Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3556: Trainee Wang Xiaoshu [Please subscribe]

However, I heard from people in the village that they do come here to film, and there is a steady stream of crews. No wonder Galaxy Entertainment must set up some kind of film and television base, it will definitely make money.

As for Ye Ming, he was here just now and wanted to see what was going on with this crew. What crew was filming here? Are there three or four film crews?

So at this time, it meant that he actually saw an acquaintance of his, Wang Xiaoshu, here.

Ye Ming was very, very surprised that Wang Xiaoshu came here. If her guess was correct, Wang Xiaotian should be studying in the experimental class at this time.

He asked for leave, so what happened to Wang Xiaotian in such a situation? Did Wang Xiaoshu also ask for leave?

No matter what happens, let's say hello first. After all, we are on our own territory, right?

Therefore, Ye Ming went up to greet him and said, "What's wrong with Wang Xiaoshu? Did you skip class? Be careful, I'll tell the teacher. You're not studying hard in school, but you're interested in wandering around here."

In fact, after Wang Xiaoshu heard this greeting and saw Ye Ming, he was also very surprised. What's wrong with this guy Ye Ming?

What's going on?

In such a situation, he did not expect to meet one. He was even more surprised than Ye Ming.

However, Wang Xiaoshu would not give in, and immediately retorted: "Why can't I be here? I can't ask for leave, right?

You can ask for leave and not go to class, but I can’t ask for leave. No class? Besides, this is my territory, you know?

Why can't I come? This is Wang, so of course I can come to my place, right?

What's wrong with you? Why did you come to my place instead of going to class after asking for leave? "

At this time, Ye Ming became happy and laughed loudly and said: "You boy, you are so shameless, you have the nerve to talk about your territory, do you think this place is owned by Wang?"

Why is your face so big? If you say it's yours, it's yours. Is this land yours? Does this house belong to you?

Your surname is Wang. You are so embarrassed. I want to sleep. I haven’t seen you for a few days. I can’t say whether your skills have improved or not. But, I think you are getting thicker and thicker. . The place you mentioned belongs to you. If you call him, will he agree? "

When Wang Xiaozhu heard this, he immediately became furious. Why should he compete with himself in this situation? He had already lost to Ye Ming once in a movie like this.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu originally came here to relax, but he never expected that he would meet his biggest opponent Ye Ming.

Moreover, what Ye Ming said made the good guy look down on himself a little.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoshu said very irritably at this time: "Why Ye Ming, I said this place is mine, do you have any opinion? This place is named Wang, what can you do? I just said this place is mine." .

It's not mine or yours. What's in this place is clearly mine, you know? It’s our family. This is a certificate issued by the state and recognized by the state. How can you still say that this place is for women.

If it's you, just call him and I'll listen. "

At this time, Ye Ming was also stunned and shouted, Wang Xiaoshu's grandson actually learned how to bite back. "

At this time, Ye Ming didn't take it seriously, but he said very proudly: "The certificate is issued by the state. Don't say that I'm making things difficult for you. We won't bully you about this matter. Wang Xiaoshu,

If you can really show it, where is the certificate issued by the state, I will obey you, and I will write the word "Follow" in capital letters for you. Why is this place still your joke? If it were you, why wouldn’t I know?

You can also prove it is yours. If you don't have the ability to do that, what would happen if you brought it up so that I could also open my eyes? This store is yours.

The construction of Houdian Village has hundreds of years of history, right? Why didn't I know there was someone like you here? "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu calmed down a little. He was a little excited just now. Maybe it was because he met Ye Mingzi's house. I was in a bad mood. Seeing such people made me annoyed, so I let him I am a little bit weak, but no one can control my emotions.

This really shouldn't be the case with Ye Ming carrying the coffin here like the shrew Ma Jian. That would simply be a loss of status, and it would really be a waste of his identity.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Xiaoshu also slowly began to learn to calm down. At this moment, Wang Xiaoshu adjusted his emotions, and then said: "Let's not talk about anything else, let's just talk about this place. This place was developed by my family's company. Do you think this place is not mine?

Do you think this place is not named Wang?

Isn't it Wang or Ye? Why haven't I heard about you? Why haven't I heard about what kind of film and television company your family runs? "

At this time, Ye Ming was really stunned for a moment, looked Wang Xiaoshu up and down, and then said thoughtfully: "There seems to be something wrong with this, Wang Xiaoshu. Let's settle this matter first."

At this time, you said that this place was newly built with investment from Galaxy Entertainment. This is not wrong. And the chairman of Galaxy Entertainment is indeed surnamed Wang. This is not wrong at all. He is also from the Wang family, but you won't tell me now that Galaxy Entertainment belongs to your family. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu looked a little complicated, but in the end he still said with a complicated look: "For those who didn't say that this Galaxy Entertainment belongs to our family.

My father is called Wang Yinhe. In that case, you said that this street is ours and this territory is mine. Is this wrong? Since this place belongs to my father, it will be mine sooner or later, right? Then I said that this place belongs to Wang, and I said that this is my territory. Is there anything wrong?

Ye Ming himself thinks that he is a person who understands the actual situation relatively well, so at this time, he cannot say that he knows Wang Xiaoshu very well, but as his opponent, it seems that there is no reason to have a relationship with the Galaxy Entertainment. ah.

At this time, Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "No, we need to make this clear about Wang Xiaoshu first. Aren't you an artist under the Feihu Group? Right?"

Moreover, you are a member of Feihu Group, and you are considered a highly regarded artist. Otherwise, you would not be able to get more audition opportunities. I am right about this, but think about it. Is this the case? Logically speaking, Feihu Group and Galaxy Entertainment seem to be enemies.

Although the big entertainment companies in the entertainment industry basically maintain a harmonious appearance and do not break up with each other, but no matter what, there is such a generally recognized rule in the entertainment industry, that is It is said that Feihu Group and Galaxy Entertainment should be mortal enemies.

Basically, the two companies have been fighting for more than a year or two. The leaders of the two companies and the artists of the two companies are fighting each other openly and secretly. Anyway, if the artists of the two companies come together, whether it is a program or a TV series Or a movie or something, so the artists from the two companies will definitely fight to the death.

Anyway, it meets some of the needs of the melon-eating people, so at this time, Galaxy Entertainment and Feihu Group cannot compete with each other.

At this time, Ye Ming followed me and said immediately without waiting for me to react: "Well at this time, let's talk about it, tell me, what is this thing of yours?" set?

You said you are the son of Galaxy Entertainment Chairman Wang Yinhe, right?

Let's first assume that what you said is right, that you are really the son of Wang Yinhe, chairman of Galaxy Entertainment. "

Well, now Wang Xiaoshu has some experience, so he immediately defended: "How can it be considered so? How can we assume that I am my father's son? Moreover, I am an only child. Do you know that the only child knows that, so what? , the Internet cafe industry cannot be given to anyone except me. There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, at this time, I say that this place belongs to me. Do you have any objection? "

Ye Ming immediately said: "Of course, didn't you agree on this? You have to talk about this first, even if you are the son of the chairman of Galaxy Entertainment.

Well, at this time, let me ask you, since you are really the son of Wang Linhe, chairman, and the only son, then I will explain to you why you are in the Black Tiger Group in such a situation. Then if you want to make a debut, wouldn't you become the prince of Galaxy Entertainment in Galaxy Entertainment? If you are too busy, you can go to Feihu Entertainment. Where can you go? Even if you don't want to make a debut in Galaxy Entertainment, right? Then can't you look for other film and television entertainment companies?

Why did you choose Feihu Group? Feihu Group is Galaxy Entertainment’s mortal enemy in the entertainment industry. The Bai family does not seem to have a good relationship with you players, okay, right? This is almost a well-known secret in the entertainment industry.

Then you said you are the prince of Galaxy Entertainment, right? Then you go to this Feihu Group to be a small trainee, and you are too busy.

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu immediately said: "Isn't it okay? I want to debut but I don't want to debut in Galaxy Entertainment. But this doesn't mean that I am not my father's son, right? I am the only one in Galaxy Entertainment. An heir, no doubt about it.

Well, that's what it's all about anyway, but now I want to come back. I've come back, so what can I do? I'm now the prince of Galaxy Entertainment.

How about this? Our family just built this antique street, and I said it belongs to our Wang family. Is there a problem with this? "

Ye Ming, indeed, seeing Wang Xiaoshu's expression, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "As for this, let's talk about it later, right? This street is quite funny, but we can talk about this later?

Forget it now, let’s talk about you now. I’m really curious about one thing, that is, in such a situation, why did you go to Feihu Entertainment?

Why don't you debut at Galaxy Entertainment? For your entertainment debut, you will have the best resources in the country. Since you are in the Prince Camp, of course the best resources in entertainment will be given to you. But if you go to Feihu Group, you will have to start from a As a newbie, you can't even get one more audition opportunity like this, and you have to fight for it with me. Are you saying this is just your leisure time, or you're out of your mind and doing it on purpose. "

At this time, Wang Xiaoshu did not continue to argue on this topic. Instead, he said rather listlessly: "Actually, there is nothing more. Everyone inside Galaxy Entertainment should want to know, anyway. Everyone who knows knows it, but for those who shouldn’t know, it doesn’t matter if they don’t know, and it doesn’t matter if I tell you. As for me, why don’t I want to debut in Galaxy Entertainment? Because I annoy my dad, and I want to debut and become a star. As a result, my dad quit because he didn’t want me to debut as a star.

He believes that actors from all walks of life are the least classy, ​​and only those who have no means should debut as actors. Therefore, my father particularly doesn't like me to be an actor or something.

But, I like this industry very much. Did you know that I wanted to be an actor and an excellent actor since I was a child, but my dad was not happy with it.

Because our Wang family is the kind where we are led by great intellectuals and cultured people. My grandfather is a great diplomat. My grandfather was a university professor at the time. My father, I don’t remember, is also a literary scholar. PhD.

As far as I graduated from university, I was pretty good. This was before. Anyway, I was very clear about my own learning ability before. I don’t have a particularly great talent in learning. I can guarantee that when I take the film school entrance exam, , it is considered good to be able to pass the cultural subject.

I think what I can really feel is the pain I feel from deep inside. I feel pain when I study, I feel pain when I study, and I have a very headache. So, what about my grades? It used to plummet. I was in the bottom three in the class in terms of cost in junior high school. Basically, I was a regular customer.

Almost all the classmates in our class are very good to me. Because of my leadership, my grades have never improved. I am either first from last, second from last, or third from last. Anyway, these are the three positions. Wandering up and down.

My study is indeed very, very poor, so bad that you think it will be useless in the second generation of rich people, do you know?

The whole thing was ruined. Even people with hundreds of millions of fortunes would be corrupted by him sooner or later. I was almost one of those rich second generation people who just hang around and wait to die. I thought at the time that my dad was so rich anyway, then I would I just want to go to college, and then I can just wait at home to inherit the inheritance.

Why should I study so hard? Because I had no motivation to study at that time. I can’t spend all the money our family has in my lifetime. So why should I study hard in such a situation?

I don’t have to study hard, right? So when it comes to understanding this issue, I have never been able to turn this corner. I feel that it is useless for me to study. Diaochan must be integrated, so in such a situation, what else should I learn to do, right?

So, I no longer study hard. I have no motivation to study. When I study, I feel very headache. When I don’t study, my energy is very good. So on such a problem, I have been I lived in this state of confusion until one day my mother asked me something.

That is to say, what should I do in such a situation? What do I want to do with my future? Are they really just waiting to die?

Do I have a goal myself? In other words, my life has just begun. It is impossible for me not to have a goal. Even if I am just eating and waiting to die, I still have to have such a goal.

My mother asked me this at that time. So, under such a situation, I thought about it carefully, and then I answered that my goal is to be an artist and an actor.

But then my mother told me that even if I want to be an artist, an actor, an excellent artist, an excellent actor, the first condition is that you have to study well and have profound knowledge. Only then can you become an excellent actor. Look at all the superstars who can go down in history. Each of them is a very knowledgeable person, even if they have low academic qualifications. However, they will study hard, enrich themselves, and recharge their batteries in the subsequent process.

If you take a look at any superstar's resume, they are the kind of people who talk and laugh with great scholars and have no idle contacts.

So, my mother told me that even if I want to be an actor, even if I want to be an actor. I just want to be a qualified actor. Even if I am not excellent, even if I am a qualified actor, I want to be a knowledgeable person.

In this case, it will be easier for me to become the kind of actor and artist I want. Otherwise, what I do is just a dream, which is equivalent to playing tricks and disrespecting my ideals.

Later, I felt that what my mother said was right. If I wanted to be an actor, I also had to be knowledgeable.

Therefore, my mother encouraged me to study hard, because it was impossible for me to be an illiterate actor, which was the biggest insult to my dream.

My mother supports me as an actor, supports me as an artist, and supports me in studying hard. But, later, my mother passed away due to an accident. But when my mother passed away, my dad should have been by her side, but for some reason, my dad couldn't feel it. At that time, he was the only one who stayed with my mother for the last part of the journey.

But when that time comes, I will be very angry. I hate my father, so I asked him why he didn't come over just by saying that it was at that time. If he wanted to, he could have come over. Yes, but he didn't.

Because a woman didn't come over, I will never forget this in my life. My mother wished she could see my father before she died, but in the end, her only wish was not fulfilled.

So, at this time, I started to hold a grudge against my father, and I was annoying him. For a while, we were almost at a point where we almost never interacted with each other.

He was opposed to me becoming an artist because as his son I wanted to be an artist, which would be a disgrace to him.

well. But, my mother supports me. Before my mother left, she always supported me and wanted me to be an artist and an actor. I studied hard for this, but my father didn’t understand me very well. Not very supportive of me.

Therefore, at this time, I was quite disgusted with him. He thought that since he was an unqualified father, our relationship would be like that.

At this time, when Wang Xiaoshu talked about this incident, she had become relatively calm. However, in fact, when she talked about her mother's death, her expression also changed, but not much.

However, if you observe carefully, you can also feel the changes in his heart. In fact, it has been covered up by his acting skills.

Now, Wang Xiaoshu's behavior is very different from what he usually does. Normally, he would be really arrogant and domineering during surgery, but at this time, I'm very impressed and he's actually unusually calm. One person has two extremes. It is difficult to express character in a person, but it actually appeared in Wang Xiaoshu.

Things like grievances between wealthy families should be classified as grievances between wealthy families. When I was a child, it was clear that I didn’t continue to talk about it, and I didn’t continue to ask. Anyway, even if he didn’t say what happened next, Lie Ming knew about it. That's pretty much it. It just means that he hates his brain and doesn't want to debut in Galaxy Entertainment, so he decided to get angry with his father and go to Feihu Group, Galaxy Entertainment's mortal enemy, to debut. Regardless of whether this is Wang Xiaoshu's deliberate anger. With his own mind, he still had to strive for success and break through with his own abilities. Anyway, he did just that, and he hid his identity and studied in Baihua City.

It has to be said that whether Wang Xiaoshu's arrogant appearance or his calm appearance, there is a sad story hidden anyway.

Sometimes, wealthy families actually have many stories that are unknown to outsiders, and every story is potentially surprising.

At this moment, Ye Ming thought for a while and finally said: "In the end, you chose to reconcile with your father. Why is this? I want to know this. Since you plan to prove yourself, why do you want to reconcile with your father? This is not Like that arrogant and domineering Wang Xiaoshu."

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