Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2154 It’s all a routine

Na Ying was actually a little annoyed. What the hell are those reporters?

In other words, from Naying's perspective, those entertainment reporters are not reporters, just paparazzi.

In fact, if we talk about it carefully, the Xiangjiang entertainment circle calls entertainment reporters quite vividly, paparazzi.

In fact, this slightly teasing name has something to do with the police in Hong Kong.

The police in Xiangjiang have a department that is composed of plainclothes police officers responsible for tracking criminals or suspects.

Generally speaking, these people in Xiangjiang are more vividly called the Puppy Team.

After all, dogs have super tracking abilities, no one can deny this.

After all, there are quite a few people who use dogs for tracking, search and rescue, etc., but not many people lead a cat to do search and rescue.

Therefore, the police cars of this department are jokingly called the Puppy Squad by the people of Hong Kong.

Although the police department is also very annoyed, although the Puppy Team is very vivid and specific, it still sounds like a derogatory term.

But later it became a commonly recognized title, so it was impossible to change it.

The media reporters in Xiangjiang are not very good policemen. As long as they don't break the law or commit any crimes, everything is fine.

However, the Hong Kong police are also capable, and this kind of thing will not be allowed to continue to develop.

Therefore, the police in Xiangjiang decided to find a scapegoat. Finally, I found an entertainment reporter.

Because entertainment reporters need to gossip about celebrities in the entertainment industry, they often follow celebrities.

In this case, some of the work conditions of these entertainment reporters are similar to those of the police who follow criminals.

The difference is that the police are following criminal suspects, but entertainment reporters are following celebrities more and want to break gossip about celebrities.

But what’s even more annoying is that many of the reporters’ equipment is more formal and advanced than the police’s.

Some reporters even said they could get walkie-talkies on the same band as the police. Directly tap the police's internal television station.

If they hear any disturbance, such as a big star who needs security, reporters can sometimes arrive at the scene faster than the police.

It's not enough if you are not convinced. Xiangjiang entertainment reporters are famous for their hard-working ability.

Therefore, in such a situation, some things will become more embarrassing.

The police may not be able to beat entertainment reporters in terms of speed.

However, it was precisely because of such a situation that the police officers also caught the scapegoat, and began to intentionally or unintentionally guide the media to use the title "Puppy Team" for entertainment reporters.

Therefore, it later evolved into the paparazzi. This is the origin of the Hong Kong paparazzi.

It has to be said that the Xiangjiang policeman was very skillful in this trick of Li Dai Tao Zhan.

It directly pushes out the paparazzi, and is famous all over the world. Even the big stars from Europe and the United States have to withstand the test of the paparazzi in Hong Kong.

I think back then, when Jackson came to Xiangjiang, he was directly followed by hundreds of paparazzi, who investigated everything in detail and everything about Jackson in Xiangjiang.

It's like having a pair of discerning eyes.

Looking at this situation, even if Holmes arrives in Hong Kong, he will have to provoke Thumbs up to praise the professionalism of the Hong Kong paparazzi.

Even if Bond arrives first, he probably won't be able to hide himself from the paparazzi in Hong Kong.

Anyway, the paparazzi in Xiangjiang are so awesome. Later, paparazzi began to appear in the mainland.

Of course, the real formation of mainland paparazzi is relatively late.

More or less, paparazzi in the real sense only began to slowly emerge in 1998 and 1999.

The paparazzi during this period are generally professional journalists, professional entertainment reporters, the ones who really have their own units and have press cards.

At least most of them have press credentials. Therefore, at a time like this, these paparazzi are not actually professional paparazzi.

Later, with the rise of people like Zhuo Wei, in two thousand years, Zhuo Wei completed the transformation from cultural reporters to paparazzi. His group of reporters also began to slowly become professional paparazzi.

Later, Zhuo Wei established Fengxing Studio, which can be regarded as one of the landmark events that marked the beginning of paparazzi in the entertainment industry.

In fact, during the same period as Zhuo Wei's paparazzi, many people set up various studios, various media companies and so on.

But later on, wasn’t Fengxing Studio the representative of the more successful paparazzi?

Therefore, under such a situation, these two thousand years are recognized by some people in the mainland entertainment industry as the first year of the mainland paparazzi.

Later, professional paparazzi really started to become popular.

However, it would basically be 2005 before the paparazzi really took over the world and caused the entertainment industry to turn ugly.

The period from 2000 to 2005 can be regarded as the development period of the paparazzi, and the outbreak period of the paparazzi will not occur until after 2005.

Especially after 2005, the self-media Internet began to become popular, and later smartphones also came out, and the pixels of some of the last smartphones were not bad.

Everyone can become a self-media, and everyone can become a paparazzi. As long as you are willing, as long as you meet a celebrity, you can use your mobile phone to become a paparazzi.

Anyway, celebrities in the entertainment industry and paparazzi are basically antagonistic, and celebrities basically have no good impression of paparazzi.

Especially Na Ying, who speaks quickly and easily, and sometimes it is easy to offend people when speaking. After being artistically processed by the paparazzi, this also makes Na Ying very tired.

This is why Naying's reputation in the entertainment industry has slowly turned towards a negative impact.

It seems now that Naying is actually resting on his laurels, and it is undeniable that his popularity is slowly declining.

One is that there are no good works produced by Na Ying now, and the other is that the record market is indeed in decline.

However, the career of the paparazzi is on the rise, so Na Ying's unabashed temperament makes it even easier to be hacked.

Of course, Na Ying was hacked, and he was partly responsible for it. Dao Lang's album was actually going to be included in the selection, but as a judge invited by the organizer, he directly rejected Dao Lang's songs.

He didn't give him any chance, and he swore in front of the camera that Daolang had no aesthetic point of view, no musicality, etc. He also said that all the people who went to KTV to order Daolang songs were farmers.

Especially the last sentence, it can knock over a whole boat of people with one stroke. If this happened in the United States, Ying could be directly sued by farmers for racial discrimination.

In the United States, open racial discrimination is quite easy to be attacked, and it is even possible for Na Ying to quit the entertainment industry.

Why did Ying say this? In fact, she was still envious and jealous.

One thing she said was very honest, she said that when it came to album sales, we had never sold it to him. Rang Naying was also speechless.

In fact, this is an important reason why Na Ying really denies Daolang. Just like what is sung in the song.

As long as you live a better life than me, I can't stand it. Like an enemy, persist until old age.

Anyway, it's because the sales volume of Daolang's album is much higher than that of Na Ying. Therefore, this makes the Queen lose face.

I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Under such a situation, the sales volume of my album is actually no more than that of a newly debuted Daolang. How can you put my diva's face in such a bad position?

This kind of discrimination is actually the same as mainstream cross talk actors’ discrimination against Guo Degang, who came from a grassroots background.

You don't want to see your peers as better than you, so you want to use your power to suppress them.

In fact, this is not the case. This is human nature. After all, you rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water.

But for this kind of thing, generally if you do it, just don’t tell anyone about it. If you tell it directly, it means you are wrong.

Is there no one else in the entertainment industry who is envious and jealous of Daolang?

There must be, so in a situation like this, you can be dissatisfied and don't say it in public.

If you say it in public, like what Na Ying said, it will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Even ten years later, Na Ying's comments about Daolang are still often revealed by netizens.

Almost all the news that mentions Dao Lang's retirement will mention Na Ying's words of suppression back then.

Therefore, Na Ying hated the paparazzi. Although Ye Ming's persuasion was relatively kind, Na Ying said nonchalantly: "Those paparazzi are actually just the same thing.

The more you spoil them, the more arrogant they become.

If they said they were kicked in the past, then they would be honest. Just like Fan Binbin, he just lifted him up and kicked him at the airport, which made those people become more honest.

This little girl Fan Binbin really has the same style as me back then. "At this time, when Na Ying talked about Fan Binbin, she actually had an expression of appreciation.

Please, Ye Ming is a little helpless, you are big stars. At this moment, Ye Ming patted his forehead and said: "You are so big-hearted about this matter, and you are so arrogant about hitting people.

It's better to calm down a little. The less Fan Binbin does, the better.

Come on, with your tempers, it never hurts to be careful.

Moreover, when the time comes, if you dare to talk too much and say that you will not participate in variety shows or anything like that, you will not leave any way out for yourself.

Just in case, if there is a suitable variety show for you to appear on in the future, would you say you would be on it?

If you do, then you have already spoken nonsense in front of reporters, saying that this variety show is not good or that is not good.

That's because under such a situation, if you say that you are still on a variety show, you are suspected of being slapped in the face.

Therefore, in this case. You should be careful yourself, you can't stand the current variety shows. To put it bluntly, now is not the time. When there is a suitable opportunity, you may participate in something.

This will give everyone a face and also leave a way out for themselves.

If you participate in any variety show in the future and become the main star in it, then at this time, you will also be proud to say that I have said before that if there is a suitable variety show, I will not mind being on it.

How great is this? Even if you offend someone in a bad way, you can still have an escape route. "This explanation is more agreeable to other people.

But Na Ying's brain circuit may indeed be a little different from everyone else's. Therefore, her way of looking at problems basically means that she is somewhat different from others.

Like Ye Ming's words, she actually heard some key problems.

Therefore, at this time Na Ying immediately said: "That's not right, Ye Zi. What you said is wrong, there must be something wrong.

Could it be that you want to do a variety show yourself? "Na Ying also quickly caught the weaknesses around Ye Ming.

For example, in a situation like this, it can be understood that this situation means that Ye Ming is going to do a new variety show, and he may be invited to it or something.

Ye Ming did not reveal some of the problems in detail, but said very calmly: "Actually, it's nothing.

As you all know, Run Brother, with such high box office, it should now be regarded as a benchmark for variety shows.

It is an honor to have entered the top 100 box office movies in the world.

Moreover, I have TV series like "Shoot the Railings All Over" to shoot, and the third installment of Fast and Furious to shoot, which all take up a lot of time.

Therefore, under such a situation, I will not make any big moves in a short period of time.

Let’s take a look at it first, and then we’ll talk about anything else. After all, if I don’t finish the third installment of The Fast and the Furious, someone is probably going to hang on my doorstep.

Even if there are any new moves, it will have to wait until the second half of the year, or early next year.

This means that it depends on the situation.

Maybe by that time, I may not have any schedule at all. I can't guarantee anything about this.

Therefore, what you said is impossible to achieve in a short time.

Of course, if I think there is something more suitable for you, sister, then I will definitely contact you as soon as possible.

When the time comes, if I contact that sister, you must not refuse. "

After all, in this entertainment industry, you still have to abide by the spirit of the contract.

If it is not absolutely necessary, then the existence of the spirit of the contract must still be ensured.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming did not dare to agree casually.

There must be a plan, and Na Ying is a more suitable candidate, because it has actually been proven that Na Ying is a more suitable candidate to be a mentor.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming actually didn't have much to say, lest he really couldn't do it and was delayed by other things, which would cause some adverse effects. (To be continued)

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