you don’t live up to your expectations, if you don’t fight for your own interests, then at this time, let alone others to help you. is you. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu said confidently: "Well, the key point is that I am not worried about that woman doing this. If in the previous paintings, I might be more worried. He is in the Extraordinary Association and has a background. When the time comes, Find someone who always lives in fear.

But isn't the Fire Protection Association gone now, and the vitality has become so scarce now, even the warriors are constantly regressing, right?

It’s just a question of how much regression there is. Anyway, it’s almost impossible for a warrior to make progress in practice now. Being able to not regress is already considered a great gift. If you want to make progress, it’s impossible, and it’s not possible. I don’t know why the popularity has decreased so much. Is there a certain reason for leaving the Extraordinary Association? It’s hard to say. Anyway, our level is relatively low now, and there are some things we don’t know.

But one thing I know is that the woman has no backing from the Super Anti-Evil Association. However, I am a warrior and he is not. He originally wanted his son to become a warrior, but because the Super Society left faster, , so he failed to succeed.

Now, do you think that someone can become a warrior? Can any ordinary person become a famous warrior? is it possible?

You yourself are both a warrior and a professional. Do you think that with the current popularity conditions, an ordinary person with no foundation and no foundation can become a warrior? "

At this time, Ye Ming thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Don't talk about people who have foundation but don't have foundation. Even for people who have foundation, it is almost impossible to become a warrior again.

Hua Moran, now ordinary people have almost no possibility of talking, unless they can find some amazing genius here, but he is unlikely to do so.

If your vitality decreases, the daily subsistence allowance will gradually lose its effect. It may still be possible if you find it now, but it is unlikely, let alone transforming an ordinary person into a mortal. It is almost impossible. .

Today's warriors are looking for geniuses all over the world to keep. If they can keep some genius treasures, it will be very useful for their own cultivation at this time. It can ensure that they at least do not regress, or that they can delay themselves as much as possible. Such things as regression are the right thing to do.

Anyway, if you ask an ordinary person to tell you now, it is almost impossible. Your stepmother probably doesn't have that much energy. "

Wang Xiaoshu immediately nodded and said, "Yes, it's still the same truth, so I don't have to worry about this danger.

And I'm a warrior. If it really doesn't work, I'll deal with him just like I said. Although some of the privileges of warriors are no longer available, warriors still need to be respected.

In this society, it’s all about having big fists. I’m not worried that my stepmother will use Taoist methods to deal with me, because my own force is strong enough, but at this time, coupled with my identity, you What else am I worried about?

In fact, what he should be worried about at this time is the woman, and he himself should be the most worried. He is worried that I will trouble him, so at this time, I am in Galaxy Entertainment. Although I have no status or power, I don’t have any close confidants, nor any great achievements, but as long as my people are like this, it will be a deterrent.

I am more or less a warrior, right? The deterrence of warriors is much smaller, but it has not disappeared. This is enough. My stepmother is an ordinary person. What about the people my stepmother knows now? His network Well, they are all ordinary people.

So at this time, he will use this way of thinking of ordinary people to deal with me, but I am a warrior, right? Such a way of behavior of a warrior is not something ordinary people can imagine. What I got, at worst, in the end, I paid him 100 million points so that he could walk around without eating. This kind of thing is possible. Anyway, as long as he pissed me off and really touched my heart. Bottom line, I don't mind teaching him a lesson he'll never forget.

What does he care about most? Do you think I can't do something like destroying something? I just said that I don’t want to be too drastic, otherwise my father may fall out, so I will continue to invest and look for opportunities. Even if I want to develop, I have to find the right opportunity, yes No, or as you said, I need to get more shares of the company, otherwise I won't get enough benefits if you fall out, which is boring.

At this time, Ye Ming stared at Wang Xiaoshu with wide eyes, looking in disbelief.

He was very surprised and said: "Wang Xiaoshu, okay, buddy, I didn't expect you to think about you like this, what does this mean? Ordinarily I shouldn't say this, I shouldn't say this, but I'm just curious.

It seems to me that your father must have gone through a lot of hardships when he founded Galaxy Entertainment. It is also remarkable that he has achieved such results.

But, no matter what, it is your father's property after all, right? In the end, I won't say whether you will inherit it or your half-brother will inherit it, but it is the property of your royal family after all. Yeah, if you really do this, are you not going to inherit Galaxy Entertainment? You are just rushing to destroy it.

Anyway, according to your method, I can think of it after a little thought. If you follow your example and take revenge on your stepmother, your stepmother will definitely not give up and will definitely find someone to take revenge. You, there will most likely be a big fuss by then. If there is another murder case, Galaxy Entertainment may fall apart by then.

It would be better if your father could suppress this matter. If your father cannot suppress the infighting among the wealthy families, then it will be difficult to say. Maybe Galaxy Entertainment will collapse directly.

If this matter really goes to the extreme according to your thinking, it is really possible that it cannot be ruled out. Of course, if your father is really courageous and can control this matter, then it doesn't matter how you make trouble.

However, if your father is a little careless or fails to watch out for you and your stepmother, you may really screw up Galaxy Entertainment.

It is absolutely possible for such a thing to happen, and the probability of it happening is very high. Why do you mean to say that if I can’t get this Galaxy Entertainment, you won’t even think about it, so I might as well destroy it. Do you have such a thing? A thought?

Anyway, judging from your idea and approach, it is really possible.

As for Wang Xiaoshu, there was no such thing at this time, because Ye Ming could guess this and was surprised. At this moment, he shrugged his shoulders casually and said: "Yeah, that's about it. Anyway, that's the situation. That's it." no?

Do you think my father would let me inherit Galaxy Entertainment if I didn't do this? He himself looks down on actors very much. Don't forget that he has a big film and television company that has cultivated so many stars. However, he himself actually cannot see actors clearly. He thinks that actors are just a tool for him to make money. ,

He himself is a relatively old-fashioned person, and he likes things that are more in line with traditional concepts. Let's put it this way, bitches are heartless and actors are meaningless. This has always been his view.

So, it's hard to say how he fucked me in his heart. It's also hard to say whether we can really make up. Anyway, at least we can make up on the surface.

Therefore, I don't think that in the end, I can inherit this company. I just think so. Anyway, logically speaking, I should inherit this company.

But, in the end, the result of the implementation may not be me. I can't fight for it, otherwise I will be taken away by that woman and her son, right?

So in such a situation, at least I have to show off and compete for such a posture. However, I am not stupid enough to do a good job in the company. I just run and can screw up the company.

Anyway, there is a high probability that I will not inherit it in the company, right? Now that woman is also very strict with the company, and many people are her relatives. If I want to cultivate relatives again, start my own gang, and control the company, it will be difficult.

My father may not support me, because he knows that if I gain power in the company, he will definitely attack that woman and drive her out of the company.

No matter what, he should still like that woman more or less, so he doesn't want to see such a thing happen, so if that's the case, since he doesn't want to see me taking over the power of the company, then I What will you inherit if you inherit the company in the future? What will you inherit?

impossible things.

So, the possibility of me inheriting the company is very low. Since the possibility of me inheriting the company is so low, then in such a situation, why should I be so polite?

What I mean to say directly is that at this time, I can grasp the happy point in my heart. I don’t care if I am happy. If I can get some shares, then I can sell the shares later. , get some more money in my hands, and then I will realize my ideal, maybe I will set up a small company myself.

It’s not necessarily that if I really can’t set up a company, I’ll set up a studio and then work in the entertainment industry. Anyway, in the end, the worst result is that if I don’t get Galaxy Entertainment, then no one else can get Galaxy Entertainment either. Even if I destroy this company, I can't let this woman survive.

This is absolutely impossible. Speaking of which, my mother still owns a lot of shares in this company. When I grow up, I should inherit these shares.

This is also one of my trump cards. No matter how you put it, I would rather destroy this company than give it to others. I don’t care whether my opponent is the woman or my father. Anyway, it’s the same thing, so what? , just because I am rushing to destroy this company and not give it to others, therefore, I will not restrain my hands when doing things, and that woman, one is to guard against me, and the other is to please my father. , or to develop the company, anyway, he should be relatively restrained when doing things.

In this case, it is better for me to use my fists and kicks. When the time comes, I will show off my tricks anyway. I will definitely not make it easier for him. As for whether Galaxy Entertainment can continue to see the situation, if I can control This company will also encounter and may continue to exist.

However, if I can't control this company, then when I think it's time to take action, I will do it without mercy.

When the time comes, I will let everyone know what it is like when a warrior is angry. Don't think that now that the warrior's vitality is low, the warrior should just be a kitten. This is impossible.

A warrior is a warrior, and the way a warrior does things is always so direct and crisp.

Those heroes in ancient times were able to laugh at princes and princes for being slow to achieve great results. Now, although we may not be able to know this, but we are all in the same company or our own company. I believe I should have this. A good guy who is sure to punish anyone who disobeys. If money cannot buy the other party, I will let the other party know what it means to have a big fist and the truth.

They choose the same thing about fists and money. If they don't choose, I will choose for them. "

At this time, Ye Ming finally admired Wang Xiaoshu. Galaxy Entertainment was not a small company, it was a very big entertainment company. The market value should be about 40 to 50 billion. Although the Wang family cannot hold all the shares, the Wang family's shares account for the majority. In this case, there should be 20 to 3 billion. Such a value.

However, Wang Xiaoshu is rushing to give up the Wang family's two to three billion yuan, or in other words, he is rushing to directly destroy Galaxy Entertainment. This person is also a talent.

Being able to do this is definitely not something that a single person can imagine, and they can't even think about it. In fact, such a person is the most difficult person to deal with, because the way of thinking between such a person and others is different.

The hatred in his heart is dominant. For ordinary people, like the heirs of such a wealthy family, the eldest son should try every means to get shares, inherit the company and so on.

This is a normal way of thinking, but Wang Xiaoshu actually does not think in this way.

What he means is that if I don’t get it, then I will destroy him. Moreover, it just means that Wang Xiaoshu really has the ability to destroy this company. In fact, I want to say that if he really wants to inherit this company, , because his stepmother and his father have the kind of distrust and contempt for him.

If he wants to inherit this company, it will be extremely difficult, because at this time, even if he is currently cultivating the economy, it is not easy for him to control the company. At most, he can only occupy a slightly advantageous position in the company.

However, it is really unlikely that he will take control of the company, unless something special happens. However, if he wants to destroy the company, to be honest, he really has such a person. Ability, after all, it is not easy to build such a big company, but if you want to destroy such a company, then it is much more likely.

It is also much easier, not to mention that the person who wants to destroy this company is actually the prince of this company. If he does it personally, others will probably not even think about it for a while. In this case, it will be easier to do it. He had a chance of success.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming felt that he did admire Wang Xiaoshu a little. In order to take revenge, he actually didn't even want a large company worth two to three billion. The entire company must be worth four to five billion.

Their family's wealth is at least two to three billion, good guy. "

At this time, Ye Ming gave a thumbs up and said, "Okay, if you have such an idea, I think you are really good. Not everyone treats money like dirt like you."

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu said unceremoniously: "What's wrong with this thing? Money is like dirt. I also like money. I just say that this company has my mother's hard work, and my father is not special to me." The kind of hope that your son will become a dragon or something.

We'll see when the time comes. To be honest, I won't destroy it if I can. But if they insist on forcing me, then I won't have the possibility to destroy this company. Everything is possible. .

So now, I must at least gradually master these companies. At this time, is this Houdian Gucheng Film and Television Base right? This descendant has Gucheng Film and Television Base. This name is quite good. That's the name. If Galaxy Entertainment can cooperate with the Houdian Village Committee, then this film and television base will be called Houdiao Ancient City Film and Television Base. This is the selling point of this film and television base. "

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