Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 246 The rock star who burned his car

The angry voice pierced through the sky like a sharp sword, containing endless anger. How much hatred would it take to have such resentment? Almost half of the people in the newspaper office could clearly hear Zezhong's shocking roar.

Although Ye Ming is not very familiar with this voice, he can still hear it. Dou Wei, Dou Wei has lived up to expectations. It seems that the temper of this former rock genius has not changed. He is stubborn and egoistic. , arrogant about everything, as if most people in the world are living in a state of intoxication, and only one of his children stands on the lonely peak looking down at all living beings.

After hearing this voice, Ye Ming gave a helpless smile and said: "How is it? I came as I said, but I didn't expect Dou Wei to come so fast. Reporter Yu, this Dou Wei is really hasty. Ah, I think you'd better go out. Otherwise, it's really hard to explain what else happened in such a thing. Maybe Dou Wei can do something else. Crazy things.”

Yu Guo was stunned and looked at the familiar figure outside the window with disbelief. It was Dou Wei. He was in this line of work. Dou Wei still knew the three masters of the magic rock. , but it seems that at this time, Dou Wei's mental state is not very good. It's not the kind of conversation that makes people feel reassured. At this moment, Dou Wei seemed to be in a state of excitement, running around like an angry bull. He shouted like crazy to let Yu Guo come out.

This simply broke Yu Guo's cognition. At this moment, Yu Guo's eyes widened and his mouth enlarged, as if five eggs could be stuffed in his mouth. He simply couldn't believe that this was true. The man outside who looked like a madman was Dou Wei, one of the Three Heroes of Demon Rock. At this time, a man who looked like a security guard came over and wanted to intercept Dou Wei, but Dou Wei's eyes widened and he yelled a few words and pushed the security guard aside. At this time, Dou Wei seemed to have found something. The outlet for venting went directly into the editorial department.

Not long after, when Yu Guo wanted to go out to see what was going on, Director Yue of the advertising department came in and stopped Yu Guo and said, "Less, you better not get involved in this matter. That guy Dou Wei is going crazy, and he's killing the editor." I smashed the department's computers and stuff. If I find you now, I don't know what will happen. What the boss means is that at this time, it's better for you to avoid it. Don't worry, the police are coming soon. .”

The drama was originally planned to go out, but Yu Guo, who was a good man and a good man, suddenly stopped. If Dou Wei really came calmly, then in such a situation, Yu Guo actually did not say that there was no need to talk to him. However, it was obvious that Dou Wei at this time was an angry Dou Wei. He even smashed the editorial department. He didn’t know what he would do next. It would be safer to call the police.

At this time, Yu Guo sat there dejectedly. Look; Ye Ming took a look and said: "Mr. Ye, you really know Dou Wei very well. You can guess this matter. If you didn't know, I would have thought you had discussed it with Dou Wei?" "Ye Ming shook his head and said: "It's not that I know Dou Wei, but that in a situation like this, the princess knows Dou Wei. In fact, I came to you because I was entrusted by someone to be loyal, but , I didn’t expect Dou Wei to react so quickly. "

It seemed that there were still some angry young people in the editorial department who stepped in to stop Dou Wei and finally forced Dou Wei out.

At this time, Ye Ming stood up and said, "This matter has something to do with you, so don't go out. Dou Wei is a little abnormal. I'm going to see what happened."

Under the lazy sunshine of the afternoon, the strong wind suddenly rose, roaring, roaring, rolling up the withered yellow leaves on the ground, rolling around like naughty children, and slowly falling down as the wind spun in mid-air, All that was left was a rustling sound, like a sigh, telling the indifference of early winter.

At this moment, the courtyard of [Entertainment Morning News] was extremely calm. Whether it was Dou Wei or the few young people blocking the door, they did not dare to let Dou Wei, a lunatic like him, go to the editorial department again. They were all very calm and no one spoke.

At this time, Dou Wei couldn't bear this kind of indifference at first. He held the newspaper in his hand and said: "What do you call bullshit reporting? What do you mean by eating soft rice? I'm divorced, and you still say that I'm eating soft rice. What is it? The reporter who wrote this report will stand up for me. Otherwise, believe it or not, I will burn down your newspaper office."

No one took these words seriously. What caused the newspaper office to burn down? This thing was just a sentence to scare people. However, at this time, Ye Ming, who had just walked down, knew very well that if it was true, If there is one person who dares to do this regardless of the consequences, then that person is Dou Wei. He would definitely do such a thing. This is a cynical way of expression, as if a lonely emperor feels that his dignity has been challenged by ants. At this time, the emperor always has to find a way to vent. Isn't it?

And Dou Wei is such an emperor of the soul. He is not an emperor of the soul, and he does not dare to marry a diva like the princess. It's just that Dou Wei finally discovered that there was a gap between the spiritual emperor and the real queen. Therefore, this incident became the trigger for Gao Yuan's appearance and the princess's love change. This is just a matter of a poet-like rock singer venting his dissatisfaction. Others simply say that there is no big deal.

At this time, the newspaper office actually showed some convenience. Such a difficult person appeared. Director Fang stood up and said with some trembling: "Dou Wei, you have thought clearly. You are breaking the law. We have called the police." .

The police will be here soon. It is already illegal for you to casually destroy the newspaper's finances. I advise you to be honest and wait for the police to deal with it, otherwise, then you will just wait to go to jail, right? "

At this time, in fact, if you smash some computers or something, you don't have to go to jail under such a situation. However, what Director Fang said is naturally more serious, right?

Dou Wei seemed to say that he didn't take such a threat into his heart at all, and said with a smile: "What? If you can't reason with me, just scare me, right? I don't want to scare you. Let me tell you, today If Yu Guo, this bastard, doesn’t apologize for his troubles, then I won’t be able to settle things in this situation.”

Stubborn, Dou Wei's words like this fully prove that this guy is stubborn and stubborn.

People with extraordinary talents often have extraordinary characters. Dou Wei went further and further into his own world, as if it was a road that was difficult to turn back. At this time, Director Fang said sincerely: "Dou Wei, you are also a well-known public figure. If you have any questions, you can communicate through the organization. If you are dissatisfied with our treasure report, then you can do it like this When we were children, we could talk calmly, but now we are in a legal society, do you think that smashing, smashing and looting can solve the problem?"

Director Fang is definitely a political cadre. This method of doing ideological work is very unusual. At this time, it can definitely make people feel the touch that touches the soul.

However, it is a pity that he is not facing ordinary people. Dou Wei is an artist. How can an artist's ideas be the same as those of ordinary people? Therefore, Dou Wei would rarely say without giving face: "Shut up, I want to talk to you, but will you give me this chance? Posting such a report without my consent is absolutely unacceptable. You are the type who doesn’t look for trouble. To deal with gentle scum like you, we should use the method of plowing the court to sweep holes and strike hard, without giving you any chance to resist."

At this time, a shocking scene appeared, or Dou Wei of the club saw that the leader who reported for review had not shown up. It seemed that he was a little impatient with waiting. Dou Wei's spirit became violent again, and the world of artists Sure enough, he is different from ordinary people. He said viciously: "I don't have time to chat with you bunch of morons. I can't lead you, right? I'll show you that I'm not easy to mess with." After saying this, others People were also stunned. You are not easy to mess with. What kind of words are you talking about? Does it mean that you want to fight with the people from [Entertainment Morning News]?

But these artistic young people from [Entertainment Morning News] may be a little middle-class, but they are young people after all. It is no problem to knock down Dou Wei alone for three or five fights. This is why these young people The reason why I dare to show it.

What does Dou Wei want to do?

But at this time, Ye Ming seemed to have really thought about what Dou Wei wanted to do. His eyes lit up and his pupils shrank violently. Could it be that he was burning the car? really. Dou Wei didn't give everyone a chance to react at this time.

He said directly with a smile, took out the lighter, and walked to a relatively luxurious looking car. At this time, everyone looked at each other, wondering what Dou Wei wanted to do, but when Dou Wei put the flame of the lighter on There was a ferocious expression on the newspaper in hand. At this time, it seemed that everyone finally realized what happened.

Could it be that what Dou Wei said that set fire to the newspaper office was not a joke? (To be continued)

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