Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2181 A mess

Xu Qing said very curiously: "You are very good to your actors. I have never seen a boss who cares about his actors so much. If you go by your performance, you would have been in Hollywood long ago. Why come back?" ?

In Hollywood, you can be regarded as the best actor in the entire Asia-Pacific region. If you continue to hold your ground there, I think you will reach a higher level. "

In fact, most people would never imagine Ye Ming's behavior. If Ye Ming follows these conditions, he will indeed be able to do better in Hollywood and get more rewards than in China. better.

After all, in the real Hollywood in the entire Asia-Pacific region, there are only a handful of big stars who can establish themselves, and Ye Ming is considered the best one.

Although Ye Ming's reputation in Hollywood is a little bit unpopular, everyone has a deep impression that he must report any flaws.

However, he is not a beautiful man and cannot be liked by every American. As long as he can make money, as long as he can be recognized by Hollywood capital and Wall Street capital, then no one can defeat him.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is what every businessman will do. However, Ye Ming did not live in Hollywood permanently, but began to shift his focus to China.

I believe that if there had not been a third installment of Fast and Furious, he would have continued to stay in China.

Anyway, Ye Ming has such a trend, which makes people wonder. If it were another star who had the chance to continue to stay in Hollywood, he would have rushed to Hollywood to work hard.

But this does not seem to have a big impact on Ye Ming.

Ye Ming smiled faintly and did not answer directly. Instead, he said with emotion: "Actually, going to Hollywood is just like that, right? What's so good about Hollywood?"

My roots are in China, and I am in Hollywood. Even if I can be recognized by others, my roots are still in China.

This is like a towering tree. No matter how tall it grows and its branches are luxuriant, it is recognized by the entire forest.

But, its roots will not change, right? And only in China my foundation is stable.

If I have a group of friends like Huaxia and a huge market like Huaxia, then I can truly live in Hollywood without any worries.

Because with the backing of China's huge film market, even if I fail once or twice in Hollywood, will they dare to look down on me?

They don't dare because I have the entire huge Chinese market as my backing. The people in Hollywood are actually just after money. If I can help them make money, then of course everyone will be happy to cooperate.

I can't help them make money, so why should they value me, right?

Therefore, this is actually the case. I want to run Huaxia Cinema well. I cannot let my backyard catch fire. Another point is that I came from the bottom. I really came up from the bottom. I have experienced some things. Well, some actors like you can't understand it at all. Well, it's true that you get up at four or five o'clock and start squatting on the road to wait for work.

But after I graduated, I was actually unemployed. I didn’t have good opportunities. Don’t think that people who graduated from film schools will become stars. That’s impossible. Whether you become a star or not depends on your own efforts. Of course I admit that the first place, if you come from a film school, then your starting point will be higher than others, and you will be more likely to succeed than others, but that's all.

It does not mean that you will definitely become a star or become popular after you graduate from the film academy. Therefore, very few graduates from the film academy can truly succeed. As for the students who graduate from the three major film academies every year, probably There are probably less than 100 people, but think about how many people can really become stars and can later gain a foothold in the film industry?

Only one or two film school students every year are considered top-notch. Sometimes, there may not be one or two film school students who can succeed in two or three years.

Therefore, our life was actually quite hard at that time. The film school only gave us a springboard. Whether we could jump over it or not depended on our personal efforts and luck. Therefore, we were actually this group of students. They all come up from the bottom, and I know very well how hard these actors work.

Therefore, I can understand them. It is no problem for me to go to Hollywood, but I must arrange the actors in my company so that I have nothing to worry about. "

This is what Ye Ming feels. This is why he has always wanted to build a good domestic company before making the third installment of The Fast and the Furious. He has gotten this answer. In fact, he is very satisfied. At least he can know that Ye Ming You are obviously a kind and righteous person. If you make friends with such a person, at least you don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back by him.

In the entertainment industry, there are actually many such things, such as inserting a knife into someone later, inserting a knife into a friend's life, or inserting a knife into a woman's friend.

Regarding this point, some celebrities do it very simply and neatly. For the sake of publicity and popularity, they don't even care about brotherhood. When this brother thinks that his brother has made a mistake, he directly stands up and says nothing about a brother hitting a woman. Just apologize.

In the end, when there was a big row, one of them showed it, and later it was called wiped out, and they were considered to be pestering Juejue Zhu, the Dharma protector, etc. These people are still unrepentant, and they say, we are brothers, We have just cooperated, we are not brothers at all. If we are not brothers, why would we bother to help the brothers, right?

This is actually a defense. If it is such a defense, isn't he afraid that the description will become darker and darker? You might as well admit your mistake and apologize to your brother. Regardless of whether your brother forgives you or not, at least you have the attitude of admitting your mistake. Your fans will probably forgive you, but if you keep doing this , if you insist that you are not wrong, you will not even have the courage to correct your mistakes.

How many people like this are in the entertainment industry, and how many people would dare to use you casually? The director doesn’t want to use an actor, but he wants to use a white-eyed wolf. If the director uses an actor, the same conditions apply. Do you think you dare to use someone who can teach you? If you use a more honest and reliable person, you must use a more honest and reliable actor in that city.

As for the actors in the crew who filmed the railings all over, they directly took the script and recited the lines and memorized the lines. Anyway, that was when they started to hone themselves.

And Xu Qing's was just a piece of paper, so it was very easy for him. Xu Qing was not only as beautiful as a flower, but also the kind of person who had a very strong ability to understand lines, at least among his peers. If an actress with relatively good acting skills hands over a role to him, at least the director should feel more at ease.

Isn't it because later some female stars directly counted numbers or something, at least Xu Qing couldn't do such a thing.

After riding away, Hong Fei came back to the entertainment industry. In fact, it is like this. The more famous you are, the more people will pay attention to you, and the more things will involve you. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind Not only that, no matter how quiet Ye Ming wanted to be, it was almost impossible.

After all, Ye Ming's slot is there, and everyone wants to have something to do with Ye Ming. This time Hong Fei came to Ye Ming, in fact, just to let the untouchables make some decisions. After all, there are some things that he just doesn't dare to make decisions. , the involvement is too deep.

Ye Ming said without thinking: "Brother Fei, just help me push away these things."

Hong Fei said without hesitation: "In fact, I have already rejected a large part of these things for you. The rest is really not easy to reject.

That's why I came to ask you. For example, this time, the Huabiao Awards invites you to be the award guest.

This is also something we won’t easily put down. After all, we are all from the same entertainment industry, and the actors in our company still hope to gain recognition in it.

They informed us so far in advance, which can be considered sincerity. Therefore, I am not very good at rejecting this award. If I reject it, it would mean that I have offended some people. "

Some things, in fact, really cannot be dismissed casually. If Ye Ming is alone, there will be no problem. Ye Ming's status allows him to reject him without any problem, but others may take revenge on other actors in Huihuang Film and Television.

The entertainment industry is like this, hello, me, everyone, even if you are a superstar, you cannot do whatever you want.

Moreover, the guanxi network is actually a business, such as the three major film festivals in China. Although netizens have exposed some so-called insider information and complained endlessly, it doesn't matter. They are still the three major film festivals in China. It is still a gluttonous feast in the entertainment industry.

Although sometimes these feasts are a bit tasteless, but more importantly, this film festival is also an honor.

Moreover, the Huabiao Award can be regarded as a government award, and it is one of the few awards that is more credible.

Ye Ming is half a man, so he said without thinking: "Don't think about it. If you do, the third master will probably call again.

No problem, just write it in the notes and I will make time to participate in this award. Although, let’s not talk about it anymore, I will definitely go there. "

Hong Fei immediately continued: "There is also an invitation from the Xiangjiang entertainment circle. It is said that the Xiangjiang Star Football Team and the Mainland Star Football Team are going to have a friendly match, so you are invited to come."

Ye Ming said without thinking: "No need for that, I'm not a member of the star football team, what are I going to do there?"

Hong Fei immediately said: "They want to invite you to be a referee. Although you are not a member of the Star Football team, many of those stars are familiar with you. Therefore, they also trust you more. This When the time comes, I invite you to come over and ask you to be a witness and referee."

referee? Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "You need to support charity, but I really don't have time to fly to Xiangjiang, so you can just turn it down for me.

Donate one million to others. Tell them that if they come to Beijing to play football, I will go, but there is really no time to go to Xiangjiang specifically now. "

The star football team is actually a group of celebrities in the entertainment industry who like football who get together to play. Later, there was an official star football team.

So much so that in the future, it will be quite influential for Xiangjiang to play football with mainland star football teams and raise funds for charity.

Not to mention what their results are, but such a spirit is actually very worthy of our learning. Ye Ming has always been quite supportive of charity work.

Even if I can't go there in person, I will actually donate one or two at a time like this.

Hong Fei then said: "There is also a rumor that a singer surnamed Sun was stolen in a foreign country, and was later revealed to be a hype. Therefore, many reporters interviewed us, and I hope you can share your views on this kind of thing.

After all, you are now the vice president of the Actors Guild and were just elected this year. Therefore, it is relatively normal for reporters to come to you for this kind of thing. "

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "The Actors Association? It seems that there is such a thing. Who did I hear about it? But at that time, I seemed to be delayed by something and didn't go. The vice president didn't know who gave it to me. . Of course, if reporters continue to ask questions like this in the future, then you can just say that no one has ever made a mistake. If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is no need to be unforgiving."

Ye Ming is not willing to get involved in this matter. He knows some things, but he will not express them directly. If a reporter came to ask this kind of question, Ye Ming would also find a way to fool him.

No matter what happens, this cannot be changed. This does no good and will offend people. Ye Ming will never do such a thing.

Moreover, they have not offended me, so why must they cut off their escape route?

In this regard, although Ye Ming has a reputation of having to repay any flaws, the premise is that you have to offend Ye Ming.

If Ye Ming is not offended, Ye Ming will not easily deal with others.

Otherwise, it will make enemies everywhere. In the entertainment industry, the last thing you should do is to create an enemy for yourself without any benefit. This is almost the most fatal weakness.

Ye Ming has been in the entertainment industry for such a long time, so naturally he will not make such a mistake.

Ye Ming is a famous little fox in the entertainment industry. I don’t know how many people have been fooled.

Therefore, regarding the matter of the singer named Sun, he will not express his opinions easily now. Unless this matter really has something to do with him, Ye Ming will definitely use thunderous means to fight back. At this time Ye Ming is the real Ye Ming who must repay every flaw.

The entertainment industry is a bit chaotic this year, so Ye Ming must be very careful. (To be continued)

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