Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 298: Buying and Selling Characters

Ye Ming once again confirmed what he heard, and said with a look of disbelief: "Is it really like this? You can get a supporting role in the crew. I heard that the role of Tian Yu is a relatively important supporting role. "

Wang Baoqiang said swornly: "Don't worry about this, I'm not lying. When my fellow villager sold this character, I went with him. A rich man bought the character for his Xiaomi and threw it directly to my fellow villager. Twenty thousand yuan, of course, I heard that the crew also needs to pay some attention."

If Wang Baoqiang talks about this matter to such an extent, then it has great credibility.

At that moment, Ye Ming said very simply: "Nah, I also want to buy a supporting role Dangdang, can you help me contact him?"

If he introduces an extra performer, Wang Baoqiang himself can take a commission of ten yuan out of one hundred yuan. If he successfully introduces a supporting actor, there is also a one percent commission. At this time, Wang Baoqiang felt that he had made a profit. He really made a profit. He immediately promised: "Don't worry about this. If I don't introduce you, I won't give you a penny."

Finally, Wang Baoqiang was just about to turn around and take Ye Ming away, but he immediately turned around and said, "Brother, if you want a supporting role, the price is not high. Do you have that much money?"

This is actually a matter of concern about Ye Ming's ability to pay. It seems that Wang Baoqiang is not as stupid as he appears on the surface, and he still has some scheming intentions.

Ye Ming said as if he was not short of money: "Don't worry, I won't be short of money. If I don't have money, I don't dare to buy a role. Will I still be in this industry in the future?"

At this time, Wang Baoqiang finally felt relieved and led Ye Ming to a nearby rental house. To be honest, this place is not easy to find even for the police. Actors, in fact, only live in places that cost fifty yuan a month, and many even live in basements.

Wang Baoqiang found a courtyard, knocked on the door of the east wing of the courtyard and said, "Brother Maizi, Brother Maizi."

At this time, a rough voice inside said angrily: "Asshole, Qiangzi, you are so short-sighted, how many times have I told you to call me Mike, does Mike understand, do you understand art? One bite at a time." Maizi, you deserve to be a group performer for the rest of your life." At this time, Mike paused and opened the door, but Mike had no intention of letting the two people in.

However, you can see through the crack in the door that a long strand of hair flashes across the room. It seems that Xiao Te from the crew did it very easily, which is a blessing for everyone. However, Wang Baoqiang Sui seemed to be accustomed to Mike's habit. In his opinion, it would be strange for Brother Maizi to be so capable without a woman?

Therefore, Wang Baoqiang said disapprovingly: "Brother Maizi, let me introduce you to someone. This person said he wanted to buy a supporting role, so I will get it for you directly."

Hearing that someone wanted to buy a supporting role, Mike cheered up a little at this time. However, could the person introduced by Wang Baoqiang be rich? Mike glanced at Ye Ming, and was stunned for a moment. He looked familiar, as if he had come from somewhere. But then he saw Wang Baoqiang's silly-looking face. It seemed impossible that he could be deceived by this kid. He must have It's because I indulged too much. I need to be more restrained in the future. I can't accept every woman who comes to my door.

Mike cleared his mind and said: "You are the person who Qiangzi said is going to buy the character. I can buy a character at any price here, from a few thousand to tens of thousands, as long as you dare to afford it." I dare to introduce you to you if you have money. Of course, the introduction fee is mine. You can take care of the crew members yourself. I am only responsible for introducing you to a path. The path of stardom is not as easy as you think."

This ruffian-like guy actually felt a little bit vicissitudes of life when he said such words at this time. The entertainment industry is indeed a place where people's character can be polished. Even a ruffian can be polished into a philosopher.

Ye Ming tilted his head and looked at Mike and said: "Money is not an issue. What I want is the role, as long as the role is suitable. We are not afraid of money. I heard that you sold the role of Tian Yu in "Bright Sword", otherwise , I won’t come to you. If I buy it, I must buy a supporting role that is similar to it, otherwise who would be doing this?"

Mike liked these words the most. When he heard Ye Ming's words, he immediately knew that this was the work of a rich man. Who would do such a thing if they didn't have too much money to burn?

At that moment, Mike finally cheered up and said: "Brother, I like to hear this kind of talk. Qiangzi, a heartless guy, told you this. This guy really dares to talk about anything. Qiangzi, you kid, remember Come on, don’t do this next time. Damn it, you dare to talk about this kind of thing on the street."

Wang Baoqiang looked simple and honest in his clothes. He smiled and said nothing, and he did not dare to quibble.

Facing this kind of fellow countryman, Mike had no better way. He turned around and said, "Okay, you came here by coincidence. I actually have a character similar to Tian Yu, but it's just a coincidence." An officer of the Japs is considered a relatively important character. However, the price is 30,000."

It was a little more expensive than Tian Yu's character, which surprised Ye Ming. However, he did not take this kind of thing to heart, but nodded and said: "Okay, thirty thousand is thirty thousand, that's it." I really don’t take money seriously, but if we don’t get the nod from the person in charge of casting the cast of [Bright Sword], I won’t give you a penny.” In fact, this is also an extra. One of the sad things is that sometimes the group leader says, "I will introduce you to a certain character, and how much money do you give to the group as a favor fee."

As a result, the money for the extras was handed over, but the character was nowhere to be seen. It was a dumb loss. Moreover, the other party was the leader of the group. If I wanted to continue to mix in this circle, I couldn't ask for the money again. come over.

Therefore, Ye Ming's expression is very consistent with the mentality of an extra. Mike glanced at Ye Ming and said: "Okay, buddy, you care about our group performances. You understand every rule like this. Don't worry, your credibility is guaranteed. You must see the true God, but let me put it plainly, people I can introduce it to you, and I guarantee that people will nod, but you still have to pass the director's test. If the director doesn't use it because you don't have the acting skills, I won't refund the money."

There are actually rules in the industry. At this time, the money for matchmaking is actually 30,000. After all, this is a relatively important role. If the director doesn't accept you because of your acting skills or something, it means you have no ability yourself and have nothing to do with the introducer. Therefore, the introduction fee will not be refunded. Ye Ming nodded, indicating that he understood the matter.

When Mike saw this, he naturally had no intention of enjoying himself. He said hello to the room, and two pretty beauties came out. However, it seems that the little beauty is familiar with this matter and has no embarrassment at all. One of the long-haired beauties also said: "Mike, you have to pay attention to what we agreed to do."

Of course, Mike would not lose his momentum in front of a woman. At that moment, Shan Xiang, who was slapping his chest, said, "Don't worry about this. I, Mike, have a very good reputation in the industry. I will take you to see the director tomorrow and I will guarantee that I can give you the best results." You get a character with speaking lines.”

If there is a beautiful woman but no money, but she still wants a certain role, then this is not impossible, she can just use her own body in exchange.

Things like what happened to Zhang Yu later happened in many circles. The difference is that Zhang Yu failed, but stupidly exposed the matter. She will not be involved in this industry in the future. No director would dare to use an actor like this. Women, in the entertainment industry, sometimes have advantages, especially young and beautiful women.

Of course, this does not mean that if you put in the effort, you will definitely succeed. If you put in the effort, you will be unsuccessful.

Of course, deals like Mike's, which are as small as supporting roles with lines, usually don't have any major problems. Because the director won't care about a small role like this, as long as you don't slip up at a critical moment.

He walked out, locked the door, and Mike led the way. However, he thought as he walked, then looked back at Ye Ming, and then said with a depressed look on his face: "This brother, have we met somewhere before?" No."

After he closed the door, he thought more and more. The more he felt that Ye Ming looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, so he couldn't help but turn around and ask for more information. Ye Ming denied it very firmly and said: "It's impossible. I guarantee that we have never met before. You are too worried about this."

After walking a few more steps, at this time, Mike still had some doubts in his heart that could not be dispelled. For a moment, he stood there blankly looking at Ye Ming as if he had been struck by lightning.

The whole person was stunned: "I remember, are you Ye Ming? No wonder I think you look so familiar."

Ye Ming, Ye Ming was wearing sunglasses at this time. It would be understandable to say that Wang Baoqiang, a silly guy, was heartless and did not recognize Ye Ming when he came to the capital for the first time. However, if he said that in this situation In one case, I replaced it with my own words.

Then in such a matter, he actually didn't see clearly that the person coming was Ye Ming. This is really a damn thing.

| (To be continued)

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