Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2227: Your worries are unnecessary

This time, Ye Ming did not stay in a hotel, but in his own house. This time he went to Japan to shoot a movie, which would definitely not be completed in a day or two.

Therefore, he lives in his own house in Japan. Ye Ming has his own houses all over the world.

So much so that he doesn't even know how many houses he owns now. Anyway, there is no specialized company responsible for managing properties around the world for him.

What makes him feel strange is that his real estate company still has a surplus of 180,000 yuan every year.

This is still very exciting. A company that manages real estate can have a profit of tens of millions. In fact, Ye Ming did not expect them to make money, but the result was money.

From this point of view, we can see that real estate is still a very promising industry. In fact, real estate is considered a promising industry all over the world. As long as you can get the land and develop it, under normal circumstances it will make money.

Of course, you said that some small countries are not as large as a province or even a city in China, so don't talk about it, right?

Anyway, as long as the real estate business operates under a market economy, it will make money in the long run.

Therefore, Kitano Takeshi originally arranged for a five-star hotel at this time, but Ye Ming did not go there and went directly to his house.

At this time, Ken Watanabe, Chiaki Kuriyama, Koyuki Kato and other three people had already left one after another.

Ye Ming was also very polite to the three of them. He took care of them and said that if they arrived in the United States one day, they should call him and Ye Ming would be responsible for arranging them.

Take care of food, food and housing, and entertain them well.

This is interpersonal relationships. In fact, Westerners hate having relationships while eating, but Asians, especially those in the Chinese cultural circle, like to have relationships at the dinner table.

This is quite effective, at least in terms of correspondence. We didn’t know each other very well at first, but after we had two meals and worked together for a while, we became friends.

Friendships seem to be accumulated slowly. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having more connections.

And don't send it into the room by mistake at this time, the two of them are also chatting about some irrelevant things.

At this time, Takeshi Kitano planned to let Ye Ming take his place and launch a vigorous governance campaign in the Japanese entertainment industry.

Anyway, what I mean is to carry out a drastic reform to deal with the unspoken rules, exaggerated phenomena and other things in the Japanese entertainment industry. I hope Ye Ming can bring something new to the Japanese entertainment industry. atmosphere.

However, Ye Ming is not a fool. This kind of thing is something that offends people. People in South Korea hope that he can do it, but Ye Ming may not necessarily say that he will do it.

After all, blocking someone's financial path is like killing one's parents. It will definitely ruin some people's financial path. If Ye Ming has no benefit at this time, he may not accept this.

In South Korea, Jiang Digui and the others paid a lot of money before they even considered whether to help them. The same thing must be true in Japan.

If I let that person do it in vain, then I at least think that this matter is impossible. If you, the Japanese entertainment industry, have problems, then our Chinese entertainment industry will not have any problems?

There are many problems in the entertainment industry in every country. These problems are not some unspoken rules formed in a day or two. They all have reasons for their existence, so it is not easy for him to change them.

If these unspoken rules and the dark side of the entertainment industry could be changed so easily, they would not exist for long.

Some things are human nature. If you want to gain something, you must pay. In fact, no one can change this. There is no such thing as pie falling in the sky. If there is, it may be a trap.

Take Kitano and Chiang Digui are ruthless characters. If they weren't ruthless, they wouldn't be in their current position. Therefore, if it was easy to solve it, they would solve it themselves and wouldn't come to Ye Ming at all.

It’s just that in such a situation, both Kitano Takeshi and Jiang Digui know very well that the country’s entertainment industry is deeply entrenched and difficult to reform.

Therefore, if you want to reform, you must be ruthless and find a ruthless character, an even ruthless character, a character that makes the entire entertainment industry fearful. Only such a person can shock the situation and carry out drastic reforms. .

Ye Ming is obviously such a heterogeneous character. His flaws must be reported, his status is high enough, and he is rich enough. These are all necessary for privacy. The bigger your fists are, the bigger your words will be to control the situation.

Obviously, Ye Ming's fist is big enough.

However, no matter what Takeshi Kitano says, Ye Ming has his own considerations. If you don't give enough benefits, I won't bother to care about you. Then I won't care about our entertainment industry.

Unwritten rules naturally have a reason for their existence. Your country has unwritten rules, but ours doesn’t?

Anyway, this matter will definitely not be in vain. Don't expect Ye Ming to be lured in just by having a banquet. This is simply impossible.

Ye Ming was actually hinting inside and outside his words that if he wanted his help, then give him a sufficient price, that is to say, give him enough benefits. As long as he gave him enough benefits, everything would be easy to negotiate.

If you want to be a white wolf with nothing, don't think about it, at least don't think about such a thing in front of Ye Ming.

Anyway, the two people talked miscellaneously for a while, but they didn't come up with a clear answer. I actually understand this very well in my heart. Without enough benefits, you can't possibly convince Ye Ming.

At this time, he just wanted to express some of his opinions and assumptions to Ye Ming.

As for what kind of reform, this needs to be discussed when he returns. This matter is not his alone and needs everyone to make a decision.

As for Kitano Takeshi, I feel that I am just a middleman, and being able to explain this matter to Ye Ming will be of sufficient benefit to the Japanese supernatural world.

But if it's not good, if it can't be said, it won't actually have much impact, and no one without unspoken rules can have unspoken rules on him, right?

It's just her unspoken rule for others, at least for now. I’m just saying that I don’t think I am in such a position. I should do something for Japanese artists, and I should do something for these actors in the Japanese entertainment industry in the future.

At this time, Kitano Takeshi and others were also thinking about doing what they could.

This time was an important reason why he showed up to ask Ye Ming for help. Asking a star with insufficient status and wealth may not be really useful.

Standing high, you can see far. From Kitano Takeshi's perspective, you can see farther. Of course, if Ye Ming definitely doesn't agree, then this actually won't have much impact on him.

So after the two people talked for a while, they changed the subject. Kitano Takeshi thought for a while and then said: "Ye Sang, at this time, I don't think that prodigal Mingxiu Kangcheng will give up easily.

I know this person quite well. He has suffered so much grievance. It is impossible for him to just apologize and then leave quietly. This does not conform to some of Mingxiu Kangcheng's principles of life.

Bie Wuxin knows very well where this kind of person is. He is not the kind of person who has been wronged and then gives in. They don't know that the sky is the limit and their ability to cause trouble is better than those in the entertainment industry. Much, much more powerful.

Anyway, these people are indeed spoiled, and you have to be careful of these people playing tricks on fans. These people are the kind of people who are too busy to do anything but fail. "

Moreover, these rich second generations, in fact, rely on the support of their families and the money in their hands, and they basically have the kind of virtues like the second and third children of the world.

Therefore, Kitano Takeshi believes that at this time, Akihiro Kangcheng may definitely come back for revenge.

Since this matter happened because of me, I have the obligation to remind Ye Ming to be extremely careful about this matter.

Ye Ming didn't care at all, he waved his hand calmly and said: "Ah, you can handle this matter with confidence, sir, do I care about this guy You Mincheng?

What ability does he have? If it was not clear that his family was behind him, a person like him would have been killed long ago. He has no ability, and his heart is as high as the sky and his life is as thin as paper.

If he really has the means, feel free to come over. I would give him a higher look if he is really mentally retarded.

If he must come to provoke me, then at this time, I don’t mind giving him a lesson and telling him that as a human being, don’t feel like a frog in the well.

In fact, I asked her to study abroad because I wanted to enrich his life experience and improve his EQ and IQ. If he doesn't know a good heart, he will definitely cause trouble for me at this time. I don't mind telling him. He, what is the truth.

The truth is under the fist. This is true in the entertainment industry, and it is also true in the business world. In fact, it is true in any environment. Only with big fists can you have the power to speak, and others will listen to what you say. , others will think it is the truth. "

In fact, this is a truth that applies to everyone. Only if your fist is big enough and your energy is big enough, will your words be listened to and praised by others.

In other words, only if you are strong enough can you be respected by others. There is no doubt about it. Anyone who wants to challenge this town will be tortured to pieces.

Either you have superhuman abilities, superhuman wealth, or you have superhuman looks. This society is always a society based on appearance. If you are superhuman like me, then It’s considered a skill, right?

Reincarnation is a technical job, but appearance is also a technical job, but appearance is an innate gene and cannot be controlled by oneself.

Of course, reincarnation is not under your control, but if you do both of these things well, that would be amazing. Anyway, you have to be superior to others in order to be looked down upon by others.

The character of the rich second generation is actually not exactly like this. Most of the rich second generation are good in the beginning, but they gradually lose themselves in life. They will lose themselves in money and be taken advantage of by themselves. Lost in the flow of life.

Therefore, some people may take some detours. It can be said that most of the rich second generation will receive a good education and be well controlled. Of course, are there exceptions?

It can also be forgiven. For example, this guy Mingxiu Kangcheng is an example. She is just used to being pampered.

It has been smooth sailing since childhood, and no one can really restrain him.

Therefore, he now seems domineering. Fortunately, he was not stupid enough to directly compete with Ye Ming. His father asked him to apologize, so he apologized directly.

Of course, at this time, Lin Xiukangcheng wanted to take revenge on Ye Ming, which was reasonable.

How can a rich second generation like him be willing to accept being taught a lesson? Moreover, he is a rich second generation who has taken a detour and is not very broad-minded. It would be strange if he does not take revenge. Just as Takeno Kitano knows that people like Akihiro Kangcheng will definitely take revenge.

At this time, I have nothing to think about and say, how about I look for some friends I know. Some of the rich people I know have a good relationship with Mingxiu Kangcheng.

At this time, Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "That's no need. In fact, I have already talked with the famous scholar Rong Hua. It's not like you don't know. I have already told them to send Mingxiu Kangcheng to study abroad. , this is a good choice.

I think Mingxiu Ronghua will definitely know what is going on, and will definitely understand what I mean. If they send Mingxiu Kangcheng to study abroad now, then I think there is still room for saving this person. , otherwise, it’s really hard to say what will happen to Mingxiu Kangcheng.

If they can join me and are willing to watch their robots fall, then there is nothing I can do about it. As for Mingxiu Kangcheng coming to take revenge, I don’t care at all. The fact that soldiers will come to block water and earth to cover it up doesn’t mean anything to me. threaten. "

Ye Ming's answer was very domineering, which meant that he was not afraid of Ming Mingxiu Kangcheng's revenge at all.

This is especially rare. You must know that Xiao is a rich second generation like Mingxiu Kangcheng. Once he takes revenge, it will be very strong, like an overwhelming force. Even if this kind of rich second generation really gets bad, it will be difficult to prevent it. Yes, but Ye Ming didn't care at all.

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