Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3500: Is it difficult to sign a film and television base [? Please subscribe]

However, this matter must be true. After all, this matter is of great importance, so Li Xia heard this for a while, and then said: "Brother-in-law, this matter is related to my future." Question, let me confirm for the last time, please don’t fool me. If this matter is true, the impact will be great. If I report it to our leader, and it turns out that you fooled me about this matter, then I will be in trouble, you know ?

When I go home, I always use light skin rolling cream.

At this time, of course Li Hong is facing his sister. Who hit Wang Jianguo and asked you, is this true? Don't meet my sister if you have nothing to do. I can't spare you.

You said that you, the chief security officer, have a humble family all day long, but you are still showing off your power. What are you showing off to?

Don’t expect you to give false news at every turn. Xiaoxia is asking you, if this is true, you have to think about it. Besides, this is also related to your status and treatment at home in the future. "

Wang Jianguo was also very helpless. He was really eaten to death by his wife at home. Why was he also the security director of the village, with a dozen people in charge, right?

This thing really doesn't give him any face, but there is no way. At this time, Wang Jianguo was not willing to meet his wife in the same way, and immediately said with certainty: "Don't worry, Xiaoxia, my brother-in-law will never deceive you this time. We We are a family, and what's more. What good does it do me to deceive you, right? No one will give me a penny more. The wages in our village are fixed, so I just want to deceive you. Will anyone give me a salary increase?

That's impossible, right? So, this thing must be true, and before signing the contract, you will definitely receive the news that it is impossible to sign the contract, at least for the time being.

When such a condition is not discussed and everyone is satisfied, it is simply impossible to sign a contract.

So don’t worry, this matter is absolutely true. Ye Ming, the grandson of the old Ye family, is back. He took leave to deal with such a matter, so don’t worry about this matter. It really can’t be true anymore. , more real than pearls.

If I want to lie to you, you won’t have to step on our door for the rest of your life. No, you told me not to step on your door for the rest of my life. "

Li Xia wants to affect her brother-in-law's status in the family. If he is not allowed to go to his father-in-law's house for the rest of his life, then his sister can spare him the impossible thing. In the family, then her sister is the leader. This, Li Xia is very worried about. clear.

His nephew was from the same country as his sister, and he would definitely be able to suppress his brother-in-law. So, at this time, he was sure that the news was definitely true, and it was definitely not his brother-in-law who had casually deceived him.

So Li Xia immediately said: "Brother-in-law, please don't say that. I care about you and cause chaos, you know?"

I don’t mean anything else. After all, this news is very important. I have to be more cautious. Just focus on this news, regardless of whether I can sign the contract in the end. It will be regarded as a meritorious service in the company.

I found out the news so that our company could prepare early. So, if this matter is true, then I must have made a meritorious service, right?

At that time, if I get a meritorious service and get promoted, I can take care of my nephew. When my nephew comes to our company, no one will dare to bully him casually. Come on, brother-in-law, you have said that. I definitely believe you. I will not eat here today. Sister, please stop being busy. I will go back and report this matter to the leader immediately. This matter has become a big deal.

I just want to see how the leaders solve this problem. At this time, Li Hong didn't pay attention to the issue of whether to eat or not. Anyway, the two families were very close to each other and they could eat at any time.

However, at this time, Li Hong asked, Xiaoxia, will this matter have any impact on you?

Li Lei made it clear that if it can have any impact on you, just tell your brother-in-law if you have any difficulties and ask him to help you. He is also a security director. If things outside can't be handled in the village, he can still have some prestige.

Do you believe that your brother-in-law can still help you solve some problems in the village? This is the time. Li Xia immediately said, Sister, don’t worry, this matter has nothing to do with me. Even if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t have much to do with me. If this thing doesn’t work out, at least if we don’t sign the contract for the time being, I Things that may benefit me in the middle will not involve me. Think about it, if the contract cannot be signed for the time being, then our company does not want to give up the investment. It must need an intermediary to check whether it is correct.

As for me, my brother-in-law is the security director in the village, which is a good link that allows me to help our company contact the village committee to prevent the relationship between the two parties from becoming too tense. In this case, I This will give me more opportunities to make meritorious deeds. So, whether I sign this contract or not will have little impact on me. Even if I don’t sign it, I won’t sign it for the time being. It may help me move to a higher level.

So, don't worry about this matter, it will definitely not have a big impact on me.

But if there is any important news in the future, you can tell me in advance. Finally, call me as soon as possible and tell my friends over there a plan to deal with it. Only in this way can people in the company take notice. Me, it seems that I am a very important person and must be very capable.

Wang Jianguo is a little tired. Good guy, this sister-in-law of his is determined to control him. He has been entrusted to his wife for the rest of his life. He never thought that a sister-in-law can control him to death. But there is no way, look. Seeing the old tigress's undivided gaze, Wang Jianguo also patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoxia. This matter will be taken care of by my brother-in-law. I will tell you the news as soon as possible."

Because Galaxy Entertainment attaches great importance to matters such as the Hengdian Film and Television Base, so for this matter, they also dispatched a negotiation team represented by Wang Changhe, the younger brother of Chairman Wang Yinhe, to Hou The store came here to discuss cooperation with the village committee. Originally, they thought that the matter was almost settled this time. After all, they had already signed a letter of intent, which was considered a contract.

So at this time, it is actually a matter of going through the motions. So, in fact, their group basically came with the mentality of traveling around.

But at this time, when Li Xia brought such news, they immediately became upset. In their opinion, Galaxy Entertainment can invest hundreds of millions and billions in the Hongdian Film and Television Base because they are looking up to the Hongdian National Committee. This is a meal for the farmers of Houdian. Eat.

With the establishment of the Houdian film and television base in the future, it will be difficult for the villagers of Houdian not to make a fortune. So, at this time, they actively think that they are superior in investment and belong to the father of the funder. At this level, I feel a little arrogant, which is very normal.

Therefore, when he came, of course he was very high-spirited and thought that this matter was a problem that could be won steadily, but he never thought that there was a little guy named Ye Ming who had a hand in it. Directly, this matter almost got messed up.

Although it didn't disturb the yellow, it was not a good start.

Unexpectedly, the Houdian Film and Television Base has not yet been built, and the villagers of Houdian Village actually come out with a knowledgeable person.

This kind of thing is very detrimental to Galaxy Entertainment, so at this time, after hearing this matter, Shi Kai, the chief negotiator of the negotiation team, immediately said: "This matter of the manager is not a good sign. , for us at Galaxy Entertainment, this matter is not under control, so there may be some unexpected surprises that we don’t want to see.

Especially when it comes to Ye Ming, he is a signed anchor of Xingyun.com. I also checked that Ye Ming is a music anchor of Nebula.com, and the signing is for one year, so it may be with Nebula.com. The relationship is more subtle.

However, it is undeniable that it is definitely possible for him to come into contact with such a network of Feihu Group behind Nebula Network. This is absolutely no problem.

If he said that he would bring the Feihu Group in, it would be very possible. If we hesitate a little bit, it is really possible that they would bring the Feihu Group in.

So in such a situation, judging from the current situation, we are still at a relatively disadvantaged position. Therefore, at this time, I think we need to focus on how to restore this situation. a disadvantage.

To avoid a situation like a chicken flying over the egg in the end. "

At this time, a young man in a black suit with a slightly chubby face, but also looked handsome and suave, pondered for a moment, and then said with a little meaning: "You are here as our Chief negotiator, tell me about this matter. Are we in a very disadvantageous position? What kind of position are we in? How can we recover from this disadvantage? "

Facing a group of people from the Houdian Village Committee and a farmer, are we just going to be led by their noses?

This is not in line with our common sense. The legal department of our company has always been cold-blooded, right?

As for this matter, we must turn things around, and we cannot let people at the head office know about it. This small problem is not worth alarming the people at the head office. So, under such a situation, I hope there is a way to directly solve this problem. It would be best. The contract was signed smoothly. Even if the contract cannot be successfully signed, the people in the Houdian Village Committee will not be able to increase their commissions.

It's not a good start for something like this to happen. If we open the door directly, something even more greedy might happen in the end.

At this time, Shi Kai said with great certainty: "Manager, we don't have to think about the original contract for this matter. We came over and signed the contract and it was over.

Then they sent people over to carry out preliminary construction preparations. However, under the current situation, it is impossible to sign 100% of the contract in a short time. The people from the Houdian Village Committee want to increase the rent. What about such a thing? It has become a foregone conclusion and there can be no changes.

The key is how much to improve. Now it is not about whether we are willing to raise the rent, but that the rent must be raised. The key is how much we can raise it. In this case, we must find a price that satisfies both parties and sign the contract. It is 100% impossible to sign another contract, at least until such an issue is negotiated, it is impossible for us to truly succeed in signing the contract. There is no doubt about this.

So when it comes to your question, what we need to study is how to disrupt the offensive of the Houdian Village Committee. As for putting this matter out of sight and then signing a contract at a price of 1,900 yuan, that's a no-brainer. This is simply impossible. As for human greed, once it is discovered, there is no possibility of regret. If Hou Dian did not know much about the situation in the entertainment industry and the market in the past, , maybe we can fool them into signing the contract.

As long as they sign the contract, it will be difficult for them to go back on their word at this time. Although it will not make them bankrupt or have them blocked by the court, it will certainly not make them feel better. Although they It's not a company, but there is industry in their village, and the old houses in their village are very valuable.

So in the end, our company is not afraid, but the key point is that we did not sign a contract, we just signed a letter of intent. This letter of intent is not legally recognized, so in such a matter, we will ride on it The trick is not to sign a contract directly, but to speculate on the needs and sign a letter of intent.

You have to be careful, so this matter is a bit difficult to handle.

At this time, Wang Changhe immediately said: "I don't want to know whether it is difficult to solve such a problem. In such a situation, I just want to know how to solve this problem. Report it to our team. You don't have to tell me." I, I also know that this matter is very difficult to handle.

But at this time, if it’s not difficult to handle, you don’t have to do anything, right? If it’s not difficult to handle, I’ll get it done myself, and the company won’t be able to spend such a high salary every month to support you, I think. What is important is how to solve the problem. It is best to resolve this matter without alerting the head office.

The reason is that your legal department has the highest salary among all departments in our company, so in such a situation, you must help the company solve the problem. If it is not a problem, why are you required to step in? right?

Li Xia is just a person in the logistics department. Everyone can play a huge role in this matter. Li Xia heard this news. It is impossible for people in your legal department to say that you are even better than the people in the logistics department. No, otherwise, at the end of the year, how can you have the dignity to receive such a high salary, and how can you have the dignity to receive such a high bonus?

Anyway, at this time, Li Changhe was a little dissatisfied. This was the first time that he was directly responsible for a task alone. Moreover, this task was actually very simple.

Just come here and pick peaches. At least, it seems to be a very simple matter at the beginning. Let others negotiate the issues.

Others will solve it. When it comes time to seize the fruits of victory, Li Changhe, the younger brother of the chairman, takes action. He also needs credit. If he wants to continue to be promoted and needs a certain amount of prestige, he must have Certain credit.

Of course, his brother is the chairman, and it is easy for him to take credit. For example, this time, he can come and pick peaches for the things that others have worked so hard to negotiate, and there is no way for other people to drive him away. .

So, at this time, although many people in our group are dissatisfied and think that Wang Changhe is here to pick peaches, there is no way. Who makes my brother the chairman of the board? As for this matter, you must endure it. With.

It is precisely because of this situation that Wang Changhe feels that at this time, he should be able to make achievements and shut them up. No matter what, as long as he can handle this matter It’s done, you are the winner.

So all history is written by the victors.

However, Wang Changhe never expected that in such a situation, a little shrimp named Lie Yeming would jump out directly and ruin his affairs. Moreover, the most Ye Ming encountered in your house was... A small anchor, to Wang Changhe, could not be any smaller than a small shrimp. However, this small shrimp actually broke. Galaxy Entertainment signed a contract with the Houdian Village Committee, and it was It's the kind of fatal blow, although it won't kill this cooperation right away.

However, anyway, it is certain that there will be twists and turns. Fortunately, I got the news early. More or less, there is still a possibility of recovery. At least there is some time to recover, not to the end. , the contract is really signed, and people over there or in the village committee say that the salary should be improved. If you don't even sign the contract, it would be a big shame.

So, at this time, Wang Changhe, who is also a little dissatisfied, the people from the legal department should come to solve the problem. If the problem is not solved, what will your legal department do? So, he watched and tore it apart. I wasn't very satisfied, so I thought this guy was just perfunctory, and he was actually very aggrieved when dealing with me.

He didn't expect this. The people from the Houdian Village Committee actually thought about it. This was completely beyond his expectation. According to his point of view, people like the Houdian Village Committee are basically frogs in the well and are unlikely to understand things in the entertainment industry. However, he did not expect that Ye Ming, who is also a member of the Houdian Executive Committee, would actually let Ye Ming changed the result.

This was something Shi Kai didn't expect. Fortunately among the misfortunes, I got the news in advance.

Therefore, Shi Kai said decisively: "Li Xia, let me ask you a question, which is about this kind of thing.

If we really insist on signing a contract, are you sure that there is no problem in asking your brother-in-law to persuade the people in the village committee to give us more benefits?

However, I just want to be able to sign the contract according to the original plan and give more rebates and so on. This is all within the allowed range. Our negotiating team also has such rights this time.

However, what we need is that under such a situation, we can sign the contract according to the original plan. As long as the contract is signed, no matter what the people in the Houdian Village Committee think of, then everything is up to us. under control. Does your brother-in-law have the ability to persuade others?

We can give each of them a generous rebate. Please rest assured that we will definitely satisfy them. What we need is for them to speak for us at the village meeting so that this contract can be passed smoothly. If you can accomplish this, then you have made a great contribution. When the time comes, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to you. I will personally ask the chairman for your credit. "

At this time, Li Xia shook her head decisively and said: "Basically, this is not possible.

The wind is very tight now, and no one dares to take risks.

My brother-in-law is not that capable in this matter. He is just a security director of Hudian Village Committee. He doesn't have that much power. If he were the village chief, he might be able to turn things around and decide to sign a contract with us. As for my brother-in-law, he is just a security director and he doesn't have that much ability.

As for what kind of rebates we should give them, this is different from the company. If we give them enough rebates in such a situation, then there is no problem in signing the contract. But, then, He is not a group of people from the company, they are a group of people from the village committee. They still value their reputation very much. Normally, there is no problem in getting some food and drink.

But, if you really go online, you have to be very careful. As for my brother-in-law, during this negotiation, although he gave me a lot of news, he didn't take the 1 point rebate. , he is just afraid that if the relationship between me and my brother-in-law is exposed, it will embarrass my brother-in-law.

Today at my brother-in-law's house, my sudden appearance, from logistics to the negotiation team, made my brother-in-law very unhappy. He thought that I had exposed my relationship with him. Many people in the village knew me.

My sister is the leader at home, and my brother-in-law listens to my sister. My sister loves me the most. "

Li Xia is also adding chips to herself. See, my sister loves me the most, so I can influence my brother-in-law.

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