Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2113 Crazy Fan Xiao Yang

At this time of year, the weather in Xiangjiang is relatively cold, or relatively cool.

No matter how cold the weather in Xiangjiang is, there is no point in wearing a down jacket. If you can wear a thicker coat, it will be fine even if you are outside at this time.

The subtropical climate is like this. This is also a unique place in Xiangjiang.

The geographical location should be considered tropical, but the climate is subtropical monsoon climate.

Having said so much, what happened today happened at the entrance of a breakfast shop in Xiangjiang, which is also a small restaurant with tables outside the door. Don’t think that people in Xiangjiang don’t eat outside.

There are also a lot of food stalls and restaurants in Xiangjiang where you can eat outside.

Of course, eating outside in this weather is not very pleasant, but it cannot be said to be very sad either. The shop owner paid attention to the father and daughter sitting at the far end for a relatively long time.

Nowadays, when you look at the way you dress, you can’t tell the difference between Mainlanders and Xiangjiang people. Most of the people from the mainland who come here are wealthy and wealthy, and many of them are dressed more fashionably than the people in Xiangjiang.

The owner of the breakfast shop is also aware of this. Think about it, if you can travel to Xiangjiang or something, you usually have enough money in your pocket.

Naturally, we understand the truth that Buddha relies on gold clothing and people rely on clothing.

Look at those luxury stores in the UK and France, where mainland high-rollers take clothes worth tens of thousands of dollars without blinking an eye.

Some even said they didn’t even look at the price tag.

Therefore, even in Xiangjiang, no one would say that mainlanders have no money.

From the appearance, it is indeed difficult to tell the difference between mainlanders and Xiangjiang people. There are many people like the Emperor of Kowloon in Hong Kong.

These shop owners don’t care, since it’s the last word to make their own money anyway. But as long as you speak, you can definitely hear the difference.

It is the Yang family's father and daughter who come here to eat. Ye Ming's guess was not wrong at all. At this time, Miss Yang had gone crazy and came to Xiangjiang for the third time to chase stars.

The first two times she came to Hong Kong, she wanted to see Andy, but unfortunately, she didn't succeed.

Therefore, in such a failure situation, she herself was not reconciled at all.

This is Xiao Yang's third visit to Hong Kong, and this time she vows to meet Hua Zai.

But Father Yang doesn't have such a good prospect for this matter. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

At Father Yang's age, many things are actually planned for the worst.

At this time, Yang's father thought about it and hesitated before saying, "Daughter, if you don't get to see Hua Zai this time, will you give up and follow your father home?"

Xiao Yang said very unhappy: "Dad, depending on what you said, isn't this pouring cold water on me?

I finally came to Xiangjiang by chance and wanted to meet Andy, but you actually said this.

Let me tell you, if I can't see Andy this time, I will never go back.

If I could see Hua Zai, I might follow you home.

It depends on the situation at that time. Anyway, I will stick to my dream. "

Although dreams are difficult to realize, they are a yearning for a better life.

Basically, I am a worker and want to be a workshop director, deputy director, factory director, etc.

If you are a construction worker and want to be an engineer or developer, this is called a dream.

Although dreams are sometimes difficult to realize, it does not prevent you from setting a small goal for yourself.

What if it comes true? Of course, ordinary people should not set a small goal like 100 million for themselves.

There may not be one person among millions who can truly realize it.

However, if you really regard chasing stars as your dream, this kind of thing is still relatively rare.

Xiao Yang is one of the examples. This is the highest level of a fan. It can no longer even be considered a level. It has gone too far.

This kind of thing is absolutely unavoidable. Of course, Father Yang loves his daughter very much.

You don't need Sherlock Holmes to figure this out. Anyone with an above-average IQ can analyze this. Father Yang really loves his daughter very much.

He actually sold his house for his daughter to chase stars.

Moreover, his daughter has been chasing stars for so many years, and he actually has no idea how to stop her. Maybe Yang’s father had stopped him, but because he doted on his daughter too much, he forced her to die and chase stars.

Yang's father compromised. Although this was not the complete truth, selling the house to chase stars was not something ordinary parents could do.

From this point, it can be seen that Father Yang is not an ordinary doting on his daughter.

Although Xiao Yang has his own reasons for chasing stars to the point of becoming obsessive, the doting of his parents cannot but be said to be one of the factors.

I stopped going to school when I was 16 or 17, and later I stopped working and looking for friends. As a result, I became so star-chasing, which my parents could tolerate.

To say that parents have no responsibilities at all is to look down on everyone's intelligence.

The conversation between the two father and daughter had a flavor of the Loess Plateau, which made the shop owner feel very cordial.

I think back then, he fled to Xiangjiang with his parents. The rich heritage of the Loess Plateau and the wind and sand in the sky have never disappeared from his childhood memories.

It can even be said that the older this person gets, the stronger his longing for his hometown becomes.

The owner of the breakfast shop interjected: "Well, we are from the mainland. We are members of the township party."

Yang's father was immediately delighted. He could tell by the accent that the shop owner must be a fellow villager.

When a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, although sometimes he is shot in the back, more often than not, when a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, tears well up in his eyes.

It is a very happy thing to meet an old friend in a foreign country. As long as no too big interests are involved, meeting fellow villagers usually ends well.

Father Yang glanced at the shopkeeper and said happily: "Xiang Dang, Xiang Dang, I didn't expect to meet Xiang Dang when I came here."

The shop owner laughed and said, “I haven’t met a fellow villager for a long time.

When I first came here, I was only ten years old and came with my parents. Listening to your father and daughter talk, it sounds like you are not here to travel, but is your daughter here to chase stars? "

This is actually a reason for the shop owner to interrupt. If you are here for tourism, there is nothing unusual about this. After all, the mainland has become rich and there are many rich people. Later, Li Chaoren's position as the richest man in China was taken by people from the mainland.

This shows how rapidly the mainland is developing. But as a star chaser, this shop owner still encounters him relatively rarely, and even said this is the only time. Therefore, it was only then that the shopkeeper would interject and ask for clarification.

Of course, I only asked because my accent sounded like a fellow countryman.

Father Yang said helplessly: "There's nothing we can do about it. My daughter likes Hua Tsai. The two of us have been to Xiangjiang twice with a travel agency. This is the third time.

My daughter didn't see Hua Zai the first two times, so she was very reluctant. This third time, my daughter wanted to see Hua Zai no matter what. As a father, there is nothing I can do. "

Speaking of his daughter, Yang's father was really helpless. His daughter was cheating on her father, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The owner of this breakfast shop comforted her and said: "My daughter is still young, so she should educate her slowly. My daughter is also like this. She likes Jacky and goes to every concert held by Jacky. There is nothing I can do about this cowardly girl. My mother-in-law is used to it.

But if she dared to fall below the top ten in the exam, I deducted her pocket money. "

Although I said this, I am not very happy about my daughter chasing stars, but I am still very proud of my daughter who has good academic performance.

Ranking in the top ten is already considered a pretty good result.

At this point, Yang's father is still very envious. After all, his daughter stopped going to school at 16 or 7. This is definitely a cheating for her father.

At that moment, Yang's father said, "I have no choice. If my daughter doesn't see Hua Zai, she won't be able to go back. I have no other choice."

Let’s take a look at the situation, shall we? It would be great if I could see Hua Tsai, but I can't. "

At this time, Xiao Yang said to the side: "I won't go back until you see me."

Father Yang was so angry that he was still fighting with himself at this time: "You little girl, Biedasha." Biedasha, a dialect, means to describe a person who is dull and stupid.

Anyway, that's what happened, Yang's father spoke out in an angry dialect.

The breakfast shop owner immediately said: "Xiang Dang, Xiang Dang, don't be angry, just go back and educate your children.

In fact, here in Xiangjiang, chasing stars is nothing.

It is not difficult to see Hua Zai. "The breakfast shop owner is not star-chasing, but he can't help his children being star-chasing. Therefore, although he is not a professional star-chasing person, he is relatively familiar with the trade.

I'm not familiar with it. My daughter is going to a concert. Can I not go with her? At least go to the ground and get familiar with the terrain.

At this time, Yang's father said: "Xiang Dang, we have been here three times and we haven't seen Hua Zai yet. It's not easy for us either."

The breakfast shop owner said with a smile: "Actually, you haven't found a way to do this. Don't worry, I will tell you a way, and I guarantee there will be no problem.

Many people in Xiangjiang know this.

Do you want to meet a celebrity? If you don't have an acquaintance, the best way is to find a support group. "

Xiao Yang knows this about the support club. At this moment, Xiao Yang said: "Sir, I want to see Hua Zai. Can you help me find Hua Zai's support club?"

Dada is a dialect, which means he is of the same generation as his father, but older than his father. Usually it means uncle.

The breakfast shop owner immediately took care of everything and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem.

Andy, if you want to see Andy, just go to Andy's fan club directly.

Andy meets with fans from the Hong Kong fan club several times a year.

Although I am not very clear about this, my son and daughter are very clear about this kind of thing.

My daughter is a vice-president of the Xueyou Support Association.

Andy is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and their support groups still know each other well. Just wait until I call and ask that girl. Let’s see if Andy’s support club takes any action. "

The shopkeeper's words made the sample very excited. This was the dawn of victory. This is the third time we have been to Xiangjiang. At this time, even Xiao Yang himself can no longer hold on.

If you can't see Andy this time, will you go back? In fact, Xiao Yang himself is not very clear about this.

On such a question, Xiao Yang himself was hesitant.

Regarding such a question, Father Yang actually had mixed feelings in his heart.

If my daughter really cannot see Hua Zai as she wishes this time, what will be the outcome of such a situation?

It's hard to tell clearly.

At this moment, the owner of the breakfast shop called and said directly: "Hui Hui, let me ask you something. Do you know about Andy's support club? There is a daughter of the township party eating here. She likes Andy and wants to Meet Andy.

Do you think there are any activities held by Andy's support club? Will Andy attend them in person? "Even if the shop owner is really not star-struck, he is actually quite proficient in this process.

After waiting for a while, the breakfast shop owner chatted with his daughter for a while, and finally told his daughter not to be afraid of spending money. She should eat and drink when eating, and just pay attention to her body anyway.

What a college student, bala bala. The love that parents have for their children is always the most selfless.

If you have to say that there is someone who will truly take care of you and accommodate you unconditionally and without regrets, it is basically your parents.

Although the breakfast shop owner also boasted about threatening to cut off his disobedient daughter's living expenses and pocket money, it was of no use. It was all bragging.

Finally, the shop owner put down his phone and said, "Okay, there's no problem. I've already asked my daughter that Andy's support club did have such a meet-and-greet event recently.

It has been decided that Andy will be at the scene in person when the time comes. Therefore, if your daughter wants to meet Andy, this is the most suitable opportunity.

If a big star like Andy wants to meet him, even in Hong Kong, under normal circumstances, this kind of fan meeting is the most suitable opportunity.

You can get in touch with your fans further than at a concert.

Therefore, you are lucky. You don’t have to wait in Xiangjiang. The day after tomorrow, at 9:30 in the morning, I will give you an address. You can go there and call my daughter’s phone number. My daughter will meet with someone from the Andy Lau Support Association. Contact us. "

The township party is the township party. As long as there are no big interests involved, there is absolutely no problem in helping with a little help.

When fellow villagers see fellow villagers, they often burst into tears, and only rarely do they get shot. (To be continued)

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