Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2116 Crazy Fan Xiao Yang [5]

In fact, Ah Xiang is relatively reliable in doing things, otherwise it would be impossible for him to sit in the position of president for such a long time without being replaced.

Although this time it was a small favor to help the township party, the preparations that should be done were still done.

If the boss wants information, he will directly send Xiao Yang's information over. These materials were sent by Hanmei in advance. If you want to meet Andy, you can't just go to a tourist support club in the Mainland and meet him.

In fact, if there is no guarantee from Hanmei, a village party, this time, and Xiao Yang is indeed very familiar with Hua Tsai, then even if Xiao Yang comes to Xiangjiang for the third time, he will not be able to meet Hua Tsai.

Therefore, this relationship is actually very important in Xiangjiang. If there is a relationship, things will be easier to handle. It doesn't matter, this matter is more difficult to handle.

After all, on this issue, meeting Hua Zai in person can be regarded as a matter of personal safety for Hua Zai. If someone is brought here without review, if something goes wrong, Axiang's position as president will also be affected. Let it go.

Hua Zai took a look at Xiao Yang's fans. Sure enough, it was similar to what Ye Ming said. There really is such a fan. Hua Zai had a headache over something like this.

However, when the soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it up. But Hua Zai thought about it, gave the information to Xiang, and then said: "Okay, this matter will be done here first. You go and prepare it, and call me when the time comes. Everything will be as arranged by you.

Since this Xiao Yang has come all the way to Xiangjiang, I can't let her down. I will specially spare some time to talk to her when the time comes. You just need to inform her to make preparations. "

Ah Xiang was now completely relieved. What I did was a bit selfish. Bringing a strange fan here without the boss's permission felt somewhat responsible.

Moreover, this is also a way for Ah Xiang to show his township party that he still has certain rights in the support club and that he can take charge of such small matters.

But in fact, Ah Xiang is quite worried. If his boss, Hua Tsai, has any questions, or asks him why he took the initiative to bring a strange fan over, he will also be held accountable.

If the boss really loses his temper because of this, the result will not be what Axiang wants to see.

Fortunately, at this time, Hua Zai saw this and asked casually without any intention of getting angry. And the result seems to be a little better than I thought.

The boss actually wanted to talk to this fan directly. This is a very high treatment for a fan of Hua Tsai.

But now that A Xiang is gone, Hua Zai will not forget that Ye Ming actually reminded him of this matter.

Therefore, he immediately called Ye Ming.

After getting through, we chatted for a few words, and then Andy said: "By the way, Ye Ming, today I happen to be at the fan meeting. Because of your reminder, I arrived half an hour early and asked carefully. Sure enough, A fan from the mainland, Xiao Yang, came to Xiangjiang.

To return a trust relationship, you must have met the merchant at the meet-and-greet meeting.

The person is already here, but I don’t know if he is the fan you mentioned? "Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Is there any need to say this? No need to ask, it must be the female fan Xiao Yang, there is no one else.

It must be her, an obsessed fan. Xiao Yang is the kind of fan who doesn't even care about his personal life and wants to chase stars wholeheartedly.

Regarding a matter like this, as an idol, you must actually have a plan in mind. You must first grasp the scale for how to treat such fans.

This kind of fan is the most difficult to control.

Moreover, in order to see you, Xiao Yang has put his family through a lot of troubles. I dare not say that the Yang family has been exhausted, but the Yang family does not live like a normal family.

In order to chase stars and see you, I directly sold my house.

Not everyone dares to take a gamble on something like this.

Therefore, I think that although Father Yang is a little thoughtless in doing things because he dotes on his daughter, I estimate that it is also relatively difficult for him to do things.

If possible, if you want to do some ideological work on Xiao Yang, it is best to communicate with Yang's father.

It is best for the three parties to sit together directly and talk about this matter. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you think the paparazzi will miss this good opportunity to deal with you.

You are a good old man in the Xiangjiang entertainment industry. There has been basically no negative news for so many years. You are one of the few seniors with both virtue and art. But it doesn't mean that the paparazzi don't want to deal with you.

On the contrary, if a good old guy like you makes a mistake, the paparazzi will never let this good opportunity pass easily. "

Andy immediately defended himself and said, "What a combination of virtue and art, it makes me like an old artist. I won the World Youth Award a few years ago, okay? I'm still young, and I can at least work hard in the entertainment industry for another twenty years." "

Ye Ming did not argue about this. Hua Tsai was indeed one of the top ten outstanding young people in the world in two thousand years ago.

In other words, if you have good grades, outstanding achievements, and are no more than forty years old, you can hope to be one of the top ten outstanding young people in the world.

Ye Ming then said: "Yes, you just won the title of one of the top ten outstanding young people in the world a few years ago, and you were not yet forty years old at that time, but now.

Forget it, don't talk about this, let's talk about Xiao Yang's matter. Anyway, since she is here, you can just handle it yourself. It is best to give a good processing result.

Fans like Xiao Yang who are so obsessed with you that they don't care about their work or normal life are rare. "

Hua Zai shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Then what do you think I should do? Although I have met all kinds of fans, even a three- or five-year-old baby might be mine. Fans, but this is the first time I have met a fan like Xiao Yang.

And even in the Xiangjiang entertainment industry, I have never heard of any fans reaching such a level of obsession. "

Andy has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years and has indeed met all kinds of fans, but this is indeed the first time he has met someone like Xiao Yang.

Therefore, it is really difficult to say how to deal with such a matter.

Moreover, since this guy Ye Ming reminded him of this matter, it was natural to ask him how to deal with it better.

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said cautiously: "This kind of fans are quite extreme. Jackson has such fans, and there is not one fan who committed suicide for Jackson.

There are other superstars in the West, and not one of them committed suicide because of their idols.

I dare not say whether Xiao Yang has reached this level, but at least there are signs of it. Therefore, at this time, you must first dissuade her, and use your idol status to be her mentor in life.

At this time, you have to tell him to work normally and live a normal life.

Well, I want to give Xiao Yang some hope or something. Or talking about fan clubs and support clubs in the Mainland, it’s normal for you to have an extra vice-president or something.

At least this way, Xiao Yang can have a serious job.

I know that the person in charge of your support club in the Mainland is paid, right? "

This kind of thing is actually no longer a secret in the entertainment industry.

There are many big star support clubs, fan clubs, movie fan clubs, etc., and the people in charge are paid. Those who are more responsible have to worry and waste their time. If there is no benefit at all, who would do such a thing?

Therefore, in such a situation, Andy can solve these problems relatively easily.

On such a question, Andy hesitated and said: "There is no problem with this. I will talk to her about this matter when the time comes. I hope he can correctly understand what chasing stars is. I hope my fans can also have it." A normal life.

There is no problem if you like me, and you are welcome to become my fan. But in a situation like this, I don’t want my fans to delay their normal life just because they like me. "

The matter is actually solved simply like this.

In fact, Xiao Yang's matter is not a big deal at all to big stars. And in the previous life, if Xiao Yang's father hadn't committed suicide by jumping into the sea, it wouldn't have had such a big impact.

But in other words, it is better to live than to die. If there is hope, then who would think of committing suicide? Hua Zai put down his mobile phone. He actually felt quite heavy. His fans were quite troublesome.

How should I talk to her?

And the conversation with Xiao Yang’s father, how can this matter be compared better?

This is the first time, it’s really the first time I’ve encountered this kind of thing. Fortunately, Ye Ming reminded me of this. Such crazy fans, if someone hadn’t warned me in advance, they would have really waited until the incident came out. After all, making amends cannot be achieved through a simple heart-to-heart talk.

Ye Ming has also heard of things like Jackson's fans committing suicide. Fans of some Western superstars committed suicide for some reasons. Although there are not many, it is not an exception.

Thinking about this situation, if this fan Xiao Yang really committed suicide because he couldn't see him, then he would really take the blame.

Although it won't have any big impact on you, you will still have to bear a certain amount of responsibility when the time comes.

Think about the paparazzi in Xiangjiang. Even if there is no news, they can make up some news. As long as they add the word "supposedly", there won't be any big problem.

If other news comes out, the paparazzi who have been watching him for more than 20 years will rush up to him as if they were shot.

Therefore, at this time, Hua Zai was actually quite depressed. He felt like he was lying on his back. It's good to have iron fans, but isn't it a bit too much to be an iron fan like Xiao Yang?

And you are your own fan, so you can’t just give it away so easily.

If you say you don't know, forget it. After all, those who don't know are not guilty. But since he says he knows, Hua Zai will never let this matter go so easily. This goes against his true intention.

As a good old man in the entertainment industry, Hua Zai does feel a little depressed about this matter.

However, after thinking about it, Andy called Ah Xiang over and said, "That fan Xiao Yang from the mainland has had a hard time coming so far. Therefore, our requirements should not be so strict.

If his family members are coming with him, they should also be invited. I also want to talk to Xiao Yang's family. "

Although Axiang does not understand the boss's decision.

Fan meeting, in fact, if a mainland fan can come on stage and interact with the boss in person, that is already considered good.

If this family member wants to follow him, it seems there is no precedent for this. But think about it, since you are a fan from the mainland and have come three times, you can be considered a very loyal fan.

The boss has always been very kind to fans, so under such a situation, it seems that it is a very normal thing to ask people from Xiao Yang's family to come together.

Who gave the boss the title of a good guy in the entertainment industry?

And the boss has always been very kind to his fans. Thinking about this situation, it seems that it is not a particularly rare thing to let Xiao Yang's family come in together.

At this time, outside the venue, Hanmei came over with Xiao Yang and Yang's father. This time, Xiao Yang finally got his wish. For the time being, this matter seemed to have a very happy ending.

Even Xiao Yang, who is a die-hard fan, is in a very sunny mood at this time.

Although it seems that Xiangjiang is drizzling now, this bad weather will not affect Xiao Yang's mood.

After all, I was able to see my dream idol in person and up close. A dream of many years is about to come true.

In this case, how can Xiao Yang not be happy?

In fact, at this time, Father Yang was in a very good mood. If his daughter could fulfill her wish and follow him back obediently, this would be the happiest thing for a parent.

For the sake of his daughter, Yang's father actually tried his best at this time.

Being able to do this is actually quite doting on his daughter. Father Yang himself was under a lot of pressure.

In a situation like this, years of pressure may be lifted today. This kind of thing makes Yang's father think that his years of hard work seem to be worth it.

As long as his daughter can follow him back, everything will be worth it. (To be continued)

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