Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2115 Crazy Fan Xiao Yang [3]

History is actually like this. Maybe the flapping of a butterfly's wings can form a tornado thousands of miles away.

What's more, this time, Ye Ming personally changed someone's fate.

If he said something unexpected, then he couldn't control the matter himself, but since he said he already knew it, had thought about it, and had the ability to change it, that phone call was not a big deal to him. .

As for such a question, Hua Zai is actually a little confused until now. Is it true that one of his obsessed fans has reached that kind of obsessed state as Ye Ming said? ?

Maybe yes, maybe not. Even after getting in the car, at this moment, Andy felt like he might be dreaming. Do such fans really exist in this world?

At least Andy himself has never met such fans in all his years in the entertainment industry.

This point is the biggest question in his mind.

But at this time, they should be arriving at the scene soon. Therefore, if they want to check, there must be a fan named Yang from the mainland. If found, it means that Ye Ming's reminder is very necessary.

It is estimated that there is such a crazy fan, but if it means that there is no such fan, maybe there is no such fan. In other words, this fan has not found the fan club.

But Andy knows that Ye Ming will never fool him easily, and there is no point in fooling him. Ye Ming is not the kind of person who casually deceives his friends.

Hua Zai thought for a while and then said: "Xiao Wang, please contact the president of the support club to see how the preparations are going.

We arrived half an hour early to let them get ready, and then we would have a small meeting. "

Although in the fan club, Andy is the absolute boss and the absolute idol, but when it comes to such a matter, it does not mean that Andy himself can do whatever he wants.

Regarding such an issue, Hua Tsai is still relatively low-key. This time he changed the time himself and wanted to notify him in advance.

After all, the time for your own fan meeting is usually relatively fixed, and the support club actually has its own preparations. If you change the time and go there in advance, this will make the support club I was a little caught off guard.

Therefore, Andy thinks it is very necessary to talk about this in advance.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that he is a superstar, but when it comes to a question like this, does a superstar have to put on airs? This is something Andy himself thinks is necessary.

If you mean that as a superstar, you have no airs at all. In a place like the entertainment industry, if you are a low-key and weak person, you will be bullied.

Therefore, as a person among the Four Heavenly Kings, you still have to have some airs sometimes.

When you should be tough, you must be tough. This is especially important in the entertainment industry.

If you have a good temper and anyone can bully you, then there is no need for you to mess around in the entertainment industry.

But it is targeted, and you must have the proper airs, what you say in what position, and what kind of things you do in what realm.

But if you are talking about your own fans, then such a thing is actually unnecessary.

At a stage like Andy's, he no longer needs to put on airs to increase his leverage in front of his fans.

Andy's support club has been established for more than 20 years and is considered one of the earliest support clubs in Hong Kong.

In fact, it was called a fan club at the beginning, because later on, with the times, Andy also developed in many aspects, singing, acting in movies, and acting in TV series, and achieved very good results in all aspects.

Therefore, it was later slowly changed to the more distinctive name of the Support Club.

After all, Andy's fans are not just fans, but also fans of movies, TV series and so on.

Anyway, as long as you are a fan of Andy Lau, there is absolutely no problem in coming here.

Moreover, there will definitely be a chance to meet Andy. This may be one of the benefits of the Hua Tsai Supporters Club in Hong Kong.

After all, this is Hong Kong, and this is Andy's territory. If the fans here don't have the opportunity to see Andy often, then such a thing will become very sad.

In other words, Hua Tsai has become too angry. But Andy is Andy after all, and he has never disappointed anyone again.

Even though there have been times when investing in movies in the entertainment industry failed, Andy managed to survive even then.

On this point and that, Andy's support club has also made a lot of efforts.

All along, whether Andy is in good or bad times, the fan club has been very supportive of him.

Some of the fans and fans here have been following Andy for more than 20 years.

Even for this friendship, Andy always thinks that he should treat his fans well.

Fans like this are very important to any star.

As the president of the Andy Lau Support Club, this young man was initially called Ah Xiang because he was a fisherman in his family. Even though he was a fisherman, he still had some money in his family.

Although he is not a rich man, he still has enough food and clothing, and he can live a good life even if he has a few people with little spare money to go out to work.

Anyway, I just have a lot of free time.

Later, Ah Xiang also became the president of a professional fan club. Those who had formal jobs in Andy's company were responsible for managing fans for Andy.

But he spends most of his time in the fan club, not in Hua Tsai's company. As for his own fish-killing business, he stopped doing it many years ago.

There are specialties in the art industry. Andy believes in this very much. Therefore, he believes in finding a professional person to do professional things.

And on this point, Ah Xiang has indeed never let Andy down. This is already the third president. The first two terms have retired honorably.

After all, if one person is in charge of an association for a long time, even if it is a support association, this is not a good sign.

Therefore, Hua Tsai's fan club is now in its third term with Ah Xiang. During this time, Ah Xiang was actually very satisfied with his work as the president of the support club. He believed that he was born to do this job.

Therefore, after I fell out with my father, I mainly focused on running the support club.

He was so angry that he cursed directly.

But there is no way. The mother cannot help the son grow up, and the father has no choice when the son grows up.

However, as Axiang became the president of the support club, it actually did not help his family's fish-killing business at all.

At this time, Ah Xiang also had various photos with Andy through his own identity, and photos of the Four Heavenly Kings were also obtained through his relationship with the president.

Other celebrities in Xiangjiang, nine out of ten big stars, have taken photos with Ah Xiang. This is actually quite helpful for Axiang’s fish-killing business.

Many people come here because of its reputation and want to see what A Xiang’s fish shop is like. Therefore, it actually brought very good business to the Axiang family.

Seeing that his son was determined to do this, and that it had helped his business to a certain extent, Axiang's father gave up.

After Andy heard the news, he was actually very happy. After all, he himself didn't want his fans to fall out with his family members because of his affairs.

It is even said that in his spare time, Hua Zai personally went to Axiang's fish shop and took a photo with Axiang's father, which made the fish shop's business even more prosperous.

Andy is a superstar, he is very famous in Hong Kong, and he is an evergreen tree. That is a superstar who is at the top of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, even if Hua Tsai did not deliberately advertise, since he went, it can be regarded as a kind of publicity.

This can be regarded as a kind of support for the hard work of the president Axiang for so many years.

A person should be kind. Although such a saying may not be very popular in Hong Kong, Hua Tsai has always behaved in this way. At least you must be kind in your behavior.

At this point, at least there is no big problem with what Andy, the superstar, is doing.

After receiving the call, Ah Xiang immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, even if the boss comes an hour early, there will be no problems. I, Ah Xiang, will never make any mistakes when I handle things."

Although it sounds like a bit of a gangster scene, after all, Ah Xiang’s father was also involved in the movie back then. He traveled from Mong Kok to Yau Ma Tei with a knife, and he was also a famous character at that time.

Later he washed his hands and quit the world, and then he opened that fish shop. Therefore, when Axiang speaks, he has had a little bit of Jianghu taste since he was a child.

At a time like this, I was naturally very loyal and guaranteed that there would be no problem.

Moreover, basically speaking, as the president, Axiang, in such a situation, manages the support club in the same way as in the world.

But don’t tell me, there is still quite a market for this style in Xiangjiang. Of course, this fan club is a real fan club, the kind that is officially registered. It just means that the management method is more rough.

After all, especially the people at the bottom, it is almost impossible to say that you have no big relationship with the world.

For example, if you’re a street vendor, are there people you can’t afford to offend? Even if you open a store, you still need to visit the pier. One of the big reasons why Axiang's fish shop is so good is that his father's majesty was there.

People in the world will give some face to each other. Otherwise, do you think it must be so profitable just because it is a fish shop?

This is impossible. Therefore, at the support club, Ah Xiang called several vice-presidents and person-in-charges to come over for a meeting. In less than two minutes, several responsible persons present came over.

Since Ah Xiang has already made a promise to his boss, Andy, under such a situation, he means that he will definitely do this and do it well.

Otherwise, you will lose face in front of the boss, which is not good-looking. It's possible that it might affect his position as president.

After all, there are a few vice presidents who are a bit rebellious and always think about their position as president.

Basically, now that Xiang sees every vice president, they all have the idea that there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

Therefore, when he was in charge of the support club, he now began to strictly manage it.

Anyway, in a matter like this, you must always find an opportunity to beat these people. Otherwise, these rebels may not know who is in charge of the support team.

But this time, it is actually an opportunity to impress everyone.

Therefore, even though Axiang has a bit of a Jianghu aura, he is actually doing a very good job of pretending to be powerful.

He looked at the vice presidents, then coughed and said, "Everyone, Xiao Wang called me just now and told me the latest news about a boss.

This time, the boss didn't come at the previous time, but came half an hour early.

In other words, in a situation like this, the boss is actually on his way here.

A problem like this requires us to make timely adjustments ourselves.

Although our support club has achieved some achievements that the boss is quite satisfied with, its style is aging and we don’t want to make progress. We just rest on our laurels and sleep on it.

Sorry, this is what the boss said two days ago. It seems that Ye Ming said this when he was talking to the boss.

But I think it was actually the boss who used it to beat us, but with the help of Ye Ming's words.

We need to deeply reflect on this.

Why does the boss have to beat us? Is it true that we are just like what we said to the boss, that we really don’t want to make progress and our style has become outdated?

This time, it is a test for us.

Xiao Wang just said on the phone that the boss came half an hour early this time to have a small meeting with us. I, as well as several of you responsible persons, must also be present.

The boss seems to have something to say to us.

When the time comes, don't blame me for not warning you. If anyone dares to mess with me, it goes without saying that he should resign on his own initiative and don't embarrass me. "

In fact, being the president of the association must have a certain posture, otherwise, you really won’t be able to control these guys.

Therefore, regarding such an issue, Axiang believes that this time, he is still very deterrent.

Hold a small meeting, this is something that has never happened before in the boss’s meeting. Not to mention the rebellious guys from the same school, I have never encountered them. (To be continued)

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