Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2141 I am also in a dilemma

If you have a normal relationship with Ye Ming, then it is a trust relationship, looking for someone to see if you can get a role. Many people in the entertainment industry now do that.

Being able to have a relationship with Ye Ming, even if it means just a little acquaintance, having dinner together, etc., this is something worth showing off.

However, if a person like this can usually find Hong Fei, it is considered a good result.

As for whether we can meet Ye Ming, the boss of brilliant film and television, it's really hard to say.

In fact, this is the current situation in the entertainment industry. The winner does not take everything, but he can definitely take a large part of the best. There is no big problem with this.

And Ye Ming is a winner in the entertainment industry.

If we talk about acquaintances, then Fan Binbin is one of the most familiar acquaintances.

In fact, if we look at the relationship between Fan Binbin and Ye Ming, then it is not impossible to get a starring position in a TV series like "Take the Railing All Over".

But because Fan Binbin has already got a role in the third installment of The Fast and the Furious, this was promised by Ye Ming himself.

Therefore, for a character like this, there will basically be no changes.

Under such a situation, it would be inappropriate to think about the characters in "Shoot the Railing All Over".

Now Fan Binbin is practicing English hard. In fact, if you are good at English, there will basically be no obstacles to filming in Japan.

In Japan, English is relatively popular. To be honest, Fan Binbin's English is a bit terrible.

This is almost inversely proportional to her appearance. As beautiful as she is, her English is poor.

This kind of thing was actually laughed at by Ye Ming more than once. This time, Fan Binbin finally became serious.

I feel that in a situation like this, if my role is delayed because of English, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

And if you really want to enter the international market, Fast and Furious is a very good springboard.

But if at this time, you are delayed because of your English level or something, then it is really inappropriate.

Therefore, Fan Binbin is actually busy learning English now, and he even hired an American as an English teacher.

Of course, if it is someone who has a good relationship with Ye Ming, they can naturally come to him directly at this time.

One of the more troubled people here is Li Yapeng. After marrying the princess, his career basically stopped.

Of course, Li Yapeng was considered a popular niche in the entertainment industry at the beginning. At this time, he and the princess became a couple, which made his status in the entertainment industry even higher.

Although the works are basically no influential works now.

But in terms of status, because the status of the princess is really too high, therefore, under such a situation, his status can be considered relatively high.

But this kind of height is not the kind of height that comes from real strength, but because he has a good wife. This is the kind of thing that he is quite entangled with.

As an actor, there is no better work, nothing more entangled than this.

[Photography all over the railing] This seems to be a good TV series. If there is any role in such a TV series, there should be a chance to turn around.

But thinking about the relationship between Ye Ming and himself, I feel a little hesitant.

With such a relationship, if I want to join this crew, my hope is basically zero. If you rely on relationships, then your own relationships seem to be impossible.

At this time, Li Yapeng directly found his good friend Wang Xuebing.

The history is surprisingly similar. Although Li Yapeng and Wang Xuebing did not come together in Love, the two people did come together in other TV series and later became very good friends.

Especially after Li Yapeng and the princess became husband and wife, Wang Xuebing also further consolidated his relationship with Li Yapeng.

Speaking of later generations, there was a scandal between Wang Xuebing and Xiao Fan. As for whether it is true or not, in the entertainment industry, only the people involved can know the truth. But it is true that the two of them have indeed been rumored to have had an affair.

And Wang Xuebing, like Li Yapeng, did have a lot of good works in the early stage, and he is basically the kind of person who can almost have one foot in the front line.

But later it stopped working, there were no decent works, and finally Wang Xuebing fell silent.

If Wang Xuebing hadn't joined the Sixth Class with Princess Li Yapeng and his wife, Wang Xuebing would have been in danger of becoming a complete loser.

In such a situation, in fact, more generally speaking, Wang Xuebing found a good way.

The entertainment industry is like this. No matter what method you use, as long as you maintain your exposure, you will generally not be outdated. Of course, if you are talking about actors within the system, there is no need to worry about becoming outdated. Anyway, there is always a salary, as long as you starve to death.

Speaking of which, Li Yapeng and Wang Xuebing have been friends for almost ten years. This relationship is naturally relatively strong, and they are the kind of friends who can talk about anything.

This time, Li Yapeng himself felt a little embarrassed. Did he want to find the princess to intercede for him?

Li Yapeng himself was a little hesitant about this.

If you can't use the princess as your trump card, then you won't be able to win a role in a TV series like "Shooting the Railings" by relying on your own strength alone.

Even if it is a more important supporting role, many people will compete for it.

With his own strength, Li Yapeng knew that there was no hope.

But if he is asking the princess to intercede for him, there is some hope that it will succeed.

But whether the princess is willing to intercede with herself at this time, to be honest, it is really difficult to say.

The princess is a very individual star. The kind of maverick, very characterful.

Therefore, Li Yapeng, who knew the princess's personality relatively well, was unsure of herself.

If I approach the princess about this matter, what if the princess doesn’t have an answer?

The princess is a very face-conscious person. If she tries to intercede but Ye Ming refuses, it will be very shameless.

When the time comes, the princess will also be embarrassed. Li Yapeng couldn't have thought of this in advance.

Therefore, when it comes to such a problem, Li Yapeng would also ask a friend to come over and discuss the choice.

The two of them are actually no longer popular stars.

Of course, these two used to be, one was on the front line, the other was almost on the front line, and they used to be a handsome guy.

But now, I am somewhat famous, but not very famous, so my worries will be relatively small.

As long as these two people go out wearing sunglasses, under normal circumstances, they will not be followed and photographed. If Li Yapeng goes out in his own car, he may be followed and photographed by reporters.

Who made Li Yapeng’s daughter-in-law the princess now? Queen of Heaven, therefore, more people will pay attention to Li Yapeng's private life.

But Wang Xuebing, to be honest, has one foot in the ranks of the first line. It's just that his popularity dropped by mistake later, and now he is basically the kind of person who is dangling in the second or third line.

As for second- and third-tier stars, wearing sunglasses would not be easily discovered if they were on the street.

Wang Xuebing is not Li Yapeng, and he does not have a queen's wife. Therefore, he is relatively free when he comes out.

Driving his own car, no reporters would follow Wang Xuebing at any time. In fact, under normal circumstances, those who can use reporters to follow them all the time are almost only celebrities of the princess's level who have this qualification.

Wang Xuebing is generally not followed and photographed by reporters at any time.

At this time, the two people came to an agreed teahouse. It was a teahouse. The bar was quite chaotic and there were people from all walks of life.

Therefore, this time, Li Yapeng proposed to go to a teahouse. Places like teahouses are also relatively arty.

The key point is that under normal circumstances, the people who come to the tea house are not very hot-tempered.

Regarding a question like this, Li Yapeng chose to go to a private room, and basically there would be no disturbance.

Wang Xuebing actually came very early. Now Wang Xuebing is not that outdated, but his reputation is as high as that of the second and third tier.

There is already a big difference from the peak.

Therefore, he actually has a little more free time. Even he himself cannot deny this.

To see if a star is popular, you can tell by watching his film and television works during this time.

If there is this star in a popular movie or TV series, it can basically be concluded that this star is relatively popular.

If movies and TV dramas with headlines can occasionally occupy the page, it will prove that popularity cannot be underestimated.

And people like Wang Feng always want to be in the headlines. Why is this? In fact, it is just to gain popularity and prove that I am still on the front line.

Of course, in terms of rock music, someone like Wang Feng who can create is almost at the top level.

Even compared with the first Lao Cui of China Rock, he is almost the same level of rock singer who can enter the China Rock Hall of Fame.

Therefore, generally speaking, Wang Feng is indeed considered first-tier, and rock music is almost considered to be above the first-tier.

In particular, Wang Feng is also a singer-songwriter, which adds extra points to himself.

Singers of this level want to make headlines. It can be seen that headlines are indeed a very important indicator of whether a star is popular.

As for Li Yapeng, without the princess, he would have been almost forgotten by the entertainment industry. If he can make headlines, he can basically take advantage of his wife.

As for Wang Xuebing, he has disappeared from the entertainment industry in the past two years, but his influence is not as good as before, so don't even think about making headlines.

Therefore, in fact, these two people sitting together did not attract too many people's attention.

As for an artist, if he cannot attract attention for a long time, then such a thing can be regarded as a matter that makes people feel deeply helpless.

If this were not the case, Li Yapeng would not have to worry about being outdated and thinking about how to get into a crew like Ye Ming's "Photograph all over the railings".

At this time, Wang Xuebing came in, took off his glasses and said, "Old Li, why did you come to me for anything, not to mention just to drink tea?"

They were all old friends, so Wang Xuebing didn't listen to anything they had to say. Seeing Li Yapeng in the box, he asked directly what the purpose of this time was.

Precisely because Wang Xuebing knew Li Yapeng relatively well, in such a situation, he knew that Li Yapeng came to him for tea at this time and alone, and it was definitely not as simple as drinking tea.

If the two of them, plus other people, such as Ying, Zhao Wei, etc., they might get together to eat and have fun.

But if Li Yapeng said that someone came to find him, it would basically be impossible to chat alone.

Sure enough, Li Yapeng was a little hesitant, but finally said: "Well, I really have something to do. Sit down and drink tea and help me give advice.

There is one thing that I am a bit hesitant about and I don’t know how to do it well. "

Wang Xuebing was also a little surprised. After all, Li Yapeng doesn't have any decent film and television dramas now, but his wife is good, a queen-level princess, the kind with her own traffic.

Therefore, it is not impossible to make headlines.

Li Yapeng will not worry about his own exposure. In this regard, he is much better than himself.

Ordinarily, Li Yapeng wouldn't have too many worries in this situation.

But now it seems that Li Yapeng's mental state is not very good. He is a little curious about such a question.

What could possibly make this friend of mine so embarrassed?

Therefore, Wang Xuebing said curiously: "Then I'm surprised.

Based on your current situation, tell me, what would be difficult for a person like you?

This can be considered relatively rare in the entertainment industry, right? "

This is indeed the case. In today's entertainment industry, there are indeed very few things that embarrass Li Yapeng.

But if there is, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

After all, Li Yapeng has a diva like a princess as his wife, so if anything is difficult, he will settle it quickly.

If Li Yapeng felt embarrassed even if the princess couldn't reconcile, then this kind of thing is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Therefore, Wang Xuebing himself was also very curious. What on earth made Li Yapeng so hesitant? (To be continued)

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